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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
    I welcome!!!
    it is difficult to me to write posts at your forum therefore as my English is bad, and the online translator distorts the text.
    If I approach I can give comments on our work in Russian.
    You can speak Russian. We will translate it.
    Вы говорите по Русски мы перевед.


    • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
      Vidbid, by your own words you don't have the right to ask anybody to
      produce anything. You had the audacity to ask dyatronn to verify he was
      dynatron some time ago. And yet you say no one needs to show, prove or
      verify anything.

      Do you personally even have work to show ? Am I allowed to even ask you ?

      How dare you ask anyone for anything when you say others can not ask the
      same kind of things ?


      And you dare also to speak of chaos.

      You are right Farmhand


      • Хорошо, буду писать по русски.
        Я думаю, что в общих чертах вы знаете о ходе наших работ по устройству Дона Смита.
        Сейчас находимся на стадии модернизации трансформатора изоляции..Дело в том, что резонансная катушка может выдать определенный ток (у смита 3 ампера), поэтому реактивное сопротивление трансформатора изоляции должно быть большим (большая индуктивность первичной обмотки), чтоб не просаживать резонансную катушку.
        Катушка будет выдавать всегда три ампера, если на первичной обмотке трансформатора 100 вольт и если 10 киловольт. Поэтому нам выгоднее когда первчная обмотка большого индуктивного сопротивления, потомуи напряжение на ней будет выше, а мощность от напряжения зависит квадратично. Самое прекрасное в такой системе, что можно устроить колебательный контур из первичной обмотки трансформатора изоляции и высоковольтных конденсаторов. Нагрузка на вторичной обмотке не уменьшает индуктивность первичной обмотки, а значит частота колебаний Lc остается постоянной. Частоту гна которой работает выходной трансформатор изоляции надо брать как можно ниже, потому что увеличивается ширина синусоидальных колебаний (площадь импульсов)- а это ток.
        Все мои опыты показывают, что сердечник трансформатора должен иметь большую габаритную мощность, он работает как посредник между реактивным током холодного электричества в первичной обмотке и током вторичной обмотки.
        Трансформатор работает не так как обычный сетевой трансформатор.
        Увеличение тока нагрузки на вторичной обмотке обычного трансформатора приводит к увеличению магнитного потока в магнитопроводе трансформатоа, а на холостом ходу ток минимален.
        При работе на холодном электричестве на холостом ходу магнитный поток в сердечнике трансформатора максимален и уменьшается при увеличении тока нагрузки вторичной обмотки.
        Я подозреваю , что связано это с тем, что ток вторички подчиняется правилулевой руки (магнитный поток), а в первичной обмотке наоборот.
        О ходе дальнейших результатов буду сообщать..
        С уважением ко все участникам!!!


        • Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
          Hi, everybody!!!!
          proceeding from own calculations and experiments I can argue that the formula on an exit of the transformer of production is considered capacity day off so:
          Where F - frequency of the transformer, C - capacity high-voltage a banok of condensers.
          Hi Dyatronn,

          Just to clarify.... Power = Capacitance * Voltage squared * Frequency * 2, NOT frequency squared.


          • Zilano

            After seeing a lot of posts and many many different schematics from Zilano it is time again that I post something. I only post when I build something and post details and video of my builds.

            Because it is so much talk about Zilano I must say I read all her posts from the start of these thread.

            Here are three posts from Zilano which are very interesting:
            Hi kurt!
            i havent made any vids till now. i want people to strive and learn and use brains first. coz if u
            give knowledge as a throwaway replicators can replicate easily but they wont know the idea and
            the basic behind the dons technology. let people learn. give them knowledge. but let people try it
            first themselves. i will be posting vids also but this is not right time. lets see no no members
            replicate with knowledge gained on here.lets see some progress !
            though i have posted my crude circuit. my first attempt circuit which gave 250 v dc 2.5 kw
            output with 12 volt 120 watt input on here. i fine tuned it and scaled up to 10 kw 230-250 ac 50 hz

            hI MR.CLEAN!
            Thankx for reading my posts. i have it working in my home a 10 kw device.
            230-250v sinewave. i did not use 555 timer based nst. i made it on my own. made to oscillate at
            30 khz. a 4kv power pack and then just did step down. am using it.
            you are on the virge of a one step away. and u will get it. any more queries welcome!
            i posted ur progress without ur knowledge sorry abt that. i tried to contact ya but failed coz
            google didnt let me. here i never saw u online. am glad u are here ! congrats on ur progress!
            may God bless u always!
            good wishes from my side!
            u r using reverse tesla concept-thin primary more turns and thick sec less turns. don never
            mentioned it. but its the only way to free power.

