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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • Mini-Conference


    I organized a mini-conference for this last weekend. There were six of us (from Bedini back grounds) who got together to share knowledge and learn. Dana came from MI, two others from GA, one from NC and two of us from TN had a most enjoyable and beneficial time.

    Dana and I share about your technology which was received with much excitement and desire to build. I had my UFO Device, SSWC, the Radio Shack motor that I just finished (which I find surprisingly easy to build), and the carbon fiber experiments, and Dana gave away DVDs of the posts on this thread and spoke about your recent postings as well as educating on many aspects of this energy. He especially made known the amazing uses of the simple diode. Another guy volunteered to download the thread with some special software that will include the links and material on them as well so we will have the pictures, drawing, and videos as well.

    While there were many times when the discussion got a little tense because it is hard to understand the technology at times, there was never ANY ill feelings or disrespect. It should be stressed that there was complete freedom in this conference (as opposed to a big, strictly controlled, expensive conference) that allowed everyone to ask questions and make suggestions and observations at will. No food was fronded so everyone brought what they wanted and ate when they wanted. There was no leader, no agenda, no planning, and no schedule. It was simply a group of equals sharing life and knowledge together. The grassroots movement for your technology should ensure it's survival and exponential growth. Being somewhat discouraged with the Bedini forums, everybody was very glad to find this technology to be full of information, direction, and results.

    I am finally on the verge of applying these things to my off grid living situation and hope to have more time to delve into the depths of your recent gifts. I need to build a larger more efficient motor that will allow me to power a refrigerator and a few lights. That would make life easier. If I can get a small air conditioner in there I will be in heaven.

    I am pursuing the CF experiments and will attempt to understand the best geometry and amounts of material in relationship to our current setup, but it seems that it will be necessary to apply it to different applications. Can you tell me what other applications I might keep in mind while doing my tests?

    Thank you again for your gifts and love,



    • Hello Codeboundfuture

      Originally posted by codeboundfuture View Post
      So would something more like a plasma globe, or tesla's single capacitor terminal be a better output, or 'termination' to the system? Instead of the joule heating, short circuit of a filament bulb.


      Hello Codeboundfuture,

      More or Less, Codebounfuture...This Machines deliver an "Electrically Isolated" output , and that is, if We look just at the "Electric Flow" , however, if We look at their Magnetic Fields being "Interlaced" inside, then we realize their "balance of magnetic forces" will get affected drastically, by shorting their electrical output in a short circuit loop...this affects its rotation big time...(Note in Dad Hav tests, how the RPM's pitch sound, went down at load with the two automotive Incandescent 12V Lamps, then recuperated again at no load...If you try with any LED Automotive Lamp, even More Amps rated...this will not happen that way...

      There are many ways to get Energy out from a Source, and simply not allowing to feedback at our Machines, or allowing a short circuiting at the loop in their primary sourcing components, even if we short it after passing a "filtering"...yes, a Cap Bank, Diodes as many other means out there...

      All of You out there have similar "scenarios" and I can just bring one or two, to look at:

      Let's say I have a 2 Kw Generator, driven by a 5HP Gas Engine...
      Now, let me ask you what happens when I add Two Incandescent lamp of 500 Watts each, to that Assembly Output?
      And note I said "Assembly" not looking just at Generator, but also at Gas Engine behavior...

      I will Tell You exactly what happens:

      Number one Electric Generator will tend to "stiffen, to lock up" due to a huge magnetic drag inside its Fields "satisfy output demand"...Coils inside, had magnified its magnetic field intensities, with their own produced currents, negatively feed-backing them by short circuit, therefore Gas Engine will suffer a sudden Drop Off in RPM's , that issue will be "resolved" by an automatic spring triggered lever, attached to the "mouths" or Carburetor Throttle Valve, ..more GAS is then injected into its Explosion Chambers...required immediately to gain Gas Engine Power to almost a Full HP capacity ... while we have to fill its tanks keep on the two lamps...( I was writing what happens in its "Digestive Intestinal System" or Exhaust Valves and Manifolds...but then I decided not to...)

