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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    We are already in a period of inflation, and have been ever since the Nixon administration took us off the gold-backed dollar standard. Those of us, like myself, who are old enough to remember the years of our life prior to that time, can recall that inflation was practically non-existant while we were still on the gold standard. Prices on everything you can think of remained low and very stable for years on end.

    The current period of inflation is picking up pace, and is reflected in the price of gasoline, diesel, and heating fuels, which are moving upwards nearly every day. Most trucks run on diesel, so prices on all of the products that are delivered to markets will continue to increase to reflect the weekly increase of the diesel fuel price.

    When hyperinflation kicks in, prices at the pumps won't just rise a few cents a day as they currently are rising, but rather will take an unexpectedly large leap higher all at once - likely overnight, and due to some major conflict or natural disaster. For instance, gasoline may well go from $4 a gallon to $5 in one day, and to $5.50 or more within the next seven days. After that, things will continue to escalate on a daily basis. The Saudis are already saying that we should expect to pay $300 a barrel for near future oil, which is nearly triple what it now goes for, so at that point gasoline will be over $10 a gallon. The hyperinflation era could also be kick started overnight simply by the dollar being taken off its world currency standard pedestal, and replaced by another currency. No matter how it begins, though, you will definitely know when hyperinflation has begun, as the masses will suddenly be shocked into reality and panic will ensue.

    The story about the German wheelbarrow has been retold a great many times, and relates to a factual event. The person who stole the wheelbarrow realized that the wheelbarrow actually had value, while the mound of money inside it did not, so dumped the money on the street to lighten his load before making off with the greater asset.

    In Germany, the inflationary panic actually ended when they began using US dollars to pay worker salaries. Before that, workers were demanding to be paid every hour, rather than daily or weekly, because their money was decreasing in value so fast. So it was the US dollar that saved them, and ended their hyperinflationary period. And that was because the US dollar was rock solid and backed by gold, but that isn't the case any more, which means that we will have to rely on something else.

    Until there is a widely accepted currency that is backed by gold or silver, or something else of real value, then our financial salvation lies in realizing that hyperinflation is coming, and converting our savings dollars - as quickly as possible - to some true asset, be it precious metals, real estate, or whatever. It needs to be a tangible, true asset, and preferably a highly liquid asset, which means that it is always going to be in high demand and can easily be partially exchanged for other goods or assets, or entirely liquidated when the need arises. It is difficult to partially liquidate real estate, of course, unless it is a sizable land mass that can be divided into many smaller parcels, each to be disposed of whenever necessary.


    It's the same old game here, smoke and mirrors.

    My Way News - Budget tricks helped Obama save programs from cuts

    I'm really getting tired of the so called 'NEWS'. It is so micro-managed by the government that all it contains is BS that has nothing to do with what is taking place. Last night I watched four news cast across two different networks and not a one mentioned that Japan had raised the level of reactor damage to the highest.

    What is sad is that the EPA was also left intact by them less than intelligent people proclaiming to be looking out for us. Texas power rates may triple as a result of the EPA and the Obama mandate that Green in in one way or another.

    Looking back a few posts 'Water the Liberty Tree', no! Take a small clipping if one can be found and uproot the parent. There is no saving what exists.


    • What is he hiding?

      As Obama himself points out, at 1:53 elapsed time in this video, "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with somethin' to hide."

      Never were truer words spoken by someone who lies so often. We can only imagine what Obama is actually hiding by refusing to release his long form birth certificate, but it certainly is obvious that, by refusing to do so, he definitely has something to hide.

      Chiyome Fukino, former head of the Hawaiian state agency in charge of birth records, said that the Certification of Live Birth displayed by the Obama campaign in 2008 is the only document the state releases. "He [Obama] put out exactly what everybody gets when they ask for a birth certificate." Joshua Wisch, of the Hawaii attorney general's office, went further, telling MSNBC that, "It's a Department of Health record and it can't be released to anybody," saying there are no provisions that authorize copying such records.

      The above statements by Fukino and Wisch have been proven to be lies, however. Copies of other persons' long form birth certificates have been obtained and posted on the Internet. Here are examples:

      Here is a copy of a long form certificate obtained by Susan Nordyke, who was born in Honolulu August 5, 1961, the day after Obama's birth.

