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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
    hi all, just here workin, i am working on the stepdown setup for my stepup coils

    3 watts AC input,and 20 watt halogen lit up bright

    Don Smith Device Project Part 31: 3 Watts In, 20 Watt Halogen Lit Bright - YouTube
    To make sure there is no error in measurements - can you please double check with oscilloscope as amp/voltmeter then calculate RMS power?

    If all is good you may feedback part of output into input and make self-runner.. This would be hardest part because you will need to deal with magnetic part of high frequency impulses from reactive power then transform it back into low voltage DC.
    Last edited by T-1000; 06-25-2012, 03:19 PM.


    • Originally posted by dunfasto View Post
      scalar amplification
      I think your video needs a little explanation. Are you driving any of the coils with a signal generator or other AC power source? If so which coil are you driving? If the LED lights without any power being supplied to any of the coils then that is a very amazing demonstration.


      • Originally posted by dunfasto View Post
        It is not clear where signal enters system - to caduecus on ferrite core or to air core transformer with capacitor on it? If to caduceus, what air core transformer with capacitor is doing there?



        • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          Looks to me going by his unloaded wave form the transformer input is resonant
          sine wave. The input from the battery to the inverter should be measurable DC
          but for the closeness of the spark gaps means probably not, that measurement
          does look reasonable though.

          It's difficult to see what he is measuring there.

          What is the first measurement of at about 2:15 ? He measures on a blue wire.
          Is that the transformer input ? What is the measurement ?

          And what is the second measurement of at about 2:37 ? He measures on a
          blue wire. Is that also transformer input ? What is the measurement ?

          What is the third measurement of at about 4:04 ? Is it the short circuit
          current of the secondary ? What is the measurement and what is the voltage there ?

          Does he measure the DC input current from and voltage of the battery to the
          inverter both when unloaded and loaded ? If so what are those measurements ?

          I think the important thing to see is the input power to the device and the
          output power through the load.

          The input power is easy with the battery and inverter.

          The output power is easy as well by rectifying the output of the output
          transformer to DC then measuring it through resistive load.

          I don't think any of the measurement he did were really very meaningful.

          Well frying the insulation off the wire is great, measured or not.

          I cant wait to do that
          In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
          In the expert's mind there are few.
          -Shunryu Suzuki


          • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
            It is not clear where signal enters system - to caduecus on ferrite core or to air core transformer with capacitor on it? If to caduceus, what air core transformer with capacitor is doing there?

            Hi T-1000!

            its not ferrite core its graphite core. also

            Tom Bearden (reportedly, a retired Lieutenant Colonel) suggests that scalar energy could be used as a directed-energy weapon. He says that if two scalar "energy beams" are created that collide with each other, the two scalar fields will nullify each other and create a burst of electromagnetic energy in its place, that can continue on forward in the direction the two scalar beams were heading. A point within the framework from Bearden rests on the allegation that during the reformulation of the James Clerk Maxwell's orginal theory (of quaternions) by Oliver Heaviside and Josiah Gibbs into vector notation a key elements was lost in the original theory.

            full regards !



            • Heating water is good!!

              So just throw it in a glass of water? It does heat up MAJOR so ok, i'll try that, hey what is the heat formula? anyone know off hand? end Quote.

              Mr C,

              Take your 20 watt bulb and one liter of water ,make up a quick jig to hold the bulb right upto the metal threads [actually doesn't matter if the threads touch the water]

              take a thermometer and a timer [a cheap kilowatt meter would be good but not mandatory for this test]

              set everything up check the temp of the water [write it down]

              plug in the bulb for 5 minutes [or whatever]
              unplug check the temp write it down.

              Take your same bulb running on 3 watts [as per your experiment]
              repeat the test.

              If your water gets anywhere near the same temp as the bulb running off the mains in the same amoiunt of time.
              Shout eureka and kick the cat!!
              Its showtime!!

              This is a very simple method of calorimetry ,very hard to get erroneous measurement errors from faulty test methods.
              the published data on heating water [for reference] is enormous.

              My Father tought me to keep it simple [its how he does things]
              Don't kick the Cat your wife will get angry!!

              Last edited by RAMSET; 06-26-2012, 01:22 AM.
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • Greetings Ladies & Gents

                This is a post of a Don Smith Based Device I have built and weeding out the bugs. So far it works good not

                under load but when I put a load on it the spark gap weakens. Right now I don't have a solution. If anyone

                has some thoughts I would like to hear it. Anyway heres the Schematic.


                Attached Files
                Last edited by SLOW-N-EASY; 06-25-2012, 09:08 PM.


