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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • For several days now I've been in discussion with Bugsfly discussing crystals, lattices, wave guide tubes, and mind machines, and in relationship to the construction forms shown in the Chris Hardeman design, Zeppelin (rigid airship), and the Radio Aero-Balloon. We took a brief excursion in to Harry Stein's book Mind Machines You Can Build as a kind of cross correlation in to all this and how it relates to the work of Grebennikov.

    Harry Stein: Mind machines you can build.

    Here are some of my conclusions drawn from this exchange which would not have been possible without the insight and help of bugsfly.
    Let me stress that we do not know this for sure> It is rather a deduction and not a known fact.

    A lattice made from tubes imitates the frame work of a crystal. The lattice frame cannot be constructed from a simple wire or a solid to work properly. The frame must be a tube, but a wire or a conductor is, or must be, part of the interior of the lattice tube. The tube is itself inert and is a guide vessel for energies to travel within. A means for carrying/conducting energies is required to fulfill the purpose of of lattice tubes.

    When the lattice is activated by motional energy the tubes form a barrier between the hollow inner parts and the exterior formed by the lattice. The interior hollow is filled with an energy. This energy may be counter spacial as in a disorganized mass of energy.

    A quartz crystal when over charged by a high voltage AC field will undergo a so-called vacuum polarization or break down. This so-called breakdown releases the stored charges in the dielectric field causing a propulsive effect to the positive polarity.

    Since a quartz exhibits piezo electricity it seems reasonable to conclude it is interacting with counter spacial dielectric space. This seems to suggest that a properly formed and powered crystalline like lattice creates an artificially larger mass as the center hollow fills with an energy and upon which counter space perturbs, and thus this is forming a false mass. In effect, this is almost akin to getting something for nothing.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 12-09-2018, 09:54 AM.
    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


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      Last edited by robur; 07-26-2020, 02:56 PM.


      • Originally posted by robur View Post
        You guys are going off the topic
        This started at ARVand it going god knows where.
        We still got options even ARV is an option - if you look at it a bit different.
        he is looking at the main capacitors and how they work
        his post is more on topic than most of the posts on this thread

        I have been wanting to test the crystals and see what I get for a while now,
        just can't seem to get any to run tests on.

        by the way, I love that book "mind machines you can build"
        I bought a copy when it first came out


        • Originally posted by robur View Post
          You guys are going off the topic
          This started at ARVand it going god knows where.
          We still got options even ARV is an option - if you look at it a bit different.

          Yes, I can appreciate what you're saying. Let me first say I have abandoned any notion that there are any answers in Einsteinian Physics which can logically explain either the ARV or UFO's. With the ARV I've tried six ways to Sunday to make this machine work with every tool in the box of conventional education and there is no possible way to make it work which isn't pure fantasy. On the other hand, if one were to adopt the physics which Ken Wheeler is reviving, then vast chunks begin to logically fall in to place with relative ease, and soon you begin to understand how primitive technology might have produced what we are calling UFO's.

          The magnet shows us the existence of a counter spacial energy field and the aligned crystalline shapes within the fabric of matter produce the magnetic field, but every crystalline form acts to perturb the hyper-velocity flow of counter space. Now why is that if it is not a barrier?

          Crystals are a repeating theme and quartz crystals play an enabling role in the ARV's technology. What they are supposedly doing and why they are critically important and enabling cannot be explained rationally with conventional physics; Einstein's ideas.

          There is no space to warp, gravity isn't a field modality, and the energy requirements to bend space-time (tensor theory) are astronomically huge, in the realm of fanstasy, and well beyond any present or foreseeable means, and that's assuming warping space is even possible; which it isn't. So the ARV cannot be operating by Alcubierre Warp Drive as has been supposed because there is no way to warp space anyways because Einsteins base proposition that mass has intrinsic gravity is wrong, and space has no lattice work for gravity to act on anyways, it's all a mathematical wet dream. Gravitational mass weight is a product of dielectric inertial force which is a variable product and so gravity does not exist because it is not an independent energy field as Einstein supposed it was. We can change the gravitational mass weight and that is something which cannot be accomplished under Einsteinian physics.

