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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post is obvious you have not seen my videos...

    20090823162839 - YouTube

    20090823173537 - YouTube

    You and anyone out there...Prove me wrong, debunk, or explain my Motors Generators...then I will listen...Ok??

    That IS ALL I have to say...Ok?


    Sir, you need not say anymore.

    I believe you.

    Thank you.

    Highest regards,



    • Yes, around 1.5 Years so far...

      Originally posted by wonza View Post
      So it's been 1.5 years since this thread was first opened. As builds etc went way over my head I now keep coming back every few weeks or so to check on things. I'm just wondering what's the most promising results we've had so far? Any real proof of OU yet? I understand these things take time
      Hello Wonza,

      Yes, You are right...around 1.5 years, to be more precise... in July 11th 2014, @ 02:15 AM ,US, Eastern Time it would be exactly Two Years...

      Well, unfortunately you were not able to keep replicating further on bigger machines, actually just a few kept working and still working on them, PLUS the required Monster Pulser Controllers to reduce Amps is not a "piece of cake" my friend, to beat lies and conspiracy well funded and Established as our main schooling for more than 134 years ...and if you look at Donald Smith Thread...well, it has been on for 4 Years...and as far as I OU Claims have been shown so far either.

      I find funny your "Audience with Attitude" position... ...not being able to replicate heavier machines...but still demanding like if you have done them all...or like the "Bosses Boss"...In other words, your short post above looks to me exactly like:

      WTF is going on here?!...You guys have been here for more than 1.5 years...and nothing of OU yet??!!

      Please, do not take it personal...I was just kidding...joking with you!

      So, now, seriously... let's make a "Review" of this Threat (I mean if you REALLY care about it...or it is just that you will post back whenever we do find it or we don't find OU...)...anyways, I really enjoy making this "Reviews"!...I have done them every certain periods of time before...

      So, let's start by simple questions resuming your concern about OU or Not...:

      1- How close have we got from achieving OU?...

      and ...

      2-How much more do we need in order to Over Do it in such a "fashion" and "Quantity" that no one will be able to refute it?

      I will answer both...a pleasure...

      1- We have achieved with nice sized Machines like Imperial Motors, to get "very close" to the point in some cases to achieve OU BUT by a few Watts only, and limited short time periods, and that, I believe is NOT enough, at least, not for me.
      Let me remind you that we were trying to turn a STIFF Symmetric Generator when loaded with decent Incandescent Lamps/Loads...In other words...we have a Super Heavy Weight Zumo Fighter as the Generator ...and We are "trying" to develop a higher and better "Super Stronger Fighter" within same Wrestling Weight Competence Capabilities...But, without the urge to eat/drink so much...therefore not ****ting, farting at all...

      So then We moved into a more "sophisticated" form to pulse this Motors (Quad Pulses/Off Set by D Times), with the great assistance of many excellent Members here, like John Stone designing the Monster Pulsers...and incorporating Arduino as the Micro-processing Chip...and help from Software Developers like Garry Childers...and Dana Higley who also constructed and ran very nice models, as well as Hitby13kw, Machine Alive and many more.

      As watching many videos from Dana, Hitby and Machine Alive...running this Machines...I saw Amps draw reduced by a 25% and still performing excellent...but to me was still not enough...I believe we need a stronger Pulse Motor assisted by Counterweights, and more magnetic forces...So I dropped the Dual Stator System...and specifically adapted to Imperial...unfortunately no one have built such machine as of now...but am certain, with Quad Pulse System and that Structure...OU would be achieved at large numbers and easy, effortlessly.

      Unfortunately, People have other duties besides working on projects that do not get them in return, any "Legal Tender Notes"......In order to keep spending more "Legal Tender Notes"...into "something" that We All have been told so many times..."it would NEVER work"...right?

      Well, let me say this...I went so far into putting so much time , money and effort on all this material and models I have been disclosing here, that I lost my only source of income I had for more than Twenty (22) Years...
      I understand my attitude was not "responsible" at all, and now I am "paying" for the consequences...but, still, I do not regret that I did so much in such short time of work...

