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Motor Generators

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  • Turion
    Exploding rotor 1.png Exploding rotor2.png Wire Order.png Cores tested.png

    Now that we have a core material, I have ordered five more spools of wire to wind all new coils. Each coil in that picture is a different core material that was tested. What's interesting is that for every coil pictured, there was a six strand coil, a 12 strand coil, and a 24 strand coil to see what the differences in temperature and production were. So BOXES of discarded coils. The very BEST for heat was the nanocrystaline, but it only put out 36 volts. We still have TWO more core materials to test. One of them is a special material just for cores that contains an element that is supposed to dissipate heat. We will see. Delivery two weeks in the future. The old clunker machine is now officially a core tester, so it will remain in service. As long as I don't have to be the one standing in front of it while it is running! I will leave that to the young and foolish. I have warned them on many occasions. It is actually WAY safer than it was because the rotor in it now does not have magnets that stick out and could catch on something, as it did the day it exploded, but it still scares me. The two photos of the damage it did to me that day don't do justice to the damage it did to my computer, my walls or my ceiling. I got off really, really lucky. The picture of my fingers looks a little weird, because of the super glue used to seal off the bleeding. It was the same day Peter Lindemann came to visit and see my machine. LOL

    We are using ALL permalloy coils for right now. Because it works. And we want to get the testing done at the lab. Something else may work BETTER, and we will keep searching for that, and probably having additional test rotors built to see what different size magnets will do. But this will be my PARTNERS' ROAD, not mine. I have other projects. Once this machine is tested in an independent lab and proven, things will change. I KNOW what it will do. I don't need the testing done. But it will be nice to have that paperwork in hand. Just to shove down the throats of some people and make them choke. In a friendly kind of way, of course.

    If you add up what I have shown for magnets and wire in this machine, it is at around $1,300 and that's one spool of wire less than actually required. It also doesn't cover the cost of the plastic for the coil holders and rotor, the shaft, the bearings, the metal for the frame, the machine work (which I got for free on the last two machines), the drive motor and its mount, which was built at a metals shop to fit this machine, and probably a bunch of other things I am forgetting. I would say a minimum of $2,000. And this will be the 17th or 18th machine I have assembled. There have been so many I am losing track. Not all of them were this pricy, but none of them were cheap. I didn't spend in excess of $30,000 over the last 12 years to end up with a pile of junk that doesn't perform exactly the way I say it does. And the others who are now involved wouldn't be, if they hadn't seen the machine actually doing what I claim it does.

    By the way, I don't know if I shared this recently, but a TWO coil machine using this core material with this rotor would be COP> 1 and you could prove this to yourself. You wouldn't even need the opposition magnets on the rotor because only a couple coils doesn't get you far into the negative exponential curve that occurs from adding coils, and the weight of the magnets once the machine is rotating go a long way for making up for it. Just a thought. You MUST have neutral coils though. MUST.

    If you watch the video I posted on bystanders thread you will see that the rotor will spin at the required speed on 4 amps and you only need 26 volts, not 36. So that is 104 watts input. A single coil is 270 volts at .7 amps or 189 watts. COP>1 with just one coil, even if the amp draw went up just a bit with the addition of 1 coil, and with two it would be significant. As long as you have neutral coils under load. All these OUTPUT numbers are 12 magnet N/S rotor, remember. My NEW rotor is 24 magnet N/S. The rotor on Black Beauty in the video is 22 magnet all north facing. So kinda comparing apples to pineapples. They are both apples after all.

    I'm sure that with 12 coils in the NEW machine even when they are adjusted for magnet neutralization, my input will be more than the 104 watts input shown in the video at 4 amps, but I have no idea HOW much more. Only time will tell. I have seen it as low as 7 amps. I have seen it as high as 12 amps on the old clunker. I have hopes it will be at the lower end. It is my hope that ACCURATE ADJUSTMENT will allow the lower number.
    Last edited by Turion; 10-03-2021, 08:34 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    What could go wrong?
    Hey don't you have a thread to mess up?You love to goat a fight. Just keep on, menace.

