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Elements of the Human Body/Pattern/Process

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  • #61
    A bit of info Transfer to help in your Compendium Humanis...

    It is your Brain that determines the color:

    Typically, humans have three different types of cones with photo-pigments that sense three different portions of the spectrum. Each cone is tuned to perceive primarily long wavelengths (sometimes called red), middle wavelengths (sometimes called green), or short wavelengths (sometimes called blue), referred to as L-, M-, and S- cones respectively. The peak sensitivities are provided by three different photo-pigments. Light at any wavelength in the visual spectrum (ranging from 400 to 700 nm) will excite one or more of these three types of sensors. Our mind determines the color by comparing the different signals each cone senses
    Seeing color | Causes of Color

    How do we hear?

    The human eardrum is a stretched membrane, like the skin of a drum. When the sound waves hit your eardrum, it vibrates and the brain interprets these vibrations as sound.
    How do we hear?

    note: Remember that every interaction we have as human with our surrounding is just an electric impulse interpreted by your Brain (add this to electric universe theory)

    Implanted electrodes enable a paraplegic man to stand, regain leg use

    GOD Helmet

    God Helmet refers to an experimental apparatus used in Neuroscience, primarily in the field of neurotheology. Originally called the "Koren helmet" after its inventer Stanley Koren, it was conceived to study creativity and the effects of subtle stimulation of the mesiobasal temporal lobes.[1] Reports by participants of a "sensed presence" brought public attention to the God Helmet through appearances in several TV documentaries showing it in use.[2]

    The apparatus, placed on the head of an experimental subject, generates weak fluctuating (i.e. "complex") magnetic fields. These fields are approximately as strong as those generated by a land line telephone handset or an ordinary hair dryer, but far weaker than that of an ordinary fridge magnet. It is used extensively by Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Persinger has published extensively about the effects on the human brain of the "complex" magnetic fields generated by the God helmet and other similar devices.[3] Many subjects have reported "mystical experiences and altered states"[4] while wearing the God Helmet
    God helmet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Neurobiologists Find that Weak Electrical Fields in the Brain Help Neurons Fire Together

    "So far, neural communication has been thought to occur almost entirely via traffic involving synapses, the junctions where one neuron connects to the next one. Our work suggests an additional means of neural communication through the extracellular space independent of synapses."
    Neurobiologists Find that Weak Electrical Fields in the Brain Help Neurons Fire Together - Caltech Media Relations

    Shape analysis of MR brain images based on the fractal dimension

    Olena Buczko*, Paweł Mikołajczak
    Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University,
    pl. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 1, 20-030 Lublin, Poland

    This paper presents some results concerning the application of the fractal approach to the
    analysis of shape of white brain matter in the magnetic-resonance (MR) images. The fractal
    dimension of white brain matter was calculated using the box-counting algorithm.

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #62
      MonsieurM, a very intresting aspect of resonance. The new paper I am now describing how the knowledge contained in the mind as a crystal, it's use being the interface point to the next level of complexity. The resonance deserves the awe of recognition. Just amazing. The content you posted matches perfectly with my intentions through the writing. wow. lol

      Thank you for the associations, which makes finding words much easier.


      • #63
        to quote from your Guide:

        In traveling back toward the source, this pressure will most likely
        encounter on-coming pressure waves moving toward the tapered tip. The point
        where these meet could generate standing waves. Over time the presure or
        density at these point would increase. This would be a point where a branch
        could be created.
        How is a Wave created .... when the Water retreats and the oncoming Current Meet

        another interesting Pattern linking (ie Analogy) is Surf Riding also called Soul Surfing

        enjoy the vid .... it is quite inspiring think of the Knowledge as the Wave ...and you are the Rider

        ã€Free Ride】Zero to Sixty in Five ( Pablo Cruise 1976 ) - YouTube
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-11-2012, 02:24 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #64
          Soul Surfing, that is a cool visualization.

          After watching the video, the largest expression of a wave along with the smaller iterations it is composed of, kinda explains the instinctual draw or resonance.

          The previous new file has been updated, between twice and thrice times the size it was previously. It takes the path to the next level of complexity, but still want to include the major influences that add and detract. From many perspectives it is a beautiful journey.


          Last edited by llynch; 03-11-2012, 09:50 PM.


          • #65
            It seems that the mornings provide some amazing flashes of insight.

            Here is the brain dump from this morning regarding nutrition and some patterns involved:


            Common Knowledge
            More nutrients in a food item the better
            Cooking a food item reduces nutrient level
            Nutrients are in a wide variety of food items
            Plants contain more nutrients that animals

            Natural Processes
            Temperature cycle (day/night-summer/winter)
            Cold causes contraction
            Above surface generally colder than below surface
            Above surface experiences more contraction
            Contraction at surface pushes contents downward below surface

            Natural arrangement of food items
            Below surface - higher density fiber
            At Surface - medium density fiber
            Above Surface - low density fiber

            Natural consumption of food items
            Morning - low density fiber
            Mid-Day - medium density fiber
            Evening - high density fiber

            Water usage in the body
            Water action - hydration
            Water purpose - modification of electrical resistance in the body
            Water affects - ph level

            On average most plants and vegetables contain a wide range of the same vitamins and minerals.
            Thus proper choice of an item will not have a major impact on nutrition levels.

            Fiber is a time release mechanism when food item is consumed.
            Fiber is like a air tight seal for nutrients.
            High density equals slower release of nutrients.
            Lower density equals faster release of nutrients.
            Density also regulates the amount of caloric energy released.
            Low density upon waking assists in waking.
            High density in the evening allows for nutrient availability during the long period of sleep as well as preventing a large release of caloric energy.

            High water intake causes an increase in distance between conductive elements.
            Lower water intake reduces the distance between conductive elements.
            Elements = Minerals
            Extremes in either direction are not beneficial.
            Water is also a major component for ridding the body of detrimental contents.
            This flushng causes a side affect of reducing the electrical conductivity of the body as well as lowering the ph level.
            A cycle is created with the concumption of cooked and processed foods.
            Consumption of Cooked/Processed foods increase the ph level and introduce detrimental content into the body.
            Both require removal through the body.
            Removal requires higher intake of water.
            Thus dropping ph levels and reducing electrical conductivity of the body below the optimum range.

            Plants have the ability to modify the ph levels as well but not over large ranges.

            What appears to be the most natural and effective way to achieve nutrition along with avoidance of the biggest detrimental impacts is:

            Morning - Apple - low fiber density/high caloric release
            Mid-day - Kale - medium fiber density/medium caloric release
            Evening - Carrot - high fiber density/low caloric release

            Factors to consider to allow for variety: Fiber Density, Ph Level impact

            Additional: ph levels impact conductivity as well, though my knowledge of this is only from the functioning of lead acid batteries, thus limited.
            Last edited by llynch; 03-12-2012, 12:37 PM.


            • #66
              In addition to the above... my mind is constantly returning to forms of energy that the body can make use of. Here is some of the bits that are forming in my head that are not becoming clear in how it ties in completely...

              - most plants and fruits contain a wide range of the 'same' elements.
              - somehow this points to broad spectrum ?intake/absorption???
              - pulsation of elements of earths composition elements
              - food items having a weaker pulsing effect and narrower range of some kind
              - peoples feeling of 'well-being' around aether related machines/motors

              i want to say that food intake can be substituted with aetheric energy. even though i am not 100% sure how. the why is evident, it's the how.

              the how question keeps brining me back to bedini mentioning sleeping over a grid of copper wire, i think it was grounded as well. and that takes me to the egyptian building that was used for ?'body diagnostics'?.

              possibly generating a aetheric flow above the body while sleeping on a grounded copped grid? maybe it would flow to the grounded grid passing through the body causing this feeling of 'well being'.

              also if a food item is seen as a crystal and the elements it contains are considered the facets of the crystal. and the human bodies elements are seen in the same fashsion. the similarities/matches/resonances between the to come to mind and energy transference through the resonances comes from that.

              the cascade of connected thoughts could spiral outward from this... but that's the basic recurring concepts that my mind is repeatedly going to. hmmm....


              • #67
                A nice train of thought ...let us add one more layer to your Caduceus

                The Importance of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetable also play a role in the Expansion / Contraction Process

                Alphonse Mucha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                and the knowledge of the Earth Ergetic Grid ....for Energetic Exchange ....Lay adapt your diet according to the pole you are in
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-12-2012, 10:37 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #68
                  Expansion/Contraction.... seems like the way pulsation could be described.

                  MonsieurM's post:

                  This as well as a conversation with someone about the field generated by elements in relation to Rife's work, brought to mind an idea I have had for a couple of years:

                  The human body is pretty much symmetrical.
                  If there is an affliction on one of the symmetrical sides,
                  if may be possible to...

                  Capture the signals emitted on the un-affected side.
                  Slightly amplify if at all.
                  Then 'play them back' or transmit them to the afflicted area.

                  I imagine a bifilar pancake coil that could conform to the curves
                  of the body. One coil on the affliction and one on the same area
                  but opposite side of the body.

                  The switching at that level I have not figured out. Possibly
                  Bedini's technique for oxidizing copper would do it?

                  I am still working through Olree's video's.
                  The feeling is that he may have the final pattern that joins each side.
                  Still think that the body predominantly uses 'external' energy with minimal ingested food to initiate the train of potential spikes to trigger it's flow.

                  Anyone ever notice an association with meditation with chills (minus the goose bumps)? Maybe even it's manipulation?


                  • #69
                    The process of transferring Knowledge through time to me at first
                    seemed a clean and clear process.

                    The First turn was the definition of words.

                    The Second turn puts you in their shoes when it was first written.

                    The Third, turns you around to see the future where you once were.

                    A mildly colorful way to describe it. A concise statement would be more like...

                    Understanding, is a personal relationship with your past and with what is being presented to you.
                    This is the gap that can not be bridged through time by just words, images, sculptures, carvings or video.

                    The gap can only be bridged by the purity of self-driven desire to satisfy personal curiousity.

                    Even present day face to face communication, in the attempt to transfer an understanding, will fail when
                    it involves some concepts. The passage of time makes the process of understanding much more challenging.
                    It is met on many different levels of ones life. Purification.

                    For myself, that challenge posed to ones own curiosity is the initiation rite/process.
                    Those that will not accept curiosity being unsatisfied, are the ones that will discover that the
                    initiation does not have an end.

                    My current 'understanding' for what it is worth.
                    And it as you guessed, a respresentation of the same pattern expressed through a different medium.
                    Last edited by llynch; 03-17-2012, 10:27 PM.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by llynch View Post
                      Expansion/Contraction.... seems like the way pulsation could be described.

                      MonsieurM's post:

                      This as well as a conversation with someone about the field generated by elements in relation to Rife's work, brought to mind an idea I have had for a couple of years:

                      The human body is pretty much symmetrical.
                      If there is an affliction on one of the symmetrical sides,
                      if may be possible to...

                      Capture the signals emitted on the un-affected side.
                      Slightly amplify if at all.
                      Then 'play them back' or transmit them to the afflicted area.

                      I imagine a bifilar pancake coil that could conform to the curves
                      of the body. One coil on the affliction and one on the same area
                      but opposite side of the body.

                      The switching at that level I have not figured out. Possibly
                      Bedini's technique for oxidizing copper would do it?

                      I am still working through Olree's video's.
                      The feeling is that he may have the final pattern that joins each side.
                      Still think that the body predominantly uses 'external' energy with minimal ingested food to initiate the train of potential spikes to trigger it's flow.

                      Anyone ever notice an association with meditation with chills (minus the goose bumps)? Maybe even it's manipulation?
                      I get the goose bumps from the tip of my head, down my spine and through my arms. After I had it enough for a while -- from the best I could discern -- I figured it was some other form of consciousness prodding me.

                      I mean, if I could move between non-physical dimensions, and were the intelligence already assembling bodily functions (also called unconscious) -- and I were a piloting consciousness of a person's body -- I would want them to have a good time. I would try to nudge them towards things that are good, or things that they are interested in.

                      So I asked "it" to give me signals. I established, that since Chills from my spine to my arms in the form of goosebumps ocurrs while I am surrendering to a "good" condition -- that was probably a good signal.

                      When I say I asked, I mean I asked without words. If you expand your awareness outside of your thinking processes typically associated with language, you can get a much wider range of information. If you ask without words, you have to feel very curious -- because in order to ask anything, you need to first be curious.
                      I have found, before I relax into "blankness" of meditation -- or "the gap" of restful awareness -- I hold a feeling of being very curious about a particular nebulous thought, or concept -- and then release it. Later on, my goosebumps "pings back" when I am thininking about something similar.

                      Heck, some of the stuff I get, I can't techincally confirm -- but usually seems to lead me in the right direction. This is an internal sensory system that everyone has -- but not everyone uses as a tool-less dowsing system

                      I think generally speaking -- the people who also do these things with their internal body systems, are called "eccentrics" -- kind of like a language of its own.
                      Even if other people tell you that it's not useful, or invalid -- they simply do not understand. This has been my strongest tool and a "hidden skill" which has consistently led me to better athletic performance (getting good at something quickly), and made my peers attribute a level of "smartness" to me -- of which is vastly incorrect.
                      I think, if they did this same thing too -- they would be equally intelligent or comprehend things "especially well".

                      Translating this type of feeling intelligence in relationships, I think is where a lot of people have internal conflicts -- because they do not very well identify where "in the bigger picture" that signal is coming from -- and so do not have a good sense of importance or priority; and so it can translate the emotion into too much taking, or too much repulsion.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by llynch View Post
                        The gap can only be bridged by the purity of self-driven desire to satisfy personal curiousity.

                        Even present day face to face communication, in the attempt to transfer an understanding, will fail when
                        it involves some concepts. The passage of time makes the process of understanding much more challenging.
                        It is met on many different levels of ones life. Purification.

