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Motor Generators

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by pmgriphone View Post
    TinMan is a joke he has been around since the internet came online and makes a mess of every man's project as he alters it till it doesn't do what it was suppose to. Him and ZeroLabs are pen pals and great big zero's. Those guys could not show OU if you gave them two a snap together device, setting right on the table. They would loose a part then test it.

    Maybe a job changing transmissions or starters on cars? They would make good mechanics.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-19-2021, 12:28 PM.

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  • pmgriphone
    Specially for BroMonkey!

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  • Rakarskiy
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post this is the Korean blog of the author of this device

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  • Rakarskiy
    Return from oblivion of Sergey Ermola (Ukraine). The author of the converter, the pressure force into mechanical power


    About the guy and the capacitor converter, my preliminary analysis is in Russian:

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  • thaelin
    Now there is an undisputed way to show input to output. My only concern is the two rows of supercaps . I have two sets for 15v and they will store a large charge. 50F each.

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  • Rakarskiy

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  • pmgriphone
    Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
    Energy in cap is proportional to 0.5*C*V^2. Assuming all caps have same capacitance: 24V squared is 576, 3x 12V squared is 432, so energy was lost.

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  • Rakarskiy

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  • BroMikey

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  • BroMikey
    Thane Heins on radio, 10X reduction of battery capacity= 10X weight reduction.

    'Thane Heins – Power Generation Technology That Can Produce Carbon Free and Pollution Free Power – September 8, 2021

    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-13-2021, 08:42 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by alexelectric View Post
    In the video, the author demonstrates the work of his device. Starting with a handle with a pedal from a bicycle. In the circuit with an electric ballast storage device, we see two massive capacitors (of which there are possibly more). Thus, a reference voltage is created for the operation of the DC / DC 220V / converter circuit and the voltage of the electric motors - motor wheels. Estimating the power of an electric generator by external factors, it may have 600 watts. In the case of connecting an additional load in the form of a power tool, subsidence and deceleration were observed. this is due to the design of the generator or the voltage drop is not known, but in any case, the self-propelled installation at minimum consumption is obvious.
    According to the author himself, its generator overheats at high external loads, i.e. independent engineering analysis is absolutely accurate.
    The concept that the author applied is not new. For the first time this concept was demonstrated by J. Bedini in his 1984 installation based on the patent of Raymond Crommy. Likewise, I have described and chewed in detail in my work the series [ My Electricity ] - Personal Mechanical Autonomous Power Plants [ LINK ]. The option of four phases and their switching with charging control, I also propose in this work

    According to information from the Telegram forum sites, Toyir Kamolov's generator has four phases, rectification is performed through standard diode bridges. The screen photo clearly shows the withdrawal of four wires (2 pairs +/-). How it can be switched, see the figure

    At the end of my book, I come out on the most optimal schematic diagram for constructing an electromechanical inertial power generating device for a household. Booster module with a flywheel rotor and a power compensation system. Plus the use of a special generator (which options are many in the book)
    Toyir Kamolov has a very interesting solution for the overclocking module, and you can find out how to make a generator with a minimum electromagnetic moment in my work ROTOVERTER for a KETTLE.
    I wish everyone to gain their personal energy independence.

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  • BroMikey
    Yup it is over, many of these free energy devices have already hit the market. You lose. What you forgot was all things are possible with the creative will of man. Bill M. was a queer cannibal network liberal. He is your hero? Not mine.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-11-2021, 02:48 AM.

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  • Quantum_well
    I think it's over.


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  • alexelectric
    I don't worry, because of the language, look

    so I have read the pages of Rakarskiy and others

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
    The design is workable ..........................

    it is clear that the rotation slows down when the external load selection increases.

    It is unclear whether this is due to an increase in the electromagnetic moment or a voltage drop .................
    Maybe a delay is assisting the rotor? What is the RPM? Me no Russia Russia

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