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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
    Farmhand you are clearly a top of the top drawer replicator.

    Anyone can register a domain with any address and change the address at any time through an admin panel.

    In the uk that is called Nominet.

    Send me your email addie please.

    When you read the email you can make your own mind up.

    Anyone who tries to speak the truth is silenced or discreditted.

    I can promise everyone that this is a modern way to discredit Bruce through the internet.

    Very easily done by any internet savvy person.

    The truth is that Bruce is the real deal.

    Here is a passive system, also by one of the top flight replicators.

    SMOV0006_MPEG_.mpg - YouTube

    Bruce's system is active!
    Not sure about this video as this case can be easily done by wireless energy transfer from Tesla coil's wireles energy transfer. Useless there is clear instructions and republication results from independent people, this does not prove anything.
    The docs you emailed contain info I already knew about and tested with my team on ionization +energy by secondary emission so my answer to pay money or not would be "No".
    Also I do not say if it is true or not about Bruce docs unless I could confirm it by experiments with my team.


    • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
      Not sure about this video as this case can be easily done by wireless energy transfer from Tesla coil's wireles energy transfer. Useless there is clear instructions and republication results from independent people, this does not prove anything.
      The docs you emailed contain info I already knew about and tested with my team on ionization +energy by secondary emission so my answer to pay money or not would be "No".
      Also I do not say if it is true or not about Bruce docs unless I could confirm it by experiments with my team.
      That video has nothing to do with what Bruce is doing with his ion valve. It is simply my version and use of tesla's patents 685,957 and 685,958. I believe T1000 is using a similar "valve" with the large vacuum tube ( thermonic valve -diode -electron tube etc ) in an attempt to accomplish the same end. Bruce's valve is also a vacuum diode that uses radon gas or other similar medium that can free electrons.


      • 3-plate-cap effect

        Hi dragon,
        thanks for showing the 3-plate-capacitor effect in your video with the strange title ;-) SMOV0006_MPEG_.mpg - YouTube.
        The idea to employ a normal microwave oven cap and use its aluminum case as the third plate is awesome, in my opinion.
        Two questions I have:
        For the two diodes of the charging AV-plug, do you just use two of type 1N4148 ?
        And regarding the exciting frequency:
        You used the 1.095 MHz just by by chance? Any high frequency would work? Right?

        Last edited by marxist; 03-25-2012, 03:28 PM.


        • The cap that I used is a motor "run" cap that has a very high DC voltage rating. I'm using UF4007 diodes which are rated 1 amp at 1000 volts - not to be confused with the 1N4007 - the UF's have a fast recovery and work well as AV plugs for higher outputs. The 4148's are only rated at 75 volts and about 75ma - although an excellent diode for lower voltage applications.

          Any resonant frequency will work to certain degrees but frequencies that are of some harmonic of earths varying frequencies works much better. I chose 1.095 because of this.

          My use of the 3 plate cap is simply different but not necessarily new. I learned of it while following Dr. Stifflers work and it has surfaced under different names over the years such as the "captret" .
          Last edited by dragon; 03-25-2012, 03:42 PM.


          • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
            Not sure about this video as this case can be easily done by wireless energy transfer from Tesla coil's wireles energy transfer. Useless there is clear instructions and republication results from independent people, this does not prove anything.
            The docs you emailed contain info I already knew about and tested with my team on ionization +energy by secondary emission so my answer to pay money or not would be "No".
            Also I do not say if it is true or not about Bruce docs unless I could confirm it by experiments with my team.
            I agree with T-1000 that these THREE criteria are requisite. Let me re-iterate this way:

            1) Replications by independent people, with THEIR statements in writing or a video.
            2. You wouldn't have to show the detailed device publicly at that stage, but some input-power and output-power (or energy) data would be important to show.

            3) At that point, I would gladly PAY a fee or contribution in order to get clear instructions of how to build the test "ou" device.

            4) I would not draw a firm conclusion myself until I do my own experiments... then I would help in any way I could.

            I hope Sterling would learn this also -- give us 1) and 2) before asking for money for a claim!


            • Resonance

              Mr Clean did you try moving L1 and see if led lights for resonance.


