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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • so we discussed a bit "the colony bee collapse disorder" ..... Bees and flowers communicate using electrical fields, researchers discover ...... let's look at a different kind of Bee :

    The bees entered the hive through a hole in a carved flower crafted by the chapel's master stone masons
    a rose is a medieval symbol for vagina
    Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees (lyrics) - YouTube

    Male fertility: Countdown | The Economist

    Male fertility
    Yet another study suggests sperm numbers are falling in rich countries
    Dec 8th 2012 |From the print edition

    AS HEALTH scares go, the idea that sperm counts are plummeting across the industrialised world, probably as a result of chemical pollution that has an adverse hormonal effect, takes some beating. In 1992 a meta-analysis of 61 papers, published in the British Medical Journal, suggested they had fallen by half in the preceding half-century, from 113m per millilitre of semen to 66m. Since then, the decline has apparently continued. The most recent paper, just published in Human Reproduction, by Joëlle le Moal, Matthieu Rolland and their colleagues at France’s Institute for Public Health Surveillance, is also one of the most comprehensive yet.

    Its conclusions are stark. The sperm count of the average Frenchman, say the researchers, fell by 32.2% between 1989 and 2005. At the same time, the proportion of properly formed sperm also fell, from 60.9% to 52.8%.

    This paper is an important contribution to a lively debate. For although the idea of falling sperm counts has entered the public mind as an established fact, fertility experts remain divided about just how big the effect really is. Not all studies have found drops. Though one of Parisians in 1995 suggested that counts were indeed falling, by about 2.1% a year, another, carried out in Toulouse, suggested that they weren’t.

    The new study is bigger than most (it involved more than 26,000 men, drawn from 126 fertility clinics all over France), and is notable for its attention to detail. The researchers examined only men whose partners were being treated for infertility—a cunning way around one problem with sperm studies, which is that, because it is difficult to recruit from the general population, researchers often have to rely on couples attending fertility clinics, and are thus dealing with men who, by definition, are much more likely to have low sperm counts.

    Even so, not everyone is convinced. Allan Pacey, an andrologist at the University of Sheffield, in England, thinks much of the effect could be caused by changes in how sperm quality is measured. He points out that the World Health Organisation’s manual on the subject has been revised four times since it was first published in 1980, and that quality control at fertility clinics has improved dramatically over the same period.

    There is support for his position from other studies. One, a continuing investigation of Danish conscripts, is notable for having been established with a consistent method of measurement from the start. Its data show no changes over the years. And Dr Rolland and Dr le Moal admit that, despite the apparent drop in sperm counts they found, there was no increase in the number of infertile men during the period of their study.

    All this is not to deny that there may be a problem. Even if methodological changes account for some of the observed drop in semen quality, they may not account for all of it. Dr Pacey points out that there is separate evidence suggesting the incidences of testicular cancer, and of genital abnormalities in boys, are both rising. That is consistent with the idea that something out there actually is monkeying with masculinity.


    Psychosomatic medicine: Think yourself well | The Economist

    THE link between mind and body is terrain into which many medical researchers, fearing ridicule, dare not tread. But perhaps more should do so. For centuries, doctors have recognised the placebo effect, in which the illusion of treatment, such as pills without an active ingredient, produces real medical benefits. More recently, respectable research has demonstrated that those who frequently experience positive emotions live longer and healthier lives. They have fewer heart attacks, for example, and fewer colds too.
    Dr Fredrickson and Dr Kok concentrated their attentions on the vagus nerve. This nerve (illustrated right, in an early anatomical drawing) starts in the brain and runs, via numerous branches, to several thoracic and abdominal organs including the heart. Among its jobs is to send signals telling that organ to slow down during moments of calm and safety.

    How effectively the vagus nerve is working can be tracked by monitoring someone’s heart rate as he breathes in and out. Healthy vagal function is reflected in a subtle increase in heart rate while breathing in and a subtle decrease while breathing out. The difference yields an index of vagal tone, and the value of this index is known to be connected with health. Low values are, for example, linked to inflammation and heart attacks.

    read more
    hence the respiration exercise taught in Yoga



    Penis Size Matters in Bed keep in mind Red Chakra

    The female orgasm

    Both penis size and female orgasm are hot-button topics. There is still scientific debate about whether vaginal and clitoral orgasms are different phenomena. Different nerves carry signals from the vagina and from the clitoris, Komisaruk said, and stimulation of each activates different brain regions. But some researchers argue that vaginal stimulation is simply activating a different, internal, section of the clitoris. Women report different sensations from vaginal and clitoral orgasms, Komisaruk said, but which one women prefer largely comes down to personal preference.

    In some cases, female orgasm is even more complex. For example, Beverly Whipple, professor emerita at Rutgers University and one of the discoverers of the G spot, a sensitive area felt through the front wall of the vagina, has found that women with complete spinal cord injuries can sometimes experience orgasm, even though the nerves that carry sensation up the spinal cord from the pelvis have been severed. It's likely that the sensory vagus nerve, which runs in the abdomen but bypasses the spinal cord, is recruited to carry signals to the brain in these cases, Whipple told LiveScience.