      On Oct. 13, 2010, a contributor with the username "Danae" posted on a copy of her
      long-form birth certificate originally issued in 1969, but which the Hawaii Department of Health mailed to her
      on Sept. 28, 2010, after she paid a $10 fee.
      An image of her posting:

      To verify her transaction, she also posted a receipt she was sent Sept. 28, 2010, by the Hawaii state agency,
      documenting the $10 fee to get her long-form, hospital-generated certificate.
      Here is that image:

      "Danae" followed up with a photograph of her original long-form, hospital-generated
      certificate of live birth side-by-side with the copy she was sent:

      She went even further, posting an image of both of those documents along with a short-form COLB,
      similar to the one presented by Obama's campaign, that she also had asked the Hawaii Department of Health to produce:

      "Danae" obtained her long-form, hospital-generated certificate of birth to win a $200 bet with another FreeRepublic participant operating under the username "STARWISE." STARWISE dared someone to prove he or she could get a long-form birth certificate from the Hawaii DOH after 2001, when the Hawaii DOH went electronic and agency spokeswoman Janice Okubo claimed they quit issuing such documents.

      In fact, the Hawaii Revised Statutes, Paragraph 38-13(a) specifies that the agency "shall, upon request, furnish an applicant a certified copy of any certificate, or the contents of any certificate, or any part thereof." Further, subparagraph C allows that copies of birth certificates "may be made by photograph, dry copy reproduction, typing, computer printout or other process approved by the director of health."

      According to a report in "The Post & Email" blog by Miki Booth, others have gotten long-form documents from Hawaii, too. She wrote, "When my son, Alan, requested a copy of his birth certificate he got just that – a "Certificate of Live Birth," not the same as Obama's 'Certification.' Different titles and different information. Obama's is sorely lacking information required for obtaining a passport – Mother's State/Country of Birth and Father's State/Country of Birth," she wrote.
      Further, she wrote about the experience of a friend, whose name was not revealed, just this year. She released an image of a "Certificate of Live Birth" that appears to be a long-form document with much additional detail not included in a short-form "Certification of Live Birth." She said the long-form "Certificate of Live Birth" was obtained from Hawaii quite recently, in March 2011.
      The image she posted on the Post & Email site:

      The above documents clearly show that we were lied to by Hawaiian officials, but what does Hawaii law actually state about release of birth records? That section of Hawaii law states, regarding the release of vital statistics records, "The department shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record."

      Hmm, and how do they suppose that we, the American Public, do not have a "direct and tangible interest" in obtaining a copy of the original record when it is the only document that could either verify or renounce Obama's claim to a Hawaiian birth? If it renounced his claim, then by default he is an illegal usurper of the Presidency, and likely an illegal alien as well, so of course we have a "direct and tangible interest" in learning the truth of the matter. I hope Donald Trump uses his power and influence to pursue disclosure of the original record on that basis.

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • So then what?

        Hmm, and how do they suppose that we, the American Public, do not have a "direct and tangible interest" in obtaining a copy of the original record when it is the only document that could either verify or renounce Obama's claim to a Hawaiian birth? If it renounced his claim, then by default he is an illegal usurper of the Presidency, and likely an illegal alien as well, so of course we have a "direct and tangible interest" in learning the truth of the matter. I hope Donald Trump uses his power and influence to pursue disclosure of the original record on that basis.
        Okay, so it is at last found that he is not a valid president and maybe an illegal, so what do you feel this will accomplish?

        What would be done and by who?


        • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post

          What would be done and by who?
          Hi Dr Stiffler
          The Congress and the courts need to remove him from office. If they can't or won't....
          The military needs to remove him from office. If they cant or wont....
          The malitias will.
          Smile it doesn't hurt!

          Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


          • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
            Hi Dr Stiffler
            The Congress and the courts need to remove him from office. If they can't or won't....
            The military needs to remove him from office. If they cant or wont....
            The malitias will.
            And that is how the Liberty Tree gets watered and remains healthy.
            Smile it doesn't hurt!

            Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


            • Only one problem with all this

              If Obama is removed from office, we get hoof in mouth Biden as pres.Which is probably why he was selected; sort of an 'Insurance' policy.He may be a 'natural born citisen, but he's way too close to the oval office, as it is.
              Unless someone wanted to say that since Obama's election was 'illegal' Bidens is too, since they were on the same ticket.So then, who's next? Boener, as Speaker, right? Well, I guess I could live with that,....Jim


              • Back to hyperinflation

                Got wife's 401k, decent amount building up in it. Can't put in gold, so wondering if the foreign 'emerging markets fund might be better than US stocks, as a hedge against inflation or hyperinflation.Or can she quit, and come back a week later, so we can get that $ in a place where we have more options.
                Also wondering whats going to happen to IRA's and the companies that manage them.Have one where I can put $ in physical gold; supposedly they actually buy gold and 'hold onto it' for you.Or, should I just take the $ out, pay the penalty, and invest in gold I can hold onto, my own self. If I could be confident of getting the timing right, I could take the $ out, invest in gold, and then pay the penalty in hyperinflated (worthless) dollars! Hmmmm,..Jim
                Last edited by dutchdivco; 04-12-2011, 08:16 PM.


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  If Obama is removed from office, we get hoof in mouth Biden as pres.Which is probably why he was selected; sort of an 'Insurance' policy.He may be a 'natural born citisen, but he's way too close to the oval office, as it is.
                  Unless someone wanted to say that since Obama's election was 'illegal' Bidens is too, since they were on the same ticket.So then, who's next? Boener, as Speaker, right? Well, I guess I could live with that,....Jim

                  You could use the idea that since Obama's election was illegal his entire ticket was illegal. However a more legal precedant would that Biden was an accomplis. Biden was Obama's running mate so Biden must have known that Obama could not legally run for office. Once supenias start flying, I am certain some aid will come forward to protect him or herself and provide evidenace to show Biden knew.
                  Smile it doesn't hurt!

                  Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27


                  • Let's hit this point. Trump has investigators checking this all out, right? My guess is that globalists like him will suddenly find the cert. ur all looking for. Just in time for the elections. Will have to be fake or we would have seen it by now. MSM will sell it completely. Listen to me now and believe me later. Apologies will be forth comming and the sheeple will breath a sigh of rellief. You can guess what that means. Won't matter who you vote for. The puppet is in place for another 4 yrs of complete screwing of this and all countries. Hate to be Mr. gloom and doom. Until we truley find ourselves able to give our lives for our country we will take what we get. People, the fix is in and has been for a long time. They have the MATH. 85% of the US is obese.Nothing wrong obese, they're just not awake, or they would realise that thry're being lead to the slaughter in more than one way. They study American Idol and such things. NASA has super computers that know when you fart lol, pretty much tho. They know the MATH. How many people read things like this. It's tiny!! If 20 million people read this it would be huge. I'm thinking 10,000 on a good day. 9 billion and u got a revelotion. I could just go on and on. Thanks for indluging my rant. Scotty, beam me up.


                    • Originally posted by Bizzy View Post
                      Hi Dr Stiffler
                      The Congress and the courts need to remove him from office. If they can't or won't....
                      The military needs to remove him from office. If they cant or wont....
                      The malitias will.
                      Well at last a man that see's a plan. Although forget the Congress and the Courts. Look if they really wanted to do or could do anything, would they not be at it 24/7? What a sweet deal for a party to regain total control, kick him out. No that will never happen IMHO. I also wonder what would happen to all th exec orders he has signed and the laws he signed into law. Would or could all these be null and void?

                      I feel its up to one or both of the last two possible actions for a clean up and restructure no matter Mr. O's status. It's time to clean house is it not?

                      Thanks for the insight.


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        Got wife's 401k, decent amount building up in it. Can't put in gold, so wondering if the foreign 'emerging markets fund might be better than US stocks, as a hedge against inflation or hyperinflation.Or can she quit, and come back a week later, so we can get that $ in a place where we have more options.
                        Also wondering whats going to happen to IRA's and the companies that manage them.Have one where I can put $ in physical gold; supposedly they actually buy gold and 'hold onto it' for you.Or, should I just take the $ out, pay the penalty, and invest in gold I can hold onto, my own self. If I could be confident of getting the timing right, I could take the $ out, invest in gold, and then pay the penalty in hyperinflated (worthless) dollars! Hmmmm,..Jim
                        Why can't wife's IRA be placed in a gold IRA?

