Originally posted by Duncan
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You should have seen that transistor tv, it covered the entire length
of our classroom tronix bar 40 long feet. This was before a 555 timer
came in strong.
Deflection, that whole deal, old time long hand circuits. Just math and
play time. No one person did it all. Then later I looked at the digital
chips and much more, just goofin off building already designed boards
like my modulated microphone that went on my base CB radio.
Really simple stuff. On the universe and space I loved the books from
the 60's on ION propulsion and at 9 years figured out how the pumping
of rocket fuel worked on the BELL. Pumps powering pumps where
gravity was not present the accumulator tanks started the process.
The snap program, a space sandwiched nuclear battery, skylab
posters all over my room, sent to me from Johnson's Jet lab, then at
12year one lab sent me the write up and breakdown of the MHD
Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics electrical generation with a flame seeded
by a metal passing a coil.
Just some pass times. Books are yummy. TEXT books, I hated romantic