    Other research has found that abdominal exercises induce orgasm in some women, resulting in pleasurable spasms at the gym.
    Brody holds a different view, pointing to studies finding that the ability to orgasm with vaginal stimulation alone is correlated with better psychological functioning, better relationship quality and greater sexual satisfaction ( know thyself ).

    Pixie Dust Healing: Vagus Nerve and the 7 Chakras .... Abba - Take A Chance On Me - YouTube

    The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It extends from within the brain on a winding road throughout the body down through the intestine. That's science. The Vagus nerve also, just so happens, to be the only nerve in the body that is present through each one of the 7 Chakras- from Crown Chakra through to the Root

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2013, 01:58 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Tarot and Musical Pitch

      [QUOTE=MonsieurM;225172]then it would give us :

      9 Hermit + 15 Devil + 21 World ( 9 6 3 )

      E flat can't seem to find it on the table ..... but G natural : 13 - Death

      3 Empress + 11 Justice + 18 Moon

      yes it Does .... Thank you[ S ( and please correct me if the correspondence with the tarot cards are incorrect .... B flat , F sharp etc.... not quite knowledgeable in that field unless i can match the symbols ) .... try to compensate with the flow

      Inxs - Devil inside - YouTube

      15 Devil ( 14 - Devil )

      check this out Samael - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Hello MrM
      Interesting ideas, however im not sure it could be as simple a correlation/correspondence re each card having a particular frequency. It may be that a particular card resonates in a particular way with me, but in a different way with you? Very difficult to map, just my humble feeling

      I was working with a couple of very talented sound engineers the other day and a similar conversation happened. One of them thought that the intervals between notes are more important in terms of 'effect', ie a perfect 3rd, inverted 5th, augmented 4th etc all have different associated feelings. In Bach's day the notes in a piece of music were all very close in terms of intervals, but by the time of let's say Shostakovich the intervals were much bigger and less predictable.

      I have read that in Roslyn Chapel if you play, sing an augmented 4th (also known as the Devil's chord), then a portal to another dimension will be opened....


      • Shivaree - The Snake - YouTube

        Tarot Card tend to resonate to each ....... as it touches on each one's subconscious

        a worm hole ..... signed the snake ..... The Subconscious Mind and the Myth of Evil ....... Tesla - Caught Up In A Dream - YouTube ..... Laguz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

        The whole universe is sum up in the human being. Devil is not a monster waiting to trap us, he is a voice inside. Look for your devil in yourself, not in the others. Don’t forget that the one who knows his Devil, knows his God. Rumi

        13 in 1 =

        14 - Devil

        resembles Thor God of Thunder .... or Orgone mixed with Loki

        Shaman Tools

        good reading you S

        The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets

        Four is it in qualities,
        shining in each of the planes of existence,
        but thirteen ( 13 - Death ) in one ( 1 - Magician ) ,
        the mystical number.
        Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
        each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
        each shall channels be of the Great One

        EL CONDOR PASA [PAN PIPES] - YouTube ..........

        Diabolos stands upon an anvil. His face is pleasant, almost attractive, and not in any way intimidating. He has a goatee-like beard and wears a short, green workman's tunic beneath which his breasts are faintly visible (though we cannot tell whether they are male musculature or female breasts). On his head is a dark-blue pilos (egg-shaped cap) with an inverted pentagram and spiraling golden ram's horns.
        He holds up his right hand in salute, his thumb across the palm, the fingers extended in two groups of two.

        His left hand holds the shaft of a large hammer or mallet, leaning toward him at a cockeyed angle, its head resting on the anvil. The hammer head is shaped like two spheres; the shaft terminates in a hemispherical bulb. His legs and feet are deformed, with inverted knees, and give the impression of goat or eagle legs; his body is covered with brown hair ( like a bee ) .

        Standing in front, their backs to him, are two figures, a golden male on his right and a silver female on his left. A circular golden chain is stretched loosely around the front of the thrall's hips and behind the anvil, binding the three into a circle. Their expressions are somewhat vacant, as though they are zombies or robots, and their dwarflike bodies, though not unattractive, seem vaguely unnatural; in particular, their knees appear to be inverted.
        The Devil represents material creation in all its manifestations, including sex as a means of natural generation, metabolism as a means of growth, fire as a means of artistic creation, technology, art, craft - and the alchemical Great Work. Material creation is necessary for life, and may even be a path to enlightenment, but fascination with it can entrap us. If these acts of creation are undertaken unconsciously and negligently, as the two thralls do, then they deliver themselves into bondage, for the golden chain is loose, and only their own ignorance and reluctance to see keeps them bound in slavery, like zombies ( or ZOMBEES ) or automata.
        The Devil - human, beast and god in one - is Nature, and there is much power and beauty in our instincts, appetites and drives in the material world. But Nature, as a component of the psyche, is mostly unconscious, and operates behind our backs. Thus it is with all the shadowy components of ourselves, all the disowned parts of our psyches; they make themselves visible by being projected onto other people and onto the world at large. This trump calls on each of us to confront our Shadow, not to deny or destroy it, but to acknowledge its reality, own it as a part of us, understand its nature and reorient it toward the good.