      This happens also in any Air Conditioning Unit, when Compressor Motor "kicks in" to pump its Gas from Evaporator to Condenser stage passing through all kind of processes...You feel that "kick in" even in your lighting at home...will blink...even a small 9000 BTU, portable Air Conditioning Compressor Motor will "request" 80 Amps draw, from Source to "kick in its Compressor"

      So, in other words, this is "Nothing NEW" to ANY of Us here...and that miniature Modified, little R/S Motor, just reacted, like ANY other Generator-Gas Engine would do if you add a LOAD that it can barely handle, or it is reaching its Max Capacity......if NOT processed the Right Ways before connecting it...

      The only thing is...that before that "little Motor" was Modified, it was Back-Firing all its Input in the face of everyone out there...through the *****, sorry the Witch...the C EMF...or Back EMF story teller...and since it is "such an old technology"...they have figured out for everyone out there to accept this facts, just like Sheep's obey their Pastor when He takes them -every day- to an open grass land...


      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-24-2012, 12:11 AM.
      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • To those interested in math and programming. For the advancement 'seeing'.

        Originally posted by Ufopolitics;
        For those interested or willing to learn/spread the use of mathematics and programming in this field I have taken a moment to put together a couple of things that will work well to advance our ability to calculate what we are doing.

        Quaternions, to put it as simple as I have found is a rather basic system of mathematics that is especially accurate and fast for calculating 3D objects in 4D space (3D + time), including the translations or movements of the objects.

        Google Docs - Longitudinal Dielectric Waves.pdf Page 6;
        "The employ of quaternions by informatics increases computer
        calculation speed and allows memory space spare up to 55%, which is a
        great advantage for instance in aerospace navigation (typically in
        inertial platforms)[5]; their application to Maxwell’s equations
        reveals some unexpected elements."
        Tracking objects drifting around objects floating through space. or... energy around a -conductive- path.

        Now, for the programmers, I bring you haskell. A lazy functional programming language. It should provide a way of presenting the equations in a clear manner (not easy in most programming languages) but also as a lazy evalution language it plays very well into how quaternion math AND processors work, translations are added up but not fully calculated until the CALCULATED value is needed. Quaternions require keeping track of multiple values which plays perfectly with lazy evaluation and how CPU registers work (registers will quickly fill and calculate in a single cycle instead of clogging memory traffic by using only one or two registers for useful calculation per cycle, which is common without rather extreme optimization techniques). Two very important requirements for mathematical programming are fulfilled quite easily by this language and here is a short paper for a quaternion library for the Haskell programming language. Quaternion Library - Short Presentation w/ Examples.pdf

        The faster we can simulate and accurately visualize the interactions as Maxwell's equations has already described them, the better. We all already understand the impact and importance of UFO's videos.

        I brought this forward in hopes that it can be useful to someone here, or that we may spread all of this information to those who are adept in certain arts, for we are working now within a very large realm full of possibilities, we must keep our minds and our hearts open.



        • Hello My Friend!!

          Originally posted by View Post

          I organized a mini-conference for this last weekend. There were six of us (from Bedini back grounds) who got together to share knowledge and learn. Dana came from MI, two others from GA, one from NC and two of us from TN had a most enjoyable and beneficial time.

          Dana and I share about your technology which was received with much excitement and desire to build. I had my UFO Device, SSWC, the Radio Shack motor that I just finished (which I find surprisingly easy to build), and the carbon fiber experiments, and Dana gave away DVDs of the posts on this thread and spoke about your recent postings as well as educating on many aspects of this energy. He especially made known the amazing uses of the simple diode. Another guy volunteered to download the thread with some special software that will include the links and material on them as well so we will have the pictures, drawing, and videos as well.