    Dave, thanks for the update on how it all is coming together and what your thoughts are. Yes that is true on frequency or more magnets giving you a little more. I can hardly wait to see the 1 finger model up and taking readings. It is going to make your old machine that ran 3X OU look like a Model T. plus it will run non stop. looping should be doable in a variety of ways.That demo will blow the minds.

    A special thx to all of Dave's helpers. You will not out give dave.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 10-03-2021, 09:26 AM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    I fully intend to loop this system. There is NO better demonstration than flipping a switch and having the machine run itself.

    When the electrical engineer came to the garage a week ago, one of the things that impressed him was that we were running a 120 volt DC Pac Sci motor off the output of one coil. He could see the volts and amps going into the Pac Sci motor (182 watts) and the volts and amps going into the drive motor (189 watts). Not really a FAIR comparison because the Pac Sci motor was not under load like the drive motor is, but it shows what is possible. And then we showed him that the generator running the Pac Sci motor had to have a crescent wrench put on the shaft nut to rotate the shaft from one magnet to the next with only ONE coil in the machine, but Black Beauty rotates using ONE FINGER with 12 coils in it. So how many amps will it take to run the NEW machine? I have no clue. The old one when adjusted with 12 coils in it drew 12 amps and required 36 volts to get it to the right speed. Right now we have basically locked the adjustments in place to work with only ONE COIL for testing and it is only taking 26 volts at 7 amps. Thing is, it takes just about the SAME with NO coils in place because the drive shaft is binding somewhere. So none of the numbers we are getting are for real until the new machine is up and running. Then we will see. But everything we understand about how this works makes us very happy.

    There are still things to explore. The 3/4 x 3/4 magnets my be providing far MORE flux than the core can absorb. What happens to output when the magnets are reduced to 1/2" in diameter x 3/4 thick or 3/8" diameter? If the smaller magnet produces enough flux to fill the core, the NUMBER of magnets on the rotor could be two or three times as many, which I believe would contribute to a higher output. I can't promise that, but it is logical. So my next step would be ordering MORE magnets and building two MORE test rotors. But I'm not going to do that. Once this thing is up and running, I am DONE with it. I have other projects to work on. I WILL be building a unit large enough to power my home in the time of emergency, but that won't be for the public. I still have a few simple tricks up my sleeve to increase power output that I have learned along the way and are not needed to show proof of concept or back up my claims.
    What could go wrong?

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  • Turion
    I fully intend to loop this system. There is NO better demonstration than flipping a switch and having the machine run itself.

    When the electrical engineer came to the garage a week ago, one of the things that impressed him was that we were running a 120 volt DC Pac Sci motor off the output of one coil. He could see the volts and amps going into the Pac Sci motor (182 watts) and the volts and amps going into the drive motor (189 watts). Not really a FAIR comparison because the Pac Sci motor was not under load like the drive motor is, but it shows what is possible. And then we showed him that the generator running the Pac Sci motor had to have a crescent wrench put on the shaft nut to rotate the shaft from one magnet to the next with only ONE coil in the machine, but Black Beauty rotates using ONE FINGER with 12 coils in it. So how many amps will it take to run the NEW machine? I have no clue. The old one when adjusted with 12 coils in it drew 12 amps and required 36 volts to get it to the right speed. Right now we have basically locked the adjustments in place to work with only ONE COIL for testing and it is only taking 26 volts at 7 amps. Thing is, it takes just about the SAME with NO coils in place because the drive shaft is binding somewhere. So none of the numbers we are getting are for real until the new machine is up and running. Then we will see. But everything we understand about how this works makes us very happy.

