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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Do you see the one on the left with the road going through it. It looks to me like a tall pyramid with a sphere on top and lines radiating out from the sphere (the road is going over the left half of the sphere) the three lines at the bottom to the right of the road make the pyramid to the sphere. Looks like.
    Look in 3D to see the pyramid shape.
    Oh and the circle around the outside is like looking through a lens or hole, kinda looking down from above and from away at one corner.

    Last edited by Farmhand; 09-16-2011, 11:00 AM.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

      As in Tesla Egg
      , the water that is spiraling around the quartz neo ball, when it reaches a critical spin it will form 2 water Caduceus around the ball (see the vortex video around 40 sec (smith coil James Designs NESTA Vortex Globe.flv - YouTube) i posted ) and will create:

      note: the Caduceus exist in two forms in vortex, when it is focused as in the video, and in a normal vortex it is the air core of the vortex

      ps: remember what you said about quartz and microwave

      As I was watching the animared gif i posted; it occured to me:

      i extracted a frame from the gif

      example of time warp

      3D standing waves in a sphere - YouTube

      ps: Farmhand, i see it
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-16-2011, 02:10 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Here is the link to the all the Frames, i put them in an album. I highly recommend you check it out, you'll recognize many frames

        Time Warp of a Standing Wave

        time warp standing wave pictures by MonsieurM - Photobucket compare with the vids below

        Water droplet HD - slow motion - YouTube

        Droplet Collisions at 5000fps - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube starts at 45 s

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-16-2011, 01:19 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • I hope you are sitting for this one

          "I consider this extremely important,. said Mr. Tesla. "Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether..
          Tesla bifilar coils.

          if you pass a high frequency pulsed dc you get this

          Standing Wave:

          image it cycling at high frequency

          3 + 6 = 9

          Shallow water simulation example with absorbing boundary conditions - YouTube

          it is the same as this one except viewed from on top:

          Principle of Mentalism: The universe is all wave and Tesla understood this
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-16-2011, 01:57 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
            OK I've been thinking about the above statement and I don't see how it is possible to record time differential effects between the coil field and the outer environment.

            My questions are . How is the time differential effect recorded ?

            And with what apparatus ?

            I can accept the jumping coil with microwave excitation, that can be seen.

            But I cannot fathom how it is even possible to record a time differential. Not to mention that I think it is totally impossible. But I am willing to consider anything if there is some explanation of how the observation was made. But there doesn't ever seem to be one.

            Also what exactly is a time differential effect ?

            If a timepiece like a clock or a watch is used it can be easily explained how an anomalous reading can occur. There could be several reasons. Much more difficult to explain how actual time could be slower at one place than another.

            If it were possible then that would create a "time warp" or "warp time" that would need to be reversed (so the lagging time could catch up) or there would continue to be one spot behind another in time.

            To test it properly would involve the transformation or annihilation somehow of an object or substance which spans both area's. An experiment could be easily formulated to test this, but not with a watch or clock or timepiece because they can be slowed or sped up by normal physical or electromagnetic means. I would think such an important observation would be tested further and documented. If true.

            Are there any more documents outlining how this was observed ? In my opinion time is linear and progressive. It is not open for direct measurement with a universal timepiece that will work the same everywhere. Influencing the rate of change of something is not a manipulation of time itself.

            I think it all comes down to how it is measured or observed.

            I'm not trying to say anything bad about anyone but if there is some reason to think it could be possible I would like to try to test it. And possibly recreate the effect so it can be explained.


            P.S. This time thing is not a big deal to me and I don't want to get anyone offside because of it, I just can't get my head around how it is possible. Though I can think of a lot of reasons why would not be possible.
            Time is most assuredly is linear and measured linearly. However, to be more clear the only way to effect time has to be done through compression. If you think about it we commonly accept that a black hole, when large enough, traps all things to include, light, matter, time, etc. There is an old saying when it comes to black holes, "Nothing escapes a black hole." Think about the shape of a balck hole. It is commonly accepted knowledge that a black hole first starts as a funnel or vortex and sucks in all things around it and eventually near bottom or the center, condenses it then spits it back out the other side, through a white hole / exit where the pressure releases and the matter, time, etc expands back to its normal state. Of course this is theoretics observed through watching the actions of black hole due to the fact no one is stupid enough to get that close to one. If you beleive these theoretics as true then you have to ask yourself what is happening at the center of this balck hole vortex. And then realize that the exact same thing is happening, just on a controllable and micro level within a torroid. It is creating a vortex that is sucking in and then spitting out on the other side. If this is done on a model that is a little larger than a fist then the effects will be larger. However, time distortions should be noted near the the apex of both vorteces or the center of the torroid where everything is being condensed. I hope this makes sense.


            • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
              Time is most assuredly is linear and measured linearly. However, to be more clear the only way to effect time has to be done through compression. If you think about it we commonly accept that a black hole, when large enough, traps all things to include, light, matter, time, etc. There is an old saying when it comes to black holes, "Nothing escapes a black hole." Think about the shape of a balck hole. It is commonly accepted knowledge that a black hole first starts as a funnel or vortex and sucks in all things around it and eventually near bottom or the center, condenses it then spits it back out the other side, through a white hole / exit where the pressure releases and the matter, time, etc expands back to its normal state. Of course this is theoretics observed through watching the actions of black hole due to the fact no one is stupid enough to get that close to one. If you beleive these theoretics as true then you have to ask yourself what is happening at the center of this balck hole vortex. And then realize that the exact same thing is happening, just on a controllable and micro level within a torroid. It is creating a vortex that is sucking in and then spitting out on the other side. If this is done on a model that is a little larger than a fist then the effects will be larger. However, time distortions should be noted near the the apex of both vorteces or the center of the torroid where everything is being condensed. I hope this makes sense.
              Check the time warp of standing wave

              time warp standing wave pictures by MonsieurM - Photobucket
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                Now unto the Repulsine:

                ----check this out same design (left corner compare to exterior design )

                Standing Wave: (from Free Energy and Free Thinking )

                I can't believe i posted this, when i started ( )

                Principle of correspondance

                watch this animation, you'll see the designs of the Repulsine in it

                2D Standing Wave Patterns (circular fixed boundaries) - YouTube

                they all got inspired by the standing wave

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-16-2011, 02:19 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Remember a while back i talked about my Mobius /Caduceus coil

                  i found these two pieces of info on the mobius shape:

                  this one i posted a while back:

                  Richard DAVIS

                  Non-Inductive Resistor

                  The Problem:

                  To develop an electrical resistor that has no residual mutual- or self-inductance at high frequencies.

                  The Solution:

                  A Moebius strip made of insulated resistive materials with electrical leads attached directly opposite one another provides a noninductive, nonreactive resistor which is simple, inexpensive, and flexible in usage, and can be made to almost any desired size and shape....
                  ....Two ribbon conductors of equal length are affixed on opposite ends of a strip of dielectric. The assembly is then given a single twist and the ends are joined to form a Moebius surface. The ends of the conductors are soldered together and the resistor terminals are attached to the directly opposed solder joints. Current applied to the terminals will travel in opposite directions, so that the electromagnetic fields cancel each other, resulting in an essentially noninductive, nonreactive resistor with a low time constant. Bifilar wire may be used instead of resistive ribbon, eliminating the need for a center dielectric strip. Thin film conductors on flat surfaces can also be used to make Moebius resistors.

                  Two or more sets of resistive wire may be mounted laterally on the same nonconductive strip, with about 1/16-inch spacing, and connected to form multi-Moebius resistors in one unit. There is no change in the time constant of the individual resistors, nor does one in any way affect the operation of the others, even when they are assembled in parallel or series.

                  The performance of the Moebius resistor is unaffected by its form, size, or length. Once it is connected into a Moebius shape, it can be folded or around around a cylindrical core or a card, or even into a ball, resulting in compact packaging of the resistor for use in miniaturized circuits. The Moebius resistor does not couple to metallic objects, external fields, or itself. When the bridge is nulled the resistor can be handled or changed in form without disturbing the balance. The conductors must not be touched and the spacing between them must not be altered.

                  Shinichi Seike: G-Strain Amplifier, Moebius-wound monopolar magnet coils, free energy, over-unity, anti-gravity

                  Abstract --- PURPOSE: To provide a quasi-singlepolar magnet the whole of which is almost N-pole or S-pole. CONSTITUTION: A conductive wire is wound by the Mobius winding around a magnetic pole member 1 consisting of rare earth element such as neodium or praseodium. The coil of the Modius winding is energized with a pulse current in order to magnetize the magnetic member 1. Then, the end parts having one magnetic pole (S-pole) of the resultant magnetic member 1 is cut apart from the center part having another pole (N-pole). Only the end parts of the same pole (S-pole) are bonded with an adhesive agent or the like, thereby forming a quasi-singlepolar magnet.

                  I guess not such a bad idea mixing both the mobius and the caduceus then place in barium titanate inside the whole inside a rodin coil

                  a while back I tested two of these coils overlapped on water, it did bubble the water immediately (i used acid real reason for that ))

                  pay attention at the beginning and as soon as i turn on the power

                  the black tape has no real purpose, thought to plug a leak for another previous experiment

                  Mobius Coil Tutorial
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-16-2011, 07:21 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • It takes three waves to make a variation

                    Clearly the processes of suction and pressure need to be examined.[ No beneficial, natural exchange can take place solely under conditions of pressure. . Viktor Schauberger


                    side note:


                    Alchemist used water distilled three times

                    so did Dr Vogel:

                    Water is one of the prime solvents from which life has evolved. It is also the basis of many of the chemical compounds that are on the earth. From measurements made with the Omega 5, we obtain a measurement for water, in the pure state, of 454. The water used was triple distilled.
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-16-2011, 10:06 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Always good to re read, because we have learned so much , come back and look at the info under a different angle

                      read this Thomas G. Hieronymous: Eloptic Energy... US Patent # 2,482,773, &c...

                      It must not be inferred that eloptic radiations and visible light and ultraviolet radiations are the same or related because they all may be refracted through the same prism or that the frequencies are related. Eloptic radiations will behave similarly to the radiations of the electromagnetic spectrum in some respects and entirely different in other respects, showing that they are probably not the same energy at all.