      Some of the "few" (actually you could count them with one hand, meaning...less than five) great replicators of Imperial have abandoned their so far advanced models and effort...what a pity!...but I guess they were either disappointed...or got distracted into more "promising" territory...I am not sure which reason...but it is a fact.

      I have spent I don't know exactly how many dozens of hours designing Models for "Last Minute Debutantes" showing weird structure configurations (poles/stators wise)...which I solved them all in nicely- time consuming CAD Diagrams...and so far, I have never heard from them ever again...

      I have designed beautiful and very promising machines likes MAG3...which Cornboy555 is in the hard and costly process of building it from scratch...but then again...Money and Time issues what really set Us all back from finishing this Open Source Work that in the end would be for other future generations to enjoy the benefits of living in a World Free of Oil Burning Machines.

      But am sure someone out there...will get the message I have planted and keep going with it...until we all finally see it happening...someday.


      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-07-2014, 06:50 PM.
      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • I'm here sir along with my son

        Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
        Hello Wonza,

        But am sure someone out there...will get the message I have planted and keep going with it...until we all finally see it happening...someday.

        Dear Sir,
        I'm here along with my son - who is 11 year old belonging to the next generation - to make it and prove OU. My son (hope you remember calls you Vishwaroop) was in fact asking me about my progress in this and demanding a time line to finish this.

        Sir, I promise - with the guidance you already gave in this thread - I'll make some machines from scratch and prove your designs bring in OU.

        Now I'm telling you sir I don't need further guidance. I'll make them myself with the help of your earlier posts. I will never give a scope for the time to prove your designs work great. All I require from you are your best wishes.
        Come back to you very soon sir.
        Regards and Namaste



        • Still around & in the game.

          Greetings Mr. UFOPolitics:

          Just a quick 'I'm still around' and am in the game.

          I have the two larger Imperial motors which you designed the windings for. (P66 frame.) Right now, I am waiting on my machinist friend to complete a shaft. The new shaft will extend out several inches on each end of the motor.

          A pair of the P56 frame Imperial motors are also sitting in my basement awaiting treatment for their 'symmetrical dysfunction'.

          My UFO coils, one is over 8 lbs., have been experimented with, applying charge to 10k AH LABs sitting in the driveway. One pulser used to drive these coils is Bob French's drawing and the other based on the diagrams provided by Mr. John Stone. I've tried several different FETs that were available to see how they played. (Smoked a bunch of them.)

          I have a 5kw generator mounted to a stand, just waiting for the P66 frame motor to be completed.....

          So, I reckon there are several folks around who aren't saying much, but are chipping away at this as funding and opportunity allow.

          I will say this: Thank you sir. Thank you very much.



          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
            Hello Wonza,

            Yes, You are right...around 1.5 years, to be more precise... in July 11th 2014, @ 02:15 AM ,US, Eastern Time it would be exactly Two Years...

            Well, unfortunately you were not able to keep replicating further on bigger machines, actually just a few kept working and still working on them, PLUS the required Monster Pulser Controllers to reduce Amps Draw...
            Some of the "few" (actually you could count them with one hand, meaning...less than five) great replicators of Imperial have abandoned their so far advanced models and effort...what a pity!...but I guess they were either disappointed...or got distracted into more "promising" territory...I am not sure which reason...but it is a fact.

            I have spent I don't know exactly how many dozens of hours designing Models for "Last Minute Debutantes" showing weird structure configurations (poles/stators wise)...which I solved them all in nicely- time consuming CAD Diagrams...and so far, I have never heard from them ever again...

            I have designed beautiful and very promising machines likes MAG3...which Cornboy555 is in the hard and costly process of building it from scratch...but then again...Money and Time issues what really set Us all back from finishing this Open Source Work that in the end would be for other future generations to enjoy the benefits of living in a World Free of Oil Burning Machines.


            G'day UFO
            I can see You are very distressed at this time and the disappointment of not seeing the progress of others replicating your disclosure.
            I for one and I am sure the rest of the active Team really appreciate what you have shown us but like you have said most of us have to earn money so we can continue with this great work I read all the posts and with the exception of the time wasters who only try to disrupt the flow of these great threads.