          While there were many times when the discussion got a little tense because it is hard to understand the technology at times, there was never ANY ill feelings or disrespect. It should be stressed that there was complete freedom in this conference (as opposed to a big, strictly controlled, expensive conference) that allowed everyone to ask questions and make suggestions and observations at will. No food was fronded so everyone brought what they wanted and ate when they wanted. There was no leader, no agenda, no planning, and no schedule. It was simply a group of equals sharing life and knowledge together. The grassroots movement for your technology should ensure it's survival and exponential growth. Being somewhat discouraged with the Bedini forums, everybody was very glad to find this technology to be full of information, direction, and results.

          I am finally on the verge of applying these things to my off grid living situation and hope to have more time to delve into the depths of your recent gifts. I need to build a larger more efficient motor that will allow me to power a refrigerator and a few lights. That would make life easier. If I can get a small air conditioner in there I will be in heaven.

          I am pursuing the CF experiments and will attempt to understand the best geometry and amounts of material in relationship to our current setup, but it seems that it will be necessary to apply it to different applications. Can you tell me what other applications I might keep in mind while doing my tests?

          Thank you again for your gifts and love,


          Hello my dear Friend!!

          Long time did not heard from you!, except through Dana...

          I am very happy you are doing such organized meetings in your area!!, that is awesome Bob!
          If the right and positive minds get together on just what I have rendered here , I am very sure it will derive into major success.

          Yes, it is absolutely important that any meeting occur in a harmonic and peaceful environment, however, that "only happens" when you get surrounded by Positive thinking people, Open Minded Engineers, or technicians...and not pessimists, skeptics, and closed minded very low level frustrated it has happened before to me here...on my, I am very happy it went excellent for all of you guys!

          Keep in mind...that I will render here next, an Asymmetrical Motor Generator Stator...based on a Fiberglass embodiment, and surrounded, wounded by a Bifilar Coil, 18 gauge...yes just one Coil like Your Quad-Filar "Monster Coil" in our previous thread..
          So...then, I will show you, before you wind it with Copper...How to get your Carbon Fiber Tow...wrapped around your fiber glass upper surface...and also getting out two CF Terminals...then laying a nice resin layer coat...well I know you are already "figuring out" the expectations...since you have done many CF Experiments before...

          And of course, I know you will make such a "Monster" Motor-Generator...that all your Neighbors will be very glad that you ever lived there...

          ...and Air Conditioning "included"


          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Thanks Codeboundfuture

            Originally posted by codeboundfuture View Post
            For those interested or willing to learn/spread the use of mathematics and programming in this field I have taken a moment to put together a couple of things that will work well to advance our ability to calculate what we are doing.

            Quaternions, to put it as simple as I have found is a rather basic system of mathematics that is especially accurate and fast for calculating 3D objects in 4D space (3D + time), including the translations or movements of the objects.

            Google Docs - Longitudinal Dielectric Waves.pdf Page 6;
            "The employ of quaternions by informatics increases computer
            calculation speed and allows memory space spare up to 55%, which is a
            great advantage for instance in aerospace navigation (typically in
            inertial platforms)[5]; their application to Maxwell’s equations
            reveals some unexpected elements."
            Tracking objects drifting around objects floating through space. or... energy around a -conductive- path.

            Now, for the programmers, I bring you haskell. A lazy functional programming language. It should provide a way of presenting the equations in a clear manner (not easy in most programming languages) but also as a lazy evalution language it plays very well into how quaternion math AND processors work, translations are added up but not fully calculated until the CALCULATED value is needed. Quaternions require keeping track of multiple values which plays perfectly with lazy evaluation and how CPU registers work (registers will quickly fill and calculate in a single cycle instead of clogging memory traffic by using only one or two registers for useful calculation per cycle, which is common without rather extreme optimization techniques). Two very important requirements for mathematical programming are fulfilled quite easily by this language and here is a short paper for a quaternion library for the Haskell programming language. Quaternion Library - Short Presentation w/ Examples.pdf

            The faster we can simulate and accurately visualize the interactions as Maxwell's equations has already described them, the better. We all already understand the impact and importance of UFO's videos.