            hI THERE!
            A SPARK GAP + RESONANCE.
            MR. CLEAN ALSO HAVE.
            10 KW UNIT. 220-250 VOLT 50 HZ SINE WAVE. AM HAPPY WITH IT!

            Now the point is, we dont need hundred new schematic. I and probably others we just need one schematics with all details that works. And if Zilano has working 10kw unit which is powering his home I dont understand why is posting another 100 different schematics. We just need one which is working.

            This is my opinion and now I go back to workshop to make any progress with Don Smith replication which I will explain in details with schematic and video and post here or any other thread.



            • Originally posted by RAD-HHO View Post
              Hi Dyatronn,

              Just to clarify.... Power = Capacitance * Voltage squared * Frequency * 2, NOT frequency squared.
              Скажу для ясности по русски
              Мощность равняется произведению емкости высоковольтных конденсаторов на квадрат напряжения (амплитудное значение синусоидальных колебаний на контуре образованом первичной обмоткой трансформатора и высоковольтными конденсаторами) и произведению на удвоенную частоту колебаний (для примера 50 герц.)
              Удвоенная потому что 50 полупериодов вверх и 50 вниз. эти полупериоды индуцируют магнитное поле в трансформаторе, а значит выполняют полезную работу


              • Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
                Хорошо, буду писать по русски.
                Я думаю, что в общих чертах вы знаете о ходе наших работ по устройству Дона Смита.
                Сейчас находимся на стадии модернизации трансформатора изоляции..Дело в том, что резонансная катушка может выдать определенный ток (у смита 3 ампера), поэтому реактивное сопротивление трансформатора изоляции должно быть большим (большая индуктивность первичной обмотки), чтоб не просаживать резонансную катушку.
                Катушка будет выдавать всегда три ампера, если на первичной обмотке трансформатора 100 вольт и если 10 киловольт. Поэтому нам выгоднее когда первчная обмотка большого индуктивного сопротивления, потомуи напряжение на ней будет выше, а мощность от напряжения зависит квадратично. Самое прекрасное в такой системе, что можно устроить колебательный контур из первичной обмотки трансформатора изоляции и высоковольтных конденсаторов. Нагрузка на вторичной обмотке не уменьшает индуктивность первичной обмотки, а значит частота колебаний Lc остается постоянной. Частоту гна которой работает выходной трансформатор изоляции надо брать как можно ниже, потому что увеличивается ширина синусоидальных колебаний (площадь импульсов)- а это ток.
                Все мои опыты показывают, что сердечник трансформатора должен иметь большую габаритную мощность, он работает как посредник между реактивным током холодного электричества в первичной обмотке и током вторичной обмотки.
                Трансформатор работает не так как обычный сетевой трансформатор.
                Увеличение тока нагрузки на вторичной обмотке обычного трансформатора приводит к увеличению магнитного потока в магнитопроводе трансформатоа, а на холостом ходу ток минимален.
                При работе на холодном электричестве на холостом ходу магнитный поток в сердечнике трансформатора максимален и уменьшается при увеличении тока нагрузки вторичной обмотки.
                Я подозреваю , что связано это с тем, что ток вторички подчиняется правилулевой руки (магнитный поток), а в первичной обмотке наоборот.
                О ходе дальнейших результатов буду сообщать..
                С уважением ко все участникам!!!
                Thank you Dynatron, and good luck in your work. We are confident that soon the Smith device, with your help, will no longer be a mystery.

                Спасибо динатронного, и удачи в вашей работе. Мы уверены, что скоро устройство Смит, с вашей помощью, больше не будет тайной.


                • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  Vidbid, by your own words you don't have the right to ask anybody to
                  produce anything. You had the audacity to ask dyatronn to verify he was
                  dynatron some time ago. And yet you say no one needs to show, prove or
                  verify anything.

                  Do you personally even have work to show ? Am I allowed to even ask you ?

                  How dare you ask anyone for anything when you say others can not ask the
                  same kind of things ?


                  And you dare also to speak of chaos.

                  Thanks for offering your input, Farmhand.

                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  by your own words you don't have the right to ask anybody to produce anything.
                  Produce those words, Farmhand.

                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  You had the audacity to ask dyatronn to verify he was dynatron some time ago.
                  Farmhand, I will grant you I have audacity. I further grant that I will ask for whatever I want.

                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  And yet you say no one needs to show, prove or
                  verify anything.
                  Produce those words, Farmhand.

                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  Do you personally even have work to show
                  Farmhand, do you think you have earned my respect for me to show you?

                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  Am I allowed to even ask you
                  Farmhand, do you need my permission to ask?

                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  How dare you ask anyone for anything when you say others can not ask the same kind of things?
                  That's a straw man. Produce those words, Farmhand.

                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  What is unbelievable is your feeble attempt at argumentation.

                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  And you dare also to speak of chaos.
                  You dare speak of it, and yet you would attempt to limit me from speaking of it.

                  How dare you speak of chaos, Farmhand?



                  • Hi dynatron, Nice work ! and thanks for sharing here, interesting note you make
                    about the magnetic flux of the core is maximum when the transformer is idle.

                    That is actually a normal trait of a "power transformer" as noted in the document below.

                    Transformers Part 1 - Beginners' Guide to Electronics

                    One thing that obviously confuses many people is the idea of flux density within the transformer core. While this is covered in more detail in Section 2, it is important that this section's information is remembered at every stage of your reading through this article. For any power transformer, the maximum flux density in the core is obtained when the transformer is idle. I will reiterate this, as it is very important ...

                    For any power transformer, the maximum flux density is obtained when the transformer is idle.

                    The idea is counter-intuitive, it even verges on not making sense. Be that as it may, it's a fact, and missing it will ruin your understanding of transformers. At idle, the transformer back-EMF almost exactly cancels out the applied voltage. The small current that flows maintains the flux density at the maximum allowed value, and represents iron loss (see Section 2). As current is drawn from the secondary, the flux falls slightly, and allows more primary current to flow to provide the output current.

                    It is not important that you understand the reasons for this right from the beginning, but it is important that you remember that for any power transformer, the maximum flux density is obtained when the transformer is idle. Please don't forget this
                    Nice wave form you have there in the video, looking forward to seeing future


                    P.S. That is a truly massive core, and the device is rattling it pretty good too.
                    Very impressive, is the nice waveform taken from the device output/big transformer input ?
                    Best of luck.
                    Last edited by Farmhand; 05-12-2012, 07:35 PM.


                    • Originally posted by vidbid View Post

                      Thank you for offering your input.

                      Since you are addressing me, I will respond directly to you.

                      What is your point here, Joit?

                      Joit, calling a person a liar is not being courteous or respectful.
                      Vidbid, I asked, what is YOUR POINT To support a Person what dont say the Truth.

                      Answer a Question with another Question is no Answer. Not Polite from you also and not even straight

                      The Zilano Lies is a Fact. Claiming, he has a working Device and Do NOT have it is a plane straight LIE. Stating, he knows how the Device work and stutter around then is another LIE. That has nothing to do with politness, thats a plain Fact. Get Real. Vidbid.

                      One from my Points here is pretty simple, when you support her with all her Nonsense, then you obviously come from the same Camp as he does.
                      Not much better then, even when it only looks like, that you try to keep up with him to keep the Thread alive. But that only makes you suspicious too.
                      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                      • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                        Back to Don Smith. I have found that Don Smith formula is correct and quite easy to explain under some assumptions . I will prepare simple doc explaining it for your comments and corrections.....

                        I for one look forward to reading it. Thanks for that. It's nice to see one or two constructive posts amongst the others here in this thread.


