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Motor Generators

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    Wonder what happened to Turion.
    Basic Free Energy Device

    I can barely stand to come to this forum anymore. Most of the builders I have worked with for so many years have given up and moved on, although I am in contact with MANY of them by email or phone on occasion. All we are left with now are a bunch of folks who jump from thread to thread posting videos they have seen on YouTube that they believe are "for real" and a bunch of others who feel compelled to share how the "THEORY" they have come up with applies to every possible thread on the forum.

    That was NEVER the purpose of this forum. NEVER.

    I read yesterday that John Bedini doesn't come here because of all the nasty things that people here say to each other. Obviously this person knows John Bedini personally and John has confided in him right? I doubt it. Perhaps John doesn't post anymore because he got sick and tired of trying to tell us exactly how to do something and then having everyone do it their own way, or posting all kinds of crap theories about how it works without ever having built a single thing themselves. YEARS of that can wear you down. Do I know this for sure? No. Because I don't know John personally. But then I am not CLAIMING to know WHAT John thinks. I simply made a suggestion as to a POSSIBLE motive. Unless you DO know John and he does confide in you, I DOUBT you know why he doesn't post here very often either. But John already said his piece. We just need to LISTEN.

    So here is what I propose. Let us begin with a basic concept for THAT free energy device. EVERYONE who contributes to the thread must first show that they have built the basic prototype or their comments will be completely ignored and we will ask that they just leave.

    If you have an idea, great…build it. If you have a theory, great, implement it. If you have a suggestion, modify your OWN build and THEN report the results. DONT come on here with half assed ideas you expect others to implement because you had a wet dream about how something should be constructed or it came to you in a vision because you ate some mushrooms you grew in your back yard. Don't give us theories on how it should work or why it should work. Build the thing and show us that it DOES work and THEN tell us what you DID, not what you're "GOING to do." We don't want theories, we want action. A theory is not something you should share. It is something you should APPY to your own build, and IF it is successful and produces free energy, THEN you share it. Otherwise, keep it to yourself.

    Trial and Error
    Presentation of FACTS NOT THEORIES. Let YOUR theories influence YOUR build not everyone else's
    Replication of successful builds.
    THAT'S the foundation this forum was built on.

    John showed us what he said was a working free energy device and stated that we had everything we needed to make it work.

    It consisted of:
    A battery
    A motor
    An energizer or generator
    A flywheel
    A control circuit to pulse the motor and charge the battery during the off time between pulses.

    Oh, and by the way…John showed how to build the device. He did not spend pages and pages going into the theory of why or how it worked. He just explained how to BUILD it. If you build it and it works, then we will figure out the why and the how so we can apply the concepts to other models.

    How many of you who claim to be builders have actually taken the time to build this simple device and see the results? And then modify your device. And then modify it again. And discuss your results with others who are also building. That is what I am asking that we get back to on this thread. If you want to talk theory, go find another thread.

    I have built such a device. It produces more out than in. I built a small prototype and then spent a few thousand dollars developing a larger prototype which I was sure would be "it." I have come to understand enough that I will have to build yet a third prototype. But I have gone back to working with a small unit to perfect it before I go to the expense of building another 12 coil unit

    But I am NOT done experimenting. Length of coil. Distance of winds from magnet. Size of magnet. Distance between magnet and core. Core material. Size of wire. Length of wire. Number of coils vs number of magnets on rotor. One rotor, or rotors at both ends of coil. Universal motor or pulse motor. Motor run in standard configuration or 3BGS configuration. Standard winding on stock motor or rewound motor that uses far less amps to run. Weight of flywheel. Distance of weights from center axis. Pulse length. Position of magnet to coil when pulse is initiated. These are some of the things I am experimenting with. It would go way faster if I had some others working with me, but make no mistake. I WILL keep improving this design.

    A simple two coil device should put out TWICE the power that the motor consumes in running and 80-85% of what the motor uses should be recoverable. That is the basic unit. Just two coils and a rotor run by a motor with a flywheel.
    Build it. Show it. Let us see your results. THEN lets figure out how to make some history.

    Oh, and before I forget to mention it…..the device I have built, while it would seem to be a replication of John B's device, it really is NOT. John never gave specifics as to size of coil, size of wire, length of wire, size of magnet, etc. He just gave the basics. The specs I quoted above are for my replication of ANOTHER builder's device. His name is Matt Jones. All the "specifics" are his, based on a whole heck of a lot of actual BUILDING and EXPERIMENTING.


    Last edited by Turion; 09-24-2014, 05:28 PM.


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  • BroMikey

    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    John showed us what he said was a working free energy device and stated that we had everything we needed to make it work.

    The FACT that you and 1000s of other INTELLIGENT folks have attempt to produce John B. "simple" device and failed is not proof of your failure,......
    rather that John is full OF IT.

