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Motor Generators

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    The previous rotor was 1 3/4" thick. We drilled a 5/8 hole all the way through the rotor. Then on each side of the rotor we widened that hole to 3/4" diameter, but only drilled the new holes 3/4" deep. That left a 1/4" thick piece of plastic in the middle that only had a 5/8" diameter hole drilled in it. A 5/8 x 1/4" magnet was placed in this smaller hole and a 3/4 x 3/4" magnet was put on each side of it. All three magnets were magnetically connected to each other, so none could be easily removed from the rotor, and they certainly didn't come out just from spinning it. To remove one of the 3/4 by 3/4 magnets, you have to break its bond with the 5/8" magnet, which could easily be pulled out of its hole, except that it is attached to the other 3/4" diameter magnet on the OTHER side that you can't pull through the 5/8 hole.

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  • Turion
    The previous rotor was 1 3/4" thick. We drilled a 5/8 hole all the way through the rotor. Then on each side of the rotor we widened that hole to 3/4" diameter, but only drilled the new holes 3/4" deep. That left a 1/4" thick piece of plastic in the middle that only had a 5/8" diameter hole drilled in it. A 5/8 x 1/4" magnet was placed in this smaller hole and a 3/4 x 3/4" magnet was put on each side of it. All three magnets were magnetically connected to each other, so none could be easily removed from the rotor, and they certainly didn't come out just from spinning it. To remove one of the 3/4 by 3/4 magnets, you have to break its bond with the 5/8" magnet, which could easily be pulled out of its hole, except that it is attached to the other 3/4" diameter magnet on the OTHER side that you can't pull through the 5/8 hole.

    The new rotor has a single 1" x 1" magnet in a 1" thick rotor. Magnets are glued in, and held in place by a set screw. Far fewer magnets. 1/3 to be exact. But 1" x 1" instead of 3/4 x 3/4. Not as secure as the other method, but since the magnet will be attracted to cores on BOTH sides of it, I am hoping it will remain in place and not come out.

    I tested several 4 magnet rotors.
    3/4" x 3/4" magnets I have been using output 14.9 volts at .00 amps
    1" x 1" magnets output 50.3 volt at .015 amps. These are the magnets I will have on my NEW rotor.
    2" x 1/4" magnets output 50.3 volts at .01 amps to the load. These were the ORIGINAL magnets that (with six of them on the machine) at the correct RPM, output 130 volts at .75 amps, and this is what my understanding of what is possible have been based on. I had no idea that changing to a different size magnet, even though I had FOUR TIMES AS MANY would so drastically decrease my output.

    Just the new rotor and the modifications to the old box for bearings and everything was like $1,600.00 Luckily I am working with some folks who paid for it so I didn't have to.

    I haven't looked at the output of the dual rotor machine with anything except ONE coil. I used one of the coils from my generator and two rotors with 4 magnets in them that were 1" x 1" so I could compare to the SINGLE rotor with four 1" magnets (from the test above). I did not get 200% with two rotors, compared to one rotor, but I got enough, and when you FIRE the coil as a motor coil with rotors on both ends of the coil, that's a whole new ball game. That compressed magnetic field from magnets (rotors) on both ends of the coil is a dream come true. I will NEVER build another single rotor machine as long as I live. Never. NOT EVER.
    Last edited by Turion; 06-10-2022, 03:28 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Got the machine back.

    ......I have been testing the coil output with rotors on BOTH ends of the coil. The output is DIFFERENT......

    If I ever build another setup, it will be…....... as motor and generator at the same time, you don’t need the opposition magnets,
    It sure is nice to gawk at such a pretty piece of plastic. Isn't that amazing what money can buy? I'm jealous. That is the most precision rotor and box you have had yet. This new guy did you right.

    What is the output per coil of the dually? 100w , 200w or haven't you got that far yet?

    How can you do away with all those extra magnets? huh?