              • OK, so I am one of those people that follow along and I have built a lot of different circuits from many of the threads but don't post my results much because I don't think that I have anything new to add. I have some nice light circuits and some batteries and I build stuff and take it apart to build something else. So the thought of paying a nominal fee to obtain something really useful seems like a really good bargain to me. I want to believe what soundiceuk is giving us is honest and straight forward. I am ready and willing but when I got the email windows mail gives me a big red alert saying it is suspicious and looks like phishing. I want to open it but I don't dare. He referenced Mr.Clean and so I am wondering Mr.Clean what you had to say about it. Has anyone else got this warning or should I just ignore it?


                • Originally posted by Guruji View Post
                  Mr Clean did you try moving L1 and see if led lights for resonance.
                  I am just trying this now, and it looks like it DOES affect the resonant state.

                  The bulb does get dimmer and brighter by sliding L1, but im not sure if it is because of the inductance changing or an interaction of both coils ringing next to eachother

                  either way, i think you should have it set to be tuned when in the very center of the L2 halves
                  In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                  In the expert's mind there are few.
                  -Shunryu Suzuki


                  • Hi, you're the first one to point out they have experienced this.

                    I am a genuine man trying to help genuine people.

                    Read through my past posts throughout this thread and surely you can see that.

                    I await a third party to verify this


                    • Originally posted by Zardox View Post
                      OK, so I am one of those people that follow along and I have built a lot of different circuits from many of the threads but don't post my results much because I don't think that I have anything new to add. I have some nice light circuits and some batteries and I build stuff and take it apart to build something else. So the thought of paying a nominal fee to obtain something really useful seems like a really good bargain to me. I want to believe what soundiceuk is giving us is honest and straight forward. I am ready and willing but when I got the email windows mail gives me a big red alert saying it is suspicious and looks like phishing. I want to open it but I don't dare. He referenced Mr.Clean and so I am wondering Mr.Clean what you had to say about it. Has anyone else got this warning or should I just ignore it?
                      hi there, im not sure yet as i havent tried it, but i have no reason to doubt Bruces device.

                      I agree that its nice to provide a little preview of a light bulb going or something, but im sure we will see replications soon, as there are some people who got the book already.

                      I will when i get one
                      In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                      In the expert's mind there are few.
                      -Shunryu Suzuki


                      • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
                        hi there, im not sure yet as i havent tried it, but i have no reason to doubt Bruces device.

                        I agree that its nice to provide a little preview of a light bulb going or something, but im sure we will see replications soon, as there are some people who got the book already.

                        I will when i get one
                        Here are patents for a topic (just copied from PAGD Patents ):
                        US5416391: May 16, 1995 / Oct. 15, 1992
                        Electromechanical transduction of plasma pulses

                        US5449989: Sept. 12, 1995 / April 15, 1993
                        Energy conversion system

                        US5502354: March 26, 1996 / April 19, 1994
                        Direct current energized pulse generator utilizing autogenous cyclical pulsed abnormal glow discharges

               - Energy conversion systems

                        In this case the effect you all are after is this:
                        Secondary emission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Just that happens in negatively charged gas. In our experiments we use thyratrons containing that gas. Also air belongs to that group but with weaker effect.

                        So, when you have Tesla coil and attach 2 plates on top of it and make it ionize air but do not allow discharge to jump across then attach the 1 of those 2 plates into ground, then you are basically making leaking capacitor what disrupts ambient and sucks neutral ions from air into positively charged capacitor plate. When you have this in closed chamber, you need allow gas recombination to compensate ions starvation...

                        Personally I see same principle with different ionization sources in Bruce's and those patents but in result it is all same too ...

                        Good luck!
                        Last edited by T-1000; 03-26-2012, 12:21 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          If this turns out to be a wild goose chase will you apologize for that, refund donations and build costs.

                          All this hype has happened before the result being a lot of wasted time and money.

                          But you know what, all the folks making the donations and participating in the
                          buzz are adults if they want to get caught up in the hype then so be it.
                          I can offer this guarantee. I'm sure you've witnessed folk claming something amazing in the past but this is the real deal for once. Anyone who is getting to know me off this forum knows this too

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          Is there any demonstration of anything exciting that is not inside a 80 mB video ?
                          Well Dragon's video is quite exciting for a passive system.