        Reich made an analogy between a lightning rods and cloudbusters: both discharge orgone from the sky (lightning was believed to be a super-dense bolt of electricity and orgone),
        Nazareth - Love Of Freedom - YouTube

        ps: one of the Shaman's tool is :

        What is Morning Glory? - Yahoo! Answers .......
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2013, 10:14 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • meet a Master Builder ..... a "Mason Bee" :

          Slime Mold Smarts - YouTube

          Published on Nov 7, 2012

          Produced for NOVA and Scientific American
          by Anna Rothschild and Ferris Jabr

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2013, 10:42 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

            13 in 1 =

            14 - Devil

            resembles Thor God of Thunder .... or Orgone mixed with Loki

            = ( symbolically )

            Green Bee? - Euglossa dilemma - BugGuide.Net

            Euglossa is a genus of orchid bees (Euglossini). Like all their close relatives, they are native to the Neotropics; an introduced population exists in Florida. They are typically bright metallic blue, green, coppery, or golden.


            An-Nahl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Sura An-Nahl (Arabic: سورة النحل‎, Sūratu an-Naḥl, "The Bees") is the 16th. sura of the Qur'an, with 128 verses. Its name means "the bees".

            The verse 66 talks about the miracle in milk formation in cattle ( : "From what is within their bodies, between excretions and blood, We produce for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it." The verse 67 talks about miracle of vine (alcohol / WINE): "And from the fruit of the date-palm and the vine, ye get out strong drink and wholesome food: behold, in this also is a sign for those who are wise."

            Sanskrit Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit

            warrior for good edit
            शूर zUra m. brave man edit

            सूर sUra m. sun edit

            सूर sUra m. propeller edit
            सूर sUra m. Calotropis Gigantea edit
            सूर sUra m. wise or learned man edit
            सूर sUra m. inciter edit
            सूर sUra m. teacher edit
            सुरा surA adj. drinking vessel edit
            सुरा surA f. alcoholic drink edit
            सुरा surA f. snake edit
            सुरा surA f. water
            सुरा surA f. wine edit
            सुरा surA f. spirituous liquor edit
            सुर sura m. deity edit
            सुर sura m. divinity edit
            सुर sura m. image of deity [ idol ] edit
            सुर sura m. sage edit
            सुर sura m. learned man edit
            सुर sura m. image of a god edit
            सुर sura m. symbolical name for the number thirty-Three edit

            सुर sura m. sun edit
            सुर sura m. idol edit
            सुर sura n. same as surA edit
            शूर zUra adj. warlike edit
            शूर zUra adj. daring edit
            शूर zUra m. hero edit
            शुर zura adj. brave edit
            शुर zura adj. valiant edit
            शुर zura m. lion ( A ZURA ..... ) edit
            शुर zura m. hero edit
            खलाः सुराम् अपिबन् khalAH surAm apiban sent. the wicked persons drank wine edit

            सुरा surA f. wine UB40 Red Red Wine [Lyrics] - YouTube edit
            66 ( milk) and 67 (wine ) can also be seen as :

            Fehu – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets + Jera – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

            the Garden of Gethsemane or Garden of Gentleman

            Gethsemane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


            Gethsemane appears in the Greek of the Gospel of Matthew[1] and the Gospel of Mark[2] as Γεθσημανἱ (Gethsēmani). The name is derived from the Aramaic ܓܕܣܡܢ (Gaṯ-Šmānê), meaning "oil press".[3] Matthew (26:36) and Mark (14:32) call it χωρἰον (18:1), a place or estate. The Gospel of John says Jesus entered a garden (κῆπος) with his disciples.[4]


            The planet said to be ruler of Libra is Venus.[3

            Libra | Happenings on the Hill

            Traditionally, the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox is called the Harvest Moon because it was so bright that the farmers could harvest crops by the light of the moon. It is also called the Wine Moon or Wine Harvest since most wine grapes are harvested during the lunar period beginning in September.

            also called :

            Indian summer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            An Indian summer is a heat wave that occurs in the autumn. It refers to a period of considerably above-normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost. Depending on latitude and elevation, it can occur in the Northern Hemisphere between late September and mid November.
            Stereophonics - "Indian summer" Lyric - YouTube

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-02-2013, 12:53 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Top Comment

              Tarot Card tend to resonate to each ....... as it touches on each one's subconscious

              a worm hole ..... signed the snake

              Hello MrM, Beautifully put, yes as they resonate together, they form a landscape, a map of a situation, almost self reflective in nature.