                • Originally posted by SLOW-N-EASY View Post
                  Greetings Ladies & Gents

                  This is a post of a Don Smith Based Device I have built and weeding out the bugs. So far it works good not

                  under load but when I put a load on it the spark gap weakens. Right now I don't have a solution. If anyone

                  has some thoughts I would like to hear it. Anyway heres the Schematic.
                  My quick questions:
                  1) Should C1 be before spark gap not after? Every single Tesla coil discharge capacitor into primary for explosive power..
                  2) What C2 is doing there? If you apply load, it won't stabilize needed frequency
                  3) The coils themselves are Tesla coils or something else?
                  4) Do tansistors really work there in push-pull mode as they're supposed to work in inverter?


                  • Originally posted by dunfasto View Post
                    Hi Gedfire,

                    you did not use the toroid transformer thats why the bulb didnt light. use toroid transformer after the plauson caps.

                    thanks and regards

                    Hey Dunfasto

                    I noticed you mentioned Paulson Caps. Can point me to the post or tell what a Paulson Cap is.

                    I seemed to have missed that.

                    Thanks in advance



                    • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                      My quick questions:
                      1) Should C1 be before spark gap not after? Every single Tesla coil discharge capacitor into primary for explosive power..
                      2) What C2 is doing there? If you apply load, it won't stabilize needed frequency
                      3) The coils themselves are Tesla coils or something else?
                      4) Do tansistors really work there in push-pull mode as they're supposed to work in inverter?

                      I'm not sure about the proper placemnt of c1 But I am going to try that and see if it makes any improvement

                      As far as c2 I am tring to make my coils resonate together. They are not quit right as I can tell

                      It needs a lot of improvement. I will try your ideas and see if it helps. The coils are minni coils on minni bobbins.

                      For the transsistors and the inverter it seems to work. I had alot of 2n3055 transistors so I used them.

                      I will try some other NPN & PNP transistors as I have extra Money. They can get expensive when you tring to amplify the amps.

                      Thanks for your interest. If you have other questions or other pointerts I would like to hear them

                      Because I never can learn enough about these devices.


                      • Originally posted by SLOW-N-EASY View Post
                        If anyone has some thoughts I would like to hear it. Anyway heres the Schematic.
                        I know that many people are using them, but I have serious doubts about using the resistive dividers to reduce voltage. This works by throwing away a lot of power that is wasted in heat. The amount of power converted to heat is dependent on the current through the divider (watts = amps squared times resistance). So, as the load current increases so does the amount of energy converted to heat. If possible, I would suggest elliminating the resistive divider. If needed, you can use some higher voltage transistors such as the MJE13007.
                        Last edited by xee2; 06-25-2012, 10:01 PM.


                        • Originally posted by xee2 View Post
                          I know that many people are using them, but I have serious doubts about using the resistive dividers to reduce voltage. This works by throwing away a lot of power that is wasted in heat. The amount of power converted to heat is dependent on the current through the divider (watts = amps squared times resistance). So, as the load current increases so does the amount of energy converted to heat. If possible, I would suggest elliminating the resistive divider. If needed, you can use some higher voltage transistors such as the MJE13007.
                          Hows it going

                          I am very interested in hearing your ideas on this. Could you be more specific an how you would adjusts the Voltage. AS far as the transistors go I used them because I had them already and Didn't want to spend the money for higher ampreage transistors.

                          Last edited by SLOW-N-EASY; 06-25-2012, 10:06 PM.


                          • Plauson. not Paoulson

                            Originally posted by SLOW-N-EASY View Post
                            Hey Dunfasto
                            I noticed you mentioned Paulson Caps. Can point me to the post or tell what a Paulson Cap is.
                            I seemed to have missed that.
                            Thanks in advance
                            Hi folks & S-N-E.
                            His name is Herman Plauson, not Paoulson.Anyway. here is the info you are looking for:
                            Hermann Plauson: Conversion of Atmospheric Electricity (Articles & patents)
                            << BP Ultimate + Shell-V Power + Allies (opec) = the Ultimate Power Aligators to Suck People`s Blood !-! >>


                            • Originally posted by Peculian View Post
                              Hi folks & S-N-E.
                              His name is Herman Plauson, not Paoulson.Anyway. here is the info you are looking for:
                              Hermann Plauson: Conversion of Atmospheric Electricity (Articles & patents)
                              If you choose electrostatic way then Paul Baumann: Testatika Generator (Methernitha Group) is good place to work with...
                              Methernitha Testatika free energy machine part 1 - YouTube


                              • Originally posted by SLOW-N-EASY View Post
                                Didn't want to spend the money for higher ampreage transistors.
                                I do not think you need higher amperage transistors but you may need higher voltage. I am a fan of trouble shooting by starting at the input and working through the circuit. Have you tried putting some kind of load at the output of L4 in place of the full wave rectifier? A 40 watt incandescent bulb might be a good choice. If you do not have power there you will not have power from the output.
                                Last edited by xee2; 06-25-2012, 10:50 PM.