    There are still things to explore. The 3/4 x 3/4 magnets my be providing far MORE flux than the core can absorb. What happens to output when the magnets are reduced to 1/2" in diameter x 3/4 thick or 3/8" diameter? If the smaller magnet produces enough flux to fill the core, the NUMBER of magnets on the rotor could be two or three times as many, which I believe would contribute to a higher output. I can't promise that, but it is logical. So my next step would be ordering MORE magnets and building two MORE test rotors. But I'm not going to do that. Once this thing is up and running, I am DONE with it. I have other projects to work on. I WILL be building a unit large enough to power my home in the time of emergency, but that won't be for the public. I still have a few simple tricks up my sleeve to increase power output that I have learned along the way and are not needed to show proof of concept or back up my claims.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by thaelin View Post
    Great to see you back and well T. Looking forward.
    Yes it is great that Dave let us all know why he fudged the conference. The core material project was not what he wanted but was very very close at the time. I don't think people like Dave and myself, who have so much faith and perception about energy can stand to bare the constant name calling as our reason to be here is to share openly. Dave has done this for decades and for years the moles and squirrels have tried to bring their mangy lifestyle and traits into the mix on a level of the beast.

    No brotherly kindness and no benefit of the doubt, no consideration, no understanding of the process or the time the evolution takes to bring about a practical model for sale. Sure the project has produced the OU effect for over a decade but refinements continue. At this point the core material has been improved. Of course the factory processes over time will probably double the output and shrink the units size.

    We have spent years out of our lives throwing this ball back and forth to get the message out there that science as it stands has lied to the people. This is irritating to the dumbed down university minds so as a consequence we have not only had to put up with the name calling but also the repeated calls for proof while in the mist of innovating a new testing improvement all at the same time.

    Needless to say only a handful of antagonist respond while the rest either set wondering or do not understand at all. However over the years good men in the background have taken up for us and believed what was shared. This is the wonderful portion of our work bouncing the ball back and forth while improvements were made. Good men have given thousands of hours and dollars to this work simply on the basis of Dave's half baked mechanical efforts.

    You guys know who you are and you are awesome dudes. Any production at the factory level requires both the invention and also the mechanical dept. to work together and bring about a model that is practical. The inventor often does not possess all talents needed to say produce an automobile or a washing machine and no one should expect that. Each area of expertise will take an entire lifetime to achieve.

    While the inventor has the vision the mechanic can show you what is needed to preform the task over a period of years when under a full load. At the factory the coil winding or core production does not take place at the assembly workers station. Each component must be developed and authorized by the inventor and then requests are made for professionals to do the component work.

    What people in general fail to see is that they are demanding all of the processes from a single person, in a short period and proceed to get angry when everything needed to make a practical unit looped, with all of it's data in not dropped into their laps. The proprietary side of development takes decades to refine.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 10-02-2021, 11:23 PM.

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  • thaelin
    Great to see you back and well T. Looking forward.

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  • Turion
    It means the coil was wrapped with six wires in parallel, but two strands connected in series plus two strands connected in series, plus two strands connected in series means you only have the beginning and end of 3 wires coming off the coil.

    I had made two false assumptions, at least according to the data they produced, and they are checking a couple things. First, I assumed the more strands wound in parallel and connected in series, the lower the required RPM to get "speed up under load. This does not appear to materially affect the required RPM. Still 2800-2900 no matter HOW the strands are connected. With the old clunker, it is hard to get specific numbers sometimes, because the shaft is is a bind somewhere and the RPM can fluctuate. I am winding a three strand coil tonight and leaving all three strands in parallel, and we will be testing it in the next few days to compare. That is the way my ORIGINAL COIL was wound, and I got speed up under load with it, but the core material is different. Which goes to prove you don't have to wind the coils the way Thane and Tesla said in order to have neutral coils or speed up under load coils. You just have to have the rotor turning at the correct speed to provide the correct "frequency", which is what I have said all along. ANY coil will speed up under load or go 'Neutral" at the correct frequency.

    Second, I assumed that the amp output would go UP and voltage DOWN the more strands in parallel (Which means a shorter wire), but the data does not necessarily reflect that either. It may be a matter of not enough load to draw the amps, which they are testing now. We have been using a 300 watt light bulb as the output blows a 100 or 200 watt bulb quite often.

    As for magnets, the machine takes:
    96 of the 3/4 x 3/4 magnets
    12 of the 3/4 x 3/4 with the hole in them that are about $10.00
    48 of the 5/8 x 1/4
    so not really extra magnets in that order. (4 more of the 3/4 x 3/4 than needed, but 8 LESS of the 3/4 x 3/4 with the hole than needed for an entire machine) We're building two machines and using what magnets we got by destroying both Black Beauty machines.

