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Tesla / Imhotep Radiant Energy Circuit

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  • #31
    Originally posted by citfta View Post
    Hi mcombatti,

    Does the Americium need to be electrically connected to the ground or just stuck to it with some glue or something? Or does it need to be insulated from the ground? Looking forward to any other interesting circuits you can share with us.


    In my experiments I've simple uninsulated about a cm or 2 of the ground wire and wrapped it around the americium.. Sort of like a custom jeweler would.. Just to hold it in place.. But if the ground touches the inside foil you'll notice significant voltage drop... Was trying out smartdraw lastnight to draw up all my schematics with each part specs but may just draw them all and post photos :-) For the oscillation.. I've found a very very efficient arrangement of setup without a 555 .. Will draw that up as well.


    • #32

      Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
      has anyone sourced the caps?
      Any non polar lossless caps for the antenna an be used.
      Polarity of the ground caps is important since the ambient + & - are being converted to direct DC from their radiant sudo-AC state.

      In the wall circuit there are
      2- 102 ceramic caps
      2 100uf electrolytic caps


      In the americium circuit
      4 -1N60
      4- 104K 100v
      2 - 50v 470uf
      1 resistor in series on the + output

      Parts aren't really essential...Their setup is... It works on the principle of forming negative resistance on one side of the circuit to force radiant energy through the system and unified as DC by an "electromagnetic osmosis" process. Historically it was once said... Order out of chaos, to divide is to conquer... In energy sense, a 'chaotic system' is used to bring about unity... By separating the duality (dipole), it's energy can be harnessed from the unification process. :-) a universal truth in all things.


      • #33

        I currently do not have 2 of any HV ceramic caps.... Will it work at all if they are not HV?
        I only have 2x 0.22uF 1.25KV caps, no polarity.

        About the diodes... you say 1n4001 produces best results... why? 1n4001 is 50V?.... would any of the other 1n400x diodes work? (Just wondering, I do have 1n4001)

        Also, you mentioned your circuit that it would work with either antenna or ground... So is the americium required to make this work, or will it produce any results without it?

        ‎"It's all in the MIND"


        • #34

          Originally posted by StweenyA View Post

          I currently do not have 2 of any HV ceramic caps.... Will it work at all if they are not HV?
          I only have 2x 0.22uF 1.25KV caps, no polarity.
          These are fine for the antenna caps :-)

          About the diodes... you say 1n4001 produces best results... why? 1n4001 is 50V?.... would any of the other 1n400x diodes work? (Just wondering, I do have 1n4001)
          If the diode has similar ratings I image it should function just the same. Germanium and galena diodes will render the best results due to the fact their voltage drop requirement is 0.2-0.3 volts while the 1N400x series has a voltage drop of 0.7-0.9 +/- volts.

          Also, you mentioned your circuit that it would work with either antenna or ground... So is the americium required to make this work, or will it produce any results without it?

          Americium or any alpha particle emitter will work ground side to force the antenna to draw energy from the immediate environment. Without the emitter, you will need an earth ground, and a very long, high antenna to achieve minuscule results (under 100 volts at very low current). The alpha emitter is simple to force a bias charge on the ground to "make" the antenna draw ambient energy (electrostatic, ionized air, and radio/uv/infrared charged frequency carriers)... Within a circuit antenna and ground that can be enclosed in the palms of your hand (portable). Google alpha emitters and you'll be surprised how many of them are around you in nature and in maybe your driveway :-) I used americium due to it's high energy state and willingness to emit alpha particles.(google ionization chart for periodic table of elements.) pure antenna and ground is as if throwing a handful of sand at the "collection plate) ... Let's say it has double sided tape on it... Some but low amounts will stick.. This is the energy your using to make dc from the circuit. Now let's say we add an alpha emitter... This is like putting an industrial sized vacuum as the collection plate.. Now when you throw the sand at it... It sucks up (absorbs) all the sand.. Notice the comparison and how much more energy can be collected.

          Technically no antenna or ground is necessay... So as long as the circuit is with an area of high enough energy states present... Where one is missing, the other will compensate.. Although ideally, by forcing the baised charge on the ground, we are simply recreating the "impossible negative resistor" google negative resistor.. In Essence, a negative resistor can theoretically power a device connected to only one side since the opposite terminal will be forced to draw energy through the device...(induction circuits like electric motors would require an initial handspin to start). This is adding potential and kinetic motion without the electrons present... Which if one exists, the other must manifest (radiant energy) :-)

          See above for recommenting


          • #35
            Regarding forum name

            Why is ImHotep (middle Egyptian for "by offering" by the way) credited for radiant energy in this forum? Purely Tesla is the father of radiant energy science. Looking at imhoteps circuits, they're straight from Hermann Plausons patents with modern components, and no airballoon to hold the antenna.


