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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • External Connection Two

    Hello to All,

    I am actually kind of "rushing" on displaying this Connection due mainly on Prochiro (Dana) progress on the advanced replications with Imperial Pulsing...I am NOT done making the final testing on this connections...but it would be worth for Machine Alive and Prochiro to test them, since they may have the right resistance per Pair/Coil, which -I believe- at this point, is my problem as of now.

    Machine Imperial have a much lower resistance than mine...and I do not know about Dana's...don't recall he has mention it...


    With this connection, when I have the Mecc Alte engaged/coupled with Motor, the higher amperage I get is around 6-7 amps @ 36V...

    Unfortunately...the problem -so far- is that I only reach 2300 RPM's Max... ...not enough to turn on power on Generator Head...even though Torque is very high, just like running it at higher amperage.

    I believe here lies, at least one, of the methods to run Generator Heads...the resistance -in my case- IF it would be lower...I believe I will reach the required additional 1300 RPM's...

    I have tried with 48 Volts...and the highest amperage is 11 amps @ 2380 RPM's...with load on...however the 500 watts ea lamps only lite dim, energy meter do not get to show readings...

    So, I believe that if pulsed at a sequential order with a dead time, where SW1/SW2 could render much better results.
    Diodes are there to avoid reverse currents, as to show/understand flow...but it will do same effect without them.

    To ALL:

    You guys could test on all your Asymmetrical Machines this simple connection, even on the Radio Shack Motor...two brushes or four...don't matter how many poles...just jump the bottom Output-Input and feed from top...amperage gets down to nickel and dimes......Torque does not get affected.

    Regards to All


    Edit 1: Commutators only get "warm"...even on Imperial
    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-29-2013, 03:56 AM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • Great Work Guy's.

      Great Work DANA, thanks for the vids, congradulations!

      @ UFO, i think i understand now about firing input gates in sequence, thanks very much.

      Best Regards Cornboy.


      • Originally posted by prochiro View Post
        @Bro Donald
        OK, I agree that commutator heat must now be contained. Sparks+heat. What has your bedini like circuit done so far (if you have tested it yet). It looks interesting and we all can see that it will charge a battery, but what about the heat. Is there a visual reduction of sparking? If there is, this could be the biggest Imperial motor first birthday party ever...
        Hi Dana,
        There is a reduction in sparking.
        Try it with a small motor, only takes a minute to hook up.
        I'm sure that you would undrstand better than I if it's a good direction.
        bro d


        • 16 pole 2 brush per end running strong.

          Hi UFO,

          Against your better judgement I wound my 16 pole 2 brush treadmill motor because when I looked at the 12p diagram and compared it with my own 16p diagram when grabbing 5 poles, it seemed to me that it would run.
          I hooked the commutators to fire at 180deg from coil.

          You were right as far as I can tell at this point. When I tried to run it........
          It behaved like it was totally dead. No buzz no heat no spark DEAD!

          I decided to exhaust hookup possibilities and brush adjustments.

          I found a way to hook it up and it runs like a stallion.

          Apparently the gen output is canceled but it has the same characteristics as my little black asym motor. Violent acceleration for example.
          Amp draw seems like other motors that I've built.
          I've got to do some finishing before is "done".

          Here is a link to a simple pic of my hook up.

          Brushes are accessible from outside and go straight in.

          When you have time it will be interesting to hear how it looks to you.

          bro d

          PS Did I depart from the normally departed? LOL


          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
            Ok, promise I will not expand that much now......Plus I will not use any Spanglish from Sampojo...
            Hey, you got my number now. Thats what a trip to Italy & Rosetta stone plus a visit to Venezuela and a brush up on HS Spanish can do to you. Oh you said Spani - Talian b4 ;-)
            Up, Up and Away


            • Originally posted by Donald Haas View Post
              Hi UFO,

              Against your better judgement I wound my 16 pole 2 brush treadmill motor because when I looked at the 12p diagram and compared it with my own 16p diagram when grabbing 5 poles, it seemed to me that it would run.
              I hooked the commutators to fire at 180deg from coil.

              You were right as far as I can tell at this point. When I tried to run it........
              It behaved like it was totally dead. No buzz no heat no spark DEAD!

              I decided to exhaust hookup possibilities and brush adjustments.

              I found a way to hook it up and it runs like a stallion.