                        • Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
                          I will say for clarity in Russian
                          Power equals the product of the capacity of high-voltage capacitors, and the square of the voltage (peak value of sinusoidal oscillations at the loop formation of the primary winding of the transformer and high voltage capacitors) and the product at twice the oscillation frequency (for example 50 Hz.)
                          Twice because there are 50 half-cycles up and 50 down. These half-cycles induce a magnetic field in the transformer, and thus perform useful work

                          Well, I'll write in Russian.
                          I think in general you know about the course of our work on the device of Don Smith.
                          We are now at the stage of the modernization of the transformer insulation .. The fact that the resonant coil can give a certain current (Smith 3 amps), so that the reactance of the transformer insulation should be large (large inductance of the primary winding), so as not to squander the resonant coil.
                          The coil will produce always three amps, if the primary winding of the transformer 100 volts, and if 10 kilovolts. We therefore advantageous when a large inductive pervchnaya winding resistance, because the voltage across it will be higher, and the power of the voltage depends quadratically. The nice thing about this system that you can arrange an oscillating circuit of the transformer primary winding insulation and high voltage capacitors. The load on the secondary does not reduce the inductance of the primary winding, and hence the oscillation frequency remains constant Lc. The frequency of the STA is running on the output transformer insulation should be taken as low as possible because it increases the width of the sine wave (square pulse) - and it is current.
                          All my experiments show that the core of the transformer should have a greater overall capacity, he works as an intermediary between a jet of cold shock of electricity in the primary winding and secondary winding current.
                          The transformer does not work like a normal power transformer.
                          The increase in the load current on the secondary winding of the transformer leads to the usual increase in the magnetic flux in the magnetic transformatoa and idling current is minimal.
                          When working in cold electricity at idle the magnetic flux in the transformer core maximum and decreases with increasing load current of the secondary winding.
                          I suspect that this is due to the fact that the secondary current is subject to pravilulevoy hand (magnetic flux), and the primary winding of the other way around.
                          On the course of further results will be reported ..
                          With respect to all participants!
                          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                          • And no jibby jabby Zilano blathering.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              Vidbid, I asked, what is YOUR POINT To support a Person what dont say the Truth.

                              Answer a Question with another Question is no Answer. Not Polite from you also and not even straight

                              The Zilano Lies is a Fact. Claiming, he has a working Device and Do NOT have it is a plane straight LIE. Stating, he knows how the Device work and stutter around then is another LIE. That has nothing to do with politness, thats a plain Fact. Get Real. Vidbid.

                              One from my Points here is pretty simple, when you support her with all her Nonsense, then you obviously come from the same Camp as he does.
                              Not much better then, even when it only looks like, that you try to keep up with him to keep the Thread alive. But that only makes you suspicious too.

                              Thanks for offering your input.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              .. what is YOUR POINT..
                              Joit, what is your point?

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              Answer a Question with another Question is no Answer.
                              If asked a question and I choose to answer it, I will answer it however I choose to answer it. If I choose to answer a question with a question, that is my choice.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              Not Polite from you
                              Is calling a person a liar your idea of courtesy?

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              not even straight
                              My words are straight from the heart.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              The Zilano Lies is a Fact.
                              You claim she lies. Prove it.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              a plain Fact.
                              The plain fact is calling a person a liar is discourteous.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              One from my Points here is pretty simple, when you support her with all her Nonsense, then you obviously come from the same Camp as he does.
                              You can make all of the suppositions that you wish to make, though it doesn't make any of them true.

                              I continue to support Zilano.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              Not much better then
                              And far less better are you, Joit.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              even when it only looks like
                              I don't care what you think "it" looks like to you, whatever "it" is to you.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              that you try to keep up with him to keep the Thread alive.
                              Yet another supposition.

                              Originally posted by Joit View Post
                              But that only makes you suspicious too.
                              ad hominem

                              Now I will speak.

                              Joit, is that the best that you can do?

                              Bring it on.



                              • Я бы хотел попросить участников форума, кому не сложно, посмотреть это видео первые десять минут идет объяснение по большой установке Дона Смита. Очень интересно о чем там говорят.
                                Опишите пожалуйста хотя бы в общих чертах здесь смысл.
                                Donald L Smith Free Energy 1A - YouTube
                                заранее спасибо.

