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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Testing...

    Originally posted by Lattice333 View Post

    I think you have clearly established that the near infinity circuit powers the 9 LEDs for a long time (days).

    The next question is how much longer does it run with the SEC than without it?

    I set out to confirm this by creating a non SEC circuit. I placed 9 LEDs in parallel then added sufficient resistors to limit the current to that drawn by the SEC circuit.

    I then charged both batteries to the same start voltage and ran the SEC circuit and the non SEC circuit in parallel and compared the battery voltage fall over time. My test was run on 12v rather than 6v so I will not muddy the water by thowing in my results. Still I was surprised by the result. Has anyone else tried a control test llike this on 6volts?

    You might try the Harbor Freight 9 led flash light runs on 3 aaa batteries... I am very impressed with it. But I believe it is a totally different animal than the sec. The sec is made to run much greater load than the flash light.

    I am still learning how to tune mine many other projects to play with
    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • Patent Apps

      Unless you have visited Stiffler Scientific you may not be aware of the fact that the SEC 'Spatial Energy Coherence' Technology is now in 'Patent Pending' Status. I am fully aware that some portions will be contested, but the 'Spatial Light' and 'Eternal Light and the 'Self Charging' NILS Light System has never been released to public domain and is therefore protected under this status (World Wide) until we are granted a General Patent.



      • wireless

        Congratulations on the patent app. Hopefully you will not have many roadblocks to overcome and may all your business ventures be profitable. If I had a lucky charm I would give it to you to keep the wrong-doers away. You know who I'm talking about...

        But enough of those guys... Ive got some more to share.

        YouTube - Demonstration of SEC method for wireless power.

        My first "tower"... using pie tins instead of condiment cups, and they work well, I guess. I need more LEDS as a load on "receiver" tower to get it right. The brightness snaps in like was shown in the video from doc.

        I apologize for being so slow, sloppy and half-butt.... I dont have a 6 volt charger so that's why my marathon test stopped after 50+ hours. Necessity is the mother of invention, and I am hoping that I can get this wireless action to work with a battery charger so that I can get a full 6volt battery to complete the challenge offered by Dr.Stiffler, even though he said he only needed Shamus and Lidmotor ;-)

        Hahaha - for some reason I have the same feeling I would have if I walked into a new years eve party after it was over and all the trash still needed to be picked up. Excited I made it to the right place, but disappointed I was late.

        YouTube - Demonstration of SEC method for wireless power.

        Much respect to everyone.


        • Just a quick note to let y'all know that results of my experiment will be posted soon.

          EDIT: Full report can be found here: Replication of Dr. Ronald Stiffler's Near Infinity Light System

          Well Doc, it's out there. Thanks again for sharing this with us.
          Last edited by Shamus; 10-30-2009, 01:55 AM.


          • Good Report
            Originally posted by Shamus View Post
            Just a quick note to let y'all know that results of my experiment will be posted soon.

            EDIT: Full report can be found here: Replication of Dr. Ronald Stiffler's Near Infinity Light System

            Well Doc, it's out there. Thanks again for sharing this with us.
            That is a very impressive report that you wrote and all should read it. I think that is what Dr. Stiffler wanted when he asked us to do the experiment. My results were very similar to yours and your conclusions I agree with.
            I continued to run my experiment for four more days and finally stopped it tonignt. It was a 9 day run with the battery starting at 6.49 volts and ending at 6.11 volts. I also experienced the battery sometimes climbing during the day and attribute that to perhaps temperature change. During the night I usually saw about a .03v drop for that the 12 hour period. I had the experiment running in the living room and it made a nice light to have on it you got up in the wee hours.


            Last edited by Lidmotor; 10-30-2009, 03:47 AM.


            • Just an observation

              Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
              That is a very impressive report that you wrote and all should read it. I think that is what Dr. Stiffler wanted when he asked us to do the experiment. My results were very similar to yours and your conclusions I agree with.
              I continued to run my experiment for four more days and finally stopped it tonignt. It was a 9 day run with the battery starting at 6.49 volts and ending at 6.11 volts. I also experienced the battery sometimes climbing during the day and attribute that to perhaps temperature change. During the night I usually saw about a .03v drop for that the 12 hour period. I had the experiment running in the living room and it made a nice light to have on it you got up in the wee hours.