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  • Turion
    Got the machine back.

    in the down time I have been testing the coil output with rotors on BOTH ends of the coil. The output is DIFFERENT, as are the operating electronics. If I ever build another setup, it will be….
    Plate with adjustable opposition magnets - rotor - six coils - rotor six coils - rotor - plate with opposition magnets. It can be run as just a generator or as a motor and generator at the same time. If run as motor and generator at the same time, you don’t need the opposition magnets, so that’s probably the best use of resources.
    Last edited by Turion; 06-09-2022, 07:04 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    No flywheel just a modified generator that is zero cog lenz free that took a person their entire life to design. This is how it's done with all of the so called magic units with flywheels. They all modify the generator just like Thane Heins has done only in a different way. No laws of physics broken just follow the music, if you try you will succeed.

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  • BroMikey
    Back in the day Bedini technology

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  • BroMikey
    I find very interesting how shallow all of the so called scientific investigators seem to be. Below shows indelible proof that only a fraction on the people won't be fooled.

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    About the REGENX

    Let me point out why Thane is not being excepted as legit. Take a look at this statement from the Ottawa science community..........

    " Complicating the analysis of Heins’ apparatus is the fact that he is not running his motor at full voltage and normal speed. Instead, he supplies it from a variac (a device for varying AC voltage), at a voltage well below the 120V that the motor is designed for. As a consequence, it runs at only a few hundred revolutions per minute, instead of the approximately 3500rpm"

    And most people see this and think Thane is a huckster. Induction motor run full speed at 50vac all the way to 120vac. See how easy it is to trick you? Thane's discovery will make all of the other story book experiments look like toys. This is why Thane is rejected.

    Rejecting an honest demo of Thane's work shows intent. Instead he is portrayed as a fraud. Here is the website of clown engineers who have no clue.

    here is one more foolhardy slander

    " Running it at such a low speed causes it to overheat,"

    False, induction motors do not run below their rated rpm until they are severely overloaded. Thane is running his grinder motor at 150watts on up to 280watts for a 1/2hp. Clearly the people who are afraid of Thane don't do any bench work. Most go with this line of reasoning going along just to get along. The blind following the blind is so much like the masses it's laughable.

    My 1/2hp washing machine motors top out at 9amps and that is the run load draw right on the nameplate or sticker.

    A new day is dawning and the worry warts are going to be dumbstruck.

    Here is Ottawa's final assessment of poor ole despised Thane based on their infinite reasoning powers that most of you agree with.

    appears earnest and basically honest, but persistently self-deluded."

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  • BroMikey

    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-05-2022, 07:38 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    See the angling of electromagnets vs the permanent magnets. Interesting parallel. Compare this with Daniels second version, see the outside magnet angles

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Boy makes it work

    No excuses now go to work

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  • BroMikey
    Motor generator explained by demonstration

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  • BroMikey
    Boy makes it work

    No excuses now go to work

    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-04-2022, 06:19 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    No, just a new rotor with 1" x 1" magnets that each put out as much power as the original 2" x 1/4" magnets ............. I will have 20.

    Got to see my kids and grandkids. Got to see my best friend from college. Loads of fun. But glad to be home.
    Awesome Dave I am looking foreword to many great experiments ahead. I am glad you got to see an old class mate as well as all of your kin.

    Your new machine will be much better I am sure, especially since you are using excellent core material. Here is a 2400 rpm monopole, people are catching on fast.

    Adams inspired

    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-04-2022, 04:47 AM.

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  • Turion
    No, just a new rotor with 1" x 1" magnets that each put out as much power as the original 2" x 1/4" magnets did. (Not 25% of what the original magnets did like the 3/4" x 3/4" I just replaced) Only instead of six magnets, like I had on on the original rotor, I will have 20.

    Got to see my kids and grandkids. Got to see my best friend from college. Loads of fun. But glad to be home.
    Last edited by Turion; 06-04-2022, 04:43 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Go to 1;22 hour and minutes

    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-04-2022, 03:53 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    half the shop at my machinist's place came down with Covid, so it will not be ready until Tuesday of next week.
    What did you order done? A whole box and a new rotor? You must be rich. If I had all the money you put into boxes, motors and parts I could move to Hollywood. Good to hear from you Dave

    PS what happed? Did you have fun seeing the chillun's?
    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-04-2022, 02:34 AM.

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