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Does this "Secret Tesla Generator" really work?

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  • #46
    Worthless Ideas

    Hello Enthralled_Noob,

    to the forum. I am glad to see you are interested in free energy or alternative energy. I am sorry to have to tell you the 2 choices you have mentioned in your posts are both worthless. Of course this is only my opinion but a lot of other people have been taken in by the guy with his fuelless generator plans. If you read his document he does not make any sense with what he is saying. For instance he says you can use coils with cores or coils without cores. There is a lot of difference in the actions of coils that have cores and coils without cores so that does not make sense. Then he says you can use spark plugs to fire the coils or use a commutator. Now that really doesn't make any sense as there is no way with his circuit to determine when the spark plugs will fire. He also says you can build it with a steel housing or a wooden housing. Well the flux path with a wooden housing would be totally different from one with a steel housing. There are so many other things in his document that don't make any sense I don't have room or time to list them all.

    As far as Chips goes it is the same story. He tells a good tale if you don't know anything about electronics or physics. In one place he says Tesla was trying to collect infra-red energy then in another place he says you can tune for 350khz which is no where near the infra-red range. In another place he says he is collecting sound waves which are not the same at all as electromagnetic waves. He also says to use the crystal radio receiver to get FM radio which a crystal radio cannot do. You may have also noticed that he said at the first of July he would be showing a video soon showing how to do all this. Well it is 2 months later and I haven't seen the video yet and don't expect we ever will unless it is faked because his claims just don't add up.

    I don't want to discourage you from your search for free energy as there are several threads on here that you can learn a lot from. Has anyone on here been able to run their home off their efforts? If they have they have not shared it with the rest of us yet. But there have been some on here that have gotten some devices to work that are getting more power out than would normally be expected and some of them have run for weeks with no input power. So I am pretty sure it is or will be possible in the near future to at least run some of your home devices on free energy. You can look at the thread I started called "Open discussion of projects on this forum" for some ideas of which project you might want to try. If you are really new to electronics you might want to try the Bedini SSG. There are several threads about it on this forum. You can use the search function to find them. If you get it working correctly you will learn a lot and have some idea of the effort needed to get anywhere in your search for free energy.

    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


    • #47
      What a load of crap. Apart from the fact that spark gaps don't magically produce more energy, and that there is no power supply for the spark gaps, there isn't even any spark gaps in Tesla's radiant energy patents to begin with.

      Once again, you can power a house with it, but you have to change the plans Tesla wrote over 100 yrs ago over to what we have with our modern electronics.
      To copy Tesla, all you have to do is ignore everything that Tesla said. Nice one

      Patent US685957 - NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patents

      Fig. 2. A charge builds up, thus attracting two foil-like conductors, thus closing the circuit and discharging the condenser through the load.

      Spark gaps

      Does anyone have any reference where Tesla claims to be able to collect energy on an industrial scale using this method? Or did the youtube generation just make that one up.

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • #48
        Until it is proven otherwise via Tesla's own words, there seems to be a great myth surrounding Tesla's (wireless) "free energy". For example, on the basis that Tesla intended to supply consumers with electrical energy at no cost, it is assumed that the source of this energy is in direct relation to subjects on radiant energy, i.e. being of a completely free and intangible source. Therefore the source of free energy is a puzzle that no one has been able to solve. The government is covering it up, it's all J P Morgan's fault etc etc. We can't have free energy because no one has figured this out. Poppycock. The source of the energy that is to be distributed, and the system that distributes it are two completely different things. Let's read what Tesla had to say.

        From Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents And Their Application To Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, And Transmission Of Power, page 109:

        "... I simply went there because in Colorado my system of power transmission was introduced. All around the plants in the mountains, my three-phase system, and the induction motors were employed. All the mines surrounding Cripple Creek and Telluride were operated by them, and I had friends there who were only too delighted to give me all the power I wanted, and not charge anything for it."

        Free energy. Magic.

        Now if we follow the logical direction of thinking, if Tesla can secure such an arrangement on a permanent basis to be used for distribution through his wireless apparatus, then the mystery of his wireless "free energy" proposition is solved.

        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


        • #49
          Originally posted by citfta View Post
          Hello Enthralled_Noob,

          to the forum. I am glad to see you are interested in free energy or alternative energy. I am sorry to have to tell you the 2 choices you have mentioned in your posts are both worthless. Of course this is only my opinion but a lot of other people have been taken in by the guy with his fuelless generator plans. If you read his document he does not make any sense with what he is saying. For instance he says you can use coils with cores or coils without cores. There is a lot of difference in the actions of coils that have cores and coils without cores so that does not make sense. Then he says you can use spark plugs to fire the coils or use a commutator. Now that really doesn't make any sense as there is no way with his circuit to determine when the spark plugs will fire. He also says you can build it with a steel housing or a wooden housing. Well the flux path with a wooden housing would be totally different from one with a steel housing. There are so many other things in his document that don't make any sense I don't have room or time to list them all.

