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Global Warming & The Price of Gas Part I

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  • Global Warming & The Price of Gas Part I

    I just read this...would like to hear others opinions, and basis for them.

    Global Warming and the Price of a Gallon of Gas
    by John Coleman

    You may want to give credit where credit is due to Al Gore and his global warming campaign the next time you fill your car with gasoline, because there is a direct connection between Global Warming and four dollar a gallon gas. It is shocking, but true, to learn that the entire Global Warming frenzy is based on the environmentalist’s attack on fossil fuels, particularly gasoline. All this big time science, international meetings, thick research papers, dire threats for the future; all of it, comes down to their claim that the carbon dioxide in the exhaust from your car and in the smoke stacks from our power plants is destroying the climate of planet Earth. What an amazing fraud; what a scam.

    The future of our civilization lies in the balance.

    That’s the battle cry of the High Priest of Global Warming Al Gore and his fellow, agenda driven disciples as they predict a calamitous outcome from anthropogenic global warming. According to Mr. Gore the polar ice caps will collapse and melt and sea levels will rise 20 feet inundating the coastal cities making 100 million of us refugees. Vice President Gore tells us numerous Pacific islands will be totally submerged and uninhabitable. He tells us global warming will disrupt the circulation of the ocean waters, dramatically changing climates, throwing the world food supply into chaos. He tells us global warming will turn hurricanes into super storms, produce droughts, wipe out the polar bears and result in bleaching of coral reefs. He tells us tropical diseases will spread to mid latitudes and heat waves will kill tens of thousands. He preaches to us that we must change our lives and eliminate fossil fuels or face the dire consequences. The future of our civilization is in the balance.

    With a preacher’s zeal, Mr. Gore sets out to strike terror into us and our children and make us feel we are all complicit in the potential demise of the planet.

    Here is my rebuttal.

    There is no significant man made global warming. There has not been any in the past, there is none now and there is no reason to fear any in the future. The climate of Earth is changing. It has always changed. But mankind’s activities have not overwhelmed or significantly modified the natural forces.

    Through all history, Earth has shifted between two basic climate regimes: ice ages and what paleoclimatologists call “Interglacial periods”. For the past 10 thousand years the Earth has been in an interglacial period. That might well be called nature’s global warming because what happens during an interglacial period is the Earth warms up, the glaciers melt and life flourishes. Clearly from our point of view, an interglacial period is greatly preferred to the deadly rigors of an ice age. Mr. Gore and his crowd would have us believe that the activities of man have overwhelmed nature during this interglacial period and are producing an unprecedented, out of control warming.

    Well, it is simply not happening. Worldwide there was a significant natural warming trend in the 1980’s and 1990’s as a Solar cycle peaked with lots of sunspots and solar flares. That ended in 1998 and now the Sun has gone quiet with fewer and fewer Sun spots, and the global temperatures have gone into decline. Earth has cooled for almost ten straight years. So, I ask Al Gore, where’s the global warming?

    The cooling trend is so strong that recently the head of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had to acknowledge it. He speculated that nature has temporarily overwhelmed mankind’s warming and it may be ten years or so before the warming returns. Oh, really. We are supposed to be in a panic about man-made global warming and the whole thing takes a ten year break because of the lack of Sun spots. If this weren’t so serious, it would be laughable.

    Now allow me to talk a little about the science behind the global warming frenzy. I have dug through thousands of pages of research papers, including the voluminous documents published by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I have worked my way through complicated math and complex theories. Here’s the bottom line: the entire global warming scientific case is based on the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from the use of fossil fuels. They don’t have any other issue. Carbon Dioxide, that’s it.

    Hello Al Gore; Hello UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Your science is flawed; your hypothesis is wrong; your data is manipulated. And, may I add, your scare tactics are deplorable. The Earth does not have a fever. Carbon dioxide does not cause significant global warming.

    The focus on atmospheric carbon dioxide grew out a study by Roger Revelle who was an esteemed scientist at the Scripps Oceanographic Institute. He took his research with him when he moved to Harvard and allowed his students to help him process the data for his paper. One of those students was Al Gore. That is where Gore got caught up in this global warming frenzy. Revelle’s paper linked the increases in carbon dioxide, CO2, in the