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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • If we agree the source of electric power primarily is the magnetism ( induction ) , in the bar magnet we have what we know a Block wall :

    Gaussmeter show you all the power is radiated back, the question now is it possible to have such Bloch wall in a coil with alternating current ?

    the answer is Yes ! i did some experiment show it's possible , take the following drawing which explain an ETBC under action, it's possible to take the power from * position even it's already short circuited !

    another better drawing show it clearly :

    the explanation : it's possible to separate the electron based on their spin in an active coil which mean we have a kind of dynamic magnet ( not permanent because you have to flip the electron back and forth ) ..
    this also mean it's possible to convert very high voltage to very high electric current , or better in a resonating system we can convert the current ( reactive ) as it's already in an active state.. we have to treat the electricity in a balanced way and this is what a gaussmeter show us ..


    • Sorry I don't believe in the EBTC direction, you just aren't going to convince me of it's significance. I've seen you post that stuff before, you should almost create your own thread for it, because Don Smith said nothing about manufacturing his own Capacitor design.

      The only thing I have read that can be linked to Don Smith is his three pancake coil device.

      I am just not sure of the way you are stitching it all together giving life to a dead end by associating it with Don Smith, because it has similar concepts.

      A house, a boat, a table, all have wood in common but are fundamentally different.
      Last edited by ilandtan; 04-11-2019, 06:43 PM.


      • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
        Sorry I don't believe in the EBTC direction, you just aren't going to convince me of it's significance. I've seen you post that stuff before, you should almost create your own thread for it, because Don Smith said nothing about manufacturing his own Capacitor design.

        The only thing I have read that can be linked to Don Smith is his three pancake coil device.

        I am just not sure of the way you are stitching it all together giving life to a dead end by associating it with Don Smith, because it has similar concepts.

        A house, a boat, a table, all have wood in common but are fundamentally different.

        it's not about what you believe or what i believe ! it's about how the things fit together ... i told you a very large current can be produced using an ETBC but you still tell it a dead end !!!!

        frankly very strange!

        anyway ..



        • Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
          it's not about what you believe or what i believe ! it's about how the things fit together ... i told you a very large current can be produced using an ETBC but you still tell it a dead end !!!!

          frankly very strange!

          anyway ..

          You can have very large instantaneous currents at a capacitor discharge, but power is based on sustainable current (coulombs per second?).

          Yeah if you can show us that, then you got something. But flashing bulb is no good.


          • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
            You can have very large instantaneous currents at a capacitor discharge, but power is based on sustainable current (coulombs per second?).

            Yeah if you can show us that, then you got something. But flashing bulb is no good.

            i agree further work is needed !



            • Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
              i agree further work is needed !

              Not really, it's the wrong rabbit hole.


              • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                Not really, it's the wrong rabbit hole.

                look, you are free what to believe is the right thing or no, experiment with result will tell who is right and who is wrong , if you are a physician with more knowledge please explain the physical aspect, otherwise we are not in a forest to talk about the rabbit that much...

                if you have a solution to a specific problem tell us and we are thankful in advance !


                • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                  Plasma tube here.

                  but remember, Don called out a specific globe from Radio Shack, before you do buy and expensive tube, just get a round one with a gauss meter, and frequency meter.

                  Gentlemen, what are we left with here, always assuming that Don is building special devices because we can't figure out how he gets power from them?

                  We don't know how to use his tools, we don't know the significance of grounding, we can't explain the simple video( well I can I just have to prove it)
                  I would have to win the Lotto before I could pay $1500 for a Plasma tube. And I don't even buy a ticket, so not much chance of a big spend. I have two projects on the go at the moment, The Figueras Generator and Getting Don,s circuit working. The plasma is related. I built a Gauss meter but it is not very responsive. I have ordered a $30 one from Ebay. If I see a Plasma Ball cheap I shall get one and try don's experiment in his manual.

                  Just for the record, I think the ETBC is working an I have tried making this coil. I just have to get my materials organised for it to show real progress for me. It is a very well though out component!




                  • Med - What will Happen


                    If I find the answer, which I will.

                    You will not see me post it here. I will help the few that are going in the right direction and encourage them. There are too many people who jump in to defocus the threads. You just have to comprehend the content of this forum changing to political views. That is the validation of my diatribe here.

                    Infact, a forum is the wrong place to find the correct information, as the factions that strives to bury these technologies need only to employ one person that chimes in as different users to derail the minds that seek to create this technologies.

