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An Inquiry in to the Alien Reproduction Vehicle

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  • Gambeir
    If you use the rising bubble analogy as porthole to envision the cause and effect, then what might be happening is a tearing away, or peeling back of what I can only describe as interference of disorganized energies found in disorganized matter, so that the center aligns with counter-space, more akin to how a magnets crystals are aligned, creating a more direct connection to counter-space as well as removing weight: Maybe exposure might be a better way of seeing it. If that's the case then the faster you can accomplish this peeling the more powerful the effect should be.

    Actually Bugsfly has suggested this by stating that in the Alexey Device it's the spinning magnets which prevent the shrinking from injected HF/HV energy via the Tesla Coil (Z-Pinch Effect). I would say that from what we have so far this is a reasonable idea that makes a lot of sense.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 01-05-2019, 01:43 PM.

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  • Gambeir
    Originally posted by robur View Post
    Wheeler apparently has no theory for any other kinds of gravity
    There's people better qualified than myself to talk about this because I'm not a science historian. I just have a thin veneer of understanding cobbled and stolen from those around me. However, Wheeler's own work is an expansion on the previously held notions of counter-space which existed up through the 1950's of counter-space and gravity specifically. I don't see Wheeler as expressing a divergent form of theory, rather only a more precise and scientifically founded understanding, one which validates and strengthens the ideas held by people whom were in conflict with the Einsteinian notion of gravity.

    Under Wheeler's model what we call gravity is actually mass mutual attraction, and in dis-organized matter the product is not organized and condensed like a that in a magnet but it still has a potential for becoming organized, and it still does result in a magnetic field, it's just that it's not organized enough to produce a condensed magnetic field. With Wheeler it is still possible to see gravity as a push on matter, and even though that notion is actually not an accurate and complete understanding, it is the idea of unknown energies being exerted on matter which produces gravitational weight that is important. Whereas, with Einstein's ideas you're just cursed and doomed, so I think the revival of pre-existing thoughts which are the bedrock of Wheeler's own work is what's most important so as to not be lead astray under Einsteinian Physics.

    You can get a sense of the idea that gravity was a push commonly held by the population in this video posted by sinergicus where Howard Menger talks about being part of a collection of individuals who worked on saucer technology at Colorado Springs. At about 24:00 minutes in he talks about the quote "push" that is gravity and the way he does that in the video makes it clear that this idea of gravity being a kind of push was evidently a commonly held notion. So these last few "educated" generations have brought about a profound re-modeling of this idea so that, now, virtually no one has ever hear of such an idea. To find it you have to be introduced to the idea and that's where I think Henry Stevens really does a great job.

    At about 27:00 minutes in he brings up this work on antigravity under government supervision.

    Now I think that with your on knowledge there's going to manifest a connection between material and results. Such that as in the case of the Alexey Device there is a connection to the use of aluminum which I know absorbs long range UV light, and I think that if one connects the triad of light and energy held together by magnetism then in that we will find progress.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 01-05-2019, 01:22 PM.

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  • robur
    Gone by request
    Last edited by robur; 07-26-2020, 02:58 PM.

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  • Gambeir
    Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
    old interview with howard menger
    Thanks, I found myself listening to the whole thing. Confirms my own belief that at least by the mid 1950's the industrialists had conquered the gravity problem, which then raises a lot of problems for the "official history."

    This is also an interesting site.
    Welcome to PROJECT 1947

    Hmm... I see what is being suggested with the vortex ring surrounding a bubble. It does fit the observed vortex rings left in the sky. You seem to be saying that really there's a reverse process from what I imagined, and that it's the rotating magnets in the Alexey design which are, in fact, pulling the energies outwards towards the edges and spinning them in a loop like vortex similar to the one around a bubble. I can see that as a valid idea.

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  • aljhoa
    Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
    That point is then the position of the artificial false mass created by the applied energies of and AC field carried on a UV light band, which should (I'm guessing) be held relatively stable at the point of vector overhead.

