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  • More Lost Zilano Posts Found

    Thanks to some new files that were provided to me, I've been able to find some more lost Zilano posts between the dates of Sept. 12 thru Nov. 26. I just wanted to give you a preliminary update. I'm pulling those posts out and putting together another pdf file for you. There is a large number of pages I'm having to go through and so it's taking some time, but I think it will be worth it.


    • Everyone seems to have a theory, but maybe the obvious is being overlooked... What happens when you discharge a cap into an inductor? Tesla called it the "condenser method of magnification". Voltage is converted to amperage, I believe it was Peter Lindemann that said 90% of the voltage is converted to amperage leaving 10% voltage intact. The formula ; V(C/L)^2 = amperage.

      If the "tank" or parallel LC is allowed to operate in a normal fashion what happens in this LC? At resonance both L and C are impedance matched forming a circuit that reacts as though it's a resistor of infinite resistance. The energy it has is no longer taken from the source, it is recycled. The source is only required to replace the losses.

      When you add a secondary circuit what happens in the tank? The secondary coil is "loosely" coupled for a reason. The primary circuit needs to have an inductance and resistance as low as physically possible, the secondary needs to have an inductance as high as possible with the lowest physical resistance as possible.

      How are stationary waves (standing waves) created? When you send a wave down a conductor - input signal - it follows the wire to the end and hits a barrier and is reflected back. The waves crossing paths along the way create a standing wave that is additive "magnified". Similar to waves in a tank of water - they reach the end and are reflected back in the opposite direction. If there is a pulse train of waves, as they cross they become additive creating one larger wave. If they are all timed precisely (resonant) the larger waves would appear to be stationary.

      When using an earth ground as an enhancement to the circuit people tend to over look the fact that it becomes a part of the circuit and the wave has to travel to the other side of the globe before it's reflected back. That, to me represents another conductor/capacitance to factor into the equation. Tesla states that the pulse train must remain for a minimum of 1/12 second to set up standing waves in the earth. Many of these devices use earth ground but no one seems to factor this into the circuit. Finding an odd harmonic that the earth would respond to might purely be that of luck otherwise.

      Are we seeing the trees in teslas circuits or still looking at the forest of information? Find the one thing that set tesla on this path then look at all the patents from that point on that exploited this discovery.


      • Dragon

        Hi Dragon,

        Nice to see you here. Thanks for dropping in.

        Best Regards,
        David Fine


        • Vrands Doc for Beginners

          Vrand put together a very fine little pdf file from information posted early on in this thread by Zilano. The name of his file is: Zilano Design Doc A V1[1].pdf

          It is a very fine little 8 page file he put together and I would highly recommend you get a copy of it. It is a very worthwhile place to start.

          google it and you can download it off the internet or from Scribd.

          Thanks Vrand where every you might be!!


          • Here is an excellent introduction to a resonant parallel LC circuit presented by Armagdn03 Energy Propagation - YouTube

            You'll get a better understanding of what your shooting for with don's circuit as well as many others...


            • OT: China UL/CEC mono solar panels $0.87/watt FOB Long Beach

              Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
              Vrand put together a very fine little pdf file from information posted early on in this thread by Zilano. The name of his file is: Zilano Design Doc A V1[1].pdf

              It is a very fine little 8 page file he put together and I would highly recommend you get a copy of it. It is a very worthwhile place to start.

              google it and you can download it off the internet or from Scribd.

              Thanks Vrand where every you might be!!
              Hi Slovenia! Still here, very busy, no time in the lab or on this thread/site. Thanks for sharing and pointing out my Zilano document to thread newcomers. Sorry to hear that Zilano is not posting here anymore? Was looking forward to buying the 10kw home unit. Oh well, there are other competing free energy technologies we can buy right now and in the near future (e-cat).

              Affordable "Free Energy" has finally arrived to California, Solar Panels!

              China made solar panels, UL/CEC approved for Calif. rebate from the CEC, going for $0.87/watt FOB Long Beach! For our home we are looking at a 18 month payback even w/o the rebate!

              Solar panel prices have finally dropped to affordable levels thanks to China encouraging startup companies with funding and tax breaks. We are averaging $0.22/KWH here in Calif. and 15.5% eff. mono-solar panels 25 yr. guaranteed to 80% panel efficiency, looking at free energy from the sun for 23.5 yrs at min, with no electric utility bills, to 50-60 yrs and going!

              The original mono-crystalline solar cells invented in the 1940-1950's are still producing +98% of it energy cell rating 60-70 yrs later! They are looking like they never degrade! Unlike poly-crystalline or amorphous silicon cells that do degrade over time, mono-crystalline solar cells do not degrade over time. So we can now buy solar panels to create electricity for our homes and workplace with a less than 7 year payback that will last our lifetime and our children's lifetimes!