                    You have to question everything, and always check your sources, see what videos they have, and what schematics and explanations they are willing to share. I can light a 15 watt LED bulb, with 6 watts of input and where the input is unaffected by the output. I will show anybody how I do that. That's all I needed to show me that there is reality that Mr. Tesla was a genius, and Don Smith realized this and found out how to make it work.

                    The "it" in my theory, is an effect, a by product of fast disruption in the ambient. It is not propagated in a capacitor, it is propagated in a capacitor coupling between disturbance and harvest, which really is magnified by tuning to the radio frequencies that are produced by specific configurations of disturbances.

                    The EBTC is --well not that. You need to hold energy, and create a depletion of the one of the plates.

                    Imagine two tesla coils TX and RX tuned to each other. They are coils, but they are capacitively coupled. Essentially each coil is a plate. Both are vibrating at the same standing wave, in relation to the same medium (ground). The TX is holding it's energy but the disturbance between TX and ground is scalar, over radio frequency. The energy is not transferred because of a transmission(Tesla was right, rf doesn't work on Hertzian principles, no one would receive radio in a valley), the disruption between ground allows the duplication of the vibration of the second plate.

                    Your EBTC is goofing up the good stuff happening because when you touch the two, which is essentially breaking the dielectric region of the coupling. >Poof< no magic.

                    If I'm wrong I will say so, plain and simple. I will post that here.


                    • I like it! ilandtan now is time to read what Barbosa & Leal patented.
                      If you can make it that way you will win


                      • Originally posted by Dwane View Post
                        I would have to win the Lotto before I could pay $1500 for a Plasma tube. And I don't even buy a ticket, so not much chance of a big spend. I have two projects on the go at the moment, The Figueras Generator and Getting Don,s circuit working. The plasma is related. I built a Gauss meter but it is not very responsive. I have ordered a $30 one from Ebay. If I see a Plasma Ball cheap I shall get one and try don's experiment in his manual.

                        Just for the record, I think the ETBC is working an I have tried making this coil. I just have to get my materials organised for it to show real progress for me. It is a very well though out component!


                        This is the stuff I have bought:

                        Frequency Counter

                        Gauss Meter

                        Dynatron, who has some success videos on Don Smith replication told me about how to select a decent gauss meter. His discussion is on


                        • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post

                          If I find the answer, which I will.

                          You will not see me post it here. I will help the few that are going in the right direction and encourage them. There are too many people who jump in to defocus the threads. You just have to comprehend the content of this forum changing to political views. That is the validation of my diatribe here.

                          Infact, a forum is the wrong place to find the correct information, as the factions that strives to bury these technologies need only to employ one person that chimes in as different users to derail the minds that seek to create this technologies.

                          You have to question everything, and always check your sources, see what videos they have, and what schematics and explanations they are willing to share. I can light a 15 watt LED bulb, with 6 watts of input and where the input is unaffected by the output. I will show anybody how I do that. That's all I needed to show me that there is reality that Mr. Tesla was a genius, and Don Smith realized this and found out how to make it work.

                          The "it" in my theory, is an effect, a by product of fast disruption in the ambient. It is not propagated in a capacitor, it is propagated in a capacitor coupling between disturbance and harvest, which really is magnified by tuning to the radio frequencies that are produced by specific configurations of disturbances.

                          The EBTC is --well not that. You need to hold energy, and create a depletion of the one of the plates.

                          Imagine two tesla coils TX and RX tuned to each other. They are coils, but they are capacitively coupled. Essentially each coil is a plate. Both are vibrating at the same standing wave, in relation to the same medium (ground). The TX is holding it's energy but the disturbance between TX and ground is scalar, over radio frequency. The energy is not transferred because of a transmission(Tesla was right, rf doesn't work on Hertzian principles, no one would receive radio in a valley), the disruption between ground allows the duplication of the vibration of the second plate.

                          Your EBTC is goofing up the good stuff happening because when you touch the two, which is essentially breaking the dielectric region of the coupling. >Poof< no magic.

                          If I'm wrong I will say so, plain and simple. I will post that here.

                          i referred you to 1995 Don's video but the better reference for the ETBC is in 1994 video ( thanks to Don smith )


                          this is the best reference , he said in our case we put both a capacitor and coil in one wire ! that's it !


                          • Originally posted by ilandtan
                            Not breathing anymore life to this.


                            • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                              I like it! ilandtan now is time to read what Barbosa & Leal patented.
                              If you can make it that way you will win
                              boguslaw, are you talking about WO2013104042A1?

                              That is a real interesting one, have you replicated that?


                              • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
                                boguslaw, are you talking about WO2013104042A1?

                                That is a real interesting one, have you replicated that?
                                No, but you are close I believe