                        For myself, that challenge posed to ones own curiosity is the initiation rite/process.
                        Those that will not accept curiosity being unsatisfied, are the ones that will discover that the
                        initiation does not have an end.

                        My current 'understanding' for what it is worth.
                        And it as you guessed, a respresentation of the same pattern expressed through a different medium.
                        Very well spoken. Your self-driven desire is the mechanism that drives your internal "tool" sets -- patterned processes which everyone experiences in subtly different ways -- but is the same thing

                        The wonderful conclusion, my friend -- is that we are all describing, and learning the same thing. It is always a joy to find another companion on the path, who experiences things similarly to how you do.

                        Hope my colors helped a little bit, I need some practice with them to get a better grasp on understanding my own internal antenna....



                        • #72
                          petar113507: Pardon the lack of reply, sent a partial response in a private message.

                          The concept of the process of creation has been doing it's mental rounds this week. This is a bit of an example of the mental question answer session I went through and results of spending some time in photoshop.

                          What is contemplated exists in Duality.
                          that is to say,
                          The subject of contemplation will always have an opposite.

                          If its action/existence/process takes it to the extreme of each part of the Duality...
                          The quicker its increasing Simplification
                          The quicker its increasing Complexity.

                          How is the decision made?

                          What occurs if the Duality extends only to a minimum instead of maximum?
                          What occurs if it only extends in the direction of one part of the Duality?
                          What occurs if it does not extend?

                          Electrical Examples


                          A high voltage potential/minimal current causes an inflow of creative energy/force (increasing complexity).
                          Restated: Progression forward creating a many branched fractal pattern along its path.

                          The Opposite, high current potential/minimal voltage causes an inflow of reductive energy/force (increasing simplification).
                          Restated: Progression(regression) backward simplifying the fractal branches along its path.

                          One must have the other in order to exist physically.
                          Thus we perceive voltage and current moving in opposite directions.

                          Each being equal = null/neutral/no physical existence.
                          Reduction of each when equal results in the same null/neutral/no physical existence.

                          The conclusions:
                          Difference in potential is a prerequisite for a Duality to come into physical existence.
                          There is a choice of which part of the Duality has the greater potential.
                          There is a choice as to how great the potential difference will be between the two parts of the Duality.

                          Though I did not get the answer to my initial question, there was a lot learned. Just exchanging Voltage and Current with any other duality such as Love/Hate, Low Blood Pressure/High Blood Pressure or Hot/Cold should be just as applicable.

                          This brought me to visualizing how One becomes Two, and from the Two there is Three... etc. The next post will have the images.
                          Last edited by llynch; 03-24-2012, 04:54 AM.


                          • #73

                            Becomes Two

                            From which there becomes Three (division of each part of the two)

                            Then the Fourth

                            Which becomes One

                            I think that after this instantiation process it repeats, but the division of the 'two' rotates and succeeding steps are rotated by the same degree.

                            To explain the Eight that is at times mentioned in old texts. EDIT: There is a strong feeling that the Eight is a mirror of the Four. No validation yet, further reading should provide it.

                            This is my current visual understanding of it. Though I get the impression that this repeating and rotating process would have to occur at a high rate of speed to create some of the know aspects of matter. Either that or thinking would have to move to another dimension.
                            Last edited by llynch; 03-25-2012, 06:06 PM.


                            • #74
                              On an interesting pattern match I discovered that validated the concept of cycles that are contained in larger cycles, are greatly influenced by the larger cycles.

                              The company I work for has a group that takes incoming calls. I.T. technical support calls.

                              Data is recording for the number of seconds a client holds before one of our representatives answers. Data can also be sorted by client type etc.

                              The person building the reports/charts/graphs of data showed me one of hold time averages over the past three months.

                              It was a beautiful report, and the first thing that came to mind was... "I wonder if the cycles of the moon are present in the hold time data?"

                              I laid the dates for Full Moon and New moon on the report and they were clearly represented by Peaks and Troughs.

                              To validate it, I made a prediction of the hold time average for the date of the next Full Moon that was not on the report. The next day a new chart was made. My prediction was spot on!

                              I was amazed at the fact that a seemingly random occurance such as the amount of time a client waits on hold is undoubtedly influenced by the cycles of the moon.

                              The other doors made available to my curiosity increased by some unknown number due to this. But I thought this pattern was too cool not to share.


                              • #75
                                Good to read you Llynch

                                love your new discovery ... if you allow me to post an excerpt written by Fulcanelli :

                                it describes the same process you mentioned ... and the "miracles" that result from it

                                from: Fulcanelli - The Mystery Of The Cathedrals book

                                ps : have u read wyndbag's post in , i think you might find them interesting

                                btw: the pics are not showing in you previous post
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-24-2012, 01:02 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