            • #36
              Sorry thats my fault.

              I was trying to provoke thoughts for a new circuit to better mankind.

              You sir have done so!

              Well done!

              I was inspired by Imhoteps Labs


              • #37
                Right I've got an old smoke detector.

                On the back it says "CAUTION: Contains radioactive material Americium 241 (0.9 microcurie).

                Inside it has a silver cage with the radioactive symbol and the words "RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL 0.9 MICROCURIES AMERICIUM 241 MADE IN CANADA"

                How do I handle the americium?

                I real want to experiment with your circuit.


                • #38
                  @ soundiceuk

                  In posts number 24 and 26 mcombatti tells us how to handle the americium. As long as you don't eat it you are ok to handle it with your bare hands. The radiation will not penetrate your skin.

                  @ mcombatti

                  I have built the circuit number 5 you posted and am not getting any results. I used 1n914 diodes as I didn't have any 1n60s. I also used 8 strand litz wire for my coil. It is equivalent to number 36 gauge wire. I was not happy with the way I was getting the wire soldered to the back side of the aluminum foil so I took some thin unetched PC board and slowly removed the backing in the middle of the back side of the board until I got to the copper and soldered my ant lead there.

                  I am only getting a few millivolts on my caps. I have tried several different output caps and the results are about the same. I have tired 1000 uf @ 50 volts, .5 uf @ 50 volts and 180 uf @ 450 volts. The most voltage I have gotten has been about 350 millivolts. I realize I will get a little more voltage drop using the 1n914 diodes but if this circuit can produce 70 to 90 volts I should still be getting some higher voltage than what I am getting.

                  I did not have a test tube so I used a large size baby food jar. I glued aluminum foil to the inside and outside of the jar and it is wrapped with about 100 turns of the litz wire. Could the litz wire be my problem? I can rebuild this with some number 23 enameled wire if I need to. The americium came from a new smoke detector I got from Home Depot for $4.45. I couldn't find the old ones I thought I had. If you have any other suggestions please let my know what to try.

                  Thanks for any help you can give,

                  Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                  • #39

                    Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                    Right I've got an old smoke detector.

                    On the back it says "CAUTION: Contains radioactive material Americium 241 (0.9 microcurie).

                    Inside it has a silver cage with the radioactive symbol and the words "RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL 0.9 MICROCURIES AMERICIUM 241 MADE IN CANADA"

                    How do I handle the americium?

                    I real want to experiment with your circuit.
                    I'm new to this stuff, but I read that you should not breathe it in, or get it in your eyes either. So if that's the case, you should wear goggles and a mask.
                    ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by mcombatti View Post
                      Another example is making a few of these circuit wired in series and exciting with a mere plasma ball... you'll soon realize that the output wattage is greater than the wattage necessary to power the ball :-) I'm re-establishing a website at with all my works and testatika reproduction (since it was hacked and all information deleted..I have many backups :-)) Some of my works are followups of my grandfather's (passed in 2007) whom was a good friend of the late tesla.. I have a few documents my grandfather hoarded for years..and am now testing the circuitry and concepts.
                      It's a good idea, even if just for testing theories and prototypes.... Tesla himself spoke about it in his patent (sending charged particles to the plate, from his Roentgen tube)

                      Serious, he was a good friend? What was his name?
                      I admittedly missed this part of your post the first time, the quoting style is a bit confusing.
                      ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                      • #41
                        Still here.. Been busy with thanksgiving holiday

                        The smaller the ground encapsulator (testtube) the better.. Meaning the closer you can get the inner foil to the ground and americium without touching.. The more the ionization/charge potential will be. Looking for a new multimeter since I fried my main meter with this circuit.. While making the video.. So I think I'll just compose a video and show the extent of the charge by sparking it and look for a lead that an withstand the charge.. Until I get my new meter with builtin oscilloscope (only $299.00) :-) will be interesting to check te waveform and voltage produced by working toward mutual resonance (hopefully will spike the voltage)..

                        My grandfathers name is Johnathan (John) Combatti for whoever it was that asked (sorry using iPhone to respond n can't type n bcktrack names :-p)

                        May I ask how the coil has been soldered to the foil? In my circuit, the antenna coil is insulated and coiled around the "leyden jar" setup of the ground encapsulator outer foil... Simply electrical taped to keep it from unraveling.

                        Great determiners of the charge potential are the thickness of the encapsulator (lookup dielectric absorbsion)(thinner the better) .. I believe my test tube is aproximately 1/2 a mm or thinner) ... Also I have the americium soldered to the tip of the ground... About 2/3 of the way into the "encapsulator" and the inner foil is approximately 1/4 of a cm from the americium all the way around.

