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3 Battery Generating System

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  • Hi Turion. I just want to say you are doing some great work. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by anyone from your work. I have seen it time and time again the energy leeches come out with the tired old more out than in is impossible and defies all logic crap. They try to suck the life out of you. Forget it. There will be no pleasing them regardless of what you say or do. In other words , don't feed the trolls. They start that mess on every thread and every forum on the internet.

    Thanks for sharing your work here. You do not owe anyone any answers about anything. Taking time to talk with these folks is wasting your time and eventually will wear you down if you let it. You should not respond to questions and remarks that are not directly related with the construction , layout , and operation of the 3BGS (for lack of precise name). Anything else you should ask them to not post unless it meets that criteria. I know your trying to be hospitable but there will be no end to their junk. Dont entertain it. End of rant.

    Thank you Turion. Also thanks to the others freely sharing your work and theories. We have a lot in common on our views of how the radiant behaves. Keep up the excellent work!



    • Antenna for the ambiant

      Farmhand: It's not creating anything. It's CONVERTING the ambiant energy (temperature, humidity, kinetic, magnetic, scalar, cosmic....All around us, it's there!!) in a special way or CATCHING it to be able to USE it. A kind of casimir effect or dipole configuration. A bipolar scalar antenna. Simple stupid logic. Hey guys! How in the world a tree can grow from just the sun and some water?? It's radiant energy, same same thing but more natural in the process of converting it. We believe it, but we want to SEE a device working. As simple as that. A can see a tree. Don't have to be skeptic cause I can see it with my eyes. Again, plain logic here.


      • Farmhand, you've been around for quite a while and still don't know the difference between efficiency and COP??!! Efficiency of a device can't be over 100% but a COP can be more than 1 that's for sure, go inform yourself about these definitions. A heat pump IS overunity, it means you put in 1 and the ambient put's in 3, at the output you have 4, get it...



        • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          ...How can it come out if it does not go in ?
          This is not a grounded system so nothing has to leave. And in fact More can come in than can get out....

          Do positive charges attract negative charges? Or vise versa?

          Is DC prone to loss from resistance on a wire? Does that resistance and loss coincide each other? I know you have run this test? You've had to.... Put 50kv on a piece of 30 gauge wire and send down the line a couple 1000 feet.

          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          I have done many experiments in this area, very similar to what you are doing
          now but years ago. I worked out one thing, Lead acid batteries do weird
          stuff. I seen batteries apparently self charge and did "work" runs where none
          of the batteries appeared to lose any voltage, but I know they lost energy
          because I tested that.
          What did you test it with? What specific equipment did you test it with. I mean if you did the work lay it out. Tell us so we can test it. Cause I have one these. This load tester is one one of the best pieces of testing equipment you can test with. And I have used it on batteries that came out of the 3bgs showing a charge. They have never failed to have the POWER left in them. In fact in some cases to primary batteries have shown a reduction in impedance. Since the batteries were all good that in some cases can coincide with an increase capacity. Not always but sometimes.

          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          One way is a simple battery voltage bounce back test run, where the draw on
          the battery at first lowers the voltage then the chemistry catches up and the
          voltage rises under load, if the load is stopped at the right time the battery
          voltage can in fact exceed the starting voltage but the battery has in fact
          given up some of its energy. In the cases I observed.
          Again I would have to ask, what load testing equipment are you using?

          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          Anyone know how much energy it takes to first format and charge a 12 volt
          60 amp hour battery after it is built, before it can be used ? I don't, I bet it is
          a lot though compared to what can be got back out.
          Ya very little. Since each plate is preformatted before the assembly of the battery. They have Vat with 2 fluid containers side by side the run them through and the plates are hanging from the power source. They charge about 20 plates at time and depending on the manufacturer they use 2.4 volt at or around 100 amp. They do this 2-3 times with discharge in between each charge. Then they assemble the plates into the container and fix the attachments between plates. You get the battery with the power that was left. I the case of a golf cart battery they tell you to put a heavy charge on it and let it go the full term. I have had them take as long 20 hours to charge.

          As far as running you off, I do not know why you think anyone would even pay attention to you. The reason I am answering you is because your to ignorant to actually go look for your own answers. You just make these so called facts up and say you tested them. At least thats impression I get cause you cannot back up your "Testing Theory" with real tests.

          And you don't have to worry about discrediting yourself. I have had several conversations with people and if for some reason your name came up the first thing that was said was "That guys an idiot".
          OH YA!!!! We can test that too... If you want.

          Now you should leave cause its going to get rough from here on out for you.



          • I must be barking up the wrong tree here....

