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3 Battery Generating System

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  • The curtain

    I'm afraid to look behind the curtain. There might be people behind it leaning and bending or squatting.

    If by some crazy chance someone got your ideas I very seriously doubt tptb would allow a patent. Just my arm pit opinion. Cause I couldn't afford such.

    If by chance in next few days I actually get one of these setups replicated, I'll share here and be serious again.

    For now just need to lean west and go down to the shop located east of Mississippi River.



    • I am not sure anyone can patent the little I am going to put on here but you could cut your electric bill in half or more by scaling it up. You could double the output of a solar system either by wattage or time if you run an island. Cost a bit though to go that big.

      Anyway I didn't get to the store today but I am going first thing morning and everything else is pretty much setup so I'll get the film up for sure in the morning.



      • Ready

        I'll be early with note book and coffee ready to go.



        • Originally posted by Turion View Post
          I think you will find that battery one will hold its own. It is usually the second battery of the two in series (the one with the neg connected to the neg of battery 3) that tends to drop in voltage. You will get some charging of batt 3 and then it will level off. At this point the two batteries will hold level for a while and then #2 will begin to lose a little charge. This is when I will shut it down and allow my batteries one and two to recover. If you push it too far, they won't. The longest I have had to wait for full recovery is two days. But I have been running loads on battery three for "free" during the time it was running. My next attempt will be to switch my motor to between the two NEGATIVES at this point and see if I can flip the polarity of the batteries back the other way. Run it this way for a while, and then go back to splitting the positives again. Once that polarity has flipped and run that way for a little while, that's when we lose the ability of the system to generate power without USING power. Getting it to sustain the power production without using power requires a VERY SPECIAL battery in the third position. You need one that will still let current flow, but will NOT accept a charge AT ALL. Totally sulfated!!! This will be very hard to find. Possibly switching the motor to between the negatives and then back to between the positives will extend the power production window. I don't know. That's what I will be working on tomorrow, among other things.

          You may find that this setup "fixes" your bad battery. I have 'fixed" several. LOL It really ticks me off!

          If a battery is a chemical/electrical relationship, maybe you can fool around with the chemistry, like diluting the electrolyte. I know you can buy unfilled batteries that send you the acid to add after transport, which mean you can mess with it.

          Maybe use a saltwater battery? Saltwater allows current to flow, so maybe you have created a device that doesn't hold a charge but but allows electricity to pass and allows gain from an ancillary effect such as Casimir.


          • Funny thing happened today. I was filming what I wanted to show you guys today and I started to blow fuses in my boost converter's. The batteries go negative often on me and start sucking current through the circuits, and since returning power to the source battery or a secondary battery is part of the entire load of this circuit it adds up in current and the components can't handle it.
            I intend to get some new batteries soon so I can avoid this but for now both my Boost Converters are scrap parts. Some of that was greed, I was trying to show 300 watts running at a cost of about 90 watts giving me a cop of about 3.3. I felt really pissed about it until I found out people are trying real hard to obtain information that I have yet to give out. People who write books and sell information. People who would not pitch one fu**ing dime into a project but would happily run off with what you offer and make money from it. People who snake their way into the door with false promises of research money and favor.
            "Matt, If you build it and pay for it, we'll all get rich!"

            So a bad day again turned into a blessing.

            I wanted to give a little and see you guys move forward but this is just how turns out every time. To many events for one day.

            **I_RON and Wanttomake
            You both have my email, send me a message and I'll send you a schematic. Its worth trying.



            • Hi Matt,

              On ebay, there are cheaper choices vs the amazon offer for the same boost moduls that now failed for you. See this for instance:

              A search yields these other choices too:


              I compared the ebay and the amazon moduls by the photos and they look identical, hopefully they perform also equally well in practice.


              Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
              Here's a big boost module and they run in parallel and they run well.




              • Smoking components

                I spent more money on smoking parts than anything else.

                Sent you an e-mail.

                Thanks Matt,


                • Originally posted by gyula View Post
                  Hi Matt,

                  On ebay, there are cheaper choices vs the amazon offer for the same boost moduls that now failed for you. See this for instance:

                  A search yields these other choices too:


                  I compared the ebay and the amazon moduls by the photos and they look identical, hopefully they perform also equally well in practice.