              Congratulations on the replications lidmotor and shamus! Always great work lidmotor and great report shamus. These experiments definitely validates the doctors work.

              What i found the most interesting in these replications, besides the anomalous run time of the 9 leds, was the increase in voltage to the battery during the day time readings. Lidmotor and shamus both pointed out that this might be due to temperature change, which can play a role, but if the temperature is only varying + or - 10 degrees Fahrenheit... i just can't see that kind of change in temperature affecting the circuit in such an obvious and beneficial way.

              This observation made me draw a parallel between the NILS and another Tesla based device, the moray oscillator. Although the doctor may yell at me for bringing up Tesla and a technology that is only backed by 70 year old claims and a couple pictures, i think this is an important parallel to draw that Moray claimed that at night time his "tubes" output would decrease which is the reason he would expermient at night because during the day his equipment would "burn out."

              From what i have read about his device and theory (his book Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats) you can draw many parallels. Another example which i have read about was an observation made by his son is that if you approached the device while it was operating, its output (a bank of incandescent lights) would dim, something that happens if you put your hand near an operating SEC because it will be thrown out of resonance.

              My point is that we shouldn't rule the gain of energy during the day to temperature change just yet, there maybe more to it. Maybe Dr. Stiffler's lattice will actually increase in energy during the day because on an increase in electromagnetic energy bombarding the lattice? (aka The Sun)

              Just some food for thought, and once again good job everyone and thank you Dr. Stiffler.



              • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                Unless you have visited Stiffler Scientific you may not be aware of the fact that the SEC 'Spatial Energy Coherence' Technology is now in 'Patent Pending' Status. I am fully aware that some portions will be contested, but the 'Spatial Light' and 'Eternal Light and the 'Self Charging' NILS Light System has never been released to public domain and is therefore protected under this status (World Wide) until we are granted a General Patent.

                Dear Doctor,

                Do you need money after this age? I am so sorry about this but your name will stay in your patent from now on.

                You deserve much more than a patent...

                Please let your students learn without any restrictions and put your name to history.

                They will pay you and dont let you to do anything else like Kiril Chukanov, Tariel Kapanadze, Thane Heins, Steve Mark..

                But still I want to thank you for your help to humanity.

                I have learned a lot from you and owe you a lot..

                I wish you all best..

                Nuri Temurlenk

                RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
                Last edited by samedsoft; 10-30-2009, 11:51 PM.


                • Here is a video with two SEC 15-3's on the same board with there L2 coils wound around each other.

                  I was thinking one coil would excite the other.

                  In the video it's running off a dead rechargable 9v battery with 7.4v's in it.

                  It's also turned down with the ferrite rods barely in L1.

                  It will light the 21 leds to full brightness just being close to the coils.

                  I wound like to try it with a bigger main L1 with three or more exciters on it.

                  Here is the video.

                  YouTube - Two SEC 15 3 With L2 Coils Wound Around Each Other


                  • Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
                    Here is a video with two SEC 15-3's on the same board with there L2 coils wound around each other.

                    I was thinking one coil would excite the other.

                    In the video it's running off a dead rechargable 9v battery with 7.4v's in it.

                    It's also turned down with the ferrite rods barely in L1.

                    It will light the 21 leds to full brightness just being close to the coils.

                    I wound like to try it with a bigger main L1 with three or more exciters on it.

                    Here is the video.

                    YouTube - Two SEC 15 3 With L2 Coils Wound Around Each Other

                    Have a look at this post:


                    Doc published this circuit also, and I consider this no coincidence.

                    I expect some kind of coil setup could offer a lot of magic. and maybe one of us could find it, maybe the video above is the solution, maybe something slightly different.

                    I just wonder, and will keep an eye on the other thread also, which Doc honored with a posting.



