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Lockridge Device - Peter Lindemann

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  • mbrownn
    Keep up the good work.

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  • wantomake

    To All,
    Just finished installing field coils - generator and motor. Case has 1/4 inch wide slots that stop 1/2 inch from top and bottom.

    21 awg wire for trifilar coil in the mail. Will need to wind armature.. Not sure awg size but guessing 19 to 17.

    Will refabricate brush holders (4). Ordered front face plate, so will have bearings on both ends.

    Still working at it,

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  • mbrownn
    Sorry for the late reply, I don't have internet access these days and have to go to the internet cafe.

    The first thing you need to do is get a four pole generator like the delco and slot the case. This way you separate the magnetic circuits.

    The slots can be as wide as you want but if they are too narrow you will get some magnetic leakage across them. At this time I dont know how much metal should be left at each end of the slots, I am guessing that as small amount as possible while keeping the structural integrity but there is a possibility that some metal may be required for the triflar coil functions.

    Next would be positioning of the brushes if you want to test all the options but if you go straight into an armature rewind you can leave the brushes until after you do that.

    80% of the tricks is the motor generator transformer and functions in the rotor and stator with 20% or so in the trifilar coil. It may not be necessary to have a trifilar coil if everything was perfectly matched although I believe their should be windings wrapped around the motor. I have not proved this yet.

    If your happy to do a complete rewind I believe a four pole starter motor could be used although it is best to have nice free bearings instead of bushes.

    Come on guys have a go

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  • wantomake
    Looking forward

    Thanks mbrownn,

    I look forward to your progress and hope we can finish this project and put it to use.

    We have worked on this for a long time, you more than any. I hope to start this week in the shop as I have a ton to caught up with after such long time away from home.

    Really anticipate your pictures or video's. PM me if need to.


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  • mbrownn
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post
    Hello to All,

    Been in Japan for the summer, will start back with the building and then testing of the Lockridge device. It will be close to the exact as seen in the J Bedini video. With some minor differences.

    I think imho, that the device must be built with the inductor, capacitor, and case in close proximity to each other.

    Will post results.

    The motor, generator and transformer actions must take place on the same core, this way we only have one set of iron losses. My research has been closest to the original device as far as I know of any other researcher. I will share everything I know.

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  • wantomake
    will push onward

    Hello to All,

    Been in Japan for the summer, will start back with the building and then testing of the Lockridge device. It will be close to the exact as seen in the J Bedini video. With some minor differences.

    I think imho, that the device must be built with the inductor, capacitor, and case in close proximity to each other.

    Will post results.


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  • mbrownn
    Originally posted by garrypm View Post
    Hi Mike,

    If you have not seen quanta magnetics recent videos, I suggest you take
    a few minutes and view them. (The last two anyway)

    Something jumps out at me re the lockridge.

    Here is a link - Quanta Magnetics - Energy Research - YouTube

    Cheers, Garry
    Interesting though definitely different from the Lockridge.

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  • garrypm
    Hi Mike,

    If you have not seen quanta magnetics recent videos, I suggest you take
    a few minutes and view them. (The last two anyway)

    Something jumps out at me re the lockridge.

    Here is a link - Quanta Magnetics - Energy Research - YouTube

    Cheers, Garry

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  • mbrownn
    Sorry for the late reply

    I used an armature that had twice as many segments on the commutator as slots in the armature. This resulted in every other commutator segment being blank.

    I wound the armature so that each side of the coil was 180 degrees from the other, you find modern armatures are not wound this way. the result was a very good motoring action and a lot of arcing on the commutator (i never got the recovery brushes fitted before the device was stolen, no conspiracy just thieves stealing copper) see the drawing on this post

    If your going to rewind, i would not bother with lap winding

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  • wantomake

    Thanks mbrownn,
    I've got the case slotted as I posted before. There are no wires on the armature and I'm going to rewind it.

    Can you do a lap winding and skip every other segment? This seems to be only way to charge the capacitor with a spike captured with the generator brushes.


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  • mbrownn
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post
    Just wondering about your Lockridge device and how the build goes.
    Presently I can't contribute while we are in japan. Wife is getting eyes fixed.

    I finally was able to study "Electric Motor Secrets 2" and do have many notes and many ideas to try once stateside.

    Dr. Lindemann stated that the armature was not rewound but, in the "Energy from the Vacuum part 14" JB is holding an armature that has "skipped" segments on the commutator. On the web I can't find a picture or diagram of any starter or generator with "skipped" segments like that. Just wondering. I'm sure I misunderstood or I don't have all the info on this.

    Maybe this is important. Just trying to keep this interesting subject alive until I can get back to it.

    Thanks for your time,
    Good observation,

    Yes, it does look like every other segment is blank but we cannot see what is underneath.

    Hiwater has found two winding types used on delco generators that he has seen, there may be more. I believe that a standard old type of wave wound armature could have every other segment cut thus no rewind. I am not saying peter is wrong but my instinct is that every other segment may be blank.

    At this stage don,t worry about your armature, get the motor case slotted and adjust it for maximum speed/generation. Then we can play with the armatures. We have found a massive build up of voltage in a standard LAP wound armature which may be significant so I don't want to eliminate that yet.

    Replicate the motor geometry and test it, after all possibilities have been tested we can try what we think the armature was. Your data adds to the research.

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  • wantomake
    just update

    Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
    That blank segment could be significant, I believe it is, but I have not proved anything yet.