          For me, it was really because of what Henry Stevens wrote that I began to see the light behind the work of Ken Wheeler and what he was trying to show me, and only then did I find it because of the help of others on this forum. Now it is clear, with much to discover and unknown, but at least there is logic to the physics which underpin the whole. With that said lets look outwards to the real future of physics by way of the teachings and revived science under Ken Wheeler.

          Ken Wheeler has defined two possible antigravity system; a repulsion type and a force field drive, or false mass drive. I think both are logical and understandable in principle. One might be easier to understand than the other and that's probably the repulsion type. A forced field drive is probably no more complex and only more alien to our way of seeing right now.

          In a forced field drive a false mass is used to induce a mutual mass acceleration, but since one of these masses is continually moving away, as a projected false mass, the whole of the physical real mass chases after it due to mutual mass acceleration.

          Once these ideas are better understood by others it will be possible to discuss the stories told to people like Bob Lazar, whom I have never doubted is telling us what he knows as he knows it, and when that happens you can see the way these vehicles really work, and that the information Bob was told was unquestionably turned on it's head literally, and so much so that the false mass projectors are now on the bottom of the space ship, and which supposedly use unobtainium element 115 which somehow doesn't breakdown like our Moscovium with a half life of .08 seconds. I mean it's patently obvious this is a sick joke and Bob was a tool they intended on making a fool out of for the purposes of disguising the reality of how these ships actually work using an entirely different set of physics.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 12-12-2018, 09:29 PM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • In case you're not aware Bob Lazar did a recent exclusive interview with Secure Team 10 on Youtube.
            Lazar has some interesting things to say. I'm not willing to attack Bob and never have been willing to do that.
            Now if Bob would allow Derren Brown to interview him that would be the ultimate reveal provided that everything
            was filmed and that Derren Brown wasn't allowed anywhere near Bob until the actually meeting because Brown is
            probably the most potentially dangerous man on the planet: Anyways, fun stuff.

            Last edited by Gambeir; 12-09-2018, 09:46 PM.
            "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


            • Originally posted by spacecase0 View Post
              he is looking at the main capacitors and how they work
              his post is more on topic than most of the posts on this thread

              I have been wanting to test the crystals and see what I get for a while now,
              just can't seem to get any to run tests on.

              by the way, I love that book "mind machines you can build"
              I bought a copy when it first came out
              Yes, that's right, if the ARV isn't warping space time because there is no such thing, then it's got to be doing something else, and the only other models we know of come from Steven's and from Wheeler's revived teachings of the science which predated the overthrow of physics under Einstein.

              This understanding actually helps a great deal. With Wheeler's descriptions as a base, then the ARV must be either a repulsine type vehicle, a forced field false mass vehicle, or a hybrid of both.

              The gigantic crystal based capacitors are obviously central to the design. Now, accepting that the illustration is basically an accurate illustration, then those crystals have to have a connection to the way Universe works under the Aether theory as told by Wheeler, and a new way of seeing this is that the pie shapes of the capacitors are formed in to box shaped outlets at the edges of the vehicle, which could be a wave guide carrier.

              I think that like most people when I learned that the capacitors were of a quartz construction I thought how? How can they get a quartz crystal that big, and this is only the 24 foot diameter model, the smallest of the three described. Well the answer is they aren't single quartz crystals at all. Instead the crystals are likely sized to the frequency passed through them. This means that the crystals are actually quite small.

              So now we have a realistic and rational explanation behind the crystals because magnetic theory under Wheeler suggests that when these are energized there is a connection to counter space which is induced. The next question is what then of the Tetrider design of Chris Hardeman because it is a tetrahedron platonic shape found in crystals. In other words, can we create on a macro-scale a flying carpet where we cannot replicate the inter-galactic because we don't have access to the GDP of the Western Allies?
              Last edited by Gambeir; 12-09-2018, 10:48 PM.
              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


              • Gone by request
                Last edited by robur; 07-26-2020, 02:57 PM.


                • Originally posted by robur View Post
                  It is Quartz sand with some binding agent
                  Actually could make a nice test subject.
                  I have that on my menu too
                  And several other uses for quartz
                  Now of course Robur I expect you can teach me a thing or two. Naturally I look for connections between aluminum, quartz, and Ufo ^ abductee accounts.

