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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
Originally posted by Farmhand View Posthey mr clean,using the transistors like this for an oscillator is a trip dude.
Here's a video of my ground signal. I wrote a description for the vid.
ground wave 50 Hz small.wmv - YouTube
The ground signal is 50 Hz but the circuit oscillates at 2.3 kHz which must be
the resonant frequency of something because I get a sharp sine wave on the
scope with the probe in free air at 2.3kHz, mine uses some power I can see
on the meter but I don't have the load arrangement you have, there is HV at
the HV terminal of the Ignition coilAnd I can draw an arc from the battery
positive terminal with it, but it snuffs the circuit sometimes, holding a 1mm or
so arc it uses about 600 - 800 mA, I don't have a pair identical transformers
at the moment they are all packed away.
I started up my 240 AC supply transformer with the neutral connected to
ground and set it to 150 Hz, 3 x 50Hz and nothing much extra showed on the
but the supply transformer uses a bit less power at 150 Hz looks like. I was
hoping it would enhance the ground signal.
Any way I like it, I can try some idea's with this. Thanks.
Oh, I'm not sure but a regular grounded scope might not show the oscillation
or stop it so I just used the little isolated one.
BUT removing the load or sparkgap would "snuff"it out as you said
dont worry about self-running just yet, that will come to us, but do use one up coil and one down coil, and then no matter what condition the output coil + - is in (open, full load or shorted together) will not phase the input.
Just watch out not earth ground the load, AMPS will come flying at ya, but as much virtual ground (ie air or long length of wire) will help brightness, as much virtual ground can be used as possible without raising current draw.
JUST add the antennas after you jump-start it, any grounding other than base will surge current to ground, so add the virtual grounding after its running, and watch current draw as you add antennas, you could keep adding air grounding until you notice it is drawing something
But DO earth ground the base! very stable operation.
BTW,,, its been on for a few days now, but i want to do more experiments, HOW LONG OF A TEST RUN TIME IS ADEQUATE ??Last edited by mr.clean; 05-02-2012, 09:26 PM.In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Originally posted by usu View PostOf course!
See Ganzha post above .
do you have schematic how to use katcher with tv flyback ?
Originally posted by SkyWatcher View PostHi folks, Hi mr clean, thanks for sharing your setup, i watched the videos.
Have you tried anything other than car coils?
I was thinking maybe regular transformers rewired for higher voltage might work also, as I have plenty of those laying around i could rewire to test this out.
Also, does anyone know the watt hours equivalent of the 12 volt 1 farad capacitor bank that mr clean showed in one his videos, thanks.
Anyone have any ideas why mr cleans setup seems to be so efficient.
peace love light
NoMorePetro on youtube kindly wrote this...
1F x .5 x 12 V squared divided by 3 Watts gives you 24 seconds
and it went for 208 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
The issue is that the bulbs go forever, so i did a 1 minute run time, and checked brightness at end of 1 minute running on a 1 farad cap....
Guess what the results were....Last edited by mr.clean; 05-03-2012, 08:10 AM.In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Can you confirm this is the way you have your circuit wired?
I got in my new ferrite cores and bobbins that laser saber posted today
I will be winding those coils hopefully tomorrow.Attached FilesRick
Kacher evident OU Эксперимент (Эффект качера) - YouTube and compare how SIMILIAR to mr clean circuit !!!!!!!
That's the circuit I NEED
Originally posted by mr.clean View PostAWESOME idea man, do it! the ignition coils were just convenient as they are contained and such... but a better core able to go up toward 100Mhz and withstand 24, or higher voltage input would ONLY be better in every way.
NoMorePetro on youtube kindly wrote this...
1F x .5 x 12 V squared divided by 3 Watts gives you 24 seconds
and it went for 208 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
I think your meter must be broken, can you try another one and show the
input then ? I'm not complaining but it might pay to check, just to be sure.
I have an analogue current meter that won't react until about 400 mA is
flowing through it so it gives "under readings" it is damaged by shorting I think,
I could demonstrate it when i find it.
I think your basing calculations on assumed levels of output power as well. Did
you measure the load power. Use the same meter for that if you only have
one, you could take it off the input and put it on the output.
I'm not making any accusatons or anything I just think you should double check is all.
Also can you scope the ground lead to the transistor base unconnected ?