    Black Beauty required:
    44 of the 3/4 x 3/4
    10 of the 3/4 x 3/4 with the hole
    22 of the 5/8 x 1/4
    About HALF as much for the magnets. Which is why I wanted to build that design. I though it would save replicators a lot of money. It would probably STILL be a COP>1 machine with these new coils, but not by MUCH. So hardly worth the effort.

    Anyway, I will be back when I have actual results and data to share. Looking forward to making that bet with bi on test results. LOL Like they say, put your money where your mouth is. I'm willing. He's not.
    Last edited by Turion; 10-02-2021, 04:22 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    UPS parts.png Magnets1.png Coil Test Results.png Magnets2.png

    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    Like your big one? Your big mouth. You running away and hiding from the energy conference and your promised reveal. That was so courageous of you, to put your identity and reputation on the line. And then prove to the world you have nothing but a big fat lie.

    I'm not hiding in the dark. I'm coming from the light of truth.

    You should try the truth.

    My identity has never been in question. Unlike YOURS. I don't hide in the dark like a whiny little coward. It is only my reputation that is in question. As is YOURS when you are proven to be an idiot. I'm pretty sure MY reputation took a massive hit when I did not show up at the conference, but these things happen.

    My intention all along was to show Black Beauty at the conference. I was spending all my time searching for a suitable core material, since I knew iron cores were going to heat up and would not allow me to run the machine for the long periods of time needed to do an effective demonstration.

    But I was also under the gun to finish my remodel project, list the house, and get it sold to meet the requirement that we live in the house two out of the last five years prior to date of sale or have to pay THOUSANDS in capital gains taxes. Finishing thew house and getting info out there to "sell by owner" was stressful enough, but then we had to close the sale with the deadline fast approaching. Guess which one was more important to me?

    Proving something to YOU, who mean nothing, and hide in the dark like at the gutless coward you are, and aren't willing to put your money where YOUR big mouth is, or present at a conference and cost myself thousands?

    I was running out of time to find such a material. I felt I had the MECHANICAL issues under control with the new, precision built machine. I did not realize until last minute that not only did I NOT yet have a core material that would not heat up, but that the outputs on the machine with all North magnets on the rotor would be such a fraction of the outputs with N/S magnets on the machine.

    Now you can postulate that I should have known this, but I only know what I see on the bench. And I had not run a machine with all North magnets before and compared outputs to a machine with N/S magnets on the rotor because I never HAD two machines that I could run side by side and compare. Sorry. That would be about a $4,000 investment just to collect data.

    So when I saw the results, it was an eye opening experience for me. If you think I enjoyed having to scrap a machine with $700 worth of neodymium magnets in it to get them out, as well as discarding the machined coil holder parts that were very labor intensive to create, you prove you are the idiot I have always know you to be.

    The house is sold. I was 14 days before the deadline. I made a nice profit and it all worked out. The new machine will be up and running shortly. I have all the magnets already. The parts that I was not able to salvage from Black Beauty have all been machined and were actually shipped out today from my buddy in Florida and are scheduled to arrive next Wednesday.

    We have a core material that appears to work. We will see when it is put in the machine with 24 N/S magnets on the rotor rather than 12 N/S, but we are very hopeful. I got a spread sheet tonight from my friend in Sacramento who has been testing coils on the old rattletrap machine and the data is far from what I expected. But I will present it here for those who are interested.

    Also for those who are interested are copies of the bills for the magnets in the NEW machines and the notification from UPS about the shipment of parts. So I am not lying about any of this. The reality is what the reality is. Once again, I put my money where MY mouth is by investing a couple thousand dollars in construction of a prototype that will once and for all prove what I say.

    Oh, and we are scheduling the testing of the machine at the independent lab (Quanta labs in Santa Clare) a week from next Monday. There is a significant cost for that testing also. But it will be nice to have all the inputs and outputs documented. What will be your excuse then?