            It was asked what use was these Asymmetric machines going to do for the poor of this world and you explained how a generator could be run by one of these motors and power a house and you started by demonstrating how a Imperial P56 motor which you modified easily could be connected up to a Mecc-Allte generator head so quite a few of us bought these Imperial Motors to replicate what you were doing.

            The Imperial Project is still alive
            I do not remember how many Imperial UFO kits were purchased I have seen how a few rebuilt their machines very quickly connected up to a Mecc Alte or similar alternators and some showing their progress even lighting large lamps showing that their machines were in fact working. and John Stone came on the scene with his Monster driver and asked for at least 3 replicators to build these monsters of which started then an in-depth discussion of the actual switching on and off of these motors and you showed how by switching serially each brush on within one cycle or hertz that the amp draw was considerably reduced. then there was the discussion of the complicated programming of the actual automated driver of these P56/alternator Builds AND this is where the shift from building the machines shifted to building the Program to drive the Electric motor/Generator which Dana started then along came Garry Childers and the programming is still in process Garry needed to build the monster drivers and also an asymmetric motor so as to continue with the testing of the programming

            So after this there was what appears to be a stand still as far as the Imperial/Mecc Alte goes. It is not at a standstill it is in progress.

            Midas' project is also alive it also involves not only himself but Dana is helping him in the driver that John Stone said he would help him by designing the driver this project is I believe at least a 12 month project

            I am sure MachineAlive also is active and really appreciates as you help him in his build

            Light is still active

            Cornboy's mag 3 Project I am sure he will finish it is still alive

            Dana is still active

            John Stone is very active

            My Project is still alive
            I like many others have never built or re wound a motor before I have finished winding about 6 motors and the last one the Chinese 1000w is so far the best so I am in the process of rewinding my rewinding of the last 2 MY1060 motors. I did these motors first so I could gain the winding experience to wind the 3 Imperial motors I also purchased so I can continue in this project
            There are others like sampojo and ajaya999 they are active and progressing There are many who just look and follow along

            There are really many active on this thread some just not seem to be

            UFO I am sorry you lost your source of income but am really pleased that you have disclosed what you have and like the others we will progress so please keep up the good work as we also need your help to progress.

            Kindest Regards to you my friend

            Kogs still progressing


            • Kogs Progress to date

              G'day UFO and Team
              When I finish my 2 projects (almost there) it's no good building motors and not having /showing in a practical use and that is why I have these projects to show these motors in use.
              First My Bicycle one of the small My Motors I am re winding them as my first rewinds were not balanced and were getting hot. I think that when I measured the Ohms on each armature coil It measured 7 Ohms but I forgot and did not measure the Ohms of the DMM which varied according to the ambient temperature so I measures each coil and they measured 7 ohms and the DMM measured 4 Ohms so in fact each coil was only really 3 Ohms As I was unwinding the motor I found that I had not wound exactly the number of turns on each Pole so I used a counter on the 1000w motor So I am waiting for some finer wire to rewind these 2 motors.

              After I rewind these 2 motors I will wind the one Imperial P56 motor 14 winds per half pole using 1mm diam. wire

              Second then the tricycle the 1000w ZY Chinese motor It is wound with .6mm diam. wire and 25turns each half pole and so each Pole is 2 x 25 = 50 turns measured with a DMM is 1.4 Ohms minus the DMM=4 Ohms is 1 ohm per pole.
              The motor runs smooth and does not get hot nor does the Monster driver it draws unloaded at soft start 2 amps fast star tup 3 amps settling down to 1.2 amps.
              I have left the wiring from the motor to the battery original that is each opposing set of brushes is in parallel.

              I still have to design and build the Tricycle it will be done using Plywood. I just now after much searching for have been given a Peerless 100 Limited slip diff/axle from a motor mower that my engineering friend had /found in his shed. The axle will have on each end a wheel hub to fit onto the Double rimmed 20" (500mm) Bicycle wheels, the Drive sprocket will be bolted to one side of the diff housing and the Brake disc will be bolted to the other side My Friend will be machining the mechanical parts for me as I need them. The front wheel will be in spring loaded forks.