            Here's a question I'd like you to consider .. first take a look at this very simple circuit and if you have the time please read the description.
            Capacitive Battery Charger - John Saves Energy
            The question is pretty simple although the answers are pretty glib from the text books it says .. for the sake of exams .. “a capacitor creates a 90 deg phase shift “ yeah well then there's caveats .. no such thing as perfect .. so on and so forth, all that aside a 90deg phase shift is in anybodies language ,, resonance...ish
            Here then you are presented with a quite frankly, pretty lethal circuit however looking past that are you prepared to accept that the situation of a lead acid battery being charged in series with a capacitor proves a battery (or in this case lots of batteries) can be charged with “Reactive current”?
            Obviously there's more questions that shoot off this .. but I'd like to hear what your considerations are . The reason being.... reactive current is regarded as wasteful .. in fact if involved in power phasors it actually becomes known as “a watt less component” If this circuit is actually doing what is portrayed here Its breaking every rule .. bar none. In fact if there's even a sniff of a chance a lead acid battery can come from no charge to 80% charge in minutes without blowing you and it to kingdom come the first and second laws of thermodynamics have just been kicked into the long grass.
            There are other writers on the same subject .. in each case the next topic is … POWER FACTOR … with good reason .
            It surly cant be that simple stupid.. can it?? .. please rush and feel welcome to correct my error .
            However If I am not wrong I would go so far as to say devise some circuitry to hold the battery in a state of series resonance and you have a horse that wont be beat.
            Before I perhaps throw you off line here s a couple of sentences taken from the text that may seem familiar to you.

            1/ When you hear the sulphate crystals buzzing and crackling inside the battery, you know something amazing (and kind of scary) is happening.

            2/ could theoretically charge up a bank of lead-acid batteries to 80% charged in only 6-minutes

            .. yeah well that rather depends on how close you can hove to resonance I suspect .. providing its charging faster than I can discharge it .. job done! Could it then be for nearly a hundred pages we have been involved in various techniques to hold a battery in series resonance in order to receive huge amounts of reactive tulleric current? Particularly as your house negative is also undoubtedly the very best ground connection there is.
            It would be kinda annoying if the answer is this simple bit of dodo's however I await the judgement of my cant be that simple … perhaps I need more shock therapy? I might even get it if I build this thing
            Answers on a postcard … cheques I'll pick up in person
            oh and thread ,,, 100 pages old!
            Last edited by Duncan; 10-21-2013, 01:04 AM.
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • Sorry - double post.
              Last edited by Bob Smith; 10-20-2013, 03:52 PM.


              • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                Could it then be for nearly a hundred pages we have been involved in various techniques to hold a battery in series resonance in order to receive huge amounts of reactive tulleric current?

                Answers on a postcard … cheques I'll pick up in person
                Well, here's my postcard...
                So you're saying (I think) that bringing a battery into series resonance will serve to excite the ambient (telluric) electrostatic environment so that the series resonant battery becomes a kind of conduit for cohering and transforming this (telluric) energy and making it available for regular electrical use?

                I like it.... a lot!


                • Picture Postcard

                  When I hooked up the original 3BGS to the depleted bank of batteries that my dad had for his solar system, it charged them all up to full according to HIS meters in less than 30 minutes. That's when he became a believer.

                  When you have seen it, you realize just what is possible.

                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Who's right Who's wrong

                    I think people should take a step back and just look...
                    I just want to learn , and questions are one of the best ways, building is another.
                    I don't believe Farmhand means any ill-will , his questions are legitimate.
                    When people get all defensive and resort to degrading comments ( not necessarily on this thread ) shows me maybe there's nothing worth looking at.
                    There is something here ,I've seen it, When batteries go negative ,that's when you need to use them, Also the spike is there ,I watch it pulsing my super caps ( they have led's attached to show state of charge).
                    OU ,I don't think exists , tapping into the raidient energy all around us ,Is where the answer lies. I just hope We All can get there.


                    • The jury's still out

                      Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                      Well, here's my postcard...
                      So you're saying (I think) that bringing a battery into series resonance will serve to excite the ambient (telluric) electrostatic environment so that the series resonant battery becomes a kind of conduit for cohering and transforming this (telluric) energy and making it available for regular electrical use?