              The whole universe is sum up in the human being. Devil is not a monster waiting to trap us, he is a voice inside. Look for your devil in yourself, not in the others. Don’t forget that the one who knows his Devil, knows his God.Rumi

              Through these wise words we are able to conquer FEAR at all levels of our existence.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                forgot to add Land of Milk , Wine and Honey :

                HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 50 - 59

                53 > 8 - 53 - 16th prime
                --- (613 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Day".
                --- (703 w/f); to glow steadily; to build; to be firm.
                --- to turn round.
                --- stone, rock; hailstone. ( = (son) + (father)).
                --- round plate or disk; midwife stool; potter's stool or wheel.
                --- pr.n. "My Tabernacle in Her" --- symbolic of Jerusalem.
                --- pr.n. "Yah is God" --- see also 46.
                --- eagerness, haste.
                --- build.
                --- (703 w/f); enclosure, garden, orchard. park.
                --- writhing, pain; strength, bulwark.
                --- trinket, ornament.
                --- to bind or join, hold, enclose; to be hot, to glow; heat, excitement; wine; anger; poison; warmth; the sun.
                --- pr.n. "An Exile".
                --- pr.n. "Restrained".
                --- pr.n. "Place of Troops", "Megiddo".
                --- garner
                --- to wipe; to wipe out (erase letters); to forgive (sins); to wipe off men (get rid of them); to touch on.
                --- full of marrow.
                --- to bubble up or pour forth; to announce or tell; to speak as moved by divine impulse, to prophesy; to speak as a prophet or bard, to chant or sing; to rave; to act the madman.
                The Beatles - A Taste Of Honey - YouTube .....

                glad it helped S
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-02-2013, 01:44 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • let's have some fun with a word that has dominated our lives ( directly or indirectly ) for the past 30 years :

                  Neo Con


                  Greek νέος

                  Latin naevus

                  neo m (plural nei)
                  mole (on skin)

                  flaw, defect

                  present active neō, present infinitive nēre, perfect active nēvī, supine nētum.
                  (transitive) I spin; weave, interlace, entwine.

                  Old Saxon

                  From ne- + eo (ever).


                  Scottish Gaelic

                  Alternative form of no.


                  con (third-person singular simple present cons, present participle conning, simple past and past participle conned)
                  (rare) To study, especially in order to gain knowledge of.  [quotations ▼]
                  (rare, archaic) To know, understand, acknowledge.


                  con (plural cons)
                  (slang) A convicted criminal, a convict.


                  con (plural cons)
                  (slang) A fraud; something carried out with the intention of deceiving, usually for personal, often illegal, gain


                  con (third-person singular simple present cons, present participle conning, simple past and past participle conned)
                  (transitive, slang) To trick or defraud, usually for personal gain..

                  and my favorite :


                  From Latin cunnus.
                  audio Menu

                  IPA: /kɔ̃/

                  con m (plural cons)
                  (taboo slang) ****
                  (derogatory slang) A stupid person; arsehole (British)
                  See also

                  Urban Dictionary: neocon

                  Gary Wright - Dream Weaver (Lyrics) - YouTube
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-03-2013, 12:36 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Bees and flowers communicate using electrical fields, researchers discover


                    Death of the Bees. Genetically Modified Crops and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America | Global Research


                    Vanishing of the Bees - Michael Pollan - YouTube

                    Author and food activist Michael Pollan discusses monoculture farming and the worldwide disappearance of honeybees known as Colony Collapse Disorder. This piece is made from selected scenes and bonus material from the documentary film - Vanishing of the Bees.

                    PopTech 2009: Michael Pollan - YouTube
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-02-2013, 04:38 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • The Trammps - Disco Inferno (Long Version) - YouTube

                      Third radiation belt can wrap around Earth, probes reveal

                      The Van Allen radiation belts—donut-shaped rings of so-called "killer electrons" that encircle the Earth—were the first discovery of the space age. Data sent back from NASA's Pioneer 3 and Explorer IV spacecraft, both launched in 1958 and both carrying instruments built by James Van Allen, showed the presence of two distinct rings of high-energy electrons. On Aug. 30, NASA launched the Radiation Belt Storm Probes mission, since renamed the Van Allen Probes mission, to learn more about the belts, which are known to be hazardous to satellites, astronauts and technological systems on Earth. Each probe carries a Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope, or REPT, designed and built at CU-Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, known as LASP. When CU-Boulder scientists turned on the instruments, just a few days after launch, they were shocked by what they saw unfold: the formation of a third "storage ring" radiation belt. "It was so odd looking, I thought there must be something wrong with the instrument," said LASP Director Dan Baker, REPT principal investigator and lead author of the study published online today in the journal Science. "But we saw things identically on each of the spacecraft. We had to come to the conclusion that this was real." The data sent back to Earth from the REPT instruments during the month of September initially showed two Van Allen belts, as expected. But after a few days, the outer ring appeared to compress into an intense, tightly packed electron band and a third, less compact belt of electrons formed further out, creating a total of three rings. The middle "storage ring" persisted as the belt furthest away from Earth began to decay away in the third week of September, until, finally, a powerful interplanetary shockwave traveling from the sun virtually annihilated both the storage ring and the rest of the outer belt