                  One thing probably worth noting about aluminum that's little noticed is this:
                  "because of its general resistance to corrosion, aluminium is one of the few metals that retains silvery reflectance in finely powdered form~"

                  I mention this since there is strong predilection towards mercury in accounts of the interior central vortex tubes inside UFO's, and when it might in fact be aluminum in a suspended form.

                  Not that you're not aware of this already, but it seems like every mythological machine or device, from anti-gravity to cloaking links back to crystals because of quartz, and if one simply starts by going to wikipedia under quartz and then follows the linked paths, then the next thing you know you've moved 2 hours ahead and forgotten what you intended to look for in the first place. There are so many cross connections back to the qualities in quartz as a crystal that staying focused is very difficult. Quartz belongs to the trigonal crystal system. Quartz crystals are chiral, and exist in two forms, the normal α-quartz and the high-temperature β-quartz.




                  Some other links which might be handy.

                  Sinergicus Posts: #746
                  whole thing is interesting but I especially found the bit about counter rotating dissimilar metals & levitation worth thinking about.

                  Conventional explanation. This synopsis is especially useful because it is concise and specficially states that gravity can be regionally modified around an object through the specific use of electromagnetism and gives as brief an explanation which also dovetails with the information cited by Spacecase0's post #351. Finally it gives us material specifications and cites the use of microwaves.

                  Sinergicus Posts: #701 page 24

                  Spacecase0 Posts: #739






                  Last edited by Gambeir; 12-10-2018, 09:26 PM.
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • Originally posted by robur View Post
                    It is Quartz sand with some binding agent
                    Actually could make a nice test subject.
                    I have that on my menu too
                    And several other uses for quartz
                    Not sure what you've got in mind but another thought here is electrically conductive glue to act as the binder, and then again how about a homemade powder like carbon/graphite and because of flexing in the quartz a conductive glue might not be a good solution, whereas if you have crystals in a conductive powder, which I suppose one might also include aluminum, then this might be a better solution.

                    Basically if you used a lead pencil (graphite) and put the quartz around the lead wrapped in a foil or paper that might be something to consider.

                    Logic says the origin of the use of quartz leads back to the somewhat suspect story of the infamous Kowsky-Frost Quartz Levitation story and their use of salt crystals. As near as I can tell it was from this accidental discovery, which is probably retold for illumination purposes, that later on Herkimer Quartz became the product of choice, and then afterwards metal alloy's of aluminium-magnesium because of the relationship between silica and quartz.

                    The sequential numbers for these elements in the periodic table are; 12 ~13 ~14
                    "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                    • Gone by request
                      Last edited by robur; 07-26-2020, 02:57 PM.


                      • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
                        This is an explanation of what gravity actually is and a representation of how to apply this knowledge to create Electromagnetic Propulsion
                        Several posts I'm trying to go back on and this is one of them, and the reason has to do the hijacking of the Aether by so-called modern physics which has become an extension of the Deep State under their mind control programming in education.

                        This is a good video to examine critically because it gives a very good explanation for how the ARV operates under Einsteinian Physics and which is supported by the galling claim that so-called Quantum Physics discovered space is not an empty vacuum, rather it's filled with quote; "Quantum Energy." Everything is geared to making the theories of Einstein operate as explained.

                        Remember now that Quantum means counting. There is no mention of any previous theories nor of counter space as this same seething cauldron of zero point energy that Harold Puthoff speaks about in the video. It is left for you to assume that because of the inevitable progressive march of knowledge what is presented is the only story and fact when nothing could be further from the truth.

                        At 20:38 Mark McCandlish begins the conventional explanation for how the ARV operates using conventional Einsteinian Physics. Then @ 21:14 Harold Puthoff begins talking about the discoveries of quantum mathematics and finding the Universe is not empty space, rather it's a filled with energy which the so called science of quantum has embellished calling this energy field zero-point.

                        Now at 24:04 Mark begins explaining the operation of the vehicle in terms which adhere to General Relativity, which is that the machine must be able to warp space-time (Einstein), and it does this by polarizing the quote "Zero Point Energy" which is imbedded with energy.

