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Chinese Energetic Medicine by Grace

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  • I am right on it!! Thank you Moria!

    Hi Alan,

    Moria is wonderful isn't she! Yes the "lingo" I use for when one is "stubborn" is "the corrections don't stick". I am very neutral about not being able to "help" at times because I understand this, and allow beings to move at their own pace. It is not that you wish to deny yourself anything great, it is that you have to feel completely able, willing, ready, deserving etc. I will get right on these "specific corrections" for you with the knowing that they will "stick" when you are completely able, willing, ready, deserving etc., to bring forth from your imagination into reality. And yes this will help many people viewing this thread as this happens enough times that it is good you have brought it to our attention!!

    I will continue also working on Sandra, Kai and Zain with CEM! I completely agree let's join forces and bring out all the BIG GUNS with all our respective healing modalities!!

    In fact I will be posting very soon on This thread, the Healing Arts thread, and on the party thread on this forum; concerning bringing in more healing energy to all of us, as some exciting new developments are happening with Pamela Sweda, Moxie Mags, and some others who don't even realize they will be a great asset to the "Healing Arts" thread in the very near future!!

    Originally posted by firehorse View Post

    I've just had a reading from Moria and she gave the reason as to why I was having so very little result from paths is because I was subconsciously stubborn, either instilled from early childhood or from a previous life.

    So if Grace and the group can work on that issue then I think will also help anyone else who has a similar problem on this thread From my end I'm going hit it with Zero Point Process, Matrix Energetics & Paths Platinum "Dodge this!"

    No breakthrough on Kai and Zain sleeping but Zain has been weird today as he has been eating with a healthy appetite all day whereas up till now we've had problems feeding him!!! But he seemed to respond especially to a ME session Sandra did on him last night <shrug>. So watch this space!!!

    With love and gratitude


    • Beautiful Nadine

      Hi Nadine, I replied to your PM! I am so happy your knee is even better, but I will do a bit more "corrections" until we can get complete "strength"!!

      Originally posted by nadine View Post
      Grace, my knee is feeling even better today! It is still a bit tender, but I almost don't even notice it! Thank You!!

      I sent you a PM a few days ago, I am not sure if you had a chance to read it or respond, but I do know you are very busy! So I will wait patiently!!LOL

      Thank you


      • Gabriel, the name of my favorite Angel!!!

        Hi Allen,

        I will work on you individually again tonight!! Please keep me posted. I will most certainly do what I can on those nasty little bed bugs!! Keep us posted on this too please!! See you on the MasterMind/CEM conference call this Thursday again at 4pm Eastern!

        Originally posted by allenm View Post
        Hi Grace,

        Thank you forworking on me. The pain in the hips and legs is better...still troubled by the arm and woke up again this morning with terror...

        I truly appreciate all of yuor corrections! And I the MM cal...want to catch up on the CEM...

        Lots of love,


        PS Please do some corrections for Gabriel who is struggling with a living situation inundated with bed bugs and no immediate resolution at hand...he and his room mates are all exhausted and discouraged.



        • Hi Grace,
          I have been checking and didn't receive it, could you please send it again.

          thank you


          • For RDC!

            Originally posted by RDC View Post
            I have a chronic (13 years) condition that has manifest in my nose. It has defied all accurate diagnosis and/or treatment. Can you help me?
            Yes RDC, I can help! Because it is not a Physical body "issue" a regular diagnosis and/or treatment would not be of any benefit. The "issue is stemming from your Mental body, Emotional Body, Psychic Body and Spiritual Body! The amount of Layers of issues from all these bodies combined together are creating this chronic manifestation in your nose, but I assure you your nose is perfectly physically healthy, just not emotionally, Mentally, Psychicly, and Spiritually. You will find as we move through and "correct" these layers of "issues" that you will start to shift until you no longer have this chronic issue.

            The biggest problem people have when I make "corrections" is that they don't notice the small changes. So on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 being the most intense pain etc., and 10 being complete and total freedom from this chronic nose 'issue" keep me posted on what number it shifts to after I make these daily corrections.



            • Check PI!

              Hi Nadine, I replied from the PI forum.