    The only reason the testing date is that far away is we are busy cutting material for the cores for 12 new coils and winding them. That takes some time. I met with an individual, who is an Electrical Engineer. He is an associate of a friend, and visited the home of MY friend who currently has my old rattletrap N/S machine. He was very impressed by the input to the drive motor compared to the output of two coils, which exceeded the input, and wanted to meet with me.

    We met last Tuesday and had a very interesting discussion. I was able to show him ALL the concepts I have shared on this forum that allow the machine to do exactly what I say it will do. He had the typical EE mindset but once you see it working and truly understand WHY it is working, he became a convert.

    Then he met again with my partners last Thursday to talk $$ and a plan, and tomorrow at 11:00 in Sacramento, another meeting. So you see, this is going forward despite what you say and despite what you think. You have never seen the machine run. You have not bothered to build anything comparable. All you have done is quote Wikipedia and some lame textbooks rather than discussing what happens when the principles are actually applied on the bench,

    I realize you cannot help the fact that your mind is crushed inside that little box. And I feel sorry for you that you will always be on the inside looking out. But after all the crap I have had to put up with from you, I cannot but feel like you deserve whatever you get.

    And I still say ALL of this, despite the fact that it actually works, is obsolete.

    But it is a MECHANICAL method of generating power that is pretty much EMP proof. So that makes it a worthwhile undertaking, because a solid state generator, while it puts out far more power for its size and weight, would be at the mercy of something like that without some practical precautions. And the mechanical version is something anyone could build in a simple form once they understand how to apply the concepts.

    SO, do you want to make a wager on the outcome of the testing? How about it? Or are you still the spineless coward who hides in the dark dumping all over the work of others from the safety of your dark little box, unwilling to put your money where your mouth is. I think we ALL know the answer to that now don't we?

    Last edited by Turion; Today, 05:37 AM.
    6 wire coil with 3 wire ends (whatever that means) looks the best. Nice report. Go Turion, forget the weasel he will find another slight of hand trick to prove himself right in his own eyes. It is called delusion

    That is a pretty penny for enough magnets to have extra I think.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 10-01-2021, 08:28 AM.

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  • BroMikey

    UPS parts.png Magnets1.png Coil Test Results.png Magnets2.png

    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    Like your big one? Your big mouth. You running away and hiding from the energy conference and your promised reveal. That was so courageous of you, to put your identity and reputation on the line. And then prove to the world you have nothing but a big fat lie.

    I'm not hiding in the dark. I'm coming from the light of truth.

    You should try the truth.

    My identity has never been in question. Unlike YOURS. I don't hide in the dark like a whiny little coward. It is only my reputation that is in question. As is YOURS when you are proven to be an idiot. I'm pretty sure MY reputation took a massive hit when I did not show up at the conference, but these things happen. My intention all along was to show Black Beauty at the conference. I was spending all my time searching for a suitable core material, since I knew iron cores were going to heat up and would not allow me to run the machine for the long periods of time needed to do an effective demonstration. But I was also under the gun to finish my remodel project, list the house, and get it sold to meet the requirement that we live in the house two out of the last five years prior to date of sale or have to pay THOUSANDS in capital gains taxes. Finishing thew house and getting info out there to "sell by owner" was stressful enough, but then we had to close the sale with the deadline fast approaching. Guess which one was more important to me? Proving something to YOU, who mean nothing, and hide in the dark like at the gutless coward you are, and aren't willing to put your money where YOUR big mouth is, or present at a conference and cost myself thousands?
    I was running out of time to find such a material. I felt I had the MECHANICAL issues under control with the new, precision built machine. I did not realize until last minute that not only did I NOT yet have a core material that would not heat up, but that the outputs on the machine with all North magnets on the rotor would be such a fraction of the outputs with N/S magnets on the machine. Now you can postulate that I should have known this, but I only know what I see on the bench. And I had not run a machine with all North magnets before and compared outputs to a machine with N/S magnets on the rotor because I never HAD two machines that I could run side by side and compare. Sorry. That would be about a $4,000 investment just to collect data. So when I saw the results, it was an eye opening experience for me. If you think I enjoyed having to scrap a machine with $700 worth of neodymium magnets in it to get them out, as well as discarding the machined coil holder parts that were very labor intensive to create, you prove you are the idiot I have always know you to be.

