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a better way to present the periodic table

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  • #31
    I think i found a way of explaining some of the observations made in Sprink's experiment and it is to be found in Synergetics:

    In synergetics, the letter F (for frequency) typically represents the scale factor. If Vc = volume of the concentric hierarchy shape, and VF = volume of the resized shape, then VF = Vc x F3
    this maybe why he observed:
    The form (e.g., a cube) was mounted upright and aligned East-West. 1000 to 5000 KV of positive charge (per meter of electrode separation) was applied for two weeks or longer to establish a zone of activation, spreading up to 60 meters :
    found this info on this website:

    Concentric Hierarchy (Part 1)
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-23-2011, 01:45 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #32
      another clue to add to the wave theory of the matter, this one is a beauty: (2010 article from The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System)

      Vortex-ring-fractal Structure of Atom and Molecule

      Synergetics + Vortex Math complement each other

      ps: made updates to post #15, #20 and #32
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-25-2011, 11:07 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #33
        if you read my first post (#1) you'll read the following:

        Next (image atteched) is the periodic table with the platonic solid added:

        Elements Hydrogen to silicon are “ruled” by the Tetrahedron
        Elements Silicon to Rhodium are “ruled” by the Hexahedron
        Elements Rhodium to end of page are “ruled” be the Octahedron
        Elements Alphanon are ruled by the Dodecahedron
        Elements Betanon to Hydrogen By the Icosahedrons

        What does this mean well, I went digging up a few molecule on the web to see if one element from one side of the wave combined with an element from the opposite side , with both elements ruled by the same ruler (ie:tetrahedron, hexahedron etc…). Here follows 3d images of the molecules I found, however I could not go beyond octahedral since I am limited by my chemistry knowledge (that is here were I would love to enlist people knowledgeable in this domain)
        the reason the tetrahedron is followed by the hexahedron and so on... is due to the synergetics concentric hierarchy of shapes which states

        Synergetic geometry, pioneered by the late American Transcendentalist R. Buckminster Fuller, is centered around a volumetric hierarchy of concentric polyhedra.

        Two expansive/contractive transformations, a positive and negative, or left and right, are anchored on either side of cosmic zero, the origin. This "bow tie Universe" is the aconceptual context.

        The transformations, modeled by the so-called jitterbug, involve expanding outward from nothing to a volume 24 cube, then squeezing back down to zero, before exploding outwardly again, this time in a "through the looking glass" context.


        Concentric Hierarchy (Part 2)

        Beyond Flatland
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-23-2011, 11:33 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #34

          Synergetics (Fuller) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

          In synergetics, the letter F (for frequency) typically represents the scale factor. If Vc = volume of the concentric hierarchy shape, and VF = volume of the resized shape, then VF = Vc x F3
          I believe that F's value depends on
          the time–frequency approach which states:

          In signal processing, time–frequency analysis is a body of techniques and methods used for characterizing and manipulating signals whose statistics vary in time, such as transient signals.
          Time–frequency representation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Periodic table with the resonant frequencies of the various magnet at NHMFL are listed in the following link

          NMR Program - Resources

          Numare Spectralab (just click on the element ex:h)

          Understanding the mathematics of phonon resonance

          Prior to understanding the mathematics of phonon resonance, it is necessary to understand the theory behind phonon resonance. Phonon Resonance is the calculation of the physical resonance of an element or a molecule.

          which results in:

          The form (e.g., a cube) was mounted upright and aligned East-West. 1000 to 5000 KV of positive charge (per meter of electrode separation) was applied for two weeks or longer to establish a zone of activation, spreading up to 60 meters :

          Free Energy and Free Thinking
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2011, 10:44 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #35
            just watched a video made by Randy Powell (posted by geotron, ), and i was stunned when i saw the end of the vid, he gets the exact same effect as Sprink's experiment (he created a zone of activation), I was so excited that i could not help but have a large smile on my face.