    The windings cannot be interconnecting or there are many interactions in the armature windings including shorting out the spikes. Wave winding seems like the pattern although I have not ruled out lap winding.

    Lap winding with the interconnections has produced some very interesting results which we need to replicate, so use a standard armature at first so that you can confirm our results. Then we can do the other armature windings.

    By interesting I mean a multiplication of voltage on the output. The waveform also needs more study.

    I dont know the gauge of the wire but I would use the same as what it is normally fitted.

    Make sure you can advance or retard your output field coils for tuning.

    Once we have the motor geometry worked out we can play with the armature windings and also make it pulse. After that we do the recovery and then it is the trifilar coil. I suspect we have a few surprises there

    Keep up the good work
    Just wondering about your Lockridge device and how the build goes.
    Presently I can't contribute while we are in japan. Wife is getting eyes fixed.

    I finally was able to study "Electric Motor Secrets 2" and do have many notes and many ideas to try once stateside.

    Dr. Lindemann stated that the armature was not rewound but, in the "Energy from the Vacuum part 14" JB is holding an armature that has "skipped" segments on the commutator. On the web I can't find a picture or diagram of any starter or generator with "skipped" segments like that. Just wondering. I'm sure I misunderstood or I don't have all the info on this.

    Maybe this is important. Just trying to keep this interesting subject alive until I can get back to it.

    Thanks for your time,

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  • mbrownn
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post
    I noticed in the "Energy from the Vacuum Pt 14" that the armature winding skipped a segment as they rewound it. And it looks like lap wound on the back side of the armature. Not sure. Just looks different than how the wave winding on generators I have. But seems I'll really need a different wave winding than usual. I will wind the armature last maybe. Still waiting to order wire. Is 18 gauge the size used in generators from the 50's?

    I do have the case slotted, and now inserting field coils. Will need to rewind two for the generator. I'm using old wire from other old generators I have on hand. A person gave me several that I'm using parts from.

    Will try to upload some pictures as soon as I can.

    Any and all input is appreciated,
    That blank segment could be significant, I believe it is, but I have not proved anything yet.

    The windings cannot be interconnecting or there are many interactions in the armature windings including shorting out the spikes. Wave winding seems like the pattern although I have not ruled out lap winding.

    Lap winding with the interconnections has produced some very interesting results which we need to replicate, so use a standard armature at first so that you can confirm our results. Then we can do the other armature windings.

    By interesting I mean a multiplication of voltage on the output. The waveform also needs more study.

    I dont know the gauge of the wire but I would use the same as what it is normally fitted.

    Make sure you can advance or retard your output field coils for tuning.

    Once we have the motor geometry worked out we can play with the armature windings and also make it pulse. After that we do the recovery and then it is the trifilar coil. I suspect we have a few surprises there

    Keep up the good work

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  • mbrownn
    Originally posted by Blargus View Post

    Yes mbrownn is talking about a different kind of motor. The one I am working on (or waiting on) right now is a permanent magnet DC motor that has 4 permanent magnets in the stator (the motor housing). If that is the same type that you are working on, maybe try putting a diode this way (from last turn)--------|<--------(to commutator) at the end of your coil wire. This is not in Matt's drawing but I think it is necessary based on my experiences. Are you powering all four brushes to get the motor to run? Do you have 2 additional brushes for recovery meaning 6 brushes total?


    Thanks I do have questions...I would love to try it, but I also am very short of funds...I've been trying to save up for 3 450V 4700uF capacitors to continue the scooter motor development, no joy yet. Will keep an eye out for an old delco remy generator, I like the idea of working with field coils. That's a nice magnetic flux picture. There is not much back EMF in the powered coils because the magnetic flux is all moving in a way that does not induce much opposing current in the power coils? But in output coils this is not the case? I just noticed the slots there too Anyway thanks a lot, sorry I am not more able to work on this at the moment, maybe I can soon. I appreciate sharing your work and being able to think about it.

    Exactly. This motor, if you want to call it that, has little or no BEMF in the powered coils. It is a generator, an energizer and a transformer that produces torque. I suppose i could call it a GET or TEG or something like that.

    By itself it is not overunity because of the relatively poor efficiency of the donor generator so additional circuitry is needed. It is the result of my Lockridge research and testing and bares a remarkable resemblance to what JB has

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  • wantomake
    wave winding

    Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
    The zigzag is for a reason. The way towire the armature is not the most efficient use of wire, Thats Lap winding, we want to use wave winding.

    Mat and peter Concentrated on the armature using a permanent magnet motor, I am using field coils and four of them. No magnets so it is a different beast. What I am doing is closer to the original device as far as I know.

    Get a four pole delco remey generator and use that as your starting point.
    I noticed in the "Energy from the Vacuum Pt 14" that the armature winding skipped a segment as they rewound it. And it looks like lap wound on the back side of the armature. Not sure. Just looks different than how the wave winding on generators I have. But seems I'll really need a different wave winding than usual. I will wind the armature last maybe. Still waiting to order wire. Is 18 gauge the size used in generators from the 50's?

    I do have the case slotted, and now inserting field coils. Will need to rewind two for the generator. I'm using old wire from other old generators I have on hand. A person gave me several that I'm using parts from.

    Will try to upload some pictures as soon as I can.

    Any and all input is appreciated,
    Last edited by wantomake; 06-05-2013, 08:09 PM.

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