              I will keep you all updated as I progress

              Kindest Regards to you my friends

              Kogs still progressing


              • still watching,

                Although I have been busy lately, I still have the imperial sitting and waiting for me to hit it with about 150v 40amps.

                Ok Ill stand up and say it.
                My name is machine alive, I'm 43 years old and I have a learning addiction, I spend all my extra money on experiments, equipment, and books. I spend so much time in my other world, I also almost lost my real life business once, and now I have to focus a little more on that. It's finally getting back on track again.

                See, were all the same, lab rats of different shapes and sizes.

                I sure do appreciate everything you've shared UFO, and sacrificed.

                I've been tinkering with my sensors. Just finished a buffered ac volt/power meter, hopefully it works. Finished a nice little 2 phase generator(smooth), and am focused on the toroid and the big generator.

                UFO, you said your imperial would just not beat the alte, almost. So, what was your data? Did you make a video? DUDE, COME ON.
                Sorry, but I know my imperial works better then yours ,
                So you gotta tell me what your results were, and as soon as I GET A CHANCE., I'll beat your imperial.

                Maybe Ill drop one in a bike this spring, when it warms up, I'm sure midas will help. And You can bet your life, that I'm still working on the dual stator.

                Regards my friends


                • Originally posted by wonza View Post
                  So it's been 1.5 years since this thread was first opened. As builds etc went way over my head I now keep coming back every few weeks or so to check on things. I'm just wondering what's the most promising results we've had so far? Any real proof of OU yet? I understand these things take time

                  Hello @Wonza, nice to see you again.
                  Well for most of us who are working on projects the time spent sometimes runs into over runs as the nature of the projects tend to become more advanced. In my case I was working on a dual pentagon asymmetric motor (using a pair of Goldmine Massive 12VDC Motors 3" long x 1.67" Diameter)

                  I completed the motor project some five months ago. Meanwhile myself and our several group members decided to include Arduino micro-controller to dynamically control pulsed power system to run the the motor systems. I embarked on the project of collecting data so that it could be analysed later in detail.
                  The functions included: RPM, Volts, Current, Temperature and Safety Shutdown.
                  Initially RPM Function was based on the Interrupt-Driven software but which had some short comings. Later on it was decided to preprocess RPM Function in hardware and then use Arduino in its final stages. then there are times when some electronic components goes south.
                  Hopefully in the next couple of days I am in position to start running the various trails.
                  Question one might ask, is it easy? The answer is not always. It is the desire to reach the chosen goal. I have looked at this and other forums and here is my conclusion:
                  There are some who actually roll up their sleeves and are doing something about the problem at hand. The remainder just talk. The goal of OU is something we all are trying to reach but there are unknown number of steps.

                  There is an old saying, "God helps those who are trying to do something with their body, mind and spirit."

                  Next question. Was time spent with Arduino of any use? Yes like everything else it is one segment of time invested wisely for the future projects. It is just going to be another useful tool. As always we share all the work. All the Arduino sketches (programs) will be out there to use or enhance it.

                  Anyway getting ready for the various trails. It is nice of you to visit us now and then but we will dearly prefer if you can help us by doing something.

                  After this there is my Imperial Motor Kit waiting (or crying out) to start building it. As always, I will say it again, "UFO gained my respect because he shared everything and all the steps, honestly and in entirety."
                  He is truly a Gentleman and a Scholar.

                  There were others who only showed some boxed model with view just creating publicity hoping for marketing opportunities (for example, Don Smith).

                  Just as I have completed my final version of Arduino software to collect data, I am going to present preliminary version of the sketch below.
                  Next it needs to be tidied up.

