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Motor Generators

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    What "posted data"?
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    Those not understanding standard EE calculation format can not be considered
    "Skilled in the art? All utility generators produce millions of watts of power. An open circuit condition with the rotor free wheeling may be sustained at say 5000 watts is irrelevant when considering a full load condition.

    So much in and so much output. 10,000w input to get 6500w output, these are the facts. 1,000,000 watts input to get 650,000 watt output during heavy grid usage.

    With the RegenX coils no extra input is required to produce another 1,000,000 watts which is infinite efficiency. Another 2 million generated, costs zero on the input.

    So while you focus on the 5000watt cost to freewheel a rotor the EE is looking at the over all big picture. Not the .005%
    I see no data in your reply. What "posted data" are you referring to? I'm not interested in your fantasy, make-believe, guessed numbers and stupid comments about a field of which you are ignorant. Show me data. Real data. And how about replies to the bullet points? You can't answer direct sensible questions. All you do is regurgitate the BS Thane Heinz spits out. Utter nonsense. Drinking that Kool-Aid again?

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    What "posted data"?
    Those not understanding standard EE calculation format can not be considered
    "Skilled in the art? All utility generators produce millions of watts of power. An open circuit condition with the rotor free wheeling may be sustained at say 5000 watts is irrelevant when considering a full load condition.

    So much in and so much output. 10,000w input to get 6500w output, these are the facts. 1,000,000 watts input to get 650,000 watt output during heavy grid usage.

    With the RegenX coils no extra input is required to produce another 1,000,000 watts which is infinite efficiency. Another 2 million generated, costs zero on the input.

    So while you focus on the 5000watt cost to freewheel a rotor the EE is looking at the over all big picture. Not the .005%
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-31-2021, 01:52 AM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Again you ignore the posted data from real people doing hands on testing. ...
    What "posted data"?

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  • BroMikey
    ReGenX Generator Innovation

    The ReGenX Generator is a new US Patented Electric Generator innovation that requires zero Mechanical Input Energy when performing Electrical and Mechnical Work - outputting Electrical Power at Infinite Efficiency.

    In addition, the ReGenX Generator also simultaneously performs Positive Mechanical Work at Infinite Efficiency (accelerating and increasing the Kinetic Energy of both the generator and prime mover system) without requiring any Externally Supplied Input Energy. ReGen-X

    Quantum Motor Innovation

    The ReGen-X Quantum Motor is a new US Patented Electric Motor innovation that also requires zero Electrical Input Energy when it performs Mechanical Work at Infinite Efficiency - increasing the system's Kinetic Energy. A "New" Energy Source Discovery for Humanity - Harnessing Sub-Atomically Created Quantum Electron Energy Both the ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Motor have the unique ability to harness Sub-Atomically Created Quantum Electron Energy while performing Positive Mechanical Work (accelerating and increasing the system's Kinetic Energy).

    Interestingly enough all conventional electric generators also harness the same Sub-Atomically Created Quantum Electron Energy, but they perform Negative Work with this energy (decelerating and reducing the Kinetic Energy of the generator prime mover system). Generator Armature Reaction, EV regenerative braking, Counter-Electromagnetic-Torque, Negative Work.

    Thane C. Heins

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  • BroMikey
    Again you ignore the posted data from real people doing hands on testing. Blatant obstinate behavior that can't even acknowledge 200 years of science showing the direct relationships of input vs output. Without a clear thinking process which can address the standards used today, no further discussion is possible as all other invention is compared to the old rules.

    For those who think the core material is to blame is an entirely baseless suggestion. or that open circuit coils on the same cores drag the rotor down worse than another by 20X. Insanity.

    This only serves to show that you do not understand the process that the coils offer. These coils are often wound to both assist rotor action and produce electrical current at the same time.

    The old equal and opposite coils drag the rotor slower while making a few joules.