                      Read more at:

                      Terence Hill Super Cop - YouTube

                      Santos Bonacci - The Astrological Cycle - School Of The Holy Science [03/01/2013] - YouTube

                      the cup ..... Graal ....... Wake Up ..... Way Cup

                      way - Wiktionary

                      6 - (paganism) A tradition within the modern pagan faith of Heathenry, dedication to a specific deity or craft, Way of wyrd, Way of runes, Way of Thor etc.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-03-2013, 03:26 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • the cup ..... Graal ....... Wake Up ..... Way Cup

                        way - Wiktionary

                        6 - (paganism) A tradition within the modern pagan faith of Heathenry, dedication to a specific deity or craft, Way of wyrd, Way of runes, Way of Thor etc.
                        GRAAL ....... G RA al - Wiktionary

                        The Knight of Cups is seen as a young knight, riding along on his white horse, holding a cup as if he is a messenger of some type. Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, the Knight of Cups is not charging along but rather his horse moves slowly forward, giving an impression of calmness and peace. The horse represents power, energy, and drive, and of course the colour white is a symbol of purity, spirituality, and light. The Knight wears a cloak covered with images of fish, the symbol of the spirit, consciousness and creativity. His helmet and feet are winged, a symbol of an active and creative imagination.

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                        Tarot Card tend to resonate to each ....... as it touches on each one's subconscious

                        All eyes do not see with the same vision,
                        for to one an object appears of
                        one form and color
                        and to a different eye of another.
                        So also the infinite fire,
                        changing from color to color,
                        is never the same from day to day
                        . - See more at: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Tablet

                        also another very interesting interpretation by

                        The Symbolism of the Tarot Index

                        In the following "pen-pictures" cards are taken in pairs:--I and 0; II and XXI; III and XX etc.--in each pair one card completing the sense of another and two making one.

                        Card I.--"The Magician".

                        "Man" Superman. The Initiate. The Occultist. Higher consciousness. Human Logos. The kabalistic "Adam Kadmon". Humanity. "Homo Sapiens".

                        Card II.--"The High Priestess".

                        Occultism. Esoterism. Mysticism. Theosophy. Initiation. Isis. Mystery.

                        Card III.--"The Empress".

                        Nature in its phenomenal aspect. The ever renewing and re-creating force of Nature. The objective reality.

                        Card IV.--"The Emperor".

                        Tetragrammaton. The law of four. Latent energy of Nature. Logos in the full aspect with all possibilities of the new Logos. Hermetic philosophy.

                        Card V.--"The Chariot".

                        "Man." The Imagination. Magic. Self-suggestion. Self deceit.[paragraph continues]

                        p. 16

                        Artificial means of attainment. Pseudo-occultism. Pseudo-theosophy.

                        Card VI.--"The Lovers".

                        "Man". Another aspect of the "Adam Kadmon", the "Perfect Man", "The divine androgyne". Love as the efforts of "Adam Kadmon" to find himself. The equilibrium of contraries. The unification of the duad, as the means of attaining the Light.

                        Card VII.--"The Hierophant".

                        Mysticism. Theosophy. Esoteric side of all religions.

                        Card VIII.--"Strength".

                        The Real Power. Strength of love. Strength of Union (Magic chain). Strength of the Infinite. Occultism. Esoterism. Theosophy.

                        Card IX.--"The Hermit".

                        "Man". The Path to the Initiation. Seeking for truth in the right way. Inner Knowledge. Inner Light. Inner Force. Theosophy. Occultism.

                        Card X.--"The Wheel of Chance".

                        The Wheel of Life. The life ever changing and ever remaining the same. The Circle of Time and the four elements. The idea of the circle.

                        Card XI. -"Justice".

                        Truth. Real Knowledge. Inner Truth. Occultism. Esoterism. Theosophy.

                        Card XII.--"The Hanged Man".

                        "Man". The Pain of the higher consciousness bound by the limitations of the body and mind. Superman in the separate man.

                        Card XIII.--"Death".

                        Another aspect of Life. Going away in order to come back at the same time. Completion of the circle.

                        Card XIV.--"Temperance". (Time).

                        The first attainment. The "Arcanum Magnum" of the occultists. The Fourth Dimension. Higher space. "Eternal Now".

                        p. 17

                        Card XV.--"The Devil".

                        "Man". Weakness. Falsehood. The Fall of man into separateness, into hatred and into finiteness.

                        Card XVI.--"The Tower".

                        Sectarianism. Tower of Babel. Exoterism. Confusion of tongues. Fall of exoterism. The force of Nature re-establishing the truth distorted by men.

                        Card XVII.--"The Star".

                        The real aspect of the Astral World. That which maybe seen in extasy. The imagination of Nature. Real Knowledge. Occultism.

