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Peter, whatever happened with Eric P. Dollard?

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  • Originally posted by Sputins View Post
    Sound quality of the video is ok, however there is a distinct echo with the recording, if anyone has any fancy audio editing software, could the audio be cleaned up at all? Neutralize the echo?

    “If we move our plane of reference through this cone we have circles, we have ellipses and we have parabolas, which are all based on the same form. They just represent a different angular displacement”. The angle of the plane. Steinmentz called it ????? (I can’t discern the word).
    I spoke to George Gaboury yesterday, the head of the San Francisco Tesla Society, and he said that there is about 16 hours of footage of Eric that needs to be edited before it is released. I'm told by another friend of Eric's that there is a better quality version of this Dec. 9, 2007 presentation that is among those recordings. Hopefully by Eric giving George a call, he will expedite making those video's available since George said that the reason he hasn't gotten to those is because he and Eric fell out of communication and he has much going on at the S.F.T.S.

    Steinmetz called it the "angle of hysteresis"



    • radiation resistance and the -j operator. by utilizing hyperbolic functions it can been seen that when aligning the fields it eliminates the resistance thru 'counter-space rotation' or plane shifting in Cartesian coordinates which is where we see the folding of space or time invariant function.

      I've spent many yrs studying physics and thru so many theories and 'illusions' I've never seen such a simple (and yet highly complex) explanation of the nature of the universe.

      Eric's analogy of the clock in the above posts is beautifully simple for those who may not be able to follow the complex algebra. esp since this gets into counter-space and that's more than just 'inverse' it's akin to bizzaro world inside out. take the simple rotation, in counter-space that rotation of the -j operator is shift in planes in x,y,z coordinates that would be best described like folding a sheet of paper to make two distant points touch yet simultaneously not be aware of the 'paper' folding. hurts the brain doesn't it?

      There is so much more here, Erics posts and notes are great resource as they outline the structure of what needs to be covered and esp of how much still needs to be filled in to get to useable calculations for engineering applications. There is so much lab work needed to test and explore this to move forward, it may be in our best interest to work collectively and note down in journal form what we find and share that then those with more time and inclination can work on the math and those who'd rather work in lab can do so as well with help from the 'math' group for design and schematics.

      For example, the crystal set is a prime example of a information rich effects. I personally have the set built but have not gotten the results I want, however it's not been without results as it as given me answers to questions on capacitance by noting the differences in my results to others. however lets say we have one build that is catalog'd and every parameter of the physical construction known. from that it can be altered and the changes noted and then using that it can direct the mathematics to derive the needed equations to refine and move forward.

      right now the one thing I've seen is the surface area and capacitance equations, capacitance is frustrating itself as it's always an assumed infinite plane yet we know it's not. high frequency skin effect and resistance of the mass of the 'director' and the geometry all play a role, as seen it gets very complex. I've spent a couple hundred hrs already on just calculations and have now just started to notice a few things I'd like to explore, with some more research into hyperbolic trig I may have some equations that can be tested in the field. I'll share this freely with anyone willing to test on their crystal sets. ultimately I'd like to see if we can all build matching sets and see if we can network them together as Tesla intended.


      • Originally posted by T-rex View Post
        In common language, those existing in the imaginary time frame of “Daylight Savings Time” are one over jOUT OF STEP with nature. This represents a 30 degree unit displacement on the face of the 12 hour clock. On a 24 hour cycle imaginary time is 15 degrees OUT OF STEP with the rotation of the Earth. In other words for those in imaginary time, this time is a place on Earth 15 degrees distant from the location of its natural occurrence. Your time is now in a place you are not. In A.C. Terms

        (12) , percent
        The Power Factor

        (13) , percent
        The Induction Factor


        (14) unit percent

        (VI) A common man conception of the versor concept is not complete without a related N.F.G. Historically, the works of J.S. Bach suffered the same fate as the works of Nikola Tesla. Shortly after the death of J.S. Bach (1750) all his important work was thrown into the garbage, this regarded as obsolete junk. If it was not for Herr Forkel, who recovered Bach’s work from the garbage and wrote the first book about Bach, all memory of Bach, and his work, would have been lost forever. Today, it is seen by some, that as with N. Tesla, the works of J.S. Bach is inimitable and profound. But it is of no value to modern society. The music of today has degenerated into the gutter sounds of “Hump N’ Slap,” and “Eubonic Barking Savages”, then the Boom….Boom Boom…….. Accordingly it is seen that the so called Science has followed a parallel path. This is known as “Quantum Mechanics”, the science of delusions. This “Science” in reality is no more than one big “Khazarian Circle Jerk”. And finally? Art! What an absolute joke. To criticize it is like slaying the slain. Today one can obtain a grant from the “Sheisenburg Foundation” to express one’s “artistic talent” by smearing human fecal matter onto a large canvas. Upon calling it “God” it will be worth millions. This is society today, COMPLETELY DEGENERATE.

        So verily we are lost souls, hence the importance of reconstructing what has been lost to us. And it is to be noted that even Bach and Tesla themselves are only steps on a path, or as said by Heaviside “There is no finality.” But who is going to support this effort, or who is even interested at all? Rest assured that no support will be provided by our Babylonian society. This endeavor is more like becoming a Christian in Ancient Rome, a dangerous undertaking. See the movie “Fahrenheit 451” for an excellent portrayal of what awaits.

        73 DE N6KPH

        I remember several years ago reading for the first time your lectures Mr. Dollard on the symbolic representation of waves, And thinking about the unit circle spinning through time (corkscrew was the image I saw). Your explanations given really throw the concept into realm of easily graspable and usable . I just wanted to extend my thanks.
        Last edited by Armagdn03; 03-26-2012, 05:20 PM.


        • SFTS video

          I found the SFTS video incredibly helpful in understanding what I've read thus far.

          FTR, the part where Eric is explaining his notation, the slides are displaying pages from his book "Symblic Representation of the Generalized (in Time) Electric Wave" - one can follow right along.

          Is there a way to download a local copy of this video? It would be nice to scrub back and forth.



          • Originally posted by pault View Post
            I found the SFTS video incredibly helpful in understanding what I've read thus far.

            FTR, the part where Eric is explaining his notation, the slides are displaying pages from his book "Symblic Representation of the Generalized (in Time) Electric Wave" - one can follow right along.

            Is there a way to download a local copy of this video? It would be nice to scrub back and forth.

            I'll see if I can put a torrent file together. Or if somebody has some ftp space available to the tune of about 2 GB, P.M. me and we can work something out.



            • Originally posted by pault View Post
              Is there a way to download a local copy of this video? It would be nice to scrub back and forth.
              Yep, no problem. I'm using Firefox and the downloadhelper plugin:

              Already have all the parts, but a torrent with the original would be very nice, because then you have it all in one vid and with the original quality.


              • Conic Sections and Related References

                Originally posted by Sputins View Post

                I found particularly helpful with the understanding, the “Conic Sections”:

                Part 5:

                13.20 [B]“The Archetypes of all our equations is all based on this form called the “Conic Sections”.

                The book referenced by Mr. Dollard Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communication by James Owen Perrine Ph. D., published 1958, is probably the best book I have ever read regarding conic sections, hyperbolic sine, cos, tan and exponential equations. If you can find this book I would highly recommend getting it for study and reference. (I picked up my secondhand copy from "betterworld books" on amazon. I don't know if its still in print, so you will probably have to look for a used copy like I did)

                In the preface Mr. Perrine lists two books that inspired him to write his book, they are Calculus Made Easy by Silvanous Phillips Thompson and Exponentials Made Easy or the Story of Epsilon by M. E. J. Gheury de Bray. Both of which I have read and found to be great resources for study and reference material.

                Two other books that might be of interest are Principles of Elliptic and Hyperbolic Analysis by Alexander MacFarlane and Aplication of Hyperbolic Functions to Electrical Engineering Problems by Arthur Edwin Kennelly.

                As per Geometric_Algebra's request, here's another note worthy paper on the above subject, Application of Hyperbolic Analysis to The Discharge of a Condenser by Alexander MacFarlane (this contains the discussion of the article as well). Also here's one of the references used by Mr. MacFarlane in the afore mentioned paper, Transient Electric Currents by Prof. William Thomson.

                The article Hysteresis of the Aether, written by Mr. Dollard sometime in 88-89 and published in the BSRF journal, has some relevancy to the question you were asking, which Dave has responded to (the angle of hysteresis). The abstract of the article is shown below:

                Hysteresis of the Aether

                Eric P. Dollard, “Wireless Engineer” ©

                In the theoretical investigation of electric induction the propagating velocity of the transverse electro-magnetic (T.E.M.) component of induction is the only propagation constant considered. The propagation throughout space of the independent magnetic field of induction and the independent dielectric field of induction is not considered. In reality, however, these fields of induction start at the conductor and propagate from there throughout space at a definite velocity; that is, at any point in space the field of induction of magnetism or dielectricity at any moment in time corresponds not to the condition of induction at the conductor at that moment but that at a moment earlier by the time of propagation from the conductor to the point in space under consideration. Hence the given field of induction lags in time the more, the greater the distance from the conductor.

                This lag in phase with respect to distance results in the cycle of energy return of the field of induction falling behind its point of phase opposition with the cycle of energy storage. This lag in phase gives rise to an energy component, that is an effective magnetic resistance or an effective dielectric conductance to the reactance or susceptance of the magnetic & dielectric fields respectively.

                The phase angle of this lag in the cycle of energy return has been called the angle of hysteresis of the inductive medium and has become well known for ferrous materials. However, the application of this concept to the inductive medium known as the aether has received no attention except by Steinmetz. The purpose of this paper is the adaptation of Steinmetz' inductive propagation to the study of the hysteresis of the aether and a determination of the propagation velocity therefrom.

                Garrett M
                Last edited by garrettm4; 03-27-2012, 10:53 PM.


                • First Build

                  So I've built a replica of Tesla's three coil system from the Colorado Springs notes. I took a couple of liberties, the main one being the fact that the primary and secondary are square, since my kitchen table was approximately the right size. I'm not opposed to building a circular form, I just figured I'd try the table first since it's convenient.

                  It's a one turn primary, 26 turn secondary system (kitchen table was close to the right size, but not perfect), approximately matched copper mass. Primary is 'O' wire, secondary is 14 gauge stranded speaker wire. There's research showing that stranded wire does better with higher frequencies than solid core, so I used it to maximize skin effect. The extra coil has a free resonance right at 1 Mhz and used 18 gauge speaker wire. The extra coil form is built of plastic. You need to use thick dowels so they don't bend. I used 1" diameter ABS from ebay and 1/4 inch PVC sheets for the base and top. All of my wire is plastic coated, rather than magnet wire, so it's easy to uncoil and rewrap the system.

                  The design works with AC or DC input, however the spark still looks like normal electricity. My goal is to produce the strange spark that Eric describes as folding onto itself in counterspace, but so far my system seems fairly normal. My spark gaps are magnetically quenched. I'm wondering if they need to be improved to get it to work right...


                  • Hey all,
                    First the SFTS video and now Eric's Versor posts, I swear everytime there's new material it feels like Christmas! Thank you Eric for kindly distributing your knowledge openly to the public! The synchronicity in the world is amazing, the night that I came home from my maths lecture which introduced me to conic sections I come home to find Eric's lecture talking about them again. Just thinking out loud here but since it's becoming apparent that the geometry underlying the equations of conic sections is that of equal and opposite cones is this a link to Walter Russell's work (or twin opposing cones as he says)?

                    I have compiled all the parts into one big flv file but it is pretty big (~1.18GB) I don't have hosting anymore though If there is 16 hours of footage floating around I will very lovingly view every second of them, at least 3 times to stay true to the spirit of Tesla.

                    Don't take my word for it but one thing you might want to look at is your extra coil. If you have a look at the coils in these two pictures you'll notice that the coils windings are spaced out but the majority of your coil is bunched up;
                    Like I said I might be off the mark as I have been unable to start my TMT project but I have been reading on and the properties of the extra coil are critical.

                    Scribd account;


                    • Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post

                      The book referenced by Mr. Dollard Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communication by James Owen Perrine Ph. D., published 1958, is probably the best book I have ever read regarding conic sections, hyperbolic sine, cos, tan and exponential equations. If you can find this book I would highly recommend getting it for study and reference. (I picked up my secondhand copy from "betterworld books" on amazon. I don't know if its still in print, so you will probably have to look for a used copy like I did)

                      In the preface Mr. Perrine lists two books that inspired him to write his book, they are Calculus Made Easy by Silvanous Phillips Thompson and Exponentials Made Easy or the Story of Epsilon by M. E. J. Gheury de Bray. Both of which I have read and found to be great resources for study and reference material.

                      Two other books that might be of interest are Principles of Elliptic and Hyperbolic Analysis by Alexander MacFarlane and Aplication of Hyperbolic Functions to Electrical Engineering Problems by Arthur Edwin Kennelly.

                      Garrett M

                      In the bibliography (page 288 of Kennelly's Application of Hyperbolic Functions to Electrical Engineering Problems, 2nd Ed.), reference #18 is A. Macfarlanes's paper "Application of Hyperbolic Analysis to the Discharge of a Condenser." I extracted the paper from an old IEEE compilation, and posted a while back. Some one probably has a copy floating around here and might just drop a link to the pdf. Also, a record of the discussion session of the paper includes comments by Steinmetz and Kennelly.

                      Also, just to add to the excitement around Perrine's text, it's an unusual book in that it includes actual basic facts and circuit examples derived from an electrical engineering perspective. This text is a gem!


                      • Extra coil

                        The extra coil only looks "bunched up" because of the plastic insulation between the wires. The actual spacing between conductive copper is slightly more than Eric recommends.


                        • Originally posted by skaght View Post
                          The extra coil only looks "bunched up" because of the plastic insulation between the wires. The actual spacing between conductive copper is slightly more than Eric recommends.

                          I wonder why he recommends .62 when teslas and his appear to be approximately 1:1


                          • Dollard posted a very interesting comment some time ago, about coils:

                            Originally posted by T-rex View Post
                            It is great to find a point of discussion, the Energetic Forum has been very boring to me, like talking to my own echo. However bickering like that with Light Ship seems to be more what interests everyone, a good fight!

                            When considering waves on coiled windings, leave out the electrons, let us forget them once and for all. They are for electronic devices (RG) NOT for electrical devices (LC). Forget the electrons, forget it!

                            It is generally considered that any wave must consist of a conjugate pair of energies, magnetic and dielectric let's say. Only then an interaction between time and space is possible. As I have shown recently it is through the union of a conjugate pair (L and C) that the dimension of time is produced. The propagation constant is then equal to:

                            (1) Negative Gamma Square

                            Having a pair of imaginary roots, plus j Gamma and minus j Gamma

                            It is however that the JJ Thompson Longitudinal Dielectric Motions cannot have a periodic solution, there is one energy only, dielectric. This needs to be resolved.

                            There are four distinct forms of energy stored in a winding,
                            Magnetic Pair:

                            L, Leakage Inductance, Henry
                            M, Mutual Inductance, per Henry

                            Dielectric Pair:

                            C, Leakage Capacitance, Farad
                            K, Mutual Capacitance, per Farad

                            The Magnetic Distribution along the coil axis is given by

                            (2) Epsilon to the square root of LM power. It is an exponential curve along the axis.

                            The Dielectric Distribution along the coil axis is given by

                            (3) Epsilon to the square root of CK power. It too is an exponential curve along the axis.

                            LM an CK are time scalars hence it can be seen that these initial distributions at t = 0 give rise to complex energy exchanges because of the exponential space distributions. We have now a fourth order differential in space and time. Alice lands in Wonderland. Forget Maxwell, forget the Corums, dead ends, forget them once and for all!!

                            Break, more to follow

                            DE N6KPH
                            Okay, I know this is very cryptic to most people, but it contains the very foundation of the physics of the (near) future. It gives us a framework, a set of mathematical equations that all but describe what space-time really is. I realized this a few days ago:

                            Originally posted by lamare View Post
                            I never thought there could be something called "space-time", since it it so tightly coupled to the flawed Einsteinian physics.

                            But if these 4 energy flows are so tightly coupled to the dimension of time, and everything in nature is balanced, then it is very interesting to have the "per Henry" and "per Farad" energy flows mentioned. These suggest an internal energy storage.

                            The other 2 flows are in Farad and Henry, which represent the reaction of the aether to dielectric and magnetic force enacted upon it. And that is quite something:

                            the aether acts as a perfect elastic reflector!

                            Now if the fundamental laws of nature are supposed to hold at any scale, then we should say that the Universe we see trough our telescopes is nothing but a perfect elastic reflector in terms of reflecting the (di)electric and magnetic energy that we torture it with.

                            That makes you wonder of who emitted the reflections we observe trough our telescopes. And when?
                            All right. Now the first really important thing Eric says, is this:

                            As I have shown recently it is through the union of a conjugate pair (L and C) that the dimension of time is produced.
                            What he says here, is that there is a fundamental mathematical formula that connects the electromagnetic domain/dimension to the time domain/dimension. However, this formula connects electromagnetics to time, but it does NOT connect the electrostatic field (dielectric) to time.

                            So, the question is: if the dimension of time is connected to L AND C, the electromagnetic domain, then where is the dimension/domain of time when we only have a C, in the electrostatic??

                            This is a very interesting and important question, because we see quite a lot of claims that "scalar waves" supposedly can have an infinite amount of energy and/or propagate infinitly fast. I find that very hard to believe, but at this moment, I cannot completely rule it out, either. Either way, if we ever want to think in the direction of the possibility of time-travel, then it is clear that we need to understand time first and how it relates to the physical reality, a physical reality that appears to act as a mirror... One we understand that, then may be, just may be, we can find a way to manipulate the dimension of time and thus perhaps travel trough time. In any case, that has nothing to do with how fast an object moves with respect to another object (Einstein's relativity theory). It has to do with understanding the fundamental nature of time.

                            The fact that this nature can be described mathematically in terms of electromagnetic fields, which are one and the same fields with which "matter" and "waves" as well as gravity can be described mathematically and with which we can therefore mathematically describe ALL of physial reality, essentially means we have all we need in order to understand the fundamental nature of both physical reality and time.

                            Let's first note this:

                            It is however that the JJ Thompson Longitudinal Dielectric Motions cannot have a periodic solution, there is one energy only, dielectric. This needs to be resolved.
                            What this says, is that there is a problem with the equation Eric has, his "fourth order differential in space and time", which is that with this equation you cannot describe longitudinal dielectric "Tesla" waves. In other words: something is wrong, something is missing.

                            Let's now focus on this:

                            There are four distinct forms of energy stored in a winding,
                            Magnetic Pair:

                            L, Leakage Inductance, Henry
                            M, Mutual Inductance, per Henry

                            Dielectric Pair:

                            C, Leakage Capacitance, Farad
                            K, Mutual Capacitance, per Farad
                            This describes the energy storage in a coil winding, which give rise to a very interesting concept. You see, you have the internal "storage" capacitance, K, which represents the electric energy stored internally in the coil and you have the "leakage" capacitance, which represents the electric energy stored in the environment of the coil. And the same story holds for the magnetic energy, represented by the inductance.

                            There is one very peculiar detail in Eric's descriptions and that is the "per Henry" and "per Farad" he uses to describe the internally stored energies in a winding. Eric also relates this not to "space" but to "counter space", which is somewhat strange terminology, but it is an important principle.

                            What he actually says is that for both internally stored energies, the amount of energy that can be stored increases the smaller the distances between the coil wires. In other words: the more you *contract* your coil, the *more* energy you can store inside the volume of your coil.