                  Warm regards and Namaste



                  Following Arduino Libraries will also be require installation:



                  #include <Wire.h>

                  #include <i2cmaster.h>

                  //Declarations - Hall Sensor A1302 output is preprocessed in hardware by converting Freq->Voltage using IC LM2907N Freq-to-Voltage Converter
                  // The Voltage output 0-5v is then directly fed to the Arduino Analogue Input Pin A5
                  const int analogueInPin5 = A5; // is then directly applied to the Arduino Analogue Input Pin A5
                  float rpm = 0;

                  // IR Thermometer globle variables
                  float celcius;
                  float fahrenheit;

                  // Two Voltmeters - globle variables
                  const float VoltageMultiplier = 21.4; // This constant enables Arduino to analogue value to 0-100v range
                  float Voltmeter1Value = 0; // Voltmeter1 value coming for V_sensor1, initially 0
                  float Voltmeter2Value = 0; // Voltmeter1 value coming for V_sensor2, initially 0
                  float VoltMeter1; // Voltmeter 1 Output value
                  float VoltMeter2; // Voltmeter 2 Output value

                  // digital pin 5 will output SHUTDOWN of Power Supply to the Motor in case of
                  // exceeding Critical Max Temperature
                  short maxTempSignalYellow = 4; // Reserved for Digital Pin 4 as Condition Yellow Pin
                  short maxTempSignalRed = 5; // Reserved for Digital Pin 5 as Condition Red Pin
                  const short maxTempYellow = 40; // Condition Yellow Warning Motor coil/commutator temperature range 40 to 50 degC. Operator must take action to bring temperature down
                  // IMPERIAL MOTORS website state that their motors has Ambient Temperature of 40 degC
                  const short maxTempRed = 50; // Condition RED Critical Warning Motor coil/commutator temperature in degC. Motor Shutdown will be ENFORCED automatically.
                  short maxTempStatus = 0; // This variable can be with value 0,1,2 depending the temp degC

                  // ACS712 Low Current Sensor 0-5A. The DIGITAL FILTERING of noise was used to reduce noise level.
                  // A mode filter technique which is a combination of a median filter and an averaging filter was written by
                  // Eleminating noise from sensor readings on Arduino with digital filtering |
                  // using function
                  // float readACS712_low_current(int sensorpin)
                  // Many Thanks
                  int sensorpin = A2;

                  void setup()
                  // Serial.println("Setup...");

                  i2c_init(); //Initialise the i2c bus
                  // PORTC = (1 << PORTC4) | (1 << PORTC5);//enable pullups

                  // initialize serial communication with computer:

                  pinMode(maxTempSignalYellow, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin 4 as Condition Yellow Output
                  pinMode(maxTempSignalRed, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin 5 as Condition Red Output

                  void loop()

                  // ACS712 Low Current measurement utilizing digital filtering function
                  float correction = 0.154; // helps in zeroing the current sensor output
                  float Reading_sensorpin = readACS712_low_current(sensorpin);
                  float voltage = Reading_sensorpin * (5.0 / 1023.0);
                  float amps = (2.5 - voltage) + correction;

                  Serial.print('H'); // unique header to identify start of message
                  Serial.print(maxTempStatus); // values 0 - Normal Temperature Condition Green,
                  // values 1 - Warning Dangerous Temperature Condition Yellow
                  // values 2 - Extreme Temperature Condition Red, Forcible ShutDown of PSU to the Motor
                  Serial.println(); // send a cr/lf


                  #define NUM_READS 100
                  float readACS712_low_current(int sensorpin){
                  // read multiple values and sort them to take the mode
                  int sortedValues[NUM_READS];
                  for(int i=0;i<NUM_READS;i++){
                  int value = analogRead(sensorpin);
                  int j;
                  if(value<sortedValues[0] || i==0){
                  j=0; //insert at first position
                  if(sortedValues[j-1]<=value && sortedValues[j]>=value){
                  // j is insert position
                  for(int k=i;k>j;k--){
                  // move all values higher than current reading up one position
                  sortedValues[j]=value; //insert current reading
                  //return scaled mode of 10 values
                  float returnval = 0;
                  for(int i=NUM_READS/2-5;i<(NUM_READS/2+5);i++){
                  returnval +=sortedValues[i];
                  returnval = returnval/10;
                  return returnval*1100/1023;


                  void thermometer1_IR(){
                  int dev = 0x5A<<1; // 0x5A is the I2C hex Address of IR Melexis MLX90614
                  int data_low = 0;
                  int data_high = 0;
                  int pec = 0;