                        Notice there is no mention of a 2D counter-space. The problem with all this is that it's probably not how the machine actually works, but it is how the machine might be made to appear to work and it is a plausible explanation since it's founded on the physics taught in every college and university in the world today.

                        For us though, the real issue is that by being blinded by this seemingly logical explanation under the physics of Einstein we lose the truth and with that all the other potentials which come with the truth.

                        There's holes in this story as well. These machines were said to be hovering a few inches off the floor of the hanger that they were seen in. They were said be surrounded by air which seemed significantly cooler than the air in the rest of the hanger. You cannot make those observations jibe with the explanation of how it works by warping space-time with gobs of electromagnetic energy.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 12-11-2018, 12:35 AM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • Originally posted by robur View Post
                          Not exactly

                          Electrically conductive glue isn't the thing here. Your disk is suppose to be a capacitor. So it can't be a semi-conductor.
                          You got electrodes on the disk and you got dialectic material
                          Your can't have glue that conducts electricity well then the disk will be a semi-conductor.
                          Right, I got ya, the thing is we don't know they are capacitors. It's what Mark called them because he was working of the ideas of Einsteins General Relativity where in space time can be warped, and where the ideas of so called quantum physics say that "imbedded" in space is the zero point field of boundless energy.

                          So under this scheme the machine creates so much broadcast energy that it begins to interact with "Zero Point," such that it changes it from the disorganized state to a polarized field, and once that happens it can be bent and shaped. Warp Drive.

                          Now of course no such thing can happen without accessing counter space.

                          Originally posted by robur View Post
                          What you mentioned Gambeir regarding Aluminum in suspended way in the UFO engine.
                          You ever heard of FERRO FLUID?

                          Ferro fluid is made with particles of iron and some other items. But that id officially as only ferror fluid made on iron is officially know. You can base fluid on any other metal aluminum, bismuth copper. Preferably not Magnesium because it is flammable. Magnesium can only safely be used in an alloy or in the the Electron-Reactive mix
                          Yes, that is the point: You read my mind precisely. Now of course what's interesting about that flammable business are the many accounts and even video's of UFO's evidently dripping flaming liquid metal. Like Opp's...we have a problem.

                          Originally posted by robur View Post
                          I also don't want to post it here because I like you very much Gambeir and I don't want to post something that might potentially offend you are a big fan of Ken Wheeler. Because most of this information would contradict the Ken Wheeler's version of gravity physics.
                          Thank you very much. I wouldn't want anyone to feel this way. Sure people have held back and not told me things for a host of reasons, but none have claimed it was because they liked me: Quite the reverse actually, but I suppose it's possible, I mean anything is possible I guess, but most claim it was out of fear or dread of what happen if I found out. Of course this only makes it all the worse for them once I do get my hands on them. Well maybe not so much any more because I'm like too old to do anything but shoot them and typically that's just too extreme a solution, not to mention all the trouble it causes with the cops and all, but usually I get off scott free because senility means you're not responsible for your own actions.

                          Seriously have no fear. I accept all forms of currency. Whatever works to get us a flying carpet is what matters.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • Gone by request
                            Last edited by robur; 07-26-2020, 02:57 PM.


                            • ---------------------------------------------

                              Seriously have no fear. I accept all forms of currency. Whatever works to get us a flying carpet is what matters.

                              Originally posted by robur View Post
                              The point was: in Russian culture if you like a person you don't something to offend that person. You big fan of Ken Wheeler and often say everyone must listen to Ken. My explanation of effects would heavily contradict Ken's one.
                              That is what I meant - that I don't want to offend you or upset you by posting something that would contradict what you believe in with all the passion you are showing.

                              I have no reasons to say nothing in this case.
                              Perhaps may be only that this wasn't yet fully tested and proof of concept is limited right now

                              Here's another person I greatly respect and admire.

                              Jerry Bayles has been working on this since forever. You can't go wrong with Bayles either.


                              Electrogravitational Equation Explanation

                              "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                              • Gone by request
                                Last edited by robur; 07-26-2020, 02:57 PM.