              Over the decades I have spent 10X more than the cost of solar panels, building and experimenting on "free energy" devices w/o success of OU. Now that China is making affordable high quality mono-panels we can now get "free energy" from the sun daily forever.

              Solar PV panels are a proven free energy device, and China is leading the way!

              Will keep you posted on my free energy projects.

              Cheers Mike

              PM me if anyone is interested in the contact info for the UL/CEC approved China mono-solar panels. Order 10 qty min., 300 watt 15.5% mono-panels is what looked the best price break per watt/sq.ft. (high watt panels = less panels = less support structure costs).


              • zilano images

                Hi vrand nice to here from please could you furnish us with all zilano images you have. especially one that goes with this post.

                "Sept 11, 2011
                don transformer driver circuit
                Hi folks
                complete don with transformer driver
                pic attached
                here trafo is pulsed with dc timed by spark gap creating 50/60 hz resonance in trafo primary. match
                primary Inductance of trafo in nomograph with 50 or 60 hz matched with inductance draw line at two
                points and select the right cap where it crosses farad line.
                the trafo can be 2000 volt to 110 or 120 volt ac or 480 to 120 or 110 v ac. depended on the output of L2
                coil. can be managed by variac or a step down at L2 using right turns ratio.
                warning! warning!warning!warning!warning!warning!warning!wa rning!warning!
                warning!warning!warning!warning!warning!warning!wa rning!warning!warning!
                do it at ur own risk. i wont be responsible for any failures or damages that might
                occur.High voltages r dangerous and can kill you instantly. read safety norms. i do
                not recommend you or encourage you to do it.the information here is for
                knowledge purpose only.
                Attached Thumbnails

                interestingly the post is deleted or i could not find it.

                If you have other zilano info archived please share.

                Regards and Thanks for the previous work.

                Originally posted by vrand View Post
                Hi Slovenia! Still here, very busy, no time in the lab or on this thread/site. Thanks for sharing and pointing out my Zilano document to thread newcomers. Sorry to hear that Zilano is not posting here anymore? Was looking forward to buying the 10kw home unit. Oh well, there are other competing free energy technologies we can buy right now and in the near future (e-cat).


                • good work slovenia

                  Hi slovenia,

                  Keep up the good work.

                  Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                  Thanks to some new files that were provided to me, I've been able to find some more lost Zilano posts between the dates of Sept. 12 thru Nov. 26. I just wanted to give you a preliminary update. I'm pulling those posts out and putting together another pdf file for you. There is a large number of pages I'm having to go through and so it's taking some time, but I think it will be worth it.


                  • Zilano Old post

                    Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                    Thanks to some new files that were provided to me, I've been able to find some more lost Zilano posts between the dates of Sept. 12 thru Nov. 26. I just wanted to give you a preliminary update. I'm pulling those posts out and putting together another pdf file for you. There is a large number of pages I'm having to go through and so it's taking some time, but I think it will be worth it.
                    Hello, here is the links of old zilano posts, you r looking for.







                    • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                      He's using four, does he make a fwbr ?
                      doesnt make sense

                      Hi Dave if you listen carefully to the video you will hear that the diodes although they have plenty of current carrying capacity at one amp are not individually capable of the voltage requirement, in this case each diode is only capable of 1000 volts that being the case the constructor has linked them in series to obtain a much higher operating voltage! Here is a tutorial on how to make a really high voltage diode from the same type of diodes this guy is using. High voltage diode - 50 kV, 30 A peak - HvWiki so where one diode is drawn you can take it as read that four have been used to increase the voltage capacity .. this next clip of an Aussie burning himself, dropping the diodes on the floor, soldering them the wrong way round,getting them red hot, Cursing and swearing at them, and yet in the end managing to get the desired result, I include as testimony that dogged persistence and determination is often rewarded ! Making High Voltage Diodes - YouTube Imagine how much easier this would be holding the cables with a couple of croc clips!
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • Johnstone and Dave 45

                        The reason for 4 diodes in a series line is because each is rated at about a 1000 volts
                        and if you use less they'll blow. Simple as that. Nothing to do with a fwbr......
                        Last edited by a.king21; 01-27-2012, 10:31 AM.


                        • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                          No middle connection at NST?
                          Just for my understanding: Is that Avramenco connection between NST und schematic? Please confirm!
                          You need to understand that you see as much from the video as I do and consequently, I am not an expert on the circuit, nor am I in touch with the developer. In the video he connects up a coil which he had to hand and it appears that he is not loading the secondary in any way, although, obviously, we can test with whatever arrangement we want. It seems likely that the contra-wound secondary would perform better with a good earth connection for the tap. The developer states that the NST does not have an earth but just two separate 2500V outputs. The 'line' on the input side of the NST is a shadow thrown by the 12V input cable. It really doesn't matter what NST is used as there is nothing magic about his particular NST, especially since presumably the neon spark gap will limit the voltage anyway. He uses just one neon at voltages up to 5kV to form a spark gap and suggests two in series for higher voltages.

