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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Well just in case any of you might miss it and in case OrionLightShip is too humble to point you over there I think everyone interested in Don Smith's work would benefit looking here: Don Smith meets Eric Dollard I'm still trying to absorb the info and implications but it sounds big. It's just a 3 page document so don't miss checking it out as I think it can be highly relevant to work here.
    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


    • Originally posted by Haan
      what is it that we are missing in our understanding of caduceus and bifilar coils?.

      Your previous mentions of caduceus coils was being discussed yesterday - so it's timely that you are back.
      right alignment and right frequency.

      Halbach array - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Last edited by zilano; 05-21-2012, 11:33 AM.


      • Copper rod

        Originally posted by zilano View Post
        unless u experiment and understand no proof canbe satisfying to u. kapanadze and don showed proof but still they r doubted. thats why i always inspire people to learn more and experiment and see it yourself.

        don device is not self running. where as kapanadze's is. rodin coil acts as current amplifier.


        I've did experiments and continue to do. The thing is that when I followed your schematics one of them the copper rod to charge the source battery as you had posted no charge came to my electrolyte caps.
        Now tell me how can I believe you now?


        • Zilano do your remember the flywheel circuit that Ghazanfar_Ali was refering too. I believe he used this on the primary instead of a LC circuit.
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • Originally posted by Guruji View Post
            I've did experiments and continue to do. The thing is that when I followed your schematics one of them the copper rod to charge the source battery as you had posted no charge came to my electrolyte caps.
            Now tell me how can I believe you now?
            send me ur schematic. the way its wired in ur circuit.



            • Schematic

              Here is the schematic. Sorry for rough sketch but I don't have electronics software.
              Attached Files


              • Zilano
                do your remember the flywheel circuit that Ghazanfar_Ali was refering too. I believe he used this on the primary instead of a LC circuit.

                Does anyone else know how to make a flywheel circuit.
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • This is releavent to the Don Smith device in that Ali said he switched over to using the Don Smith setup.

                  I was busy finalizing my device. In fact I shared it with a company and now sharing the patent in a few days. there was a drawback that the mosfets got heated due to high current drain and capacitor with initial charge used to lose its energy. So I altered the output stage and followed Zilano technique and achieved fly wheel effect to make it a pure self running device. Its just ingenuity of your mind that u have a starting point from me to end up with a good result.
                  Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                  • Thanks!!


                    Thanks for being a gentleman and sharing your sketch!!

                    Best Regards,
                    David Fine

                    Originally posted by Guruji View Post
                    Here is the schematic. Sorry for rough sketch but I don't have electronics software.


                    • A tank circuit bounces the charge back and forth through the primary, this changes the polarity of the primary with every bounce, we need the flywheel effect this will keep the polarity in the primary the same every pulse.
                      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                      • flywheel circuit on primary
                        cw and ccw secondary's
                        resonance between primary and secondary's

                        this is the secrets to makeing the Smith device work

                        A tank circuit works great for a Tesla coil because you want horizontal emission but not with the Smith coils with the Smith coils you want resonant lock and you cant get this lock with a changing polarity.

                        Maybe Im on everyone's ignore list
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • Originally posted by Guruji View Post
                          Here is the schematic. Sorry for rough sketch but I don't have electronics software.
                          dont connect capacitors in series. connect them in parallel. and insert a ferrite rod in the inductor feeding avramenko diodes.

                          Last edited by zilano; 05-21-2012, 01:45 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                            flywheel circuit on primary
                            cw and ccw secondary's
                            resonance between primary and secondary's

                            this is the secrets to makeing the Smith device work

                            A tank circuit works great for a Tesla coil because you want horizontal emission but not with the Smith coils with the Smith coils you want resonant lock and you cant get this lock with a changing polarity.

                            Maybe Im on everyone's ignore list
                            hi Dave!

                            you r not ignored. yes u r right we must have flywheel effect on primary.




                            • gravity field and coil

                              gravity field and coil

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by zilano; 05-21-2012, 02:24 PM.


                              • Copper rod

                                Originally posted by David Fine View Post

                                Thanks for being a gentleman and sharing your sketch!!

                                Best Regards,
                                David Fine
                                Dave I always was gentle with people as far as I know.

                                Originally posted by zilano View Post
                                dont connect capacitors in series. connect them in parallel. and insert a ferrite rod in the inductor feeding avramenko diodes.

                                Zilano thanks for your help. My capacitors are in parallel not as the sketch posted before sorry. This is the right one. Many inductors have their own ferrite rod. I've tried a big one and wound coil too but still no charge is coming to caps.
                                Attached Files