    The house is sold. I was 14 days before the deadline. I made a nice profit and it all worked out. The new machine will be up and running shortly. I have all the magnets already. The parts that I was not able to salvage from Black Beauty have all been machined and were actually shipped out today from my buddy in Florida and are scheduled to arrive next Wednesday. We have a core material that appears to work. We will see when it is put in the machine with 24 N/S magnets on the rotor rather than 12 N/S, but we are very hopeful. I got a spread sheet tonight from my friend in Sacramento who has been testing coils on the old rattletrap machine and the data is far from what I expected. But I will present it here for those who are interested. Also for those who are interested are copies of the bills for the magnets in the NEW machines and the notification from UPS about the shipment of parts. So I am not lying about any of this. The reality is what the reality is. Once again, I put my money where MY mouth is by investing a couple thousand dollars in construction of a prototype that will once and for all prove what I say.

    Oh, and we are scheduling the testing of the machine at the independent lab (Quanta labs in Santa Clare) a week from next Monday. There is a significant cost for that testing also. But it will be nice to have all the inputs and outputs documented. What will be your excuse then? The only reason the testing date is that far away is we are busy cutting material for the cores for 12 new coils and winding them. That takes some time. I met with an individual, who is an Electrical Engineer. He is an associate of a friend, and visited the home of MY friend who currently has my old rattletrap N/S machine. He was very impressed by the input to the drive motor compared to the output of two coils, which exceeded the input, and wanted to meet with me. We met last Tuesday and had a very interesting discussion. I was able to show him ALL the concepts I have shared on this forum that allow the machine to do exactly what I say it will do. He had the typical EE mindset but once you see it working and truly understand WHY it is working, he became a convert. Then he met again with my partners last Thursday to talk $$ and a plan, and tomorrow at 11:00 in Sacramento, another meeting. So you see, this is going forward despite what you say and despite what you think. You have never seen the machine run. You have not bothered to build anything comparable. All you have done is quote Wikipedia and some lame textbooks rather than discussing what happens when the principles are actually applied on the bench, I realize you cannot help the fact that your mind is crushed inside that little box. And I feel sorry for you that you will always be on the inside looking out. But after all the crap I have had to put up with from you, I cannot but feel like you deserve whatever you get.

    And I still say ALL of this, despite the fact that it actually works, is obsolete. But it is a MECHANICAL method of generating power that is pretty much EMP proof. So that makes it a worthwhile undertaking, because a solid state generator, while it puts out far more power for its size and weight, would be at the mercy of something like that without some practical precautions. And the mechanical version is something anyone could build in a simple form once they understand how to apply the concepts. SO, do you want to make a wager on the outcome of the testing? How about it? Or are you still the spineless coward who hides in the dark dumping all over the work of others from the safety of your dark little box, unwilling to put your money where your mouth is. I think we ALL know the answer to that now don't we?

    Last edited by Turion; Today, 05:37 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Quantum_well View Post
    She found the good stuff

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  • Quantum_well

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  • Quantum_well
    Look at her now.
    Last edited by Quantum_well; 09-24-2021, 10:51 AM.

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  • Quantum_well
    Look at Tina for a great example of overunity. IMG-20210411-WA0000.jpg

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  • Quantum_well
    It says write something, so I will. This is a useful idea(I think). Pop rivets are very useful however sometimes you need a backing washer for softer materials. I wanted to rivet plastic which I couldn't get behind to put a washer.
    This is how I managed itut the rivet in as normal and give a couple of squeezes of the tool,just enough to become secure then remove the tool and chop off the protruding stalk with battery angle grinder. Job done!

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by pmgriphone View Post
    TinMan is a joke he has been around since the internet came online and makes a mess of every man's project as he alters it till it doesn't do what it was suppose to. Him and ZeroLabs are pen pals and great big zero's. Those guys could not show OU if you gave them two a snap together device, setting right on the table. They would loose a part then test it.

    Maybe a job changing transmissions or starters on cars? They would make good mechanics.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-19-2021, 12:28 PM.

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