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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • monster Pcbs

    Well they got here yesterday and they sure are pretty!!






      Shortest poem in history, Mohammad Ali once said " me,...we".

      I can hear Ali in his cocky voice saying

      Yea, It's so simple, even Monsieur M, could slap a Walter Russell drawing over it.

      Dr. Tesla figured out how to divide the waters, into the upper waters and the lower waters. TESLA WAS A GOD


      • Impressive Illustration

        Originally posted by machinealive View Post comments...its been awhile. Ya still chewing, or did you swallow yet UFO.

        I threw the fields on pretty quick last time, in the vid, here is a better drawing, sure would look nice in 3d ufo. Reminds me of atomic orbitals.

        You picture is much illustrative and understandable. Machine that is a nice magnetic interaction and magnetic flow. The video on JK Plasma is to show you what happen when two magnetic field with the same pole are put face to face.

        Nice set up of the magnetic fields and magnetic flow. Please post this picture also on Figuera Thread, you could also add your video on the post.



        • Full 3po-3pi-2s

          Hello to All,

          After going over and over on CAD's and 3D Models on this Dual Rotor Asymmetric Design...I have come up to a simple, small construction of one of the First Model presented on this Thread..."The Three Pole Asymmetric Machine"...However, here we are "Enhancing" its Performance by adding an Outer Rotor Configuration...


          I have decided...that for many reasons as simplicity, much better "Hammering Effect", Throw Out Forces due to a much more "solid and Robust" Outer Rotor...Generating Very Balanced Magnetic keep it (on this model so far) as Pole To Pole Design...and not like I have posted prior...where I used Two Pole per One Inner...

          THE CONSTRUCTION...(Making it an Easy Build.)

          Further on...after looking at several possibilities into the "Bridging" Construction Methods to join Inner-Outer Rotors...I have come up with a simple piece...easy to build and put together ...


          The main idea here is to achieve a Design, in order that a replication of it, would not create "impossibilities and limitations" because of very clever Geometrical Volumes as the "Bridge Bracket" I have displayed prior...

          This is an easy "cut" also lamination in "2D"...done at same place where you guys would have the Waterjet cut your Outer Rotors...and a very simple design.

          Step 1: Remove your Original Rotor Core, strip it from wires, commutators and extract shaft...clean epoxy ONLY from the Upper Side where power would be taken from...or "Drive Side"...The reason to do this side... where to attach the Outer-Inner Rotors with our joining to create a solid support, basically on this side, where all the stress forces when applying a mechanical load would be leaning on.

          Step 2: Outer Rotor Laminations cut...make sure when adding all lamination together by pressing them...they would be the same EXACT Length as your Original Rotor Core Length.

          Step 3: Cut your "Bridging Laminations Set"...and realize that they will NOT be as much as Outer Rotor number...just "a few" will do, because they would be stacked ONLY on one side of rotor (Drive Side)...and are meant as to build a bridging structure solid enough as to take the Torque and Counter Torque when accelerating-decelerating times...

          Step 4: Assemble all pieces and Insert/Replace shaft (Shaft would align them all together as automatically generating a precise Air it is just to correct their Vertical Alignment between Poles...
          Now, since the Total Height of Rotor has increased...a longer shaft could be considered...
          Then cover with High Temp Epoxy all Metal exposed areas...then Wind Both Rotors...and have fun...



          Kind Regards to All


          Edit 1: KIS stands for Keeping It Simple"......did not want to add the second "S"...
          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-20-2013, 03:54 PM.
          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Originally posted by machinealive View Post

            Lets fill the next Orbitals. Think I could build a magnetic bearing?
            The "MFB".. Looks a lot like an antennae also.

            They threw us off the trail, with a spinning egg (with no torque).

            But WE are TOO Smart for them. WE spin a shaft instead of an egg.

            nice pic machinealive

            since you ask .... here is the link :

            and it does match in a way

            ( the cube used by WR .... square wave )
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Hey UFO

              Now related to building Drum out of Laminations...what are your thoughts?
              I was thinking of cutting out my drums, very thin, then having some tubes welded on for bolts to go through, might save me some time, for lathing drum.
              I have all my steel now as well as collars and 3/16 aluminum plates to bolt to drums, via tubes.
              Will mode the stators in it, but I have to make three drums now. the middle drum will be used for stators, in now. but I will cut remaining steel, into another inner/outer drum. Now I want to replace inner and outer stators with 2 more drums.. I'll make 3 thin rings to wind 3 toroids on, to fit in each other.

              If the toroid setup works, it will be interesting to figure out how to achieve RESONANCE. What would happen?, what would in do?, how would it preform?

              later comrade


              • I gotta post it.

                kinda like this UFO.


                • I think I just cracked my bean, and my egg fell out.

                  Just one song
                  The Tragically Hip - Ahead By A Century - YouTube

                  Peace my friends
                  I need a break


                  • So...

                    Originally posted by machinealive View Post
                    I gotta post it.

                    kinda like this UFO.

                    Hey Machine...

                    I can see that today you have your "Artistic and Invention Side Inspired"...

                    Let me see if I get this straight...

                    You have here Three Total Toroids...where there would be two dedicated to Stators, Inner-Outer...and when fed with AC, they will generate Dual spinning B-Fields that would Drag Center Drum Rotor just like the Columbus egg but stronger since you have Inner-Outer Stators...and this would be the Motor Side...right so far?

                    Now, as Drum rotates within Two Magnetic spinning would be expected the Center Drum Toroidal wires will also generate an induction?

                    The only thing I could see as an "Issue" that the Pro-pulsing into rotation Dual Magnetic B-Fields (Motor Action)...would be Equal or Less...than Induced opposed forces at Induction and basically Load times...In either ways (Equal or Less) Motor action will drag and brake (stop)...

                    But then again...this is just "Theorizing"...I absolutely could be very wrong...

                    Regards Comrade

                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • Hey UFO

                      Yea if you reverse the center drum polarities, it may work without have to spin anything . Lots of setups to try. She's wide open.


                      • Here's total asymmetry

                        Last one promise.


                        • More like symmetry---becoming asymmetry---back to symmetry---and on and on...and...on.....
                          From beginning to end.


                          • Come on guys talk to me

                            Where is my Guru?

                            If feel like I may have just started the beginning of the end. Maybe this was very irresponsible of me.
                            If I just "pulled the trigger", I apologize to you all, I thought this was what you all wanted.



                            • Originally posted by machinealive View Post
                              Come on guys talk to me

                              Where is my Guru?

                              If feel like I may have just started the beginning of the end. Maybe this was very irresponsible of me.
                              If I just "pulled the trigger", I apologize to you all, I thought this was what you all wanted.

                              I think some need to replicate and play with your design before they give their input .... great art work machinealive

                              asymmetric .... symmetric .... interesting
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Evolution

                                To me, I see the UFO motor as the "heart", machinealive sections is the "lungs" to deliver air/energy to the rest of the system, Dana is making many sensors is the nervous system with the Arduino , JS has designed the controller/ "the Brain".

                                Imagine if Panasonic helps us with this project. I see a highly intelligent flying robot! That is capable of choosing and designing its own CPU upgrades and access to 3D Printers to redesign its own upgrades.... A new robotic life form!

                                I think that at the beginning she will follow any incomplete command but later gain consciousness to develop her own thoughts and emotions. ... Like a child growing up to be a god.

                                The evolution of man