                  Ya but you got wait a month to get it at least where I am at, about as far away from china as you can get in America. Amazon makes sense with free shipping.


                  • The only test I was trying to show was a boost converter off the battery. The positive of the boost converter going to the positive of the inverter. The negative of the inverter going to the input + of a buck converter and the buck converter hooked the original battery.
                    Similar to what David showed the other day but with the buck converter.

                    Just the COP you can get from that circuit alone is pretty amazing in most cases. Some loads loose a good bit of power but most return a good bit. This is becomes real visible if you track the whole path with good amp meters and watch the potential difference closely.

                    I am going to put a couple together tuned just for the job I was trying. Sucks for you guys cause none of you put electronics together, but I think its worth seeing, that you can pull 2 common circuit on a battery and raise the efficiency 2-3 times, no magic just a little different wiring.



                    • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post

                      **I_RON and Wanttomake
                      You both have my email, send me a message and I'll send you a schematic. Its worth trying.

                      Matt, email on it's way

                      Gyula, I sent for the aliexpress one the other night. I am prepared for a wait!

                      Funny, I sent for two of the little buck converters recently and they were here in a week...first time that has happened. On an order, back in march, the item was here after a month according to the tracking info but was another month before it came to the door.

                      Mostly though I like Digikey... here the next day at noon generally/

                      Last edited by i_ron; 06-27-2018, 02:46 PM.


                      • Originally posted by gyula View Post
                        Hi Matt,

                        On ebay, there are cheaper choices vs the amazon offer for the same boost moduls that now failed for you. See this for instance:

                        A search yields these other choices too:


                        I compared the ebay and the amazon moduls by the photos and they look identical, hopefully they perform also equally well in practice.

                        Same thing here from Los Angeles and about 3 bucks less than Amazon:
                        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                        • David Turion of three battery fame recently posted instructions on how to wind a “speed up under load” coil.

                          Here is my effort at a 12 stand coil. In this test I have it wired as 6 strands in series and then the two in parallel.

                          He suggests a variable speed drive to find the sweet spot. Lacking that and always used to using the RV as test bed I carried on as usual. The RV is very precise as a reverse prony brake, 10 watts out and you look over and the input has gone up 10 watts (or more)

                          I had tried this new coil the other day with an 8 inch 8 magnet rotor and nada. Being limited to 1760 RPM has it’s limitations.

                          However, using my 24 magnet Phil Woods rotor I get a more pleasant outcome. I am only getting 5 watts output but the input went down 5 watts! Running at speed with no load and the input draw was 70 watts. Rectifying to DC and with a 20 ohm load I get 5 watts output and a 65 watt input.

                          A work in progress at this point but exciting to pursue this promising concept.

                          Thanks Dave




                          • Vacation???

                            Wow Ron,
                            Thought everyone was on vacation!!

                            Not sure by your description that your winding will produce much output. We used a different winding with the 12 wire coil.



                            • Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                              Wow Ron,
                              Thought everyone was on vacation!!

                              Not sure by your description that your winding will produce much output. We used a different winding with the 12 wire coil.

                              Thanks for the come back!

                              Can you explain the difference please?



                              • Minimums

                                12 strands of #23 each 253’ in length. That should fill a standard coil bobbin and allows many variable combinations of wires in series. Either 2, 3, 4 or 6. The more in parallel the more amps, the longer the wire the more volts. Let’s you see what combination gives you speed up under load with YOUR rotor with the number of magnets you are using and the rpm you are running at. That is assuming you have a big enough rotor with enough magnets running at a high enough rpm to get the reaction in the first place. Which is why I gave the example of a 10” rotor with six magnets turning at 2800 rpm and promised NOTHING if you aren’t at those minimums. Not that it WON’T work, but I haven’t seen it work, so would not claim that it does or encourage others to build something that I’m not sure will work.

                                A point I should make, Matt had a small rotor with only two magnets on it, and his coils (both of them) would speed up under load. I don’t remember the length of wire or rpm. I built some small coils that would speed up under load. The first LARGE coil I built that did what I wanted was 3 strands of #23 each 1,000 feet long. I shortened them to 800 feet to reduce the voltage output to 120-130 volts AC.
                                Last edited by Turion; 07-01-2018, 05:26 AM.
                                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