    The one liner man "Show me a working OU machine right now this minute or I am going to poop my pants"

    Only those skilled in the art will grasp these new effects. Stay frosty and don't take any wooden nickels.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-31-2021, 01:37 AM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    With these RegenX type coils a 5000watts of produced output costs no increase to the drive motor turning the rotor. A 20,000 watt output does not raise the drive motor input.
    What a bunch of BS. False. No proof. Just fantasy. Show a single case of sustained real output power exceeding input power, measured, simultaneously, without using stored energy in a flywheel or battery or such.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    False fake and fony. Cores drag rotors down with open circuit winding all very close to the same. Common sense. Stop depending on the debunker lies and run the tests like I have.

    Show a clear easy to understand video of your test like the debunker has. Otherwise it's just BS from you. While you're at it, show input and output power like he did.

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  • BroMikey
    Also looking at the true data not some debunker guy we find that once rotational equilibrium is reached (rotor +core drag) all generated power is close to a 1:1 ratio. This means that if 5000watts is produced from a regularly designed coil, 5100 watts must be added to the drive motor. If the rotor and core drag is 500 watts, EE call this a zero and is the same as rotational equilibrium. Once the system is up and running then efficiency calculations can be made based on the output VS what much input power is required.

    In the case of an electrical utility supplying it's maximum output during air-conditioning season they will run at 60% efficient for short periods as systems reach overloaded conditions. Breakers blow and additional units must be engaged to supply the demand and your bill skyrockets.

    With these RegenX type coils a 5000watts of produced output costs no increase to the drive motor turning the rotor. A 20,000 watt output does not raise the drive motor input.

    So looking at this 200 year old mind set to get 6500watts you need to add 10,000watts to the drive motor and so on.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-31-2021, 12:27 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    160 watts is the increase the debunker observed going from a conventional wound coil to bifilar coil.
    False fake and fony. Cores drag rotors down with open circuit winding all very close to the same. Common sense. Stop depending on the debunker lies and run the tests like I have.

    Further you missed the whole point. Conventional calculations show a 3watt increase for a generated 3w output. All coils are able to generate conventionally and RegenX format all with the same core.

    Not so with Regen Coils. One liner man strikes againDrowning man grasping at straws "DEBUNKER SAYS"

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    Hi John yes that is a good point. here let's look another way. Take a rotor out of the box and throw a set of bearings on it and then set 24 magnets into the rotor. Congratulations you just spent a bunch of money and time. Okay well we won't itemize the task but be sure you get the spacing 100% right on, no mickey mouse (like Bye-Slanders) rotor will replace a machined unit.

    Now you are almost there. Next take the head off of a state of the art conventional (MOT) transformer and you have an E-Core with some windings. Start up your rotor and run it at 3500rpm to 5000 rpm, some where in this range is fine. If you are able to do that without being struck by flying magnets (congrat's again) you probably spent enough money on it so it does not self destruct and take you with it.

    Now you must record the voltage and amp draw of the little motor driving the rotor. Let's say it is a 36 volt motor that draws 3 amps to make the rotor go with no cores anywhere around it.

    Next thing is to bring the transformer E-Core (This is what Thane did) up close to the rotor magnets say 60 thousandths of an inch spacing. Congrat's you put a feeler gauge between all of your magnets (not like slander did) and the rotor is so true that every magnet around the entire rotor has a 1/6th inch gap.

    .060-.062" is nice. Just to bring the core up to the rotor magnets costs you some drag. Now your meter is reading 36 volts at 3.5amps. You are about to generate some power.

    Next using the low voltage side (Not the 5000v winding) connect a 12v light bulb. It only will produce about 6v and the bulb will be dimly lit. Not a very good test but it works. You are going to need a better coil to raise up the voltage if you want 50-100 volts But for now let's use this one. The car headlight bulb can draw3-5 amps 12v or even 15volts but yours is dimly lit coming in at 6v at 1/2amp. Now you are generating 3 watts. Not very impressive is it?

    Nope not very impressive like all the fancy torque machines and the latest fluke meters calibrated to high accuracy. While you are thinking about my measly 3 watts and how cool your dynamometer is I am winding a fresh coil of magnet-wire. Oh yeah my 3amp draw went to 3.5amps a 18watt increase just on core drag and the generated power is only a 3 watt drag.