    This accomplishment appears to be the result of a combination of UV light, matched with two divergent energy sources, one DC and one AC, and resulting in a kind of invisible cone above the machine which, more or less, contains enough energy to create an artificial false mass to which the machine is attracted towards.


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  • sinergicus
    Ufopolitics this is dedicated for you

    old interview with howard menger

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  • Gambeir
    According to Wheeler there's only two ways to form an anti-gravity drive. Take that on faith as a true fact for now, and so if that is true, which it appearts to be, then the Alexey has to either be repelling itself from the Earth or else creating a false mass overhead to which it is more attracted to, and I believe that is what is happening.

    We know that aluminum absorbs light in the long range UV spectrum. In the Alexey Device it also has an high voltage AC power spike being applied at intervals while a high voltage DC field is being administered at a right angle 90 degrees to both the UV light and AC field, and which is being carried upwards by a series of rotating magnets through this aluminum plate. Now in theory one would have either rotating magnets, or else a separate set of magnets, and whose magnetic fields cross at a point in space overhead to form a vector point. That point is then the position of the artificial false mass created by the applied energies of and AC field carried on a UV light band, which should (I'm guessing) be held relatively stable at the point of vector overhead.

    Now evidently in the Alexey Device this is sort of accidental due to the somewhat imprecise understanding, and which we are working towards understanding in greater depth, but I think this is a fair estimation of what is likely taking place. There has to be a vector point above the machine and it has to have energy focused to that vector point which creates a greater mutual mass attraction to the machine than the earth's own local mutual mass does. This accomplishment appears to be the result of a combination of UV light, matched with two divergent energy sources, one DC and one AC, and resulting in a kind of invisible cone above the machine which, more or less, contains enough energy to create an artificial false mass to which the machine is attracted towards. Now naturally if this is correct then the refinement of this is relatively easy to accomplish.

    Now an alternative, or supplemental way to go about this is to use a cloud of charged particles, one handy source might be formed from water vapor, and perhaps seeded with nano-particles. Refer here back to those black smoke rings and to the cloud cloaked UFO's: Need I also mention the now somewhat obvious connections which might then exist to chemtrails and the vicious denials of their existence?
    Last edited by Gambeir; 01-03-2019, 05:21 PM.

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  • Gambeir
    If we take the idea that counter-space is a dielectric inertial energy field, and moving with a speed many times in excess of the speed of light, and which is observable in condensed form as a magnetic field, then a magnet represents a potential thrust force based on it's Tesla Strength, whereas a mass of disorganized dielectric inertial energy (Counter-Space) perturbed by matter produces mutual mass attraction; erroneously known previously as gravity. The idea here is how then to use the two known's to a positive effect.

    The velocity of Counter-Space is constant: Only the perturbance of movement induces artifacts such as a magnetic field or mutual mass attraction. The magnetic field represents an organized mass field. Wheeler confirms there is no such thing as magnetic attraction; it's a mutual mass attraction. As an example, a mutual mass of stacked magnets results in a greater mass magnetic field.

    The weight of an object is its' own mass field + any mutual mass influence it may be under in a localized environment, which is then a medium specifically, for example such as the mass field of Earth. So it's not gravity, it is rather mutual mass attraction wherein more matter equals a greater mass attraction field.

    A magnetic field is organized counter-space created by organized matter, whereas mutual mass attraction is created by disorganized matter. Both are artifacts produced from disorganized counter_space perturbed by their presence. The only defining difference is whether or not the matter is of an organized and suitable nature or just a jumbled up mass of matter.

    Because mass fields are disposed to mutual attraction there then arises the ability to create a levitation device by creating a so-called false mass using a magnetic field and which is then held away from, but in close proximity to another mass, and where the force of mutual mass attraction can be used for effect.

    Gravity is not magnetism even though it arises from the same causation of perturbed hyper-speeding counter-space. To say magnetism and mutual mass attraction are the same thing is akin to comparing the light from a laser to a light bulb.

