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Harvesting Energy From the Sun Using Crystals

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  • Astronomers find mystery moon domes | Space | EarthSky

    Scientists have found mysterious volcanic domes on the far side of the moon, according to research published in the July 2011 issue of Nature Geoscience. What’s unusual about these domes is they’re rich in silica, which is rarely found on the moon. The origin of the domes, according to the scientists’ report, remains “enigmatic.”

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • a Fractal Construct has an 'efficient function', they have, a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

      the following applies to the real pyramids as well

      Multiband Pyramidal Antenna for Radio Navigation
      and Telemetry Systems

      Abstract—A novel multi-band pyramidal antenna combining
      radio navigation and MicroSAT telemetry applications was
      recently introduced by the authors. This flexible antenna
      provides independent and easily adjustable operating frequency
      design. Furthermore, the radiation patterns of this pyramidal
      antenna are relatively similar at the different operating
      frequencies. One key element of this radiating structure is its cutoff
      waveguide placed underneath the antenna ground plane in
      order to improve input ports impedance matching while
      minimizing the antenna rear radiation level.
      This paper further
      describes the above-mentioned antenna and gives its latest
      look at the following pictures taken from the pdf , you are going to like this

      update info:
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2011, 12:16 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • So any thoughts so far?

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2011, 02:42 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • My feelings are that if small amounts of Radiant Energy are gathered by an antenna, there may be a way to amplify that source of power, as is done with a radio signal, to enable it to be useful, and not just a novelty.
          That was how the TPU was thought to work. But how exactly can that be done is still unknown, by most.


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            So any thoughts so far?

            This is what i was implying about your crystal and torroid only using a pyramid shaped crystal to focus the energy being produced. Kind of a way to throw a focused lightening bolt in essecne. If ou can get the physical electricity to piggyback on the light ethericity it will follow the natural path to its estination which is why I said you would have to be careful for the direction you are pointing it.


            • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
              My feelings are that if small amounts of Radiant Energy are gathered by an antenna, there may be a way to amplify that source of power, as is done with a radio signal, to enable it to be useful, and not just a novelty.
              That was how the TPU was thought to work. But how exactly can that be done is still unknown, by most.

              Remember that in a fractal universe, what you do at a lower scale (ie radio), you can do on a larger scale (ie: radiant wave) is all a matter of translation:

              translation in "shape and form " if you are translating from English to Spanish while delivering the same concept
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-04-2011, 12:08 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
                This is what i was implying about your crystal and torroid only using a pyramid shaped crystal to focus the energy being produced. Kind of a way to throw a focused lightening bolt in essecne. If ou can get the physical electricity to piggyback on the light ethericity it will follow the natural path to its estimation which is why I said you would have to be careful for the direction you are pointing it.
                you are totally right , the importance of the shape of the crystal will determine its use, to focus energy a pyramid is the perfect choice. ....just a supposition, i believe that each shape will generate different reaction at different frequencies specific to each (example the spherical crystal in the video )

                this could be explained by the following

                At low temperatures, the dislocations formed self-similar, random patterns known as fractals. it all depends on controlling the direction of these pattern, which i'm sure at certain high frequencies, the pattern depending on the shape of the crystal will follow a certain direction

                ps: "Random" in science is a indirect way of saying "we don't know "

                see post:

                thanks for the info Shawn

                new post:
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-30-2011, 09:53 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Before It's News

                  Taking advantage of the unique properties of zinc oxide nanowires, researchers have demonstrated a new type of piezoelectric resistive switching device in which the write-read access of memory cells is controlled by electromechanical modulation. Operating on flexible substrates, arrays of these devices could provide a new way to interface the mechanical actions of the biological world to conventional electronic circuitry.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • talking about translation, does anyone know a good reference on the philosopher's stone and how to make it: old recipes is preferable...why you ask:

                    the philosopher stone maybe a fractal key, meaning it has also applications in the electromagnetic domain amongst other (like the caduceus see ) if we can translate it using electromagnetic and circuitry as our base, maybe it could point us towards the right direction to free energy or other...:D

                    i'd appreciate your help

                    The Philosophers' Stone and the secret of its Geometry

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-30-2011, 02:49 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • The Philosophers' Stone and the secret of its Geometry


                      On the Philosophers' Stone

                      [ From A.E. Waite's Collectanea Chemica, London, 1893

                      Anonymous: On the Philosophers' Stone (Alchemy)


                      splitting water:

                      Know then, that the division that was made upon the Water, by the ancient philosophers, separates it into four substances; one to two, and three to one; the one third part of which is colour, that is to say --- a coagulating moisture; but the two third waters are the Weights of the Wise (5).
                      magnetism or electricity:

                      In the cavern of metals, there is hidden the Stone that is venerable, splendid in color, a mind sublime and an open ocean.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-30-2011, 03:14 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • how would you translate this one "electromagnetically" :

                        Put the matter into a moist fire, therefore, and cause it to boil, in order that its heat may be augmented, which destroys the siccity of the incombustible nature, until the radix shall appear; then extract the redness and the light parts, till only about a third remains.
                        hint: fire is a state of high frequency vibration (see also: )

                        reminder: applied to electromagnetism

                        The seven Principles
                        2.1 Principle of Mentalism
                        2.2 Principle of Correspondence
                        2.3 Principle of Vibration
                        2.4 Principle of Polarity
                        2.5 Principle of Rhythm
                        2.6 Principle of Cause and Effect
                        2.7 Principle of Gender

                        Kybalion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-30-2011, 03:32 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Hi all,

                          I found the pyramidal PDF shown in post#152 quite interesting. This design might not be to hard to replicate, but I fail to see anywhere in the doc, materials used in construction of the device. I have a friend who is a true radio NUT, and will run this by him to get his take on it.



                          • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                            Hi all,

                            I found the pyramidal PDF shown in post#152 quite interesting. This design might not be to hard to replicate, but I fail to see anywhere in the doc, materials used in construction of the device. I have a friend who is a true radio NUT, and will run this by him to get his take on it.


                            Thank you Gene, i truly appreciate your help , i looked for the original but you have to pay for it to get access to it, I'll look for more info for you

                            now related to the golden Treatise: you are going to like this:

                            "Know that this matter I call the stone, but it is also named the feminine of magnesia, or the hen, or the white spittle, or the volatile milk, the incombustible
                            In the cavern of metals, there is hidden the Stone that is venerable, splendid in color, a mind sublime and an open ocean (the electric universe ).
                            electricity then...

                            magnet - definition of magnet by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
                            [Middle English, from Old French magnete, from Latin magns, magnt-, from Greek Magns (lithos), Magnesian (stone), magnet, from Magnsi, Magnesia, an ancient city of Asia Minor.]

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-30-2011, 04:25 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • found this doc it could help, i'm reading through it right now:

                              Interleaved Multi-band Pyramidal Antennas Combining Radio Navigation
                              and Telemetry Satellite Applications

                              fractal construct:

                              Multi-band antennas combining several applications are of great interest as they
                              enable to reduce the space needed for the aerials.

                              The proposed original antenna is constituted of 4 inclined radiating elements with
                              traps to achieve a resonant monopole behavior at each operating frequency.
                              improve input matching, some of the authors proposed to make a hole in the
                              ground plane and continue this hole by an under cut-off cylindrical waveguide to
                              keep reasonable rear radiation level [1-3]
                              . More recently, it was demonstrated that
                              this cylindrical waveguide may be advantageously replaced by a conical
                              (see Tszyan Kanchgen experiment post: )
                              978-1-4244-3647-7/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE
                              waveguide [4]. The resulting antenna has a reduced height while keeping similar
                              performances for both input matching and radiation patterns.
                              Each radiating element is a 1mm wide metallic strip printed on a thin (762μm)
                              low permittivity substrate (2.08). The length of the radiating element is defined by
                              the lower operating frequency. The pyramidal shape of the antenna is achieved
                              disposing the radiating elements upon a supporting structure transparent in radio
                              frequencies (foam or polystyrene)
                              . The radiating elements disposal is particularly
                              interesting as the polarization depends only on the feeding network: feeding all
                              the elements with same amplitude and a phase progression of + or -90° will
                              produce a right or left hand circular polarization, while feeding only two opposite
                              elements with same amplitude and 180° phase shift enables linear polarization. To
                              keep this flexibility on the polarization, one may use diplexers between the
                              radiating elements and the feeding network to separate the two combined
                              applications [3]. This increases the complexity of the feeding network design and
                              induces extra insertion losses. We investigate in this paper the possibility to
                              interleave two pyramidal antennas with a 45° rotation to separate the two
                              combined applications. The concept is illustrated in fig. 1a, and compared to the
                              previous design reported in fig. 1b. Interestingly, this improvement of the multiband
                              antenna does not affect the overall antenna size and the two applications are
                              naturally separated making it easier to design the respective feeding networks. It
                              also reduces the number of traps needed.

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-30-2011, 04:21 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Here is the full version on electricity:

                                Know that this matter I call the stone; but it is also named the feminine of magnesia or the hen, or the white spittle, or the volatile milk, the incombustible oil (electricity ) in order that it may be hidden from the inept and ignorant who are deficient in goodness and self-control; which I have nevertheless signified to the wise by one only epithet, viz., the Philosopher's Stone.
                                Include, therefore, and conserve in this sea, the fire and the heavenly bird (ufo ), to the latest moment of his exit
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

