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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
    There is a particular reason it is used for 500KHZ STORM FREQUENCY.

    The whole design purpose of using it, is to convert this natural planetary frequency into standing waves.

    The primary side is electromagnetic (electrons) and follows ohms law.

    The secondary side is radioionic (ions) and ohms law is reversed.

    It wasn't designed to do anything else.

    I'm still waiting for the first replicator to show a bulb/s shorted and still running to show it is low voltage / high frequency.

    It will be interesting to see what anomalies anyone finds though.

    Got to be safer than experimenting with rail guns and exploding wires!

    Happy experimenting!


    The primary side is radioionic (ions) and ohms law is reversed.

    The secondary side is electromagnetic (electrons) and follows ohms law.


    • Serendipitor what is your PPV mounted on?


      • Tswift, please can you clarify what you mean by:

        "I also used my new HV probe to measure the floating potential on the L2 side circuit and I found that it was at about -3.5KVDC, with a blip every time the PPV fires."

        Also what is the red wire in the picture?


        • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post

          Tswift, please can you clarify what you mean by:

          "I also used my new HV probe to measure the floating potential on the L2 side circuit and I found that it was at about -3.5KVDC, with a blip every time the PPV fires."

          Also what is the red wire in the picture?
          The red wire is the focus wire coming from the flyback


          • Hi guys!
            Do you know another way then using a signal generator for tuning into resonance the primary at 500 kHz??


            • Double Ground Rod Passive Energy Receiver

              Using Double Grounds Only


              Using Antenna

              Last edited by radioionics; 01-13-2017, 03:15 PM.


              • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post

                The whole design purpose of using it, is to convert this natural planetary frequency into standing waves.

                The primary side is radioionic (ions) and ohms law is reversed.
                The secondary side is electromagnetic (electrons) and follows ohms law.*
                This is the most significant statement and a real confirmation of Morray's (and Tesla's) entire science.
                Standing waves can be magnified! (By synchronising with the larger atmospheric wave cycles I believe).

                I've been following this forum for a couple of years on and off and very excited by the Bruce P inspired experimentation. If any one cares to comment on the following I'm most grateful. Moray used the antennae wire to capture electro-static waves of Ion particles, and amplified the initial incoming wave-spark-pulsed electro-static, right?

                How did he do that? Seems to have been a combination of cat's whisker crystal valve configuration where a series of such valves were configured in such a way as to create a "copy + cascade" phenomena. (A Fibonacci configuration comes to mind (1,2,3,5,13) but may be way of track.) My point or question is how to amplify the incoming wave? Something more than a single PPV?


                • I've found, over the years of experimentation, the earth grounds ( ground to ground ) is exceptionally energetic throughout the day and night.

                  The main difference between the ground/ground and ground/air is the conversion process. Ground/air requires us to deal with a HV conversion to magnetic then to current, the ground/ground is pure current with little voltage and requires a current to magnetic which leads to voltage.

                  The ground/ground has little to no problems in storms with huge current spikes where the ground/air has a significant risk with extreme voltage spikes. I believe the energy density is about the same either way as it all comes from the same place. The major challenge is in the conversion process, either way.... you deal with super high voltages or massive currents.

                  Below is an early project I built some 10 years back that functions on grounds only. It will run 24/7 with variations in output - evenings seem most energetic where early mornings are less active which increases to its peak during the day. I believe it's all related to the storm activity around the globe. It uses a ULF ferrite rod and runs in the range of 400hz, I've built several using basic AM frequencies that work well also - all the frequencies that exist, man made and natural, are on the ground lines.

                  When setting up your grounds they should be aligned to magnetic North. The North rod(s) must be deeper than the South to match the magnetic dip and no less than 30ft apart. You can use the Hartman and Curry grid as a guidline...

                  There are a number of early ground antenna patents that are quite interesting, as well, some of the early earth battery patents can give you some interesting details for harvesting energy from the ground.