            YouTube - Vortex Based Math @ TEDxCharlotte 2010 - Randy Powell

            You MUST keep an open mind and use these methods as those successful have already used them to achieve success. Who are you willing to believe, those who have not succeeded or those who have?
            Dr. Alexander Graham Bell
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-23-2011, 08:00 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #36
              one more inventor i would like to add as possible proof of the Wave Theory of Matter

              Otto MOHR: Detonator Ray

              Mr. Mohr has determined the atomic vibrations of some elements, but many types of explosives have not yet been analyzed, and the atomic vibrations of many elements are not yet known. Gun powder, gasoline vapor, and some other explosive substances have been successfully fired by the Detonator. All others will be calculated as soon, as time and money will permit, and as fast as further atomic vibrations are formulated, they will be turned over to the Army.
              you'll also notice the vortex shaped device


              Otto MOHR -- Detonator Ray
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #37
                Properties of Light

                Electromagnetic Radiation

                Solar power without solar cells: A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible

                Light has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could be ignored. What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected. Under these circumstances, the magnetic effects develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect. from the article
                an example of future application for this would be the Magnetic Fridge

                Inside IT: A cool new idea from British scientists: the magnetic fridge | Technology | The Guardian

                this is Great News for all of you guys working on magnetic engine/power

                Light is an torqued, spirally waving 'vortex-rope' composed of coupled electric and magnetic fields oscillating in synchrony at very high frequencies. Walter Russell
                The cone-shaped antenna on top gathers the sun’s magnetic force which has transformed inside the instrument to motivated vibratory currents. Otto MOHR Detonator Ray
                Radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation: research

                Radioactive decay rates, thought to be unique physical constants and counted on in such fields as medicine and anthropology, may be more variable than once thought.

                Henrik Svensmark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                His work presents hypotheses about solar activity as an indirect cause of global warming; his research has suggested a possible link through the interaction of the solar wind and cosmic rays. His conclusions have been controversial as the prevailing scientific opinion on climate change considers solar activity unlikely to be a major contributor to recent warming, though it is thought to be the primary driver of many earlier changes in climate. Henrik Svensmark
                I was reading through a website about Edgar Cayce's Prophecies and i found the following (relates to Radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation: research):

                Earth is slowly receding or gathering closer to the sun, from which it receives its impetus for the awakening of the elements from that which it receives from the sun. elements that give life itself, by radiation of like elements. Edgar-Cayce
                I'm not very familiar with his predictions but i thought it was worth mentioning (i keep an open mind )

                Edgar Cayce: List of Prophecies

                relates also to Radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation: research:

                Elaborating the Neoplatonist picture. Agrippa accepts the basic Neoplatonic framework sketched above. God has the Forms in his mind. God created "Angelical and Celestial secondary causes," beings Agrippa also calls the "Intelligences," and God "gives the seal of His Ideas to the Intelligences." The Intelligences then use the "heavens and stars as instruments" to send these copies of the Forms down to humans on the Earth. In exactly the way our souls/intellects control our bodies, the Intelligences -- the Celestial souls -- control the body (=the matter) of the universe. So just as my mind "sends commands" to my body in order for the mind to achieve its aims, so too do the Intelligences/ celestial souls use the stars to achieve their ends. Thus Agrippa agrees with Avicen[na], who says "whatever things are done here, must have been before in the motions and conceptions of the stars and orbes." Agrippa says that "quintessence" -- Aristotle's 5th element, aither -- is what conveys the Intelligences' power to material stuffs: the spirit is contained in "the rays of the stars."
                Lecture 6: Renaissance Magic

                I would like to introduce you to Alexander L. Chizhevsky

                "Life is a phenomenon. Its production is due to the influence of the dynamics of the cosmos on a passive subject. It lives due to dynamics, each oscillation of organic pulsation is coordinated with the cosmic heart in a grandiose whole of nebulas, stars, the sun and the planet."
                - Alexander L Chizhevsky
                Alexander Chizhevsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Cycles Research Institute Research Chizhevsky

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-01-2011, 09:39 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #38
                  an easier project that can be reproduced and still advance the Wave Theory of Matter can be found here (it is a new thread i opened):


                  interesting too (shows fractal property of nature)

                  George O. SQUIER: Tree Antennas
                  George O. Squier ~ Trees as Antennas ( Scientific American, June 14, 1919 & British Patent Specification # 149,917)

                  It is not a joke nor a scientific curiosity, this strange discovery of Gen. George O. Squire, Chief Signal Officer, that trees --- all trees, of all kinds and all heights, growing anywhere --- are nature's own wireless towers and antenna combined. The matter first came to his attention in 1904, through the use of trees as grounds for Army buzzer and telegraph and telephone sets, which, in perfectly dry ground and in a dry season, functioned poorly or not at all with ordinary grounds. Right then he began experiments with a view to seeing what possibilities, if any, the tree had as an aerial. But in 1904 radiotelegraphy was far more undeveloped than at present, and vacuum amplifying tubes were not thought of.

                  The New “Power Plants”: Trees Make Electricity?