          As far as Chips goes it is the same story. He tells a good tale if you don't know anything about electronics or physics. In one place he says Tesla was trying to collect infra-red energy then in another place he says you can tune for 350khz which is no where near the infra-red range. In another place he says he is collecting sound waves which are not the same at all as electromagnetic waves. He also says to use the crystal radio receiver to get FM radio which a crystal radio cannot do. You may have also noticed that he said at the first of July he would be showing a video soon showing how to do all this. Well it is 2 months later and I haven't seen the video yet and don't expect we ever will unless it is faked because his claims just don't add up.

          I don't want to discourage you from your search for free energy as there are several threads on here that you can learn a lot from. Has anyone on here been able to run their home off their efforts? If they have they have not shared it with the rest of us yet. But there have been some on here that have gotten some devices to work that are getting more power out than would normally be expected and some of them have run for weeks with no input power. So I am pretty sure it is or will be possible in the near future to at least run some of your home devices on free energy. You can look at the thread I started called "Open discussion of projects on this forum" for some ideas of which project you might want to try. If you are really new to electronics you might want to try the Bedini SSG. There are several threads about it on this forum. You can use the search function to find them. If you get it working correctly you will learn a lot and have some idea of the effort needed to get anywhere in your search for free energy.

          Hi Carroll,

          I appreciate your response very much. I hadn't notied that they said you could use coils with or without cores. I just read about how the magnetism is dispersed without cores.

          Well, I'm definitely not getting discouraged. I've actually just finished this book called The Boy Electrician which John Bedini suggeted on another thread. Pretty basic stuff but I am an enthralled noob after all. I believe in this stuff 100%. I know about the banksters and their evil ways so that validates Tesla's claims and every other inventor as well. I've got a college level text book called Introduction to Electrical Engineering next and the an electronics tutorial I found on Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel before I tackle Moray, Aspden, Leedskalnin etc

          Hey, how about that Keshe guy? I listen to his explanations and think he knows his stuff. Have you seen Sterling Allen's inerviews or Keshe's vids on YouTube? I really think he's for real and the 120 Non Aligned Nations meeting in Tehran a couple of weeks ago also fits in to this ...technological revolution I guess is the word I'm looking for. The things he's saying are so freaking cool (get into yor car and go to Africa or China or whatever).

          I'll check out that thread you mentioned and Bedini's SSG.

          Take care.


          • #50
            Tesla secret generator is probably a scam but real Tesla free energy engine existed. Here is a proof

            New Energy Generator That "Would Not Consume Fuel" - Tesla's Letter to Robert U. Johnson


            • #51
              Hard to see the forest for the trees.

              It does however look like (at least to me) that Woppy's version or replication of Dragons device does show a much more intense spark than the trickle 200 mA input source would produce. Is that just an illusion?
              Or, is there actual additional energy being drawn in, beside the conversion to a higher voltage, ONLY, from the original 12v source. I think that this is an important point.

              Using solar panels to obtain the small input source of 12v and 200mAs is not out of this world, and to tie that input into a simple Exciter or Kacher circuit coil system (air coil, or ferrite core) is again, quite doable. The drawing in or funneling in of the additional input from the surrounding ambient or Aether, may not be that tricky to realize, either.
              This system, shown previously does seam to show some interesting results, even as a basic starting point or circuit as has been described above, and shown working on the youtube as a video.

              I would love to hear more of your opinions concerning this circuit.
              It seams that practically no one is working on the Exciter or Kacher systems at this time. That to me is a big shame... But, I am, and still with the hopes of finding and drawing in and producing a higher output than just what it being fed into the circuits.



              • #52
                I have two flybacks that produce quite powerful sparks with a 1 nF capacitor
                across the output and with only 200 mA or so input from a 12 volt battery the
                gap the sparks jump is almost 10 mm and the frequency of the discharges is not
                what I would call slow. Microwave caps are typically 1 uF so if a spark can be
                got from them it is usually snappy. One rough way to guess the power would be
                the size of the cap, the voltage of the discharge and the discharge frequency,
                mainly as an indication for comparisons. eg, if 1 uf is discharged from 2000
                volts, assuming a total discharge, at a rate of one discharge every 2 seconds
                then that would equal 1 joule per second, or if a 1 nF capacitor was
                discharged from 10 000v, also assuming a total discharge, at a rate of 20
                discharges every one second then that would also equal 1 joule per second.