                  Bruce and I discussed alot of this stuff a few years back, we differed only slightly in most thoughts but I had my head stuck in the ground and he was looking toward the sky.... all fun stuff either way.
                  Attached Files


                  • Kapanadze Spark Gap

                    Does this spark gap look familiar?
                    Attached Files


                    • Originally posted by radioionics View Post
                      Does this spark gap look familiar?
                      Same concept?
                      Attached Files


                      • Reply

                        Yes, when using two ground rods.


                        • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                          I've found, over the years of experimentation, the earth grounds ( ground to ground ) is exceptionally energetic throughout the day and night.

                          The main difference between the ground/ground and ground/air is the conversion process. Ground/air requires us to deal with a HV conversion to magnetic then to current, the ground/ground is pure current with little voltage and requires a current to magnetic which leads to voltage.

                          The ground/ground has little to no problems in storms with huge current spikes where the ground/air has a significant risk with extreme voltage spikes. I believe the energy density is about the same either way as it all comes from the same place. The major challenge is in the conversion process, either way.... you deal with super high voltages or massive currents.

                          Below is an early project I built some 10 years back that functions on grounds only. It will run 24/7 with variations in output - evenings seem most energetic where early mornings are less active which increases to its peak during the day. I believe it's all related to the storm activity around the globe. It uses a ULF ferrite rod and runs in the range of 400hz, I've built several using basic AM frequencies that work well also - all the frequencies that exist, man made and natural, are on the ground lines.

                          When setting up your grounds they should be aligned to magnetic North. The North rod(s) must be deeper than the South to match the magnetic dip and no less than 30ft apart. You can use the Hartman and Curry grid as a guidline...

                          There are a number of early ground antenna patents that are quite interesting, as well, some of the early earth battery patents can give you some interesting details for harvesting energy from the ground.

                          Bruce and I discussed alot of this stuff a few years back, we differed only slightly in most thoughts but I had my head stuck in the ground and he was looking toward the sky.... all fun stuff either way.
                          Hey dragon looks like you were using bifilar coils, were you inducing an oscillation in the ground line.
                          Would you care to share more info,
                          Thanks for sharing what you did.
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • resonance

                            Hi Guys;

                            Haven't posted on this thread for many years now, but just had to
                            get on to thank "tswift" for post 10835 which gives me the info I needed
                            for using a scope to check wire length resonance.
                            Like most other hams & technicians, I did'nt believe you could
                            get 1/4 or 1/2 wave resonance unless it was only a straight
                            piece of wire. Boy, was I wrong.
                            A few years ago I was trying to get some Hi voltage by using the
                            ham rig to drive a coil with many turns on a 1 in. form.
                            The rig was set at 10 watts at about 4.2 mc driving a 3 turn link
                            at the base of the coil.
                            With about 150 turns of no.24 wire and no cap, the self resonant
                            freq. checked out at approx. 1400kc. with very little output. No good.

                            I then decided to try out Dons automatic resonant method
                            by adding more turns for a wire length of 59 ft.247/4.2=58.8
                            Now I got output of 5kv! It was then that I knew the old geezer was
                            right and every coil has TWO resonant points.

                            I also agree with tswift that accuracy is dependent on coil geometry.
                            So I now have a better method for checking that accuracy with less

                            Thanks again tswift.


                            • While I am waiting for some component am playing with the hairpin circuit.
                              Definitively the PPV enhance the light output compare to a normal steal/steal spark gap...


                              • Originally posted by Elcheapo View Post
                                Haven't posted on this thread for many years now, but just had to get on to thank "tswift" for post 10835 which gives me the info I needed for using a scope to check wire length resonance.
                                You're welcome! I have tried to document my experiments on these forums, the good, the bad, and the stupid mistakes. Things like experimental procedures are useful and hopefully I can save someone else time from figuring out the things I've already spent time figuring out. If we succeed in producing a workable, reproducible overunity device to bring to the world, it will have been because this was a group effort. I have learned so much from so many that I am glad if I can give back.

                                The theory and calculations about the coil geometry can be found in Eric Dollard's publication "The Oscillating Current Transformer". The effective wave propagation frequency (phase velocity) depends on the coil aspect ratio. There is a table on the last page that gives values for length/height ratios between 0.1 and 7.0, this covers pretty much all common coils.