    So here is what we have. 36v X 3A = 108w for just the rotor no cores

    Then an additional 1/2A core drag or 36V X 500ma = 18w

    It is time to generate at 6v X 500ma = 3w

    Now the blind people all laugh because they don't see where this is going.

    We have 108w + 18w + 3w = 129w

    Next do the same thing with a fresh wound RegenX coil. 108W + 18w (core drag) just like the conventionally wound E-Core. Now comes the 60watt Regenerative acceleration generator output. The cores were already the additional 18w as we said. But now we are getting 60watts from the new coil.

    Before we would have had a number like this:
    108w (rotor) + 18w (core drag) + 60watts = 186w regular coils

    Same every but 1 sixty watt RegenX coil. Now the figures read like this:

    108w + 18w - 40watts - 60watts = +26w

    The 40watts came when the coil was engaged which means the coil has been wound in such a way that it offers electrical watts (60w) plus it also lowers the drive input by 40watts.

    This is for 1 coil. Now add 1 more and you have the so called free energy
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-31-2021, 12:08 AM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey

    Next do the same thing with a fresh wound RegenX coil. 108W + 18w (core drag) just like the conventionally wound E-Core.

    108w + 18w - 40watts - 60watts = +26w
    No. You forget to add in 160 watts increase with RegenX coil disconnected. So it would be 268W + 18w (core drag). 160 watts is the increase the debunker observed going from a conventional wound coil to bifilar coil. Remember his test? The actual value of increase power may be different, but no reason to believe it won't be significant. You guys always, conveniently, forget that, making your comparisons invalid.

    So instead of make-believe numbers, why don't you run a real test with conventional coil against RegenX coil and use real data?

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Quantum_well View Post

    Everyone who thinks that they have got something unique have got to present it in a proper way.

    All you need to know about the prime mover is rpm and torque period.

    Hi John yes that is a good point. here let's look another way. Take a rotor out of the box and throw a set of bearings on it and then set 24 magnets into the rotor. Congratulations you just spent a bunch of money and time. Okay well we won't itemize the task but be sure you get the spacing 100% right on, no mickey mouse (like Bye-Slanders) rotor will replace a machined unit.

    Now you are almost there. Next take the head off of a state of the art conventional (MOT) transformer and you have an E-Core with some windings. Start up your rotor and run it at 3500rpm to 5000 rpm, some where in this range is fine. If you are able to do that without being struck by flying magnets (congrat's again) you probably spent enough money on it so it does not self destruct and take you with it.

    Now you must record the voltage and amp draw of the little motor driving the rotor. Let's say it is a 36 volt motor that draws 3 amps to make the rotor go with no cores anywhere around it.

    Next thing is to bring the transformer E-Core (This is what Thane did) up close to the rotor magnets say 60 thousandths of an inch spacing. Congrat's you put a feeler gauge between all of your magnets (not like slander did) and the rotor is so true that every magnet around the entire rotor has a 1/6th inch gap.

    .060-.062" is nice. Just to bring the core up to the rotor magnets costs you some drag. Now your meter is reading 36 volts at 3.5amps. You are about to generate some power.

    Next using the low voltage side (Not the 5000v winding) connect a 12v light bulb. It only will produce about 6v and the bulb will be dimly lit. Not a very good test but it works. You are going to need a better coil to raise up the voltage if you want 50-100 volts But for now let's use this one. The car headlight bulb can draw3-5 amps 12v or even 15volts but yours is dimly lit coming in at 6v at 1/2amp. Now you are generating 3 watts. Not very impressive is it?

    Nope not very impressive like all the fancy torque machines and the latest fluke meters calibrated to high accuracy. While you are thinking about my measly 3 watts and how cool your dynamometer is I am winding a fresh coil of magnet-wire. Oh yeah my 3amp draw went to 3.5amps a 18watt increase just on core drag and the generated power is only a 3 watt drag.