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  • Gambeir
    This Lazar type UFO illustration is a more accurate depiction of the actual primary ideas involved in how these machines work. The supposed propulsion system Bob was working on almost certainly was not part of the propulsion system but rather a tractor beam system. Although the tractor beam system is essentially the same as the propulsion system, it would not be used for propulsion other than in an inverted position, and which makes it both a back up drive and a tractor beam system. Providing obviously that what I've depicted here is actually close to the real physics behind how this specific type of machine works.

    Last edited by Gambeir; 12-28-2018, 05:44 AM.

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  • Gambeir
    Originally posted by Fessor View Post
    Hi Gambier,

    I admire your ability to theorize in new ways, based on Wheeler among others.

    About role of the form of matter, crystals, quartz

    Could it be that element numbers and physical properties to the ether, could be linked as you point out your self.
    You mentioned element 12, 13, 14...

    Tesla pointed nature’s resonance order of 3,6,9,,, well to tap ether in resonance disturbance I think.

    3 Lithium
    6 Carbon
    9 Flourine
    12 Magnesium (alternative to your mentioned 13 aluminum)
    15 Phosphorus (alternative to your mentioned 14 silicium, quartz)

    Phosphorus - Element information, properties and uses | Periodic Table, bringer of light.

    And on top of it all, as a wild shot, spectral lines, as I see it can be considered a way of expression or representation of how the light and ether respectively interacts to the physical properties of elements and forms. But somehow I don’t find the pattern in the outcomes here, not that obvious.

    Happy Christmas to all.
    Hmm...Well that's something I think time will reveal. There is likely a correlation and maybe in due time those will become more apparent.

    Right now I think the most important idea to understand is that the Aether is real, and that these ideas about gravity under Einstein are, I think, completely refuted. I think Ken Wheeler has demolished the notion that rocks are possessed of an innate quality which creates gravity. Which isn't even remotely logical given the more rationale alternative of matter interacting with an unseen energy field.

    We now know there is a background dielectric energy field traveling at an estimated speed of light squared, or 10/20 meters per second with a frequency 10 billion times higher than light. A frequency is so high and its wave length so short, (4 x 10–8 nano–meters, or 4 x 10–17 meters) that its' velocity is so fast that it goes through matter as if it did not exist. This is of course Counter-Space, or what Tesla called Radiant Energy, and which Nick Cook made famous by labeling as Zero Point Energy, and which Dr. John Milewski has called Super-Light, but ultimately it is simply the Aether.

    That energy field is incoherent and made coherent via organized lattices of crystalline shapes. This is what a magnet teaches us.

    Henry Stevens explained the prevailing beliefs about this energy field before the overthrow of science under Einstein, and however inaccurate those ideas may have been, the gist was fundamentally correct and the only reason these ideas weren't validated was because the understanding of the magnetic field was stagnant, at least in official academia, but underneath there must have been another understanding more in line with what Ken Wheeler has now brought in to the light of day, and you can see it in the push to develop high power magnets like the so-called Bitter Solenoid Magnets developed in the 1930's, and this push to ever greater power in magnets has never let up.

    So now to speculate a little; it appears that Bugsfly's gut instinct may be fundamentally correct wherein he first brought forward the idea that the Alexey Device was more akin to a grind stone or mill stones grinding up energy. At first that idea seemed really strange to me but now I think I understand the idea.

    Wheeler teaches us that one of the factors we can use in altering gravitational weight is to alter the local medium, and since the purpose of a magnet is condense an incoherent energy field in to a coherent field, then the evident purpose of increasingly more and more powerful magnets has to do with the creation of an altered local medium, but in order to accomplish this we have to first form or create a powerful magnetic field which is getting energy from the vacuum of counter-space, but then this same energy, which is now represented in the now condensed magnetic field needs to taken back down in to a disorganized field, and that all happens after it's been condensed by a super magnet in order for it to be of any value. The idea being to create a cloud of incoherent energy which can then be controlled with a secondary magnetic field in order to create a gravity control system, one used to envelope a space ship, or alternatively to project that cloud away from the ship but held in a cross vector of magnetic fields; which is what I think Wheeler called a forced field drive, and that drive would be using this artificially created incoherent energy field controlled by a secondary magnetic field to chase after a false mass which is, in truth, a vector point for two magnetic fields. This needs to happen otherwise the cloud will immediately seek the nearest mass of matter, and so with the Alexey I surmise that the spinning magnets are somehow clumsily involved in sometimes accomplishing all this, almost accidentally, but not quite.