                            What this means is that you can store an infinit amount of energy in an infinitely small coil, *BOTH* in the electrical as well as in the magnetic domain.

                            Now this only describes "a coil" and does so in one dimension. However, when we consider a particle as being some kind of rotating vortex-like structure in the aether, then it is clear that such an "object" can also be described as a very small coil that can be characterized by these 4 electrical elements.

                            And if we can do that, we can also describe such a coil as being made out of even smaller coils. And we can continue to make our coils smaller and smaller and smaller, mathematically. All the way down to the infinitely small...

                            In other words: there is no fundamental "God" particle or anything else you could say the aether is made of.

                            What we are thus looking at is a fundamental "Goddess" of physical reality, which is in essence an energy pit that potentially *contracts* all the way down to the infinitly small. Yep, our Goddess is infinite, she's infinitely small. The more energy you throw at her, the less space she needs to contain that energy. She grows inwards towards infinity...

                            All right. We have thus established that the "mutual" capacitance and inductance of an object, or our Goddess, essentially describe a contracting energy pit that can store an infinit amount of energy.

                            But we also have the "leakage" capacitance and inductance. This represents the external storage of energy, the energy that *expands* into space. And that energy store can also store an infinite amount of energy. In an infinite amount of space. And if you would take all that energy together, then you would have all that is, which would be God. And he is also infinite, but in the other direction: he grows outwards towards infinity...

                            In other words: the "leakage" capacitance and inductance describe an *expanding* energy pit, aka God.

                            Now let's bring this together. What we have is a model that relates some "internal" energy storage and some "external" energy storage within every piece of space. In other words: the *boundary* of every "object" one can define, can be described as mathematical volume, that exchanges energy with it's environment. Since the fundamental law of conservation of energy MUST hold and this energy is stored within our (space distributed) capacitances / inductances, it follows that energy can ONLY be stored/exchanged within space/the aether and NOT to/from "time".

                            However, both the expanding and contracting energy storages are infinite, so in the situation that there is no actual energy exchange between the interenal and the external, we have a balance between both energy storages.

                            So, the question is: how/where does the dimension of time come into the picture and what does it do? The work of Walter Russell suggests that here we may have a connection to consciousness itself, but this keeps me puzzled for the moment...


                            • Originally posted by garrettm4 View Post

                              The book referenced by Mr. Dollard Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communication by James Owen Perrine Ph. D., published 1958, is probably the best book I have ever read regarding conic sections, hyperbolic sine, cos, tan and exponential equations. If you can find this book I would highly recommend getting it for study and reference. (I picked up my secondhand copy from "betterworld books" on amazon. I don't know if its still in print, so you will probably have to look for a used copy like I did)
                              There are a couple available at

                              Physics and Mathematics in Electrical Communicationā€ˇ Perrineā€ˇ Books - Used Books at

                              At this moment, there is one less available compared to, say, 5 minutes ago.


                              • The Electron, CP Steinmetz Point of View

                                I was doing some reading through the General Electric Review Volumes 14-16 and came across an interesting article by Mr. Steinmetz Electrical Disturbances & the Nature of Electrical Energy which talks about the Aether theories of the time, Electrons and electric waves. I found the section he wrote on electrons to be an interesting perspective, and I thought it might be of some interest here.

                                Mr. Steinmetz's point of view of the electron actually makes sense to me. The notion that the electron is being directed and its motions determined by the lines of dielectric induction is ironically what I had come to the conclusion of before reading the article. It would make sense that there are more "free" negative-terminals of dielectric induction as there is an abundance of so called free-electrons in most conductors. He goes on to point out an interesting and almost non-existant topic of free POSITIVE-terminals of dielectric induction via so called positive-electrons, or in the case of radioactive matter helium atoms. Some food for thought.


                                General Electric Review Volume 15 1912

                                CP Steinmetz - Electrical Disturbances & the Nature of Electrical Energy, Pages 5-12 (pages 10-12 are shown above)

                                Garrett M
                                Last edited by garrettm4; 03-28-2012, 05:38 AM.