                  // read
                  data_low = i2c_readAck(); //Read 1 byte and then send ack
                  data_high = i2c_readAck(); //Read 1 byte and then send ack
                  pec = i2c_readNak();

                  //This converts high and low bytes together and processes temperature, MSB is a error bit and is ignored for temps
                  double tempFactor = 0.02; // 0.02 degrees per LSB (measurement resolution of the MLX90614)
                  double tempData = 0x0000; // zero out the data
                  int frac; // data past the decimal point

                  // This masks off the error bit of the high byte, then moves it left 8 bits and adds the low byte.
                  tempData = (double)(((data_high & 0x007F) << 8) + data_low);
                  tempData = (tempData * tempFactor)-0.01;

                  celcius = tempData - 273.15;
                  fahrenheit = (celcius*1.8) + 32;

                  if(celcius <= maxTempYellow) {
                  maxTempStatus = 0;
                  digitalWrite(maxTempSignalYellow, LOW);
                  digitalWrite(maxTempSignalRed, LOW);


                  if(celcius > maxTempYellow && celcius < maxTempRed) {
                  maxTempStatus = 1;
                  digitalWrite(maxTempSignalYellow, HIGH); // sets the maxTempYellow HIGH ('LED ON') - representing Warning Alarm

                  if(celcius >= maxTempRed ) {
                  digitalWrite(maxTempSignalRed, HIGH); // sets the maxTempRed HIGH ('LED ON') - representing PSU ShutDown
                  maxTempStatus = 2;

                  delay(100); // wait a second before printing again

                  //function for voltmeter1 can read 0-100 V DC
                  void voltage_Ch1_Fn()
                  // read the input on analog pin A0 and write corresponding in the range of (0-1023) into Voltmeter1Value
                  Voltmeter1Value = analogRead(A0);
                  // Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 - 1023) to a voltage (0 -100 V):
                  VoltMeter1 = Voltmeter1Value * (5.0 * VoltageMultiplier/ 1023.0);

                  //This function can read upto maximum of 100 V DC
                  void voltage_Ch2_Fn()
                  // read the input on analog pin A1 and write corresponding in the range of (0-1023) into sensorValueCh2
                  Voltmeter2Value = analogRead(A1);
                  // Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 - 1023) to a voltage (0 -100 V):
                  VoltMeter2 = Voltmeter2Value * (5.0 * VoltageMultiplier/ 1023.0);

                  //Capture The Hall Sensor A1302 Frequency of Rotation which hardware prepoccessed using F2V IC
                  // LM2907N Freq-to-Voltage Converter where output voltage is proportional the input freq (from the hall Sensor)
                  // RPM Function
                  void rpmHallSensor(){
                  // read the input on analog pin 0:
                  float sensorValueRPM = analogRead(analogueInPin5);
                  const int RPM_Multiplier = 3150;
                  float voltsSensor = 4.35 * (sensorValueRPM/ 1023.0);

                  rpm = RPM_Multiplier * voltsSensor; // RPM_Multiplier converts Sensor voltsto rpm value

                  Serial.print("\t SensorValueRPM = ");
                  Serial.print(sensorValueRPM );

                  Serial.print("\t voltsSensor = ");
                  Serial.print(voltsSensor );

                  Serial.print("\t RPM_Multiplier = " );
                  Serial.print(RPM_Multiplier );

                  Serial.print("\t RPM = ");
                  Serial.println(rpm );

                  delay(700); // delay in between reads for stability

                  Last edited by Lightworker1; 01-08-2014, 03:54 AM. Reason: addition


                  • Ufo, hanging tough

                    Very sorry to hear about your income setback. I want to personally thank you for sharing your your brilliance and discoveries and all the hard work. As Tesla learned, and your situation shows, as we builders know, free energy is not so very free. The lady is very coy and demanding, only yielding to genius of certain men willing to exert the max. I have been reading the new Tesla autobiography "Wizard" and he always worked himself to exhaustion and certainly paid the max. I am heartened by your continued dedication. Thank you again.