              Apparently the gen output is canceled but it has the same characteristics as my little black asym motor. Violent acceleration for example.
              Amp draw seems like other motors that I've built.
              I've got to do some finishing before is "done".

              Here is a link to a simple pic of my hook up.


              Brushes are accessible from outside and go straight in.

              When you have time it will be interesting to hear how it looks to you.

              bro d

              PS Did I depart from the normally departed? LOL
              Hi again Mr UFO,
              I blew out the windings on my 16pole and when I took it apart I saw that
              one of the brushes was not coming down freely so there was no contact most likely, when it wa running.

              Let me rewind it and and get back to you. Don't give it any time for now.
              I hope this isn't late because of your so busy.

              bro d


              • Hey everyone,

                Dana, your setup looks really good. Can't wait to see your finished build, great job friend.

                Well, I received my new switch today. There was no spool sent with tower, I don't know if it was supposed to come with one. So I used an old solder spool which fit nicely over tower. All I have managed so far is to wind about 500 turns of 19.5, it is 4.2 ohms.
                It is going to take a while to get used to the mercury switch. I did a run with 24v, input in series, but I don't believe there was any off time. I did not have any time to hook up scope or meters.

                I wish I could spend more time with this. I will continue to chip away and learn the switching capabilities of solenoid, but I am focusing on several new clinics I've opened.

                Anyway, great work again Dana, hope things are going well for you UFO and everyone else.


                • johnny

                  Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                  Hello to All,

                  I am actually kind of "rushing" on displaying this Connection due mainly on Prochiro (Dana) progress on the advanced replications with Imperial Pulsing...I am NOT done making the final testing on this connections...but it would be worth for Machine Alive and Prochiro to test them, since they may have the right resistance per Pair/Coil, which -I believe- at this point, is my problem as of now.

                  Machine Imperial have a much lower resistance than mine...and I do not know about Dana's...don't recall he has mention it...


                  With this connection, when I have the Mecc Alte engaged/coupled with Motor, the higher amperage I get is around 6-7 amps @ 36V...

                  Unfortunately...the problem -so far- is that I only reach 2300 RPM's Max... ...not enough to turn on power on Generator Head...even though Torque is very high, just like running it at higher amperage.

                  I believe here lies, at least one, of the methods to run Generator Heads...the resistance -in my case- IF it would be lower...I believe I will reach the required additional 1300 RPM's...

                  I have tried with 48 Volts...and the highest amperage is 11 amps @ 2380 RPM's...with load on...however the 500 watts ea lamps only lite dim, energy meter do not get to show readings...

                  So, I believe that if pulsed at a sequential order with a dead time, where SW1/SW2 could render much better results.
                  Diodes are there to avoid reverse currents, as to show/understand flow...but it will do same effect without them.

                  To ALL:

                  You guys could test on all your Asymmetrical Machines this simple connection, even on the Radio Shack Motor...two brushes or four...don't matter how many poles...just jump the bottom Output-Input and feed from top...amperage gets down to nickel and dimes......Torque does not get affected.

                  Regards to All


                  Edit 1: Commutators only get "warm"...even on Imperial
                  hi ufo that mod works great on my 16 pole motor i can get 3000 rpm
                  easy pulsed with 36 volts very litle sparking at coms and ? what only
                  20 ma now thats great ufo your a star.


                  • I am glad...

                    Originally posted by laserjo View Post
                    hi ufo that mod works great on my 16 pole motor i can get 3000 rpm
                    easy pulsed with 36 volts very litle sparking at coms and ? what only
                    20 ma now thats great ufo your a star.
                    Hello Laserjo,

                    I am very glad you have tested this connection set up...and many thanks for sharing your readings here!...

                    Below is a Diagram reflecting the way current flows...according to our "new convention"...meaning, from Positive to Negative...even though in reality does NOT occur like that...


                    This is NOT a common and Typical "Series Connection"...but the chosen Pairs to work in series obey asymmetric rules, displayed by the shaded areas, each according to the related dual pair interactions.

                    In simple words...we are using here what "was called" B EMF/C EMF...or "The Witch"......from the Output Gates P8 and P22 and "Literally" INJECTING IT to our Input Gates P1 and P15...As "Inductors" P8-P22 are being utilized as conductors of Flow to follow same exact directions that energize In Gates...except that every time they "reverse" or manifest the B is utilized to our advantage by retro feeding our main Input Gates from "Inside the Machine Core".