            I brought this forward in hopes that it can be useful to someone here, or that we may spread all of this information to those who are adept in certain arts, for we are working now within a very large realm full of possibilities, we must keep our minds and our hearts open.


            Hello friend and thanks for giving all that important information here...
            I have been working on a video, where all this is displayed in 3D, and applying it directly to My Machines here...
            Below is a Perspective view of just one frame...then I added the text for easier view and understanding...and I know they are most familiar with the graphics, since it is on my video Asymmetry to Enlightenment ...


            I liked your description about Quaternions that you have posted, seriously speaking, it defines its Scope very clearly:

            Quaternions, to put it as simple as I have found is a rather basic system of mathematics that is especially accurate and fast for calculating 3D objects in 4D space (3D + time), including the translations or movements of the objects.
            If You take a look at the above Diagram, will note that Coils have Each One an Axis assigned(Gold and Green center) based on their electrical flow or electric field center vortex (Dave 45 is gonna love this... ), however, this Axis, also renders the Magnetic Field Axis between both ends, where coils render their respective North South Poles, Now, this Coils Axis also rotates MECHANICALLY, relative to Machine Main Axis (Blue Checker shaft) . Now the advantages of Quaternions 3D Space plus Time, allows Us all to communicate in a very neat and clear Language...For Example: Now You all will understand me better, when I said that Pairs of Coils can NEVER BE AT 180 Degrees apart...therefore, I "automatically" refer to this two Axis I have just described above (Coils Axis Green and Gold), to explain my "secret" that cancels them to zero...and in the way they are disposed now, is just for simplicity of model to understand it...but IN REALITY, they will NOT Work at all...just because... they are exactly at 180 degrees apart from each others related, to their N-S config...

            So, please, do not be afraid about Quaternions, (just its name sounds complicated... ) as you will find many confusing and make believes, they are "way too complicated Physics and Math" many sites you will find out there...and it is absolutely NOT TRUE, it is just a better and basic language to communicate in the Asymmetrical World...

            Regards to all

            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-24-2012, 02:23 AM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • I don't know how helpful this is but when I was learning about quaternions for 3d games I developed this site came in very handy: Sacred Software - Quaternion tutorial just in case anyone wants a quick introduction


              • Wow ufo It is just like you guys are talking another language. All this is way over my head as i am just a hole digger with a great interest in free energy research. been following these sites for many years and you are the first to show something wonderful thank you sir wonderful job ron


                • Hello Dear Turion

                  Originally posted by Turion View Post
                  As usual, I have been thinking too much, but as I look at the five section stator that you are going to wind with ONE wire, and the wound armature that has to have commutators at both ends with two sets of brushes, and all those wires, I can't help but wonder if a configuration change would be possible in this motor, and thought I might bring it up here and see what you thought. In all probability I still do not understand the geometry of this setup and am out in left field, but I seem to spend a LOT of time there, and have grown quite comfortable.

                  Anyway, would it be possible to use a SINGLE wire on the armature so that you have a solid commutator at each end (for your plus and minus). The wire could be separated into sections with coils that have spaces in between each one, but are still one long wire. Then all the MAJOR wiring would be on the stator. Several different wires which are pulsed through mechanical or other means (simple switches possibly??)

                  It would end up looking a little like the Bedini/Cole window motor. If this is not possible, I understand, but it would SIMPLIFY the building and replication process if it is. Especially for building home made armatures, which now become very simple. The complex part becomes the stator, which while now a little more complex to build, requires nowhere near the precision of the stator.

                  Hello Dave,

                  I know man, thinking too much sometimes is not too good...