                    • Does anyone know how he had the 10-5 circuit board set up in "" Esec is alive and well

                      It looked like there was a jumper wire on the board doing something to the power supply input area, I couldn't get a good view, and it seems L3 is missing. it seems the missing L3 was the white jumper wire but I still dont know where it went. Maybe he had it set up like NILS going to the power supply without the LED's.

                      The reason I ask is I tried to hook a 650 farad 2.7 v supercap to the wireless tower and see how long it took to charge it up from but it couldn't hold a voltage. past .15 volts. It is possible the cap is bad, but I was thinking I could use SEC to find that out!

                      Is there documentation on ESEC like there is on NILS?


                      Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 11-01-2009, 08:06 PM. Reason: :)


                      • Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
                        Does anyone know how he had the 10-5 circuit board set up in "" Esec is alive and well

                        It looked like there was a jumper wire on the board doing something to the power supply input area, I couldn't get a good view, and it seems L3 is missing. it seems the missing L3 was the white jumper wire but I still dont know where it went. Maybe he had it set up like NILS going to the power supply without the LED's.

                        The reason I ask is I tried to hook a 650 farad 2.7 v supercap to the wireless tower and see how long it took to charge it up from but it couldn't hold a voltage. past .15 volts. It is possible the cap is bad, but I was thinking I could use SEC to find that out!

                        Is there documentation on ESEC like there is on NILS?



                        Be careful to not blow you caps. Th3 cap will charge to ~2/3 Vc


                        What did "He" use, how did "He" have it wired? Wow!, Im dead and didn't even know it.


                        • Guys,

                          what is the best schematics for SEC 18-1 and "towers"? I'm lost...



                          • What did "He" use, how did "He" have it wired? Wow!, Im dead and didn't even know it.
                            I apologize. I just thought you were taking a hiatus and I directed that question to other people but I see your still here, and I sure hope your not dead because you are a regular invention machine! Honestly I have a lot of respect for you, Dr Stiffler... and I deserve to be called any name you care to throw at me. I'm just happy this circuit/method exists and that I discovered your work before it was too late. Trust me, I would buy you a beer if I knew what bar you went to.

                            I am getting together care packages for my friends, which will include SEC, tweaker, LED panel, dual wound towers, some batts, and will soon be giving them away. That shouldn't violate copyrights... Hopefully in some pay-it-forward fashion, and that is my method of spreading your word. Obviously it will have your name all over it with links and references. Hopefully I will get you some buisness.

                            And I still am lacking a 6 volt battery charger ;-) Thats what I get for working at a dead end job. I could use a 12v charger but wouldn't that just charge the batts lopsided?

                            Sorry again for my unprofessionalism. I would love to be a paid research scientist more then anything but I've been stuck in foodservice for about 10 years. It gets me the money I need though.

                            Thank you again for your whole life's work and publishing parts of it, so disrespectful loosers like myself can have hope for a better tomorow.


                            • Sec documents

                              Originally posted by ABCStore View Post

                              what is the best schematics for SEC 18-1 and "towers"? I'm lost...

                              I think it's this one

                              Assemble Your SEC15/20 Circuit Board Kit | Scribd
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • This one too

                                Wireless or One-Wire Energy Transmission Construction Guide

                                L3 tower is 143 turns with a tap at turn 37 on a 12.5mm (1/2 inch?) Outside Diameter lucite rod.

                                I made mine on a 1/2 inch Inside Diameter PVC pipe (so its a little fatter then it should be) with #26 wire that I had left over from Bedini projects. It worked like a charm, but I think if you follow Dr Stiffler's directions to the Tee you might get better results then I did.

                                The 18-1 schematics are limited to you if you bought one. The 15-x series work well enough, maybe better, depends on if you would rather tune with a slug tuned inductor or a variable capacitor. The boards he sells are pretty swank, they come with a neat tuning indicator and are very cleanly made.

                                Dr. Ronald R. Stiffler | Scribd
                                Last edited by CosmicFarmer; 11-02-2009, 09:24 AM. Reason: :)