                        Card XVIII.--"The Moon".

                        The Astral World as it is seen by the artificial means of magic. "Psychic", "spiritistic" world. Dreads of the night. The real light from above and the false representation of that light from below. Pseudo-mysticism.

                        Card XIX.--"The Sun".

                        The Symbol and manifestation of the tetragrammaton. Creative power. Fire of life.

                        Card XX.--"Judgment".

                        The resurrection. Constant victory of life over death. Creative activity of nature in the death.

                        Card XXI.--"World".

                        Nature. The World as it is. Nature in its noumenal aspect. Esoteric side of nature. That which is made known in esoterism. Inner reality of things. Human consciousness in the circle of time between the four elements.

                        Card 0.--"The Fool".

                        "Man." An ordinary man. A separate man. The uninitiate Lower consciousness. The end of a ray not knowing its relation to the centre.

                        The twenty-two cards may be divided into three divisions including each seven cards of similar meaning, the [paragraph continues]
                        PS: I don't necessarily agree with all his interpretations .....
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-03-2013, 08:50 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • The Knight of Cups is seen as a young knight, riding along on his white horse, holding a cup as if he is a messenger of some type. Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, the Knight of Cups is not charging along but rather his horse moves slowly forward, giving an impression of calmness and peace. The horse represents power, energy, and drive, and of course the colour white is a symbol of purity, spirituality, and light. The Knight wears a cloak covered with images of fish, the symbol of the spirit, consciousness and creativity. His helmet and feet are winged, a symbol of an active and creative imagination.


                          His helmet and feet are winged, a symbol of an active and creative imagination.
                          Medical astrology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Aries - head, face, brain, eyes
                          Aquarius - ankles, calves, circulatory system

                          Pisces - feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue



                          The planets are also associated with certain portions and functions within the body:

                          Mercury - brain, central nervous system, thyroid gland, five senses, hands


                          The planets are also associated with certain portions and functions within the body:

                          The anatomical-astrological human
                          Sun - heart, spine, and general vitality ( RA )
                          Moon - stomach, digestive system, female organs, lymphatic system
                          Mercury - brain, central nervous system, thyroid gland, five senses, hands
                          Venus - throat, kidneys, thymus gland, sense of touch, ovaries
                          Mars - muscles, head, adrenal glands, senses of smell and taste
                          Jupiter - liver, thighs, feet, growth, pituitary gland
                          Saturn - skin, hair, teeth, bones, the body's defenses, spleen
                          Uranus - parathyroid gland, neural activity, aura
                          Neptune - pineal gland, psychic healing
                          Pluto - pancreas, metabolism, elimination
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-03-2013, 05:16 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Supermassive black hole spins super-fast

                            Imagine a sphere more than 2 million miles across - eight times the distance from Earth to the Moon - spinning so fast that its surface is traveling at nearly the speed of light. Such an object exists: the supermassive black hole at the center of the spiral galaxy NGC 1365.

                            Read more at:

                            Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Right Round (Like A Record) - YouTube

                            How it's Made Vinyl Records - YouTube
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-03-2013, 09:06 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Mayan Numbers Symbols

                              9 - Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.
                              did you know :

                              Xenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Xenon is a chemical element with the symbol Xe and atomic number 54. It is a colorless, heavy, odorless noble gas, that occurs in the Earth's atmosphere in trace amounts.[8]
                              Xenon was discovered in England by the Scottish chemist William Ramsay and English chemist Morris Travers on July 12, 1898, shortly after their discovery of the elements krypton and neon. They found xenon in the residue left over from evaporating components of liquid air.[21][22] Ramsay suggested the name xenon for this gas from the Greek word ξένον [xenon], neuter singular form of ξένος [xenos], meaning 'foreign(er)', 'strange(r)', or 'guest'.[23][24] In 1902, Ramsay estimated the proportion of xenon in the Earth's atmosphere as one part in 20 million.[25] The current symbol for Xenon is Xe, however historically it was also written as X.[citation needed]

                              Xenon is a trace gas in Earth's atmosphere, occurring at 87±1 parts per billion (nL/L),


                              Gas-discharge lamps


                              NMR spectroscopy

                              Xenon Therapy: Finding New Ways to Treat Addiction | Addiction Treatment In Russia

                              Xenon Usage Then and Now

                              In the past 30 years, xenon gas has been actively used as an inhalation anesthetic. Despite its high cost, xenon is an ‘ideal’ means for anesthesia, for it’s not only harmless to the brain and organism as a whole, but also shows pronounced neuro-protective and neurotropic properties. In surgery, xenon anesthesia is applied to the most difficult, urgent conditions such as surgeries on pregnant women, child operations (including newborns), to the treatment of expressed pain syndrome

                              Xenon inhalations cut pain quickly, eliminate anxiety, relieve symptoms of acute stress, and improve perception and memory. Identification of these effects triggered active scientific research in order to study all medical qualities of xenon, and the possibilities of its usage in drug and alcohol abuse treatment, psychology, neurology and other related fields.