                          My concern is that Zilano said that a spark gap in series like this just produces inductive coupling with an electrical field and not a magnetic field although to me, that raises a question mark. If that is the case, then drawing energy from that four-foot wide field will increase the input power and so it may be necessary to turn the spark gap and resistor sideways, letting the diode feed the microwave oven capacitor directly and have the spark gap in parallel to that capacitor as specified by Zilano. I suspect that the circuit would operate just as well with that arrangement. People with all the parts ready to hand should be able to test this within minutes.



                          • HV/HF Panasonic Oven Inverter


                            Here is another option for gaining hv/hf 4kv@300ma, if some one have scrap Panasonic Oven.



                            • spark gap series or parallel

                              Originally posted by Patrick Kelly View Post
                              You need to understand that you see as much from the video as I do and consequently, I am not an expert on the circuit, nor am I in touch with the developer. In the video he connects up a coil which he had to hand and it appears that he is not loading the secondary in any way, although, obviously, we can test with whatever arrangement we want. It seems likely that the contra-wound secondary would perform better with a good earth connection for the tap. The developer states that the NST does not have an earth but just two separate 2500V outputs. The 'line' on the input side of the NST is a shadow thrown by the 12V input cable. It really doesn't matter what NST is used as there is nothing magic about his particular NST, especially since presumably the neon spark gap will limit the voltage anyway. He uses just one neon at voltages up to 5kV to form a spark gap and suggests two in series for higher voltages.

                              My concern is that Zilano said that a spark gap in series like this just produces inductive coupling with an electrical field and not a magnetic field although to me, that raises a question mark. If that is the case, then drawing energy from that four-foot wide field will increase the input power and so it may be necessary to turn the spark gap and resistor sideways, letting the diode feed the microwave oven capacitor directly and have the spark gap in parallel to that capacitor as specified by Zilano. I suspect that the circuit would operate just as well with that arrangement. People with all the parts ready to hand should be able to test this within minutes.

                              Aug. 30, 2011
                              Originally Posted by drak
                              Im my previous tests here and here I was using a series spark gap. According to zilano you can't get
                              OU with a series spark gap. I'm still trying to get my parallel spark gap to fire. Those pictures are of
                              a parallel gap setup and I got no results with them yet. I'm still having trouble matching between NST
                              and primary. I don't remember the inductance of those coils right off hand. Matching resonant
                              frequencies is easy if you have a scope and a function generator. Or you can just measure the
                              inductance and use on line calculator. I have resonance between NST and primary, but still parallel
                              gap will not fire. Not sure whats going on.
                              Hi Drak!
                              u can use series spark gap! coz u r not using nst. u r using flyback. really sorry i just forgot that u
                              r using flyabck not nst. for nst users coz they know frequency a parallel spark is suggested. u just
                              need the trigger here but it must be strong. u can go with series spark gap. use cap after diode and
                              then spark and then primary coil with matching cap.


                              • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                                Here is an excellent introduction to a resonant parallel LC circuit presented by Armagdn03 Energy Propagation - YouTube

                                You'll get a better understanding of what your shooting for with don's circuit as well as many others...
                                Hi dragon really nice to have you here and thanks for the contribution !I am pretty sure most of us have got the gist of simple hertzian type parallel resonance, I have posted the very clip you have before (because I also think its well done) and several others on the same subject however what we are particularly interested in is not the parallel resonant or Tank circuit there is buckets of information on that ! Nor the series resonant circuit because likewise there is plenty of information available . All this is the standard dross that is taught at schools and universities and the like it is the state of linear resonance that we are interested in as displayed In all the video's and paper's I have posted prior, Peter Linderman, Tom Brown , and Eric Dollard demonstrate It all again here ..
                                Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity - Eric Dollard, Peter Lindemann & Tom Brown on Vimeo

                                TESLA Longitudinal Waves Eric Dollard/Peter Lindemann on Vimeo

                                I wont bother repeating the very many video links and pdfs I have already posted regarding linear wave resonance Here it is again regarding the resonance of life itself !
                                Nature Was My Teacher - The Vision of Viktor Schauberger on Vimeo

                                whilst I guess yet another (how many must there be!) description of the resonance of a common tank circuit to herzian electricity is useful if not a little boring at this stage, I'm sure everyone has got the gist .. If you can find something similar on the hidden principles of linear electricity which of course reacts totally differently and follows a totally different set of mathematics particularly at resonance .. Now that would be really useful! Still thanks for your input Dragon .. every little bit of information helps!
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