    So here is what we have. 36v X 3A = 108w for just the rotor no cores

    Then an additional 1/2A core drag or 36V X 500ma = 18w

    It is time to generate at 6v X 500ma = 3w

    Now the blind people all laugh because they don't see where this is going.

    We have 108w + 18w + 3w = 129w

    Next do the same thing with a fresh wound RegenX coil. 108W + 18w (core drag) just like the conventionally wound E-Core. Now comes the 60watt Regenerative acceleration generator output. The cores were already the additional 18w as we said. But now we are getting 60watts from the new coil.

    Before we would have had a number like this:
    108w (rotor) + 18w (core drag) + 60watts = 186w regular coils

    Same every but 1 sixty watt RegenX coil. Now the figures read like this:

    108w + 18w - 40watts - 60watts = +26w

    The 40watts came when the coil was engaged which means the coil has been wound in such a way that it offers electrical watts (60w) plus it also lowers the drive input by 40watts.

    This is for 1 coil. Now add 1 more and you have the so called free energy
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-30-2021, 11:58 PM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    ... Where is your bullet point? ...
    I given a ton of bullet points. Not a single coherent response from you. This last one was claim of battery charging with too low voltage and incorrect current direction.

    1000's of hours of teaching lies and falsehoods from Thane Heinz and Turion is all a sham. It does more harm than good. They need to prove their claims with straightforward power out / power in. That is so easy, but never happens.

    You said "Dave is not mentally ill anymore than Thane is crazy."

    Actually you're right. Both have serious mental issues. They can not see truth and fact which is right in front of them. They are consumed by fantasy of their own making.

    Sure, you can wind a coil such that the actual load lessens as the apparent load increases due to internal reactance and signal frequency which results in a decrease in prime mover load (increased motor speed and decreased motor current). But that in no way contributes to extra power output. Same with other schemes. Yes, you can mitigate cogging. So what? Cogging is not a loss mechanism so is irrelevant at speed.

    Thane Heinz has 14 years at it, you say. Certainly time enough to run his contraption for a few days continuously and prove it doesn't deplete the battery. Turion had at least a year and a half to prepare for Aaron's conference and prove his claim of OU/FE. His friend tells us that he can't handle the truth. Neither of these guys can face reality.


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  • Quantum_well
    Everyone who thinks that they have got something unique have got to present it in a proper way. It's the inability of them to use the correct tools and use them properly. Everyone is lead up the garden path by inaccurate measurement. They waste a fortune on lamps,switches, meters and what have you.Ask bistander if it's possible to do an accurate assessment of a generator using volts and amps of the prime mover, if he approves of this method I'll eat my hat!
    All you need to know about the prime mover is rpm and torque period.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by thaelin View Post
    On a serious note, I have no evidence that Dave was lacking in his ways.

    . Thanks to Nick, I found a great source for core/bobbin pairs in a bypass choke for audio. I will strip and rewind with #24 wire for better voltage output.
    I still want to see where that build goes.
    There are a dump load of great guys working in the background who may have gotten together to make this more improved machine for sale.Like the black beauty box, that was another man's creation. Then the new cores have put the box in a new light. No heat and more power. Well I have said enough. Stay frosty and don't take any wooden nickels.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Quantum_well View Post
    Bro', it's just all rubbish,..and that's just plain silly.
    sincerely John.
    You were warned. You didn't say anything John. I want to know HOW it is wrong in your mind. If you are talking about how embarrassingly simple the discovery we need to remember that. Oh and that we all missed it as simple as it was. You will have to be more specific. As i said you can't rebut with a burp or grunt, it needs to be shown. Thane has 1000's of hours of work on the table and many hours of explanation. Where is your bullet point? You must have a bone of contention? Show us. The one liner is cute but adolescent.

    See Thaelin, he verified some portion of the effect. Well John we look foreword to seeing your device. See bye-slammer and his weak attempt, at least he tried.even if it wasn't very hard or worth much making a show of it. How about it John? You gonna make a show?You will need a chaulk board, a pointer and have some hardware on hand that relates to the subject for starters.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-30-2021, 07:00 PM.

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