    Now it's not yet clear if this is how it works or if the idea is to instead simply feed the ground up incoherent energy field back in to the magnet at the accretion disk point (The so called Bloch Wall).

    So what I think right now is that the center column of the ARV has a super conductive magnet, whose purpose is to draw in counter-space so that it can then be put through a kind of mill stone action which will create a condensed incoherent energy field that envelopes the machine. The upper ring surrounding the crew compartment would probably then be a sectioned electro-magnet which is used to direct the incoherent energy field upwards and by switching sections off or on could then control the direction of the machine. This idea also fits with descriptions of Nazi saucer technology using magnetic plates for directional control.

    So then, going back to the information you presented, if these ideas are right then the understanding of what specific materials best produce this grinder is what I would imagine will eventually come to light. Right now it is unclear to me if the purpose of the quartz in the so-called capacitors is really to assist in this grinding action or some other purpose, but it does stand to reason that if the the ideas I've presented are correct then it would seem rational to think that the object of these crystals is not to focus into coherency, but rather the reverse, and which then produce an incoherent energy field which can then be exploited by moving that energy cloud around the vehicle via secondary magnetic fields.
    Last edited by Gambeir; 12-28-2018, 12:17 AM.

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  • Fessor
    You gave me food for thoughts

    Hi Gambier,

    I admire your ability to theorize in new ways, based on Wheeler among others.

    About role of the form of matter, crystals, quartz

    Could it be that element numbers and physical properties to the ether, could be linked as you point out your self.
    You mentioned element 12, 13, 14...

    Tesla pointed nature’s resonance order of 3,6,9,,, well to tap ether in resonance disturbance I think.

    3 Lithium
    6 Carbon
    9 Flourine
    12 Magnesium (alternative to your mentioned 13 aluminum)
    15 Phosphorus (alternative to your mentioned 14 silicium, quartz)

    Phosphorus - Element information, properties and uses | Periodic Table, bringer of light.

    And on top of it all, as a wild shot, spectral lines, as I see it can be considered a way of expression or representation of how the light and ether respectively interacts to the physical properties of elements and forms. But somehow I don’t find the pattern in the outcomes here, not that obvious.

    Happy Christmas to all.

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  • Gambeir
    Originally posted by robur View Post
    I am working on this physically for a while now.
    As I have full activation instructions and information on how it must be set up.
    1 person had tested already with good results, but need a lot more tests.
    I can make it work, but not without some help
    I know, it's just that it is beyond my capabilities.

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  • robur
    Gone by request
    Last edited by robur; 07-26-2020, 02:57 PM.

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  • Gambeir

    Seriously have no fear. I accept all forms of currency. Whatever works to get us a flying carpet is what matters.

    Originally posted by robur View Post
    The point was: in Russian culture if you like a person you don't something to offend that person. You big fan of Ken Wheeler and often say everyone must listen to Ken. My explanation of effects would heavily contradict Ken's one.
    That is what I meant - that I don't want to offend you or upset you by posting something that would contradict what you believe in with all the passion you are showing.

    I have no reasons to say nothing in this case.
    Perhaps may be only that this wasn't yet fully tested and proof of concept is limited right now

    Here's another person I greatly respect and admire.

    Jerry Bayles has been working on this since forever. You can't go wrong with Bayles either.


    Electrogravitational Equation Explanation

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  • robur
    Gone by request
    Last edited by robur; 07-26-2020, 02:57 PM.

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