                        If you have a plasma globe... Experiment with it (antenna side) before assembling so you see some of the circuits interesting characteristics... Too close... Renders only a HV static dc output charge(note be careful of arcing from output... Too far leaves a LV pure electric dc output.. And at a certain range between... HV ... Decent current .. Output.

                        The globe ionizes air just as the americium does.. But is less "toxic" persay due to radiation. You can even coat the plasma globe in aluminum foil..(NOTE YOU WILL BURN YOUSELF IF TOUCHING THE FOIL WHILE OPERATING THE GLOBE..use caution) And leave a small piece for a sparkgap with the antenna side... You'll notice at about 1-1.5mm sparkgap with multimeter on the outputs... You'll achieve higher outputs then the globe is using to create the plasma... Oddly, the more circuits you add does not decrease the output or current.. And each circuit will generate the same output/current... This has been tested upto 5 additional circuits... Distance from the "ionizer" is key...

                        You may notice the oddity of televisions and IR devices functioning on their own (turning on and off or rc cars trying to drive themselves) when the sparkgap is less than 1mm (but obviously visible)... This I have yet to explain.. But will be sure to include in the video.. An IR detector has been used with no apparent IR spectrum detected... So it remains a little mystery.. Because the devices require IR to turn on and off or operate?!

                        The circuit even operates within a room containing a tesla coil (forgot to mention this) regardless of elevation with or without amercium.

                        I advise build the circuit with whatever parts you have and test different methods of excitation.. That is what lead me to utilizing an alpha emitter (research beta voltaic to understand concepts of alpha/beta excitation)

                        Ionization is a key carrier of radiant energy. It even works with an influence machine ;-)

                        To who built the circuit and achieved microvolts.. Please send me a message at my email with possible photo of circuit at


                        And I will look to see If I can see what may be causing such low output. That way I can also scavenge the same parts to test the circuit on my side. :-)

                        Anyone else may message anytime... It's an exciting circuit and I want it to work for everyone who trys it :-)


                        • #42

                          Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                          I'm new to this stuff, but I read that you should not breathe it in, or get it in your eyes either. So if that's the case, you should wear goggles and a mask.
                          Always use safety.. Goggles n mask not necessary unless your pulverizing a radioactive substance.. But it is better to be safe then sorry.


                          • #43
                            Some photos

                            I have used an analog meter to show a few photos of a "barebones" construction.

                            Since I've used up all photo space on here they're at
                            Index of /radiant

                            You'll see a new circuit (circuit 6) a little bigger than an American quarter and delivering a constant 50v at 850mA.. Which I stabilized using a cap bank in series terminated by two larger uF capacity ones.. The diode is to prevent the circuit from back feeding and decreasing current (almost like a spark gap to keep the charge pump working)

                            In the barebones Circuit 5.. You'll see the tube... Ground through it.. And antenna coiled 3.5 turns (more turns.. More volts). In the meter reading you'll notice it's at 4.5v and at an amperage too high for the meter.. (blew
                            Another fuse).. But proof of concept.. Even without the foil on the encapsulator.. Or the americium.. It still produces a visual charge.. Adding americium only.. Voltage went up to 17.5 volts... Foil on the inside.. None on the out... Voltage upto 33 almost 34 volts... Foil on outside now at the limit of the capacitors 50v limit :-)

                            One picture shows how arcing can occur and has tarnished the under side of the circuit traversing across the soldering points to reach the ground and - output.

                            Awaiting my new meter for video But can't keep everyone waiting for visuals.. So pictures work :-) am also in construction of circuit 9 which us a flat encapsulator with a larger ionization surface area (high current output :-))

                            As for Tony who emailed me. You're welcome and I'm glad you've got it working.. Keep experimenting.

                            Tony noted that a diode in series with the positive output resistor increases the output voltage and current... After testing, I too confirm this... :-)

                            Theoretically the voltage should drop due to the voltage drop across the diode and resistor.. Generally electricity over a resistor downs the voltage and increases the current.. Not both... Anyone know of anything like this happening elsewhere in electronics?


                            • #44
                              @mcombatti, thanks very much for those photo's and all!

                              I am going to get my hands dirty this weekend

                              I have been thinking... You say you use the alpha emitters to create a bias.... Would it not be possible to use something like a small solar cell to do the same thing? Would it have the same effect? How would one connect it up?
                              ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                              • #45
                                Nice work mcombatti I always thought something along this line could be done but didn't have the details that make it workable like you have provided. I've even got some old clock dials with the radium paint. I am guessing that would work too but will require a bit more care in handling.
                                There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine

