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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Your Welcome

    Yes, there's a lot of hard study in those files. So many questions to Zilano that get things a bit off track too. So, it's going to be a challenge but if everyone helps it should be much easier.

    Originally posted by joefr View Post
    Hi Slovenia

    Thanks for putting all this together. Very good work
    Now lets go studying those pdf-s.



    • Interesting book about tesla transformer

      Hi All,
      Don said he followed a tesla work. Eric dollard understood to his work as well. the book below is great explanation about properties of that coils.

      there are many interesting books about dielectric field, which look is the right part. since tesla like to use a capacitance capacitive discharge as way to get fast change of the current. (displacement current) Kelvin and Maxwell are som important in that way. Mr kelvin considered it possible to
      generate longitudinal waves in the luminiferous ether" thru the
      phenomena of dis placement current (capacity current aD/at).
      He goes on to indicate his feeling that these waves must be faster than
      light, as the longitudinal waves in a steel rod move with much
      greater velocity t han the transverse waves. Tesla claims that the
      waves from his transformer propagate: at. Pi/2 the velocity of light.

      Pi/2 = 1.57.


      • how to design a harmonic coupled resonance transformer


        • Thanks Slovenia

          [QUOTE=Slovenia;177873]Here is my latest pdf file of Zilano posts. It's all there and it's a good file.

          Thanks for all the hard work.


          • Thanks!!

            Glad to help you. There are actually three files in all, (i.e.: old lost zilano thru sept. 12; sept. 12 thru nov. 26; & the most current up to date zilano posts). Enjoy!!

            Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
            Here is my latest pdf file of Zilano posts. It's all there and it's a good file.

            Thanks for all the hard work.


            • WOW I'll need a lot of brain food to catch a sniff of this stuff .. think I'll go build something ....
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Resonance

                Zilano stressed again and again that resonance is one of the clues. It is the gate mandatory to be employed if OU expected. Regarding resonance we have to look at two facettes. It's like a mirror. One side will give you a remarkable view behind yourself and the other side is a quite normal view - nothing special.


                Let's start with the back side of the mirror[U] - the [U]general acepted view[U] of electric scinece. While this is not the clue for OU it is nevertheless one truth where our OU lives. So these notions are not to be omitted.
                A resonant circuit will give a considerable higher voltage than the sorce. The energy rotating there corresponds to the charge of the capacitor at the maximum voltage. Energy = 1/2 times C times U squared.
                This can be a considerable Energy depending on the Q of the resonant circuit. It's like an accellerated flywhel - speed corresponds to Voltage.

                Applied i.e. to the behaviour of mains networks we get some effects being not directly obvious. If a power factor corection is not done well or if the power lines have e certain length they get oscillations not intended. Voltage increase takes place and very probably the unhealthy arc overs occure in their transformer. Once the insulation is defective the arc will not extinguish by itself. (Arcs with a power of excess of 100W will very probably not stop by themselves). Thus transformers consume stored resonance energy first and continue to draw current up to megawatts and will explode very very soon. No magick so far.
                It is OK if engineers utilize the standard formulas in order to calculate their setups. It is OK if they look at their setup like to a blackbox and calculate conforming magnetic flux a.s.o.
                It's not OK if scince does the same and say that this black box is empty and the formulas are a representation of the reality - they are not. But because they do not comprehend this notion they are not able to get more knowledge of the truth. They do it since 150 years.

                Now let's turn the mirror around and look at the other side. Note that we look at the SAME object but to another facette. Both sides represent the same reality.
                I comprehend resonance as one possible gateway between both realities and therfore it is essential to have both in mind and as a gateway it needs to be considered from both sides.
                Those arcovers in the mains transformers will possibly attract aditional energy but nobody applies a meter.
                At communication lines we observe considerable surges and we applie strong protectors drawing 100 amps for some µs and nobody does meter what energy we destry by our "protection"

                We need to have a different look at electric current. The actual speed of electrons is in fact less than snail speed! So their movement can not be the source of electric or OU effects at all. Conforming Bearden at the very instant of closing a switch a not attenuated electric tsunami rushes out along the wires (might be longitudinal oscillation). Electrons still sleeping in their metal lattices. In copper lattice 10 ^-19 seconds later eletrons get busy and start their snake like travel. Their flow will build up the magnetic field long long after the first inrush passed the location.
                Have a look to Fogal transistor. It defeats all knowledge of communication theory on lossy lines.

                An additional notion (by stadard physics) is that the magnetic flux in a transfomer core is not the real energy transportation mechanics. It is a side effect feeding the Lenz disadvantages. But while standard formulas look at magnetic flux as energy transporter they do not want to leave it apart.

                The cw/ccw windings (strssed by Zilano and Utkin) show that you can cancel out the magnetic flux and still have energy transportation. One winding (cw or ccw) short circuited will starve out Lenz law and reduce megnetic backlash to 15% only.

                There is a Chineese patent where there is the claim that a transformer with the primary being in resonance con deliver a certain amount of energy without attenuation of the resonant circuit. He reasoned this with current formulas and proved it by experiments.

                And of course we have the notion that longitudinal oscillations travel with PI/2 times light speed. I'm not shure if they do it whilst normal oscillations or if the circuit needs to be tuned to this superior resonance.

                If we read through Patrick's online book we find a plurality of effects being available to be combined. He made this compendium of OU knowledge available to the world.

                I intend to show up that there is no one single theory available but a plurality of known effects which need to be combined skilful. As we do not know details we need to experiment starting with one of Zilano's gifts. And we start with resonance of course.

                Experiment is the only reliable "simulation" of the reality including all known and unknown facts. Experiments do their job unaffeced of our knowledge. So we need to get the right feeling in order to devise experiments.
                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                • Zilano's first post #150317

                  I had this in my oldest archive. Important? Probably not, but it was there. :-)
                  Dude, you're curving my space-time.


                  • Diode direction

                    Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                    In Don's schematic we find a halve rectifier bridge - quite normal - while in the schematic discussed we do not use any middle contact so it is not "normal". It needs experimenting.
                    Thanks Patrick for sharing and we should understand this as idea and hint for experimenting and not as instructable for innocent building.
                    Hi John,

                    You are quite right about Don's circuit being rectification and so different from the circuit shown in the video. However, I have been considering the case in the video where the NST has a diode in each 'output' line and while one of those diodes is being used for rectification, I believe that it has a dual purpose, matching that in the lower line, in protecting the NST circuitry from damage following the violent effects following each spark. I stand to be corrected on this as I am new to this field, but reversing the diodes from the way that they are shown appears risky to me. You will notice the corresponding diodes in 'diagram 3' on page 3 of the 'Zilano Design Doc A1' where an NST without an earth has two diodes in this same direction.

                    A useful web site for the basics in this general area is Richie Burnett's site:

                    Richie's Tesla Coil Web Page

                    certainly good for beginners like myself.



                    • The nature of Lenz law. Could someone explain ? Do we really know the essence ?


                      • Hi Patrick @ John Iv'e just been lashing that circuit together with parts I had about just to see what did what .. I have been testing and flashing things a little bit as Ive been going along (as you do) I did not have that particular NST to hand (obviously as its probably about 4 weeks delivery ) but I did have a tunewell NST so I decided to lash that together and see what happened .. Its by no means conclusive but on this particular NST I had to turn one of the diodes around from that as drawn or the output is feeble .. wont light three neons with zero resistors
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • Circuit changed?

                          Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                          Hi Patrick @ John Iv'e just been lashing that circuit together with parts I had about just to see what did what .. I have been testing and flashing things a little bit as Ive been going along (as you do) I did not have that particular NST to hand (obviously as its probably about 4 weeks delivery ) but I did have a tunewell NST so I decided to lash that together and see what happened .. Its by no means conclusive but on this particular NST I had to turn one of the diodes around from that as drawn or the output is feeble .. wont light three neons with zero resistors
                          Hi Duncan,

                          Looking at your photograph it appears to me that your circuit is different. If it isn't then the take-off from the top of the capacitor is very well concealed.

                          I think that it is most unlikely that the NST is critical unless yours happens to have an earth-leakage cut-out circuit built into it.

                          However, please don't imagine that I am an expert with these circuits as nothing could be further from the truth.

                          Good luck with your testing,



                          • exactly, drive it like a Tesla coil

                            Originally posted by Patrick Kelly View Post
                            Hi John,

                            You are quite right about Don's circuit being rectification and so different from the circuit shown in the video. However, I have been considering the case in the video where the NST has a diode in each 'output' line and while one of those diodes is being used for rectification, I believe that it has a dual purpose, matching that in the lower line, in protecting the NST circuitry from damage following the violent effects following each spark. I stand to be corrected on this as I am new to this field, but reversing the diodes from the way that they are shown appears risky to me. You will notice the corresponding diodes in 'diagram 3' on page 3 of the 'Zilano Design Doc A1' where an NST without an earth has two diodes in this same direction.

                            A useful web site for the basics in this general area is Richie Burnett's site:

                            Richie's Tesla Coil Web Page

                            certainly good for beginners like myself.

                            just drive your primary like a tesla coil.....tried, tested, and true.

                            Tesla coils have been around for hmmm... a little while and the idea is to oscillate to meet the SECONDARY resonant freq.