Here's the one I made with a waveform between the Earth and the battery
negative. I don't have any load to measure the power of. But mine does use a
very small amount of power with no load. Right at the beginning we can see
what happens when a person really gets a shock, the spark to my fingertip
can be seen.I thought I would leave that in there for a laugh.
Darlington pair oscillation wave form..wmv - YouTube
I'm having trouble understanding why no one else has asked you to try a
different current meter. It can't hurt to check. You could check the meter by
using it to measure a known current like a 12 volt bulb that uses 500 or 600 mA.
..Last edited by Farmhand; 05-02-2012, 10:29 PM.
standard ignition coil
Here is some info on standard automotive ignition coil.
The ignition coil is nothing more that an electrical transformer. It contains both primary and secondary winding circuits. The coil primary winding contains 100 to 150 turns of heavy copper wire. This wire must be insulated so that the voltage does not jump from loop to loop, shorting it out. If this happened, it could not create the primary magnetic field that is required. The primary circuit wire goes into the coil through the positive terminal, loops around the primary windings, then exits through the negative terminal.
The coil secondary winding circuit contains 15,000 to 30,000 turns of fine copper wire, which also must be insulated from each other. The secondary windings sit inside the loops of the primary windings. To further increase the coils magnetic field the windings are wrapped around a soft iron core. To withstand the heat of the current flow, the coil is filled with oil which helps keep it cool.
The ignition coil is the heart of the ignition system. As current flows through the coil a strong magnetic field is built up. When the current is shut off, the collapse of this magnetic field to the secondary windings induces a high voltage which is released through the large center terminal. This voltage is then directed to the spark plugs through the distributor.Attached FilesRick
Originally posted by Farmhand View PostHave you tried another current meter to measure input ?
I think your meter must be broken, can you try another one and show the
input then ? I'm not complaining but it might pay to check, just to be sure.
I have an analogue current meter that won't react until about 400 mA is
flowing through it so it gives "under readings" it is damaged by shorting I think,
I could demonstrate it when i find it.
I think your basing calculations on assumed levels of output power as well. Did
you measure the load power. Use the same meter for that if you only have
one, you could take it off the input and put it on the output.
I'm not making any accusatons or anything I just think you should double check is all.
Also can you scope the ground lead to the transistor base unconnected ?
Here's the one I made with a waveform between the Earth and the battery
negative. I don't have any load to measure the power of. But mine does use a
very small amount of power with no load. Right at the beginning we can see
what happens when a person really gets a shock, the spark to my fingertip
can be seen.I thought I would leave that in there for a laugh.
Darlington pair oscillation wave form..wmv - YouTube
I'm having trouble understanding why no one else has asked you to try a
different current meter. It can't hurt to check. You could check the meter by
using it to measure a known current like a 12 volt bulb that uses 500 or 600 mA.
It ends up making an ASS of U and ME. lolRick
Originally posted by dyatronn View PostВсем привет, вы меня конечно, извините.....
но, Зилано дурит Вас......, я в английцском языке не силен, но у зелины нет и ничего*быть не может, - это все обман.!!!! !!!!!!
Это поиск лохов....
Originally posted by baroutologos View PostI have been devoted past week at studying Donanld Smith's devices and theories.
This man seems serious and claims that overunity or an extraordinary energy gain can be achieved with moderate means.
One device illustrated, and as claime, it was presented at a Tesla symposium, it was the image below.
Don Smith claims that a high frequency alternating current could be modified in frequency by the application of a resistor, a capacitor or perhaps a coil (choke) wired in parallel to the initial HF source.
Does it tell anything to anyone that? Is it makes any sense? That illustration uses a 12 volt powered Neon Sign Transfromer to charge 8000uF caps at 400 volts or so.
LOL? how the... can it be? Is the man heavily miscalculating or is there any explaination to this?
My friend if its true you'd see it on the market RIGHT NOW being used. Other than that its all BS.
Originally posted by vidbid View PostAnyone can make any accusation, but without evidence, that is all it is.
he's been working on this stuff for quite a while. And has put considerable effort
into a very good replication of Don's device. But I think it still under performs as
to what Don claimed despite Dyatronn's fine efforts.
Is Dyatronn making an accusation or a statement ? I don't get a very good
Oh, she's back, i'll get first row
Originally posted by vidbid View PostAnyone can make any accusation, but without evidence, that is all it is.
Or we ask too much? Just show your "using" device and teach us as much as you wish, we all ears.
Changing others schematic don't do any good.