              Originally posted by nadine View Post
              Hi Grace,
              I have been checking and didn't receive it, could you please send it again.

              thank you



              • Grace and others... I am still amazingly calm! I about to watch my just relax module in a few minutes. I just wanted to keep you updated... tomorrow is the day I give soon to be X husband the papers and go over them. I have tried to be as fair as possible with him in all of it, and I really want him to be at peace with everything as it is. The only points he might have a challenge with is 1. Because I will have custody most of the time Oregon state refers to me as having sole custody, but he will have joint custody in major decisions. 2. Is I did the child support exactly as the state (actually on the States website) says to using gross income instead of net income... This may surprise him because he is use to gettiing away with writing off all his living expenses before claiming any income... He is good at it, but the state knows his kind and require him to pay on the gross. I am intending tomorrow for peace and complete resolve and to get the papers notarized so I can file them on Thursday! Such a change from past weeks in my new attitude!

                Also, if you could do a little work on my 8 year old son Nat and my 13 year old girl Iza... just that they have peace with all of this and the move back to California. I would appreciate it!

                As soon as I get settled down I totally plan to start coming to the Thursday CEM classes and work time!

                Thank you so much!!! Big HUGE HUGS! Sj zartgirl


                • Grace, can I be on the group corrections for the eyesight. Once we allready talked about that. Thank you for all your LOVE, you love radiating bomb
                  Last edited by Jure; 09-05-2007, 07:52 AM.
                  Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasnīt been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                  • Grace, I received your message....Thank you! I did send you a reply but on this forums messaging.

                    Grace,Thank you for continuing to work on my definately feels better, but when I begin to do work again around the house etc, with alot of bending it acts up again. I like the way you suggested to rate the improvement on a scale of 1 -10. If before it was a 1 (felt the worst), I would say right now it is about a 6.

                    Zartgirl, I am really impressed with you! I have followed your posts, and it is really amazing what you have accomplished in such a short will begin a new life shortly, in a new excited you must be! I am wishing all the best for you!!


                    • Jure, I just read your post about wanting better eyesight... My daughter is 13, and she decided after learning about the Law of Attraction that she was going to have better eye sight... at the time her vision was 400 in one eye and 400 and something in the other eye! Legally blind! Well she has been focussing on this for a while of her eyes getting better, and I had her eyes checked and not only are both of her eyes the same now, but they are both at 300! Well she has a ways to go, but that is a huge change for the better and for a kid who has worn glasses since she was in kindergarten and really does not remember a time with out them! That is huge! I think it will not be long till she totally does not have to wear glasses at all! No glasses or contacts and no surgery! Is that way cool! Isn't she an AWESOME teenager!!! Ok I am totally bragging!

                      Just thought you would be encouraged by a teenagers eyes getting better because she decided they would!

                      Blessings Sj zartgirl


                      • Nadine, Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement! I am very excited about my new life in my new place! Thanks so very much and Blessings Sj zartgirl


                        • Dear Grace,

                          Very much afraid... The last week or so has been spent in a neglectful psych unit as I recovered and discovered some additional problems (possibly diabeties and ADHD). Trying to recover from the neglectful hospital stay - was expecting a caring experience like in the ICU last year. Many blessings your way... Also, any guidance would be appriciated.


                          • For the Goddess Shauna!!

                            Hi Shauna,

                            I will spend most of tonight and tomorrow on YOU!! I am so glad you have posted again!!

                            "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."
                            Mother Teresa
                            IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                            • Thanks zartgirl! I m so happy for your teenager .
                              Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasnīt been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                              • Feeling blah - help?

                                Hi everyone. I'm in a bit of a funk lately with feeling a combination of "blah" and fear over my business that will be starting soon (in terms of start-up costs and finding staff), and while I "know" I need to change my focus before it all turns into reality, I just can't seem to do it and seem stuck on focusing on "reality".

                                Anyway, you're all so helpful and kind to each other here, so I just thought this would be a good place to ask for help to see if anyone wanted to send any happy vibes my way! It's much appreciated. I'm lurking around on this site, but honestly haven't even been popping in much lately due to this same "blah-ness". I'm not sure what's going on or why but I'm even feeling negative on focusing on feeling positive! LOL Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed at all and never have been, just blah lately! I think I'm frustrated with myself as I'm not being consistent with my intentions (in terms of taking the time to make them even!) and then because of that I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels...

                                Thanks for reading!

                                Happiness and health to you.

