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The bistander thread
Like examples of magnetic energy being entrained into electrical circuits or electrical energy being entrained into magnetic circuits. Maybe the right kind of field feedback can flip the axis of rotation 90 degrees in whatever direction wanted. Permanent magnets just keep on putting out for a long time.
Originally posted by bistander View Post
You can possibly tap another energy source, take it in and output more energy
Exactly!, that is the point!
Basically We "stir up" an existing Field which starts a series of "perturbations" which goes beyond our generating system Space...invoking exterior energies into it, (from never, never land)
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Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
See, this is your problem, and it is not only you, but it briefs out the reason why we do not progress beyond ancient science...
You keep "anchored" on the 1800's Faraday's Discoveries.
Could You leave those ancient discoveries on a side,for this discussion?
A DC Pulsed Input to a Primary Tesla Coil, generates a pulsed HV Positive end on the Secondary, which is not AC, not if that Input to Primary is pulsed within the positive side only, like a positive square wave pulse. Where the Negative side of that Secondary Coil is attached to the negative input side of Primary, and ground of the System.
Between that negative ground and the positive HV side an Electric Field is created...that was all...not too complicated I believe for our level of knowledge here.
Therefore, the Electric Field generated above is not an AC, but a Pulsed DC Electric Field.
It could be "Dynamic" just because it is pulsating on the positive side, but not because it is fluctuating between plus and minus sinewave like you have cited above.
After known all this, the same question is done to You:
Can we have this Electric Field to Induce a Voltage and a Current which is greater than its Input?
You can step up voltage, or step up current, like a transformer. Actually, because the system has energy storage, you can step up power momentarily. But for equal energy states, beginning to end, you won't get more energy out than it takes energy in. You can possibly tap another energy source, take it in and output more energy, like from the atmosphere or your counterspace or never never land. (sorry, couldn't resist)
Actually some research is happening trying to flip electron spin states thinking they take a "nudge" and complete the flip giving up energy. I read a little about it but that's about all I have. So it's not impossible, IMO, to tap into some 'hiden' field or reservoir. Never said it was.
Good luck,
PS. Truth never gets too old.
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Originally posted by bistander View Post
Hi Ufo,
Electromagnetic induction is Faraday's Law which has to have a changing flux with respect to time. Transformers and alternators work with constantly changing flux due to Alternating Current (AC) at line frequency. Coils like in ignition systems see the changing flux in a DC system due to pulsing current or spikes.
You keep "anchored" on the 1800's Faraday's Discoveries.
Could You leave those ancient discoveries on a side,for this discussion?
A DC Pulsed Input to a Primary Tesla Coil, generates a pulsed HV Positive end on the Secondary, which is not AC, not if that Input to Primary is pulsed within the positive side only, like a positive square wave pulse. Where the Negative side of that Secondary Coil is attached to the negative input side of Primary, and ground of the System.
Between that negative ground and the positive HV side an Electric Field is created...that was all...not too complicated I believe for our level of knowledge here.
Therefore, the Electric Field generated above is not an AC, but a Pulsed DC Electric Field.
It could be "Dynamic" just because it is pulsating on the positive side, but not because it is fluctuating between plus and minus sinewave like you have cited above.
After known all this, the same question is done to You:
Can we have this Electric Field to Induce a Voltage and a Current which is greater than its Input?
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Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
Sorry, my bad,
Yeah, maybe I did not explain myself properly, but let me ask you as an example, when we have an ignition coil, connected internally in a way that only one (heavier gauge) HV wire comes out from its Secondary Coil (Like the spark plugs wires)...isn't that a Positive charged wire?
Plus, the Input to Primary is a 12v DC, and as far as I know, that wire only arcs to ground, correct?
So, If it is AC, then it should be a "live" wire?
Electromagnetic induction is Faraday's Law which has to have a changing flux with respect to time. Transformers and alternators work with constantly changing flux due to Alternating Current (AC) at line frequency. Coils like in ignition systems see the changing flux in a DC system due to pulsing current or spikes.