                  It appears that a small electrical component company near Boston has figured out how to get electricity out of trees. MagCap Engineering is pretty sure they’ve come up on the next renewable energy revolution. By pounding a nail into the trunk and a conductor into the ground, a faint but consistent charge is detected in a wire running from the tree to the earth.
                  The New “Power Plants�: Trees Make Electricity? : TreeHugger

                  could not find the rexresearch link

                  ps: i wonder what would happen if you use an SSG circuit OR Dr Stiffler's device on a tree? maybe the tree can be the radiant energy collector antenna (read below on fractal antenna)

                  you can even reproduce Tesla's Experiment using 2 similar trees and the 7Hz frequency as in the experiment in post#20 or just replace the test tubes with 2 trees


                  A better way to qualify nature as Fractal is the Constructal theory:

                  The constructal law puts forth the idea that the generation of design (configuration, pattern, geometry) in nature is a physics phenomenon that unites all animate and inanimate systems, and that this phenomenon is covered by the Constructal Law stated by Adrian Bejan in 1996: "For a finite-size (flow) system to persist in time (to live), its configuration must evolve such that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it."

                  Constructal theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  note: Just a thought if Most of nature's elements (trees, clouds, animals etc...) encompasses Constructal properties, they could be turned into "fractal"/"Constructal" antennas too (just have to know how)....makes you wonder about Tesla

                  more on this:


                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-26-2011, 03:45 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #39
                    need help, because this new way of reading the periodical table reveals more about the nature of elements..I am continuing to learn and wrap my brain around this new method, What i'm trying to say is that there isn't one way of looking at the periodic table (i think the form it has today is the crudest of the forms available). Some of the experiments (ones that i proposed) are really worth trying, if you look closely there is way too many similarities between these experiments, that leads to believe in their reproducibility. Let me know what you think

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-24-2011, 06:04 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #40
                      and la piece de resistance, which i just found on youtube

                      Garret Lisi explains E8 Geometry

                      starts at 1min30

                      YouTube - Garret Lisi explains E8 Geometry

                      after you have watched the vid, some figures you saw must have reminded you of Rodin Coil and the smoke rings i talked about and the table found in the blog :
                      The Philosopher Stoned which is:

                      the Law of Crystallization provided by Walter Russell in his magnum opus The Universal One (stop at 3min28).

                      Vortex Based Math @ TEDxCharlotte 2010 - Randy Powell (for comparison)

                      YouTube - Vortex Based Math @ TEDxCharlotte 2010 - Randy Powell

                      Antony Garrett Lisi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      YouTube - Garrett Lisi: A beautiful new theory of everything

                      at the end of the vid. Mr Lisi is asked about how would an electron would look like in his theory, it may be related to the following theory:

                      Subquantum Kinetics

                      The continuous creation of physical reality from the transmuting ether as portrayed in the subquantum kinetics physics methodology

                      It further proposes that the concentrations of the substrates composing this ether are the energy potential fields that form the basis of all matter and energy in our universe. The operation of these ether reactions causes wave-like field gradients (spatial concentration patterns) to emerge and form the observable quantum level structures and physical phenomena (e.g., subatomic particles with mass, charge, spin, and force field effects and electromagnetic waves).
                      Scientific predictions made by subquantum kinetics

                      Electro gravitics

                      YouTube - TOAFN's Channel

                      note: want to know more about aether go to post# 44
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-25-2011, 11:10 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • #41

                        Since the Mayan Calendar is a subject of great interest today, I thought I could post the Mayan Periodic Table of Elements (which i is inspired by the mayan calendar )

                        And there is more Periodic Tables than you can Imagine, but the one that keeps coming more often is the spiral shaped Periodic Table...


                        Database of Periodic Tables
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-17-2011, 12:15 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #42
                          How to read the Table

                          This arrangement shows some aspects of the elements better than the
                          traditional table. But first some background.

                          In some schools all the boys want to be the captain of the football
                          team, and all the girls want to be a cheerleader. It's good to have
                          goals. In the world of chemistry, all the atoms want to be a noble
                          gas. Nobel gases have their outer electron shell completely filled.
                          They are content. For example Argon (Ar) has its outer shell filled.

                          Chlorine, on the other hand, needs one more electron to fill its outer
                          shell. Chlorine (Cl) is so close to completing its outer shell it can
                          taste it. Where can it get that extra electron? Interestingly,
                          Sodium (Na) has the opposite problem. Its outer shell has one extra
                          electron. If they combine, both of them achieve their dream of a
                          filled outer shell.