                    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-30-2013, 02:41 AM.
                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • The Asymmetrical Hammering Effect...

                      Hello to All,

                      I am sorry that many times I start introducing new Literature/Data here...I don't mean to "change" subjects by doing this...
                      It is just because there is still a lot of Material to be disclosed related to Asymmetry Development...and I see We are running short of time...


                      Following this Diagram there will be some new Structures dedicated to the way Asymmetry really works...better and even stronger Machines than what we have been seen so far...and using much less Energy draw.

                      Regards to All

                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Beautiful.

                        I humbly await, with ears and eyes wide open, UFO.

                        Warm Regards Friend. Cornboy.


                        • Hello UFO
                          I am doing some thinking and it seems as though you may be alluding to one of two ideas. Ether larger diameter or maybe a flywheel? That may be too simple, I am also waiting to see what your Idea is.
                          I set the Imperial up as in the diagram and added 12 more volts for a total of 48 volts. Fets have no heat, fan not required. Amp draw is only 5 ,(five), amps at tops and almost no sparking. Both commutators are barely warm. That is the good news. RPM at full open throttle was 1950.??? A good year but not for RPM. Where are my amps? Is it possible that diodes are limiting in some way?
                          "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                          Nikola Tesla


                          • johnny

                            hi all help please now that i have my motor going great i am ready to make a
                            generator with 20 polls so i am thinking 4 sets of 5 coils 5 north 5 south i do known how to wind them but how do you wire up th coms do you join 5 segments together at each end or not .also how many brushes 4 or 2 i cant remember having seen a diagram on how to wire the out puts when its made .


                            • Hello Prochiro

                              Originally posted by prochiro View Post
                              Hello UFO
                              I am doing some thinking and it seems as though you may be alluding to one of two ideas. Ether larger diameter or maybe a flywheel? That may be too simple, I am also waiting to see what your Idea is.
                              Actually we could call it an "Application"...because We already have the "mechanics" of it for many years ago...but applied to different machines...

                              I set the Imperial up as in the diagram and added 12 more volts for a total of 48 volts. Fets have no heat, fan not required. Amp draw is only 5 ,(five), amps at tops and almost no sparking. Both commutators are barely warm. That is the good news. RPM at full open throttle was 1950.??? A good year but not for RPM. Where are my amps? Is it possible that diodes are limiting in some way?

                              What is your resistance at Input Gates with this connection, making sure brushes are at full contact with pairs?
                              What is your resistance per Pair on Imperial?

                              I am sure you have over 1.0 Ohms there...

                              Where did the amps went? are "very busy" with that B EMF shutting up more from inside out, and back to the operating Pairs-Coils (P1-P15) they do not "manifest" in a higher population at your Gates.

                              How was the Torque?...should be great and very strong.

                              Keep adding more batteries...can afford it right?...I mean with that amperage...

                              I am testing today with a 5 12V Bank (over 60 Volts fully charged)


                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Quad Pentagons...

                                Originally posted by laserjo View Post
                                hi all help please now that i have my motor going great i am ready to make a
                                generator with 20 polls so i am thinking 4 sets of 5 coils 5 north 5 south i do known how to wind them but how do you wire up th coms do you join 5 segments together at each end or not .also how many brushes 4 or 2 i cant remember having seen a diagram on how to wire the out puts when its made .
                                Hello Laserjo,

                                You may be talking about the Quad Pentagon Design by any chance?
                                It was displayed a while back...


                                It is based on Four sets of Five Norths-Five Souths...

                                Four Brushes above four bottom, Two Motor, Two Generator...
                                Must realize that All South Coils wrap around only Two Poles...while All Norths wrap around Four Poles.
                                The way it is displayed here, the Motor Coils are firing according to shown "Y" Shaded Pattern Area, in Orange for M1 and Magenta for M2...Now, the closer that you align commutator elements to fire Coils as Close as possible to Stators Bisectors in Repulsion Mode for Motor...the better.

                                Just wind it like a Motor (like shown in Diagram)...don't split into single coils here like for "Dedicated Generators"....keep it simple...

                                It would be a Great, Awesome Machine!


                                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-30-2013, 06:29 PM.
                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