    Sorry to offend anyone, but the premise that the Ether , an ORANGE, can be SQUEEZED for some juice......, without actually squeezing it, is a premise Id call bull cookies.

    There are only 3 possibles for getting same

    1. tapping static field torque, in which case you apply ONE squeeze and keep draining the juice
    2. Tapping field pressures, movement and flow already present everywhere MUCH more efficiently.
    3. Praying to god , or Satan, or whoever for a "miracle"

    Theres already enough momentum inside a handful of dust, the atoms, to fuel a WHOLE TOWN for a week. The so called atom bomb is not, its an inertia releasing device. No matter is converted into energy at all.

    As to this forum being "rude", hell, this forum is INCREDIBLY tame compared to most Ive been on.

    Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 09-24-2014, 09:41 PM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    Blind man who thinks everyone is lying. Okay I knew that. Anyway lets go back to the original demo. Thane tells us that his calculations show that the motor is a hub motor part of the factory e-bike package and that the unit is drawing 375 watts of power.

    Then while that process continues with the decline of battery voltage down to 74v in a matter of seconds our focus is redirected to another process that will generator power back to the battery.

    The blade switches (3) are thrown. The output of the regenX generator coils is 397 watts and the battery voltage that was declining quickly recovers. At the same time system kinetic is increased as per the RPM speed. A speed increase from 3300 rpm on up to 3600 rpm. Also in other test we see the prime mower watts drop by 30 watts.

    Maybe a hidden power source or faulty this or that? oh wicked and faithless generation how long will you be given an open door?
    Show that data. Link to the video to which you refer, give screenshots or timestamps of the data points. It's obvious that you and Thane can't differentiate charge from discharge. So your argument stands meaningless without proof, or at least real data. Everyone doesn't lie about things like this, just Thane, you, and Turion.

    Wonder what happened to Turion.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by bistander View Post

    You believe an idiot on you tube who doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.
    Blind man who thinks everyone is lying. Okay I knew that. Anyway lets go back to the original demo. Thane tells us that his calculations show that the motor is a hub motor part of the factory e-bike package and that the unit is drawing 375 watts of power.

    Then while that process continues with the decline of battery voltage down to 74v in a matter of seconds our focus is redirected to another process that will generator power back to the battery.

    The blade switches (3) are thrown. The output of the regenX generator coils is 397 watts and the battery voltage that was declining quickly recovers. At the same time system kinetic is increased as per the RPM speed. A speed increase from 3300 rpm on up to 3600 rpm. Also in other test we see the prime mower watts drop by 30 watts.

    Maybe a hidden power source or faulty this or that? oh wicked and faithless generation how long will you be given an open door?
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-21-2021, 02:23 AM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Grow up and build Thane's setup, don't post silly grade school adventures of your past stick to the facts. battery voltage does not decline. watch video and weep.
    You won't lift a finger to learn, will you? Happy to be and remain ignorant. So easy to read a book chapter, or informative web page or do a 20 minute experiment. But no. You believe an idiot on you tube who doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground. The battery voltage is declining but his instruments aren't sensitive enough to show it that soon. As I said before, hours will easily show the voltage declining. Even in the short time he stays focused on the voltmeter, it flirts with going from 75.1 to 75.0. Then he quickly ends the test. Wonder why?

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  • BroMikey
    Grow up and build Thane's setup, don't post silly grade school adventures of your past stick to the facts. battery voltage does not decline. watch video and weep.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    min 8 the battery voltage will not go down. E-bike motor 5a, RegenX 5.3a 75v the battery voltage will not go down, repeat the battery voltage is shown and will not go down. Why all meter readings vary is unknown but it is clearly not discharging. I think using one meter for so many measurements is just for the video.

    Better watch again and weep. The proof is the sustained 75.1v during operations. Did you see that extra cord? Thane must have hidden a secret battery? That rascal.

    75 volts is less than 76.9 volts, the open circuit (resting) voltage of the battery after he opens the switch disconnecting the load. The battery was discharging. The 75 volt reading is the battery terminal voltage which is equal to the open circuit voltage minus the current times the internal resistance. Look it up. That is proof that the battery was definitely discharging.


    Do the test which I suggested. Learn something.

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  • BroMikey
    min 8 the battery voltage will not go down. E-bike motor 5a, RegenX 5.3a 75v the battery voltage will not go down, repeat the battery voltage is shown and will not go down. Why all meter readings vary is unknown but it is clearly not discharging. I think using one meter for so many measurements is just for the video.