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Originally posted by bistander View Post
Hi Ufo,
I don't follow what you're up to. I don't think you can get a static electric field from a coil. Any action from a coil would involve current which will bring with it a magnetic field, which you say you don't want. Also AC can't make a static field to my knowledge, only dynamic. Also an E-beam (electron beam) is moving charges therefore producing magnetic field.
But I am speaking from my general knowledge on static fields as I don't have much actual experience with them.
Go for it,
Yeah, maybe I did not explain myself properly, but let me ask you as an example, when we have an ignition coil, connected internally in a way that only one (heavier gauge) HV wire comes out from its Secondary Coil (Like the spark plugs wires)...isn't that a Positive charged wire?
Plus, the Input to Primary is a 12v DC, and as far as I know, that wire only arcs to ground, correct?
So, If it is AC, then it should be a "live" wire?
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 06-12-2020, 02:01 PM.
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Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
Ok, great!
Am glad you believe on it being possible.
Like I said before, I am putting it as simple as possible -for now-
So the "Induction" am referring to is "pretty similar" to the Magnetic Induction We all know, used up to now to generate electricity...not much difference really...except, there is no need to "move" physically nothing.
This is how it works:
An HV Electric Field obtained with a Tesla Coil Technology, simplified as a HV Ignition Coil type (I always forget the right name to it)...But that Field is Static, enclosed within a specific Space...
So now we need a "Catalyst" to "Stir" that Field...or as Ken Wheeler refers to as: "Perturbate the Aether"...
I am using an E-Beam right at the center of that Electric Field Space...Beam accelerates towards the Positive end.
Beam is forced to conduct a series of magnetic deflections within that Electric is no longer following a straight line.
The Magnetic Deflections take place OUTSIDE the Electric Field, right where beam is originated (gun), but the beam keeps those deflections throughout electric field all the way to its positive end.
Then a Coil or Coils Collects the Electricity (Induced) from the now inducing Electric Field, but only whenever beam is deflected into a specific geometrical pattern.
Your opinion please...
I don't follow what you're up to. I don't think you can get a static electric field from a coil. Any action from a coil would involve current which will bring with it a magnetic field, which you say you don't want. Also AC can't make a static field to my knowledge, only dynamic. Also an E-beam (electron beam) is moving charges therefore producing magnetic field.
But I am speaking from my general knowledge on static fields as I don't have much actual experience with them.
Go for it,
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Originally posted by bistander View Post
One word answer: yes.
But I am sure there is a great deal of discussion centering on the definition of induction.
Am glad you believe on it being possible.
Like I said before, I am putting it as simple as possible -for now-
So the "Induction" am referring to is "pretty similar" to the Magnetic Induction We all know, used up to now to generate electricity...not much difference really...except, there is no need to "move" physically nothing.
This is how it works:
An HV Electric Field obtained with a Tesla Coil Technology, simplified as a HV Ignition Coil type (I always forget the right name to it)...But that Field is Static, enclosed within a specific Space...
So now we need a "Catalyst" to "Stir" that Field...or as Ken Wheeler refers to as: "Perturbate the Aether"...
I am using an E-Beam right at the center of that Electric Field Space...Beam accelerates towards the Positive end.
Beam is forced to conduct a series of magnetic deflections within that Electric is no longer following a straight line.
The Magnetic Deflections take place OUTSIDE the Electric Field, right where beam is originated (gun), but the beam keeps those deflections throughout electric field all the way to its positive end.
Then a Coil or Coils Collects the Electricity (Induced) from the now inducing Electric Field, but only whenever beam is deflected into a specific geometrical pattern.
Your opinion please...
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 06-11-2020, 06:09 PM.
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Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostHello Bistander,
Thanks for posting it here,
I am not going to get back in old time arguments with you now.
I have a question...and I will put it as simple as possible:
Do you think it is possible to achieve an Electric Field Induction?
No Magnetic Field involved on this Induction at all.
One word answer: yes.
But I am sure there is a great deal of discussion centering on the definition of induction.
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Hello Bistander,
Thanks for posting it here,
I am not going to get back in old time arguments with you now.
I have a question...and I will put it as simple as possible:
Do you think it is possible to achieve an Electric Field Induction?
No Magnetic Field involved on this Induction at all.
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Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
What is wrong?