                          It's only a matter of days/weeks before someone replicates Bruce's ion valve now that they have his book.

                          It is so much simpler than the version T-1000 decribes, although they do the same thing.

                          You have the time on your hands to replicate faster than most. Especially seing how quickly you manufactured Don Smith coils. What beauties!!!!

                          You can probably build an ion valve based on what T-1000 just posted. Your clearly clever enough.

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          I encourage all those who participate then feel there is something amiss to come and post about it.

                          This bruce guy is probably the one who has been altering all the Don Smith drawings.
                          I questioned Bruce on a few points I picked up from serveral members of the energy community and he sent me amended schematics.

                          I was that overwhelmed he did this I redrew them in Adobe Illustrator. They are still not 100% right. Hopefully as a tribute to Don, they can still altered until they are.

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          This Bruce guy looks like a scammer.
                          The first link below is from, I thought they were trusted. So if
                          you trust Bruce you are saying are liars.
                          KeelyNet - The Truth about Perrault and NuScam - 12/04/06
                          A few internet savvy people have got an axe to grind. Who knows the exact story!

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          Riddle me this. Who owns and runs the website below ? there is no name and contact details.
                          Nu Energy Research Archive
                          I'm a web designer and search engine optimizer so easy for me to find.

                          If they wanted to be hidden then it would be very easy to change this info to anything but what is written.

                 - Nu Energy™ Research Archive

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          One of you should order the moray DVD from the site and tell us what's in it.
                          It says radiant energy video. I wonder who made it and if John moray is
                          actually the one who made and is selling it.
                          I've got no answer for this one apart from I'd imagine Bruce and John are good friends.

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          I hope I'm wrong but I'm not going to make donations and invest time and money without good cause. If there is something that would convince me can someone direct me to it please.
                          I'm trying to direct you and everyone to it. The instruction is to send an email address by PM to me, just in case anyone missed it.

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          Go on, go ahead call me a disinfo agent or a lackey of the PTB, because for me that seals the deal on BSer's..
                          Some folk have suggested you are MIB, but I think opposite. More like a dedicated replicator, thats sick of being messed around by fools.

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          Here's my suggestion hang on to your money keep experimenting with an open mind, wait 6 months and see what happens with this new great hope.

                          My prediction is we will see some lights lit up and maybe a grinder spinning so
                          weakly a man could stop it with his tackle - ala dynatron. We might also see some sparks.

                          Will we see a system that outputs kW's of power with less than 50 watts
                          input, that is the question.

                          I hope there is something to this and it's not all hype because taking
                          donations and secrecy is a sign of susness to me. Once again I sincerely hope
                          I'm wrong, I really do because I could use another free energy device.

                          Cheers all
                          You haven't seen one of Destine2012's latest then:

                          Нагреваем спираль нихрома - YouTube


                          • Secondary Electron Emission by Bruce Darrow Gaither

                            Does anybody have a copy of this document? It can no longer be downloaded from scribd.

                            Secondary Electron Emission by Bruce Darrow Gaither


                            • Farmhand, I could go into a very big negative RANT about what went down some years ago involving Decker (keelynet) but I won't. Let's just say that if I did go into a negative rant it would NOT be about Bruce. I was there at that time and saw the grief that was being intentionally caused. Bruce is NOT a scammer. He's more serious about having a viable alternate energy source than anyone I know. Sure there are some people hard at it right now but would they still be working hard at something like this for over 25 years (at least). I'll just give you one example of a device Bruce had which I helped him setup at the energy conference I mentioned. It was generating radiant energy. What happens when you put power to a 60 watt light bulb?(clear glass bulb) It lights up. What happens when you short a wire across the incoming power to that bulb? If it's regular energy the light would dim or go out completely. The light bulb got brighter - a lot brighter when a wire was shorted across it. I shorted it myself with an alligator clip lead. That was about 13 years ago. I can only imagine some of the things he has now.
                              Last edited by ewizard; 03-26-2012, 03:57 AM.
                              There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                              • Originally posted by p75213 View Post
                                Does anybody have a copy of this document? It can no longer be downloaded from scribd.

                                Secondary Electron Emission by Bruce Darrow Gaither
                                Try with your mobile phone. I downloaded it in that way