                          The noble gases are in the vertical column above the center of the
                          chart. The elements to the right of a noble gas have one extra
                          electron, the elements directly on the left need one electron to fill
                          their outer shell.

                          Ok, what does this chart show better then the traditional table?

                          1. The reactivity of the elements. The elements closest to the noble
                          gases are so close to becoming a noble gas they can taste it. This
                          makes them more eager, more reactive, since all they need is to gain
                          or lose one electron. As you move away from the noble gases along the
                          concentric circles, the elements get less and less reactive, since
                          they are so far from being a noble gas, they don't really think it is
                          worth the effort.

                          2. The proportions of compounds. The proportion of elements can be
                          guessed by looking at the 'hops' that an element must take to get to
                          the noble gases. The guideline is that for elements to combine, one
                          should be from the left and one from the right. The number of hops an
                          atom takes to get to the vertical line must equal the number its
                          partner on the other side takes, since one is gaining an electron and
                          one is losing one.

                          For example, Sodium has one hop to the left to get to the vertical
                          line and Chlorine one to the right. This implies they combine in a
                          one-to-one ratio.

                          Aluminum needs three hops left to get vertical, and Oxygen needs just
                          two. Since the number of hops needs to be the same on both sides, we
                          need two Aluminum atoms to make the journey and three Oxygen to make
                          it equal. This implies Al(2)O(3) is a good possibility for a

                          This guideline only works for elements fairly near the noble gases.
                          This chart is a only a rough guide since the inner shells of elements
                          are not always filled before the outer shells.

                          3. Transition elements. The transition elements are are usually shown as
                          a block of elements apart from the others. The Mayan arrangement shows
                          them to be integrated with the others.

                          Radioactive elements are underlined in red.
                          Synthetic elements are underlined in blue.
                          i'll add Plato's solids later to see how it works out on this table

                          found a more fitting table of elements reproducing a magnetic toroid:

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-18-2011, 07:25 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #43
                            Check out this presentation explaining Raphael Poza's Periodic table on Prezi:

                            Rafael Poza's Elements and the Magnetosphere by Connor Evans on Prezi

                            an article is included in the presentation which links it to a previous post i made


                            post #37 updated (added Henrik Svensmark)

                            ps:Thank you for the SPAM deletion
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-18-2011, 07:24 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • #44

                              found a great thread on aether (thanks Lamare )


                              Also this website on the wave theory of the matter

                              it is found on post#19
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-19-2011, 11:11 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • #45
                                I would like to make a small update on the wave theory of matter/ electric universe:

                                I think i found a more suitable name: Super-Holodeck Theory (which merges all the pieces of the cosmic puzzle i presented or simply call them the theories of : sub-quantum kinetic/e8 geometry /wave theory of matter/electric universe/hologram theory).

                                Enter the holodeck. The idea behind the holodeck is to immerse a user in a ‘virtual’ world, made
                                up of holographic images and ‘solid’ images (refer to section 2.1.2), and allow them to interact
                                with their surroundings.
                                note: Remember that every interaction we have as human with our surrounding is just an electric impulse interpreted by your Brain (add this to electric universe theory)

                                Implanted electrodes enable a paraplegic man to stand, regain leg use

                                I think the process works along these lines(presented in a very simple manner ):
                                step 1: sub-quantum kinetic
                                step 2: wave theory of matter
                                step 3: e8 geometry
                                step 4: ‘solid’ images

                                and this system has to respect one essential rule: the Constructal Law:

                                "For a finite-size (flow) system to persist in time (to live), its configuration must evolve such that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it."



                                found someone who already talked about this idea updated

                                It was pointed out to me that there is already a theory unifying all that I have presented to you (which i researched in parallel not knowing that it already existed):

                                Grand Unified Fractal Theory (I prefer Super-Holodeck Theory, sound much cooler )

                                The object of this paper is twofold:
                                To provide evidence that the atom is a member of a cosmic hierarchy of spirals/loops.
                                To postulate that Schrödinger’s wave equation applies to all of these objects.

                                Heisenberg warned that research into the atom has its pitfalls. Further, his uncertainty principle showed that the avoidance of artefact is impossible when using direct observation. So the trick is to use indirect, non-invasive techniques.
                                A Grand Unified Fractal Theory : Fractal Universe

                                Lostpedia Forums - View Single Post - Holodeck Theory

                                ps: not a big fan of lost:watched only 2 ep. just stumbled on this forum looking for info on holodeck theory.
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-11-2011, 12:24 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