                    Up, Up and Away


                    • Hey Lightworker

                      Many thanks for the sketch. Looks nice. What program do you use for console?
                      You don't mind if I try to add an ac voltage sensor and sd logger to your nice work?



                      • I know that I have not made much of a contribution to the thread but I am still here and working on it. My replications have all been small motors to this point but I am working toward the Imperial. I have been working on the electronics first. Slow but steady as I try to balance limited time and funds over many projects.
                        I too have a learning addiction for this stuff. At the same time I try to keep the wife happy or I may have already sold everything to follow the rabbit down the hole.
                        UFO, I truely hope that every thing works out for the best. We all here owe you much for your teachings and great patience.


                        • UFO, Keep your chin up.

                          I am still working on the Imperial. The rotor is so out of balance that It shakes hard after 2500 RPM. I am sending it to Imperial to be balanced up to 5000 RPM. They are going to check out everything so I will have a chance to see top potential. I am also designing another Imperial case to install the stators as coils. This is not easy but can be done. I'm trying to find something to use as the coil frame that can be bolted from the outside. Everything else can be used as is. A balanced rotor and coils, in place of magnets, in a second case, will allow both types of testing without loosing ether one. Looking toward the outcome.
                          "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                          Nikola Tesla


                          • Hello UFO, the responce to the revision for Wonza, from members here, must give you some heart.

                            You know with me, it's just time, nothing else, i am trying to clear the decks, and the workshop, to put in some Quality Time on my build.

                            Cheer up friend, the collection of Bandits you have gathered here, are not giving up, we will end up raiding that FE bank, you'll see.

                            @ DANA, i am so glad you are going to try electromagnets for stators, in the imperial. It would be great if someone could design a shape for a suitable core, so every body could mould iron powder or shot - resin cores, very cheaply.

                            I have built cores like that with mounting bolts cast directly into the cores.


                            Regards Everybody, Cornboy.


                            • Asymmetrical Motor For Sale

                              Is anybody selling asymmetrical motors on ebay?

                              No telling what one would go for if it were advertised on this forum and on youtube.

                              It might bring in some much needed revenue if you know what I mean.




                              • Thanks from My Heart!

                                Hello Guys,

                                First, Thanks for all your very warm and nice Team response, telling me basically...UFO, We are still here and will keep going.

                                I know there are many others also working in the "background"...or call it "underground"...building Imperials...and testing would really feel great to all of Us...if at least you could drop a couple of lines and a Video...whenever you get there...

                                @Machine...Anytime my friend...let's make that "race"... ...but let me tell you this from my heart...I will LOVE that Your Imperial will BEAT THE S**T out of mine anytime...remember, just one of Us who get's there is enough for me, as I believe for many, many others here.

                                @Kogs: Thanks Friend!, I know We will get there I also know all the pain and heavy duty Therapy you are going through to make sure that Knee "adapts" well into your body...just wish you a very fast recovery!

                                @Dana: I know you have been busy and helping Midaz on his Bike...that is a great responsibility friend, but I know you guys will win that we also will win our biggest race ever to be FREE of OIL...

                                @Lightworker:...Yes Friend with your very detailed work on measurements there would be exactly ZERO Doubts when You start throwing those Parameters together.

                                @Sampojo, Thanks Friend!

                                @Cornboy: Yes I do Friend...I do feel great by everybody's I also know your main issue is time...but you know what you have
                                rolling in your hands...

                                @Kumar: Yes, I know you will build it...and send regards to your Son...tell Him we are working for His Generation to become the future teachers and so, tell him to get ready for what's coming.

                                @GlenWV, Thanks Friend, I know that P66 would be another "Beast" just like the Imperial P56...Good luck and wish you best of luck building it!

                                @Berg: Thanks Berg, I know you do you also loved those Video-Tests I did on the BOSCH Scooter Motor...

                                @Zardox: Thanks Friend!

                                @Wonza, Many Thanks for your inquiring post!...Hope You've got some answers now on our, please feel free to come back in a few more weeks...Regards

                                Thanks to You All Guys!

                                Kind Regards

                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