                        The holding companies that safeguard IRA gold assets are probably the most secure sites in the nation. I wouldn't advise you attempting to keep any valuable gold or silver assets in a home safe, or wherever.

                        As far as taking money out of an IRA and paying the 20% penalty tax on it goes, that's a lot better than just leaving those savings where they are. Consider this - just two years ago gold was around $640 an ounce, and today is around $1,450. That's a 79% increase in value. During the same time period, the dollar has actually fallen in value by an equal percentage. Now suppose there were two people in 2009 that each had $100,00 in an IRA. One withdrew and transferred his assets to a gold IRA. The other left his account alone. The person who left his money alone still has $100,000 (plus some very meager interest added), but in reality his account, if cashed in now, would buy far less than what it could have purchased 2 years ago, especially if he now wants to buy gold. The person who did buy gold could now sell his assets for $179,000. Or better yet, keep those assets in place at least until the end of 2011, when gold is likely to reach $2,000 an ounce and his assets will have appreciated to nearly $250,000 in value. Just remember this fact - gold is not actually increasing in value, it is just that it takes a lot more dollars to buy it because the dollar is falling so fast. Any investment pegged to US dollars has been, and will continue to be a losing investment, even if on paper it looks like you are making gains.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Read my post, again

                          My IRA is already IN a gold assets one. Thing is, wife also has a 401k thru her work, with matching, etc., 401k's don't give you that many options, and one they don't give is gold.Its starting to build up to a, for us, not insignificant amount.She might have to quit, so she can roll it over into the IRA, and then go back to work at the same place. Kind of like a 'leave of absence', only on paper looks like a ending of employment, just to get the 401k $ freed up. Seems extreme, but I can't think of any other way. Like I said, thats why my other choice would be to put the $ in the offered fund that is 'emerging markets' i.e. companies in other countries. Presumably they wouldn't be tied to the dollar. Jim


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            As Obama himself points out, at 1:53 elapsed time in this video, "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with somethin' to hide."

                            Never were truer words spoken by someone who lies so often. We can only imagine what Obama is actually hiding by refusing to release his long form birth certificate, but it certainly is obvious that, by refusing to do so, he definitely has something to hide.
                            Not Natural Born — TRUTH MATTERS | Personal Liberty Digest

                            "Stanley Armour Dunham's distant cousins include six US presidents: James Madison, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. [19] Through a common ancestor, Mareen Duvall, ...Stanley Dunham is related to former Vice-President Dick Cheney (an eighth cousin once removed).[2] Through another common ancestor, Hans Gutknecht, ...Stanley Dunham is President Harry S. Truman's fourth cousin, twice removed."
                   - Obama's Jewish Grandfather

                            Barack Obama won 52.9 percent of the votes in the presidential election. But that is not why he is President of the United States. He sits in the White House for one reason and one reason only: Barack Obama was Rothschild’s Choice.
                            Rothschild's Choice



                            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                              Well at last a man that see's a plan. Although forget the Congress and the Courts. Look if they really wanted to do or could do anything, would they not be at it 24/7? What a sweet deal for a party to regain total control, kick him out. No that will never happen IMHO. I also wonder what would happen to all th exec orders he has signed and the laws he signed into law. Would or could all these be null and void?

                              I feel its up to one or both of the last two possible actions for a clean up and restructure no matter Mr. O's status. It's time to clean house is it not?

                              Thanks for the insight.
                              Hi Dr Stffler
                              Although I dont trust the courts or congress to do the right thing, I am still an American and believe in our Constitution. And we as Americans have to believe that our Constitution will protect us, so I would rather give the congress and the courts the opertunity to correct itself before more drastic measures are used.
                              Unfortunately the career politicians don't have the stomach to do what is right, if they did, social security would be fully funded and there would be no national debt. So when the actual proof surfices that Obama is the fraud we all know he is and when Congress and the Courts fail to act, that will be the time for the military and or the militias to act.
                              It is the sworn duty of the military and the malitias to up hold and protect the Constitution.

                              P.S. I just realized how ironic that statement is coming from a guy who uses a Swiss flag as an icon.
                              Smile it doesn't hurt!

                              Jesus said,"...all things are possible through God." Mk10:27