                              As a result, extensive scientific and practical materials have accumulated in the last 10-15 years. Various techniques of xenon therapy were worked out and recommended for clinical applications in the following scenarios:

                              a) The application of xenon to relieve symptoms of acute abstinence by those addicted to various drugs and alcohol.

                              According to modern beliefs about pathogenesis of dependencies, one of the main roles is assigned receptors in the brain that play a crucial role in the development of cravings. Excessive stimulation of these receptors triggers cell death resulting in chronic depression, apathy, reduced mental capacity, and degradation of the individual.

                              Xenon possesses great abilities to interact with these receptors, and can exert a regulatory influence on them. Clinically, it’s been shown to provide rapid and safe relief of craving for the drug, relief of manifestations of abstinence, rapid recovery of mental abilities, better sleep, and disappearance of depression. Therefore, xenon therapy is one of the most important components in the treatment of drug abuse and alcoholism.

                              b) Relief of acute anxiety and panic.

                              Another very important property of xenon is its ability to relieve acute anxiety, panic, and emotional excitement. One of the important advantages of xenon in contrast with medicinal therapy is the speed of its anti-anxiety effects, the absence of sedation, improvement of cognitive functions, maintaining a clear conscience.

                              c) Depression treatment.

                              Xenon therapy of depression and emotional surges is a new and promising direction. Inhalation of xenon includes reduction of stress hormone level and the creation of physiological conditions for the rapid relief of depressive syndrome, which lessens the pharmacological load of the body.

                              d) Restoration of brain function.

                              Xenon therapy is successfully used for the treatment of organic brain lesions and their consequences, such as the effects of the TBI (traumatic brain injury), post-stroke conditions, ischemic injuries, and toxic damage caused by the opiates, amphetamines, methamphetamines, alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

                              Presently, xenon is a promising medicine and studies are under way regarding the application of xenon to very different pathologies and conditions. Licenses have already been received on its appliance in psychiatry, drug addiction treatment, neurology, cardiology, surgery, regenerative medicine. The relatively high cost of the medication is compensated by its versatility and almost absolute safety.
                              Xe ( read Ksee ) = Xi ( ksi )


                              Xi (uppercase Ξ, lowercase ξ) is the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet. It is pronounced [ksi] in Modern Greek, and generally /zaɪ/ or /saɪ/ in English.[1] In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 60. Xi was derived from the Phoenician letter samekh .

                              Samekh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                              Samekh in gematria has the value 60.

                              Samekh and Mem form the abbreviation for the Angel of 13 - Death , whose name in Hebrew is Samael. It also stands for centimetre.

                              Samekh or Simketh is the fifteenth letter in many Semitic alphabets, including Phoenician, Hebrew, and Aramaic, representing /s/.

                              the flow of the above post ...... just reminded me of ( not that i could do it for real ...... )

                              also called Brain Plasticity

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-03-2013, 11:34 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom, page 1

                                In The Myth of Persecution, Candida Moss, a leading expert on early Christianity, reveals how the early church exaggerated, invented, and forged stories of Christian martyrs and how the dangerous legacy of a martyrdom complex is employed today to silence dissent and galvanize a new generation of culture warriors.

                                According to cherished church tradition and popular belief, before the Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal in the fourth century, early Christians were systematically persecuted by a brutal Roman Empire intent on their destruction. As the story goes, vast numbers of believers were thrown to the lions, tortured, or burned alive because they refused to renounce Christ. These saints, Christianity’s inspirational heroes, are still venerated today.

                                Moss, however, exposes that the “Age of Martyrs” is a fiction—there was no sustained 300-year-long effort by the Romans to persecute Christians. Instead, these stories were pious exaggerations; highly stylized rewritings of Jewish, Greek, and Roman noble death traditions; and even forgeries designed to marginalize heretics, inspire the faithful, and fund churches.

                                The traditional story of persecution is still taught in Sunday school classes, celebrated in sermons, and employed by church leaders, politicians, and media pundits who insist that Christians were—and always will be—persecuted by a hostile, secular world. Moss urges modern Christians to abandon the conspiratorial assumption that the world is out to get Christians and, rather, embrace the consolation, moral instruction, and spiritual guidance that these martyrdom stories provide.

                                any group bound by the sense of persecution ........ is destined to reproduce the same patterns as their persecutor :

                                the 13 American colonies were partly founded because of belief persecution (puritan movement ) by the British Crown and today ......

