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High Voltage from Thin Air?

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  • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
    I purchased the board you see in the video, it came fully populated
    and tested. I will not share the documentation because it would not be appropriate (illegal). The modification is clear when he zoomed in I could see
    every connection. I think for what he is giving away the money barely covers the cost, these are his terms, buy it put together and get the document.
    The board is professionally made and there is a limited amount.
    I agree. On the 3rd video is very clear what to do.

    THANK YOU Dr.Stiffler. Great work.



    • Mind blowing !!

      Just wanted to say that the latest videos from Dr Stiffler are mind blowing, he found a way to get quite a lot of energy from the environment, and this time no one can doubt, because there is NO battery nor large capacitor !!

      I wish he could ship boards outside USA like before, because I would order some to show myself for the very first time without any doubt possible, that it's possible to cohere energy from the background with an electronic circuit and no direct energy input, not even to kick start the device !! Just MIND BLOWING !

      I imagine that people will be amazed, but it will take some time, because we have been lured so many time by fakers that we don't expect any real circuit will ever be available ... delusion has dulled us ... but I think it's NOW time to WAKE UP !

      Thanks a million times Dr Stiffler for keeping at it, and sharing your discoveries. I am sure that History will remember your name !
      Together (the tinkers and webmasters here) we will spread the info and show the replications for the world to know about you. Internet will keep traces of your discoveries for a long time, and writers will include your name and devices in their books talking about "free" energy. God bless you and your family Doctor !


      • JT is everlasting in spirit and work, so is the Doc, we have been filming his caloric meters, updating his pdf and doing a production, Doc, Andrew will ask you about this board to ship to oz, hope is okay as we want to do more caloric and other tests, we will be making a THANK YOU tribute video to the Doc

        Panacea work bench with the Docs stuff ATM
        ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
        Back to work , we down or moving ahead?



        • 14 Mhz to burn Saltwater !

          Hello guys,
          I am so happy you all kept working on the SEC !
          See how persistence is the key to success !
          I googled "water 14 Mhz frequency" as Doc was pointing us ...

          et voila :
          13.56 MHz, Kanzius frequency to burn saltwater
          John Kanzius: RF-Induced Hyperthermia vs Cancer -- RF Ignition of Salt Water: US Patent Application # 0060190063

          How can i create 14 megahertz radio waves at my home? - Yahoo! Answers
          Directory:John Kanzius Produces Hydrogen from Salt Water Using Radio Waves - PESWiki

          Doctor Stiffler, thanks again for the info, and glad you are sharing it with your humble fans


          • Dr. Stiffler,

            I just received my frequency analyzer and also have some of your 18 boards. I have studied your videos many times and I am in the process to try a replication of your non-power source LED power.

            I noticed that at my house 13.4mhz is where that frequency "hump" that you mention is located instead of 13mhz.

            Could you, please, expose a little bit more information to what one have to do to start replicating that experiment? I know you mention that there are so many variables into play here that you would "rather die than see someone replicate" (your words - at least that is what I understood) I assume this is no easy task.

            I already tried many things and nothing will make the SEC excite without a power source neither without the transistor.

            ANY info on the matter would be really appreciated.



            • Hello

              Where has everybody gone



              • Last time I was in correspondence with Dr. Stiffler he had a few legal battles over his intellectual property rights, along with a possible issue between the correlation of his work and that of Frank Znidarsic. Dr. Stiffler gave much of what he had to the public domain, and I believe he got tired of the grief given back.


                • Video collection

                  Like today wondering if or if ever dr stiffler will ever share his wonderful learning with us again, I can at best hope every video I saved of his devoted work will show me the secrets I hope to someday re plicate.


                  • Guys:
                    We can still stay tuned to the Docs great videos, he's still at it.
                    Spatial Energy Coherence - YouTube

                    Thanks for reactivating this great thread. It a shame to see it go silent.



                    • 13 mhz sound

                      Hi I know its been a long time and I don't know if anyone is still researching Dr Stifflers work, but I found this vid today.


                      hope it helps


                      • Still plugging away, raising children for the most part, but I've verified Dr Stiffler's work, at least seeing apparent gains, if not getting the running right for a self runner. My spectrum analyser started smoking so I'm back to using fft oscilloscope.

                        There's a thread over at hereticalbuilders that went further than here but I took it off public due to the progress.

                        The 13mhz signal does go away at night now; incoming cosmic frequencies damp it out. Interesting times ahead.
                        Last edited by Inquorate; 11-08-2014, 10:56 AM.
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • Originally posted by pattester View Post
                          Hi I know its been a long time and I don't know if anyone is still researching Dr Stifflers work, but I found this vid today.


                          hope it helps
                          Whilst interesting, that frequency and noise is probably unrelated to the geometry of the universe. ;-)
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                            Last time I was in correspondence with Dr. Stiffler he had a few legal battles over his intellectual property rights, along with a possible issue between the correlation of his work and that of Frank Znidarsic. Dr. Stiffler gave much of what he had to the public domain, and I believe he got tired of the grief given back.
                            Heretical Builders - Powered by vBulletin members section

                            A couple of us continued on. Dr Stiffler is still working but not publicly.
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • Anyone still around?

                              Contact me if you are.
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • Still curious, not too much posts lately

                                Will be pleased viewing some more interest

