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Motor Generators

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post

    Turion is this the system setup in your video? 350 volts dc
    The drawing says to create power with so my guess is that Dave has been going from 12v to 120v by the use of converters in a way that is not just split positive. The potential difference is the key when you see 24v to 12v go to 24v to 120v.

    Other than those thoughts I have no clue. A while back it was suggested that boost and buck converters might balance out a system recycling power and that you could get a node where power burns but the batteries don't drop very much

    Think of the potential difference of 24v to 350v. If Dave is getting 50watts going from 24v to 120v then going up to 350v could triple his output.

    How a circuit can use 350v might be to string 3 bulbs together in series. He needs to do the tests first and he has not done them.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 08-13-2022, 10:36 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    1st step see what each pack WH count is. Answer = 40WH each
    2nd step see if split positive configuration can increase the WH count delivered to the load. Does this circuit extend the power in the batteries, does it in fact recycle joules of energy?

    Last edited by BroMikey; 08-13-2022, 10:17 PM.

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  • wantomake
    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    To go to the next level you need a high voltage source of DC, because you can’t recover AC, only DC. But you also need a buck so you don't hit your charge battery with too high a voltage. So you could run an inverter off a battery and put a bridge rectifier on it or use:

    You will get higher voltage out of the boost than you will an inverter and a bridge. The question, as Orion put so delicately, is what will you DO with this high voltage output. What can you put it THROUGH (so that you recover some) that will "create" energy, and what do you put THAT energy INTO. You aren't really creating energy after all, you are pulling it IN from the environment. How do you collect it. How do you store it. How do you maintain a potential difference with voltage this high and not KILL yourself. This is definitely not a MOTOR, and it is definitely NOT your standard GENERATOR, so maybe this isn't the thread for this discussion.

    Also, I found out Bob had a two watt load across battery 3 as well as running a 10 watt bulb. He is still working to balance the system so that none of the batteries go down at all. I don’t have any lithium batteries to put a system together, but have some on order. Should be here in a couple days. I also ordered two of those boots modules and am trying to get a step down from 1,000V DC to 24V DC converter. Found one but had to email them to see how to buy it. Couldn’t just order it and pay for it. I have been working with 120 volts and am ready to move up a level.

    Turion is this the system setup in your video? 350 volts dc is enough to cook with. Lol!

    My head is stuck on the 3BGS and 4 battery switch setups.

    Waiting on my spot welder to charge so I can finish the 4s 16 volt lithium packs to run some test. I've some dc 12v bulbs too.

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  • wantomake
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    My 6 lithium batteries came in yesterday. I got all of my boost modules up and running (some had blown fuses) and got two more Drok Buck modules today. I put together a new light board that will hold fourteen 10 watt 12 volt bulbs, so tomorrow I will go to town and pick up some bulbs for it. Will also pick up some 25 watt bulbs as I want to see how many watts I can actually push once I get this running in both directions instead of just one. I need to get some more fuses too, just in case. Lots to do before I have it up and running, but I'll get there soon, now that I don't have to MESS with that generator.
    I had no success trying to use BMS’s on my brick of batteries. Therefore I am not building with any on the next battery packes.

    7:00 am here in South Carolina with the sun just breaking in the morning. So time for coffee.
    Last edited by wantomake; 08-13-2022, 11:07 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    1st run with new li ion packs

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  • BroMikey
    Keep us posted Dave

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  • Turion
    My 6 lithium batteries came in yesterday. I got all of my boost modules up and running (some had blown fuses) and got two more Drok Buck modules today. I put together a new light board that will hold fourteen 10 watt 12 volt bulbs, so tomorrow I will go to town and pick up some bulbs for it. Will also pick up some 25 watt bulbs as I want to see how many watts I can actually push once I get this running in both directions instead of just one. I need to get some more fuses too, just in case. Lots to do before I have it up and running, but I'll get there soon, now that I don't have to MESS with that generator.

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  • wantomake
    Good morning to All!!
    Hope to get back in the shop today with lower temps and free time.

    Will put together some 18650 lithium packs to run in different configurations. The 3BGS, and 4 switch battery experiments. Turion has posted another schematic here but not sure of that one. Plus the private video of which there's no setup schematic, but up to Turion on that. You've been busy but yet still share with us here.

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  • wantomake
    Ok. Watched it and see what you're doing but not how with four droks, one source battery and one charging while lighting 50 watts in bulbs. Oh and the copper pipes as connectors for positive and negative.

    Ok. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    Ps. Just kind of fried working outside today. Will make sense to me in the morning. Lol and have good night.
    Last edited by wantomake; 08-12-2022, 02:14 AM.

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  • Turion
    Try now. Should work

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  • wantomake
    I do have an YouTube account called skyflight1able. But I'm ok for right now if you want to. I usually hit the hay around 10 to 10:30 which is 7 to 7:30 your time.

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  • Turion
    Yeah, I found out the hard way that YouTube lets you set a video as private and list the email addresses of people who can view it, but ONLY if that email address is tied to an existing YouTube account. My son has 3 email addresses and only the one he never uses, which is tied to his YouTube account, would allow him to view it. Sorry about that. Don't want to make it public, and I have seen my "unlisted" videos popping up on other YouTube channels completely out of context because someone I sent a link to chose to copy and post it. We're in the same time zone, so if you email me a time today or tomorrow you want to watch it, I will list it as "unlisted' for an hour so you can watch it, and then set it as private again. SInce you have the link already, it should work.
    Last edited by Turion; 08-12-2022, 01:42 AM.

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  • wantomake
    Sorry to be a pain in The arse Turion but for some reason the YouTube video is still private. Must be good for tptb are causing us problems.

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  • BroMikey
    Watt hour count changing with activation. From a slow charge to a fast charge changes the WH value as well as what number the charging is stopped. In this case it took 49 WH to charge this battery that only gave me 36 WH for the first out of the box run. I also noticed that if I charge the pack on a long slow over night crawl, the amps climb up slightly on their own For instance I set the level at 90ma and generally as the voltage goes up the milliamps drop back but that is at the end of a charging cycle. Slow charging from the start causes the charger to go from 90ma (which is 30ma per battery) to 160ma with the voltage going up only a few points in many hours.

    I need to know how many WH are in these batteries before experimenting can begin. First run WH count from 12.2v to 10.4v=36WH. The second run is in progress (see video)

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  • wantomake
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    I sent you both an email with a link. It should be working. I sent one to my son also and he just watched the video.
    Yes very sorry to hear about your family pet. Hoping all will be ok.

    The link is still private.

    Those new graphene batteries look promising, but not for me at this time. Still have many lithium ions just sitting on my shop desk that I need to put to use.

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