                      For this reason I prefer to call it the Finer Media.

                      A 31.5° glass prism with an index of refraction of 1.505 was used in one experiment (see circular coordinate chart). Eloptic energy from a number of elements was caused to enter the prism at an angle of incidence of 5.5° .

                      Using the face of the prism as "0", carbon (element # 6) refracted at an angle of 18.25° to the face of the prism, and bismuth (element # 83) at 48.25°. Later, hydrogen gas was found to refract at 16.45°, a range of 31.8° for 83° of the elements of the material world.

                      Another arrangement employing a 24° prism with an angle of incidence of 17° showed hydrogen approximately 7° from the face of the prism, and bismuth at 62.3°, or a range of 5.3° for the same 83 elements.

                      A 19 black plexiglass prism of 1.847 index of refraction with an angle of incidence of 19 allowed bismuth to refract through at approximately 65.7° and carbon at 12.15°. All of the angles were measured with a protractor in a somewhat crude way because of the construction of the apparatus, but they are very close to being correct.

                      If a 90° arc is drawn with the center at the point of eloptic energy emergence at the face of the prism, between a line projected out in the direction along the face of the prism, it will be found that all of the radiations are refracted out in this quadrant (see Prism Refractor sketch). If the arc of the quadrant is divided into 1600 parts with "0" on the line extending along the face of the prism and 1600 on the line perpendicular to the face of the prism, then it will be found that with a certain apparatus arrangement, one of the isotopes of beryllium (Atomic # 4) refracts through at approximately 186 on the scale and that bismuth (used in Moe Joe Cell ) (Atomic # 83) refracts through at 1097 on the scale, and all of the other elements and their various isotopes refract through in their proper relationship, the one having the lowest nuclear weight indicating a higher frequency and a more acute angle of refraction, and the one with a heavier nuclear weight indicating a lower frequency and emerging at a less acute angle. The tests show that eloptic energy obeys some of the laws of refraction just as does the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Alexander V. BARANOV -- Structured Water Fuel

                        Water in itself is not fuel, and does not burn. But water is an initial component of fuel, by simple transformations it will be transformed that burns, for example, in methane, the chemical formula-CH4, propane, and butane-C2H5. All these gases are hydrocarbons, that is contain two chemical elements - carbon and hydrogen, and turn out from water the chemical formula of -H20. But allow, you will tell, in fact in water there is no carbon? No, but during transformation to water it appears under scheme O = C + D + D, where about - oxygen, with - carbon, D - deuterium (double hydrogen). D, by the way is the most valuable chemical element for the nuclear industry. For allocation of heavy water from usual into which it enters, complex, expensive technologies are used. Here, it turns out without special problems....
                        ....For this purpose the process externally reminding electrolysis is used, high-frequency resonant transformer ( Tesla Coil ) which impulses of a current transform atom of oxygen so only is used, that it breaks up to three splinters - carbon and two D.
                        For this purpose the process externally reminding electrolysis is used, high-frequency resonant transformer ( Tesla Coil like Wilkinson) which impulses of a current transform atom of oxygen so only is used, that it breaks up to three splinters - carbon and two D.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-16-2011, 10:40 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • IndianaBoys just posted this in another thread: the article is interesting

                          Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                          Came across a site that qued me up to post this.

                          The above effect was produced in the vacuum of space.

                          Not sure if you are intending to put your device in a vacuum?

                          Jochen's High Voltage Page : Plasma Jar

                          For the following two pictures, the sharp electrode was fed by a 20kHz, 20kV flyback, while the lid was not connected. While at normal atmospheric pressure, corona is barely visible, the pictures show that with decreasing pressure, the plasma region grows and fills a large fraction of the jar at the lowest possible pressure.

                          Corona on the sharp wire electrode at medium (left) and lowest possible (right) pressure.

                          Yin and Yang in Chinese Mythology
                          The Pangu* legend
                          In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos. The chaos began to coalesce into a cosmic egg for eighteen thousand years. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of yin and yang became balanced and Pangu, emerged from the egg.

                          and check this post out:
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-17-2011, 12:50 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            Look what I found

                            I just wanted to add that as you go from a planetary scale where you can see the A vector field , to a scale of a magnetic rod, the A vector field becomes a subtle force (invisible) but you have also to consider the fact by going to a lower scale we have also gone to higher scale of frequency (principle of polarity )

                            (lifespan of planet vs lifespan of a crystal / human )

                            the good news is you have in water a subtle energy detector (see the doc )

                            as you go up the size scale , you also go down the frequency/vibration scale

                            you vs an atom

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-17-2011, 10:00 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                              [/B] the Caduceus exist in two forms in a vortex, when it is focused as in the video, and in a normal vortex it is the air core of the vortex

                              Let me show you another observation i made about the caduceus, in light of the two previous images:

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-17-2011, 12:29 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • the smith coil image (369) has its mirror on the opposite side of the A field

                                the best part, it fits

                                As Above so Below; from Within so Without

                                A comparison of Fomalhaut System and Solar System

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-18-2011, 02:16 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