                  Yes Dave, it would work perfectly fine like you are saying, as a matter of fact if you watch My video Defining Radiant Field part 1, where I clearly show a small and simple "Magnetic Tool" I have designed and built...there you could see the little Magnet spinning just like a Miniature Motor Armature...inside of Coil, as it increases speed, when approaching the Gravitational Center of Coil...

                  Therefore, inside this Asymmetric Stator I have designed-built now, a Permanent Magnet Armature-Rotor will also deliver a rotational force...As it will also do a "Steadily Energized Coil" (like what you are mentioning) through A Continuous Slip Rings Contacts...or like you've said...a "Solid Commutator"..., however, I understood exactly what you meant...

                  The only "Draw Back" I see in this design, is having an "At All Time Energized Coil"...just like a typical Stator works in a Symmetrical arrangement of a Motor or when Rotating in a Generator of same topology...The real draw back is not that it will be pretty hot, cause that could be resolved by installing an internal cooling fan to shaft..and some inlet-exhaust openings.. ..The Big Time draw back is...That we will never get the Radiant Field developed, in that permanent energized coil to Assist our Dynamics, and save our Energy input...while it also "cools off"...

                  But since you like to "think a lot" I will give you another "issue" to go over...
                  What about an Internal Armature Coil, "interlaced" with Motor Coils...but,connected to outputs through continuous slip rings also to be just an extra output?...just like a "Dedicated Rotary Secondary" to collect all Radiant flow excess, sent by Main Stator pulses... ?

                  My opinion...don't think too much!!...

                  Kind regards my friend

                  Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-24-2012, 05:04 AM.
                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • UFO,
                    OK, you definitely make my head hurt with this stuff. If a coil on the armature in the center cannot be on continuously, you could have a commutator with sections aligned so that it is only on when the coils on it align with the coils on the stator. But that shouldn't be necessary should it?. Couldn't you use a multi section commutator on one end of the coil on the armature which would deliver off times during the rotation for the collection of the collapse. Then it becomes a pulsed motor, does it not? In the little motor the stator had constant power because the magnets were always "on", but there were breaks between them or gaps which gave them their off time. So the stator had "off times" and the armature had "off times" when the brushes were't making contact with a specific coil. Here we could pulse the windings on the armature by using a commutator and the windings on the stator by either mechanical or electrical means. You could have brushes and a second commutator on the main shaft that supplied the coil or coils on the stator with power in a specific pattern. One commutator on each end of the shaft for each end of the coils.

                    As to the following:

                    "What about an Internal Armature Coil, "interlaced" with Motor Coils...but,connected to outputs through continuous slip rings also to be just an extra output?...just like a "Dedicated Rotary Secondary" to collect all Radiant flow excess, sent by Main Stator pulses... ?"

                    I think I need a bottle of aspirin for this one. I'm still trying to picture it

                    Last edited by Turion; 07-24-2012, 05:43 AM.
                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • No Dave...

                      Originally posted by Turion View Post
                      OK, you definitely make my head hurt with this stuff. If a coil in the center cannot be on continuously, you could have a commutator with sections aligned so that it is only on when the coils on it align with the coils on the stator. But that shouldn't be necessary should it?. Couldn't you use a multi section commutator on one end of the coil in the middle which would deliver off times during the rotation for the collection of the collapse. Then it becomes a pulsed motor, does it not? And that still leaves the coil in the center only needing two wires and the rest of the wiring on the stator.

                      As to the following:

                      "What about an Internal Armature Coil, "interlaced" with Motor Coils...but,connected to outputs through continuous slip rings also to be just an extra output?...just like a "Dedicated Rotary Secondary" to collect all Radiant flow excess, sent by Main Stator pulses... ?" I think I need a bottle of aspirin for this one. I'm still trying to picture it

                      Hey Dave,

                      Sorry, I did not mean to cause you a headache...