    Better watch again and weep. The proof is the sustained 75.1v during operations. Did you see that extra cord? Thane must have hidden a secret battery? That rascal.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Same ole game of liar liar, second guessing. Trolling with a made up mind sees ghosts and goblins. Still won't address the never ending ebike. No response to the real facts of the video just make up your own. the goal of all three video's were stated. Not one of you watched and hear what that goal was. Can any of you point out the goal in the first video? Or the second? I act like I don't know the goal as stated to see if it goes right over little fruitless talks. Yes it does. It(the goal) was stated in the start of the video. All this shows is that you are not hearing or seeing what is being said in the video's. The meters read when switches are thrown. Then you want to say the red scooter is the same as the e-bike. All these machines have advanced circuits connected such as a rectifier with caps. You are making up figures based on switches that are disengaged and calling out liar liar. You are mental. Course we already knew that, just ignore the video explanation and put out fuzzy pictures of meter readings with the intent to get minds to wonder.

    The blade switches disconnect the generator coils but we don't know where and how much of the processing circuit is being read by the meter. One trick question after another grasping. So unskilled in the art.
    What a load of BS. Battery voltage and battery current. You can see the displays and read the values. Pretty straightforward. What's the problem? As far as goal, it is obviously to convince his audience of his lie. He is such an idiot that he doesn't even realize his instruments disprove his claims as he is delivering the falsehoods. He stands there stating the voltage is rising while the camera is focused on the voltmeter and the value is not rising.

    I don't know the exact battery in the ebike, but could be rated at 50-60 Ah. So at 5-6 amp discharge, would take like 10 hours to fully discharge. The terminal voltage for the few minutes the camera is focused on the meter is too small a period for the decrease in voltage to be noticed. He claims it will run forever without charging. How about 10 hours?

    Tell us what you think his goal is and how exactly the presentation supports that.
    You think you're skilled in the art? Run the battery charge and discharge test which I described and describe the behavior at shutdown comparing to the shutdown of Thane's ebike where I snapped those screenshots. Does the behavior seen on Thane's video more closely resemble what you see on charge or on discharge? Or is that beyond your skill level in the art?

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  • BroMikey
    Same ole game of liar liar, second guessing. Trolling with a made up mind sees ghosts and goblins. Still won't address the never ending ebike. No response to the real facts of the video just make up your own. the goal of all three video's were stated. Not one of you watched and hear what that goal was. Can any of you point out the goal in the first video? Or the second? I act like I don't know the goal as stated to see if it goes right over little fruitless talks. Yes it does. It(the goal) was stated in the start of the video. All this shows is that you are not hearing or seeing what is being said in the video's. The meters read when switches are thrown. Then you want to say the red scooter is the same as the e-bike. All these machines have advanced circuits connected such as a rectifier with caps. You are making up figures based on switches that are disengaged and calling out liar liar. You are mental. Course we already knew that, just ignore the video explanation and put out fuzzy pictures of meter readings with the intent to get minds to wonder.

    The blade switches disconnect the generator coils but we don't know where and how much of the processing circuit is being read by the meter. One trick question after another grasping. So unskilled in the art.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-20-2021, 09:53 PM.

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  • Quantum_well
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    This is 10 years ago, not the same thing.

    He admits its running off of a variac reason being: battery depleted owing to testing!
    Nothing's changed.

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  • bistander
    Thane lies telling you the battery is charging. His instruments tell the truth.

    You have an ammeter and voltmeter, battery, load of some sort, and battery charger. Try it yourself. When you stop a discharge, voltage rises back to a higher resting (o.c.) value. When you stop charging the battery at a significant current (at least a few amps) abruptly, the battery voltage drops down to its resting value. That behavior is no different on a 12 volt battery or the ebike battery.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Attention people of the earth. Here is the proof. Min 4:00 the bike motor is consuming 5 amp at 74v and discharging, flip the azz-hat switch to regen the battery is charging at 5.3amps. ...

    Look at the ammeter display. It is negative both before and after the switch. If it actually changed from negative to positive it would indicate a change in current direction, as in discharging to charging, but it does not change. It is always discharging at 74-75 volts.
    Here's a couple of screenshots after he turns it off. Notice how the voltage climbs as the current goes to zero. This indicates the battery had been discharging and then recovering potential once the discharge current had ceased. If it had been charging, the voltage would drop when the charge current ceases.

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  • BroMikey
    This is 10 years ago, not the same thing.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-20-2021, 07:13 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Attention people of the earth. Here is the proof. Min 4:00 the bike motor is consuming 5 amp at 74v and discharging, flip the azz-hat switch to regen the battery is charging at 5.3amps. I am only going to post this once. I can hear the weirdos say he must have a hidden cord on that.

    But don't get to carried away that is without a rider. Not bad tho. Listen to the man speak. Stop second guessing him, he is an honest person. Between him and Turion I have learned that they are right.

    I hope Dave didn't get the JAB he might be sick if he did.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-20-2021, 07:11 AM.

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