                      I like it.... a lot!
                      yes Bob very much like a tank tuned circuit will receive transverse radio waves when its resonant I suggest Its akin to ...
                      A series resonant condition will receive the longitudinal electrostatic. wave.
                      at resonance the electrostatic wave is converted to a very large reactive current and little voltage ...
                      conversely the transverse radio wave is converted into a (relatively) large voltage yet feeble current in theory if the Q of the circuit were infinite the voltage could be infinite.
                      conversely if the resonant state of the battery were "Perfect" with the electrostatic wave limitless current is the result.
                      now recall Maxwell tells us only amps and hours are required to charge batteries! The amazing thing is they charge with reactive current
                      with some quiet thought all the other amazing things slot into place.
                      I suggest the loads, The motor speeds, The "transducers" which I originally described as a balanced antenna tuner (if you remember) are exactly that and the object is to tune the "good battery" to the electrostatic linear wave and of course telluric reactive current in huge amounts. (In theory limitless)
                      I have obviously been mulling this over for some time and suggest a combination the "capacitive charger"
                      and the Mazilli
                      Gauge Boson - Electronics - High Voltage
                      could answer .... there's obviously huge "shock" and "explosion" hazards with what I see here but I guess "t'was ever so" anyway I guess a little time for you guys to catch up and digest this prospect and offer suggestions,
                      In my case this has been percolating for quite a long time and not only the function of this machine slots into place but lots of others ... anyway I'll let these things stew with you guys for a while .... very exciting times I know there's been a lot of false hope but I suspect .... ah well I'll wait till the jury returns and go see if I can beat Gollum up some more
                      Last edited by Duncan; 10-21-2013, 12:50 AM.
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • you'll still need to line up your " antenna" with Earth's Pole .... Coral Castle like

                        to take full advantage of telluric energies ( think dowsing )

                        A lot of people don’t know this, but in the 19th century, before surveyors and engineers were responsible for laying telegraph lines, the linesmen laid the lines. They were the people who were responsible for choosing the paths of the telegraph lines through the wilderness. These old timers relied on dowsing to follow the energy streams that run through the earth, and placed their telegraph lines along the routes of these streams. When they did this, they were able to tap into this energy physically to run the telegraph relays.
                        Dowsing Rods: Empirical Evidence and Applications for Charting the Subsurface | Journal of Borderland Research

                        Many have noted that whatever force is in play it is likely not gravity, as tree limbs would bend toward the object, nor electromagnetism (directly) because in that scenario the rod nearest the buried object would move the most. Although not tested, my particular candidate known as “Telluric Currents flow through the earth on both land and sea. They are strong enough that telegraph companies were established in the US in 1859 using them as the power source[18]. The Earth battery, in general, generated power for early telegraph transmissions and formed part of a tuned circuit that amplified the signaling voltage over long distances. Telluric currents have two favorable characteristics: (1) they are not strictly electromagnetic and therefore subject to the peculiarities of the electromagnetic spectrum (microwaves used by GPR are absorbed by water and converted to heat, as anyone who has warmed his/her morning coffee knows) and (2) they can travel subsurface with ease. The trouble with studying Telluric Currents is that long arrays are needed. The problem of relatively small changes in the electric field over a small distance complicates the matter farther. Others have noted that there is not one, but several surface waves, complicating the picture even more. A quart metal can sitting on the surface will make the dowsing rods move about at the can’s boundary. But if buried so that the top is just below the surface, the dowsing rods will move 5-10 meters away. Don’t allow yourself to become comfortable thinking that earth currents are well understood and that there is nothing left to discover about them.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-20-2013, 11:50 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • "John and I have run tests with prototype, solid-state, radiant chargers that draw ONE WATT (12 volts @ 80ma) from the source battery and can charge a 7 amp-hour gel-cell battery from 10.5 volts (fully discharged) up to 14 volts in under one hour (3600 joules). This newly charged battery is then discharged by being connected to a sine-wave inverter and running a 100 watt light bulb for 40 minutes (240,000 joules). After discharge, it can be charged back to full again by the one watt charger in about an hour. The COP of the system is very high. The apparent efficiency of this test is COP>60! Even John and I question the math when it is this high. Never the less, we have run dozens of these tests with the COP>20. " Peter Lindemann
                          I have set up this page you may review what has been going on in the past three years


                          • Link

                            Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                            I have obviously been mulling this over for some time and suggest a combination the "capacitive charger"
                            and the Mazilli
                            C:\Users\user\Documents\Gauge Boson Voltage.htm
                            could answer .... there's obviously huge "shock" and "explosion" hazards with what I see here but I guess "t'was ever so" anyway I guess a little time for you guys to catch up and digest this prospect and offer suggestions,
                            Duncan, As hard as I tried, I just can't get that link to your hard drive to work! Could you resubmit that link?
                            Thanks Buddy!


                            • finger trouble ... sorry Randy corrected now although not fully thought out the Royer is a zero voltage switch ... so of course it must track resonance.
                              to then combine (if possible) well you see the line I'm thinking along
                              Last edited by Duncan; 10-21-2013, 12:56 AM.
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                              • Bravo Bob!

                                Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                                Well, here's my postcard...
                                So you're saying (I think) that bringing a battery into series resonance will serve to excite the ambient (telluric) electrostatic environment so that the series resonant battery becomes a kind of conduit for cohering and transforming this (telluric) energy and making it available for regular electrical use?

                                I like it.... a lot!
                                If I wanted to try and explain in as few words as I could -- that would be them you have grasped the mettle
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