                            Say your primary is 30khz on the screen, with building wave form

                            ...SO... would Burnet worry about changing L1 cap and freq if L2 was not reacting??

                            NO,.... we ALREADY have our building wave, and freq we want to use.

                            So using smith/burnet(tesla) rules all together, and lets go by length for final tune
                            (like tuning a guitar string on 5th fret and next open string)

                            WATCH THIS: DRASTIC: TUNING ON THE FLY

                            DRASTIC Tuning on the fly - YouTube

                            and here is his ADJUSTABLE MOTORIZED setup for adjusting L1 TAP

                            tapper.MPG - YouTube

                            NOTICE HE DIDNT CHANGE CAPACITANCE OR FREQ, everything is already as you want it, just L1 length
                            **We adjust the L1 TAP to find the 1/4 length tune, and make sure the capacitance matches inductance and freq. (for TCs its topload, here its L2 tank)


                            Last edited by mr.clean; 01-28-2012, 10:57 PM.
                            In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                            In the expert's mind there are few.
                            -Shunryu Suzuki


                            • [/QUOTE]NOTICE HE DIDNT CHANGE CAPACITANCE OR FREQ, everything is already as you want it, just L1 length
                              **We adjust the L1 TAP to find the 1/4 length tune, and make sure the capacitance matches inductance and freq. (for TCs its topload, here its L2 tank)



                              Exactly: This is the biggest mistake we have all made. Forgotten that wires which make up the circuit can alter the LI:L2 ratio and therefore destroy the resonance we have fought so hard for.


                              • Originally posted by Patrick Kelly View Post
                                Hi John,

                                You are quite right about Don's circuit being rectification and so different from the circuit shown in the video. However, I have been considering the case in the video where the NST has a diode in each 'output' line and while one of those diodes is being used for rectification, I believe that it has a dual purpose, matching that in the lower line, in protecting the NST circuitry from damage following the violent effects following each spark. I stand to be corrected on this as I am new to this field, but reversing the diodes from the way that they are shown appears risky to me. You will notice the corresponding diodes in 'diagram 3' on page 3 of the 'Zilano Design Doc A1' where an NST without an earth has two diodes in this same direction.

                                A useful web site for the basics in this general area is Richie Burnett's site:

                                Richie's Tesla Coil Web Page

                                certainly good for beginners like myself.

                                Hi Patick,
                                1. help help help lost in data: please post the link for Zilano Design Doc A1

                                2. Regarding functionality of a circuit or component we need to apply 3 different views and they might be not cmpatible

                                a) What is the function in terms of statdard physics? Lot's of experts reliable available.
                                Applying this view we understand diodes as pure rectifiers.

                                b) Components (and much more they build a circuit) suffer on some limit effects well known (see data sheet) but not utilized, sometimes feared. Less experts avaliable.
                                On of them i.e. the reverse blocking behavior of diodes. Every diode will accept for short time a reverse current before blocking and the curvature of the signal while bloving is very different depending of the type.
                                - It can be very slow braking like a car down by the hand brake.
                                - Further it can be the case that you experience quite sudden stopping by driving int a bush.
                                - Sweeping effect if you drive directly onto a concrete wall.

                                The second case is preferrable in switch mode PSUs in order to prevent disturbancies not being comfortable.
                                In the third case we experience a very sudden stop of the current. It is like a back pressure valve made completely out of metal. In terms of diode I assume this will be like a sudden quench of a spark gap. Not necessary to say that the wire type and lenght before or other effects interact.

                                These types of effects along with others needs to be researched while experimenting. It might resemble some effects generated by other means (i.s. spark) gap before.

                                Effects outside the standard notion. These you will never find in any data sheet. Rare experts available aside experiments
                                In early electronic times germanium components sometimes were subject to sudden unexpected damage (barrier punch through) while they were well on stock protected from statics. The effect wasnever researched but thy found means to overcome it (lost science!)
                                Older types of transistors (older make) are told to emit some unexpected OU effecs (3055, 2222) while newer makes do not.
                                A very prominent example is teh avramenco plug. Diodes are necessary but their contribution not really understood. It seems to be an application of Bearden like electricity: electrons being energized by the first electric tsunami wave after switch on. While the primary (one wire) circuit is not closed those electrons do their thing in the Avramenco circuit and rund in a closed circuit.

                                - While some effects can be understood by mind, others might be surmised and many more not expected.

                                - In this circuit discussed the diodes could charge the capacitor without any current (Bedini!). What if the behavior of the diodes do not conduct current but because of their internal capacity a very very short pulse (hit a bell by hammer) being suffitient to unlash OU charging ?

                                - Suggstion: The diodes should be marked in the schematic as "exact direction to be researched".
                                rgds John
                                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.