                      We already have in my design that Dual Comm arrangement alternating coils that use our T-On to energize, react magnetically, then reverse by Radiant and deliver output at T-Off...then come back to recharge again..., Now, they DO ALIGN with the Radiant Field of Stator...that helps them get induced by Radiant in the same exact energy flow...remember me, when I was insisting to WIND THEM ALL in same directions?...Armature and Stator Coils?...well, that is why...Radiant, as I show on that video above, when I turned the little tool South Up..RE does not transfers-induce into an opposite wound energy...No Blue light...Sorry, but they are "Natural Laws" of Radiant Field that I have discovered through my research and development of a little bit of time my friend...

                      I have thought already, of "The Best Possibilities" to approach the best ways as possible to get the "MOST" out of this New Energy to all of Us, to finally deliver it to you guys, I have "Filtered Them" , my friend, like you have no Expose them here, cleaned up from failures, and confusing data..or not properly researched...however, I will always admit, there could always be room for better improved designs...but honestly speaking...between you and me...I seriously doubt it in a near future... (just kidding)

                      Now what I mentioned about a rotary real, no joke , the "Magnificence" of this Radiant Energy Effect, is that We could add as many direct and Insulated wound secondaries as our design allows...whether at Stator or Armature...and SHE will transfer very, ultra fast into them ALL...and it is an Inexhaustible Source of Energy my Dear Friend...
                      HER Induction is NOT like Hot Induction at all...that have a "Loss-Decay" over Time-Space Transfer...but the opposite...a magnification over time-space, that could get to be very dangerous when getting "too ambitious"...and pulsing too high up our magnetic field...SHE could come with such a RUSH SURGE strength...that will blow back all our an old story teller I heard a long time ago...

                      Regards my friend

                      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-24-2012, 06:07 AM.
                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • why not with the magnets in rotation - with commutator brushes?

                        Joule Motor


                        • UFO,

                          Thanks for listening to me ramble on. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this. I know the long hours it takes to really research something, to build the models and to test something that doesn't work. And how it feels when something finally does what you hope it will do.

                          We have seen your design for a stator, and you have said that you would like to eliminate all metal from your design, so what will the armature look like for this motor you are building? Have you drawn that up yet? I cannot wait to see it.

                          I have all the fins glued on my stator and am ready to wind it, but have been looking over the three drawings you posted that show the windings on the five fin stator, and I'm not sure of the winding pattern. I even blew the pictures up to 8 1/2 by 11 and printed them out so I could try and trace the windings, but that does not appear to be the same picture seen from three different angles. Or if it is, I am totally losing it. The beginning of the wires are different from one picture to the next, so I am not sure which wire I am following as I try to go from one picture to another. I'll keep working on it though.

                          Last edited by Turion; 07-24-2012, 01:14 PM.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                            There are many ways to get Energy out from a Source, and simply not allowing to feedback at our Machines, or allowing a short circuiting at the loop in their primary sourcing components, even if we short it after passing a "filtering"...yes, a Cap Bank, Diodes as many other means out there...


                            Just to be clear then, what method can we all use to measure the output of these little motors so we can all be on the same sheet of music?


                            • Asymmetric Fiberglass Single Coil Video

                              Hello all

                              Here is the Asymmetric Video on the Fiberglass Stator...enjoy it

                              ASYMMETRIC SINGLE COIL FIBERGLASS STATOR CORE - YouTube


                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Hello Dear Minoly

                                Originally posted by minoly View Post
                                Just to be clear then, what method can we all use to measure the output of these little motors so we can all be on the same sheet of music?
                                Good Morning Dear Minoly,

                                Now here in Diagram below, You all have One Type of Connection We all could try...based on a SEPIC (Single Ended Primary Inductance Converter) Topology...Now, this is one method I have tried...but, let your imagination run, and your Electronic knowledge to lighten new horizons...

                                However this will give you an Idea...I hope.



                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