                A lot of problems with accurately determining the output come along when the
                output is HV. When I think of efficiency with these types of things i think what
                can be done with the output by experiment and compare it to what can be done
                with the input using other ways of transformation ect.

                Glad to see your OK Nick. You were missed.



                • #53

                  A lot of problems with accurately determining the output come along when the output is HV. When I think of efficiency with these types of things i think what can be done with the output by experiment and compare it to what can be done with the input using other ways of transformation ect.

                  Glad to see you're OK Nick. You were missed.
                  End of quote.

                  I do see what you mean by the above statement, and I agree.
                  However, there is one sure way of knowing if a system or device is producing more than just what is being provided by the input source alone, and that is the self-running aspect. This is the only proof that I need, or am looking for. Even though this effect generation has been practically impossible to produce, or even to provide proof of to anyone else. But, it's the one sure way of seeing these results, at least for oneself.
                  Many have tried, and many have failed. Are there ANY exceptions???

                  I'm glad to still be able to posts, things have been rough after the 7.6 Earthquake, and hundreds of replicas, here in Costa Rica.
                  But, I'm still here, and kicking... so far...


                  • #54
                    Radiant energy

                    Radiant Energy Antenna System was proposed by John Bedini and Tom Bearden a long time ago. The results can be enhanced by battery conditioning which enables a regular battery and makes it respond to radiant energy.

                    There is a lot going on in this simple circuit. Everyone should read Tom Bearden's analysis to understand what is going on. This is not conventional electricity and needs to be understood to take advantage of.

                    John Bedini's Formation of Negative Resistors in Batteries

                    You could expand the circuit to simultaneously charge and power loads.

                    Attached Files


                    • #55
                      being new at this and having resaults ive realsied if done properly it can be dangerous for the adverage person, if someone does not have experiance with electricity they should not reproduce this in its full working form, experimenting with the ground and antenna can be fun but, if you start taking advice from experianced people on how to upgrade the device it can have dangerous resaults, all im saying is be carefull, ive never seen a fully working device that will run a house, but, i totally believe tesla knew exactly how it was done and a huge amount of energy, even unlimitted as tesla said, can be produced using the earth as the source. as i said im only new to this but have realised very fast that there is huge potential in this if done the right way, my set up which is in peices at the moment (upgrading ) i could run 2 blue leds at full brightness and another 6 leds at half, this is continious 24/7. im acutally amazed with what ive done, who would have thought that by bashing a peg into the ground would have so much potential thanks to all that have given advice and sent messages hopefully i can better what i have and run something a bit more impressive, ill post some pics if i can


                      • #56
                        Yeah keen to see what you dug up


                        • #57
                          Renewable Energy

                          Hi Vilivo, my name is Claudio and I was reading your article in reference to Renewable Energy that you posted on 2012, Man just wanted to say that I feel the same, I am new to this and willing to build or try anything and i will promise you that if you send me the 2 part ebook as an attachment, I will work on it and put you right in the middle of this project and findings at no cost to you, and I would keep in constant communication to let you know how is working, I am unemployed at the this time, and a honest person, please feel free to contact me at my email and I will send you my personal info.
                          thank you.
                          Miami, FL.


                          • #58
                            Capacitors in series

                            Originally posted by WeThePeople View Post
                            yes, the two capacitors in series are important,
                            Don't replace them with just one capacitor instead,
                            it is one of electronics lil' hidden items that does work.
                            Can you explain why the capacitors in series are important or provide a link that explains it?
                            Last edited by thx1138; 05-17-2013, 12:27 PM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by nlw View Post
                              I live in sunny south Texas and have approximately 10,000 sf of metal interlocking roofing panels on my house and shop. Can this roof be used as a large antannae on any of Tesla's works?
                              NO, DO NOT DO THAT! What you will accomplish is to make your roof the equivalent of a lightning rod, or at least any pointed corners on the sheet metal will attract lightning because they will ionize the air around them if they are connected to ground. That gives lightning an easier path to traverse through the air to the points on your roof.

                              This sytem requires that the elevated metal plate be insulated all around so no metal is exposed to the surrounding air.
                              Last edited by thx1138; 12-06-2013, 01:09 AM.


                              • #60
                                un real

                                I just cant believe all you people write. If you knew anything about electronics you would know that the antenna could be hooked up to an inverter, kind of like solar panels are which in turn out puts 120 volts ac + 150 Hz+. You can also put the antennas in parallel and it creates more voltage. And then you can hook it up to your load center which goes to the grid. Solar panels do the same thing using sunlight but you all believe that crap.