The procedures you still use...looking up for the obsolete science based on BS from the 1800's to the 1900's...and "on line" articles then post as your only "example" why it don't work...
In ALL these years here, I have NEVER seen you get some time to build the replications You criticize, in order to "prove" it don't work!!
All you do is still the same "tactic" (which btw, I already have debunked it long time ago)
Yes I do, and is GREAT PROVE, with real LAB and Building Models, but NOT TO You!!
I am NOT going to disclose here fed up with this Forum not being moderated properly, ever.
I do have "other channels"
Take care
Here's one of Turion's which I replicated. And I replicated several of your experiments.
Notice I posted my reply over here to make you happy.
Scared to show me your "GREAT PROVE"? Same old stuff. Avoid the truth. Carry on.
Ufo says the following in the quoted post above:
"All you do is still the same "tactic" (which btw, I already have debunked it long time ago)".
Odd that I don't recall that. Perhaps he can elaborate and direct us to where that occurred.
And he goes on:
"The procedures you still use...looking up for the obsolete science based on BS from the 1800's to the 1900's...and "on line" articles then post as your only "example" why it don't work..."
Truth and fact are still valid even after 100 or more years. He still uses Ohm's Law. And modern power and information systems that are based on those old principles. And he's got the sequence wrong. I know the theory and facts. I use on-line resources to double check myself and then often post as a reference so readers can get more in-depth analysis. I've been accused of copying wiki when I have never done that without giving credit to the source. You'd think he and Turion would want to know why their stuff doesn't work. But no. They hide from truth and fact. They won't show their proofs publicly because they know I'll, or someone will show where it is wrong or erroneous.
Ufopolitics and Turion have each made claims which they refuse to back-up and prove.
biLast edited by bistander; 06-10-2020, 09:36 PM.
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Steampunk motor.
Could be a generator. Not really a very strong or efficient design, but interesting and neat looking. Video on the link shows some good DIY skills and techniques. Builders might pick up some tricks.
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Well, years back David had said he would show the device to member physics professor [Dr.Steven Jones] "anytime"
life and distance got in the way [big trip and travel cost too].
Not looking to start trouble here...the world needs solutions now more than ever.
Chet K
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Originally posted by RAMSET View PostBistander
I have to say this upfront ...I do believe Dave ,and have for many years [since his first anomalous energy claim] ,Carroll worked with this years back and had an anomaly on his bench too.[great respect for Carroll and his abilities ]
And Matt ...well I just like his Builds his grit and brutal honesty...[but that is just me]
I am hoping that Cyril can find the gain mechanism....his lifes work and skill set // experience are like no other man alive IMO [atleast in the open source community].
and at 86 years young...he truly inspires [many persons].
I hope some experiments can be modeled [Matt and Dave's work]....would be wonderful to find the actual gain mechanism..
I hope we can get those simple experiments on Benches of fellows such as yourself..and no I would not expect
blind obedience ...
this Cyril/Smudge topic is just getting started over there..the talent in the background is very deep and has much Bench and life experience with FE experimenting [Sparky magnet thingys to LENR].
hopefully that board yields something interesting ....we need an open sourced FE device if we are ever to become autonomous of the string pullers and powers that be.[just one mans opinion]
some people think we have plenty of time [not talking about any readers or contributors to this thread]
I don't !
Cyrils Topic again
RE : ION's [Vortex1 at] "fixed loss to ambient " test protocol
some members are going to post that and other really useful and simple test procedures/documents here and elsewhere.
wish I was one of those Video making guys, as you would have it right now...will probably try to make a vid or post a link soon.
Chet K
Thanks for the reply. I'll try to not let the fact that you say you believe Turion actually witnessed his machine put out 2kW with less than 300 input watts influence my opinion of you. I interact with many people who believe things that I don't. That's their business and as long as they don't force their beliefs on me, we get along just fine. Me? I say Turion is mistaken.
BTW, been a while, so I refreshed on LENR since you mentioned it. Nice resource:
I hope to see soon some resolution about the generator. I doubt Turion will ever do it. So it'd be great to have a definitive experiment run. But I'm not the one to do it. Who'd believe me?
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