                                ps: principle of correspondence or if you prefer the syndrome of Stockholm ( a bit distorted though )

                                it would be unfair to just mention the US ..... you also have in France the 5th Republic or the President Monarch system ...... or Spain after centuries of occupation by the Moors .... went heavy metal on the Inca Empire .... etc ...... Cortez The Killer - Dave Matthews Band (feat. Warren Haynes) - YouTube

                                every culture had her Bloody Jihad


                                where as Jihad when you play with it you get:

                                Jihad = Jehad = djeha = Djha

                                Nasr Eddin Hodja - Wikipédia

                                Nasreddin (Turkish: Nasreddin Hoca, Ottoman Turkish: نصر الدين خواجه, Persian: خواجه نصرالدین‎, Pashto: ملا نصرالدین‎, Arabic: (Maghreb) Jha, Juha Djha نصرالدین جحا‎ / ALA-LC: Naṣraddīn Juḥā, Urdu: ملا نصرالدین ‎, Uzbek: Nosiriddin Xo'ja, Nasreddīn Hodja, Bosnian: Nasrudin Hodža) was a Seljuq satirical Sufi, believed to have lived and died during the 13th century in Akshehir, near Konya ( Rumi's turf ) , a capital of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum, in today's Turkey. He is considered a populist philosopher and wise man, remembered for his funny stories and anecdotes.[1] He appears in thousands of stories, sometimes witty, sometimes wise, but often, too, a fool or the butt of a joke. A Nasreddin story usually has a subtle humour and a pedagogic nature.[2] The International Nasreddin Hodja fest is celebrated between 5–10 July in his hometown every year.

                                Deep Purple-Child in Time - YouTube


                                Many peoples of the Near, Middle East and Central Asia claim Nasreddin as their own (e.g., Turks,[1][6][14][15] Afghans,[14] Iranians,[1][16] and Uzbeks).[7] His name is spelt in a wide variety of ways: Nasrudeen, Nasrudin, Nasruddin, Nasr ud-Din, Nasredin, Naseeruddin, Nasr Eddin, Nastradhin, Nasreddine, Nastratin, Nusrettin, Nasrettin, Nostradin, Nastradin (lit.: Victory of the Deen) and Nazaruddin. It is sometime preceded or followed by a title or honorific used in the corresponding cultures: "Hoxha", "Khwaje", "Hodja", "Hoja", "Hojja", "Hodscha", "Hodža", "Hoca", "Hogea", "Mullah", "Mulla", "Mula", "Molla", "Efendi", "Afandi", "Ependi" (أفندي ’afandī), "Hajji". In several cultures he is named by the title alone
                                Delivering a sermon
                                Once Nasreddin was invited to deliver a sermon. When he got on the pulpit, he asked, Do you know what I am going to say? The audience replied "no", so he announced, I have no desire to speak to people who don't even know what I will be talking about! and left.
                                The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time, when he asked the same question, the people replied yes. So Nasreddin said, Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won't waste any more of your time! and left.
                                Now the people were really perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Mulla to speak the following week. Once again he asked the same question – Do you know what I am going to say? Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered "yes" while the other half replied "no". So Nasreddin said Let the half who know what I am going to say, tell it to the half who don't, and left.[21]

                                -------- 13 in 1 DJHA

                                Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

                                Reaching enlightenment
                                Nasreddin was walking in the bazaar with a large group of followers. Whatever Nasreddin did, his followers immediately copied. Every few steps Nasreddin would stop and shake his hands in the air, touch his feet and jump up yelling "Hu Hu Hu!". So his followers would also stop and do exactly the same thing.
                                One of the merchants, who knew Nasreddin, quietly asked him: "What are you doing my old friend? Why are these people imitating you?"
                                "I have become a Sufi Sheikh," replied Nasreddin. "These are my Murids (spiritual seekers); I am helping them reach enlightenment!"
                                "How do you know when they reach enlightenment?"
                                "That’s the easy part! Every morning I count them. The ones who have left – have reached enlightenment!"
                                [this quote needs a citation]
                                European and Western folk tales, literary works and pop culture

                                Some Nasreddin tales also appear in collections of Aesop's fables. The miller, his son and the donkey is one example.[27] Others are The Ass with a Burden of Salt (Perry Index 180) and The Satyr and the Traveller.

                                In some Bulgarian folk tales that originated during the Ottoman period, the name appears as an antagonist to a local wise man, named Sly Peter. In Sicily the same tales involve a man named Giufà.[28] In Sephardi Jewish[29] culture, spread throughout the Ottoman Empire, there is a character that appears in many folk tales named Djohá.[30][31]

                                While Nasreddin is mostly known as a character from short tales, whole novels and stories have later been written and an animated feature film was almost made.[32] In Russia Nasreddin is known mostly because of the novel "Tale of Hodja Nasreddin" written by Leonid Solovyov (English translations: "The Beggar in the Harem: Impudent Adventures in Old Bukhara," 1956, and "The Tale of Hodja Nasreddin: Disturber of the Peace," 2009[33]). The composer Shostakovich celebrated Nasreddin, among other figures, in the second movement (Yumor, 'Humor') of his Symphony No. 13. The text, by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, portrays humor as a weapon against dictatorship and tyranny. Shostakovich's music shares many of the 'foolish yet profound' qualities of Nasreddin's sayings listed above .[citation needed]

                                Dmitri Shostakovich - Waltz No. 2 - YouTube
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-04-2013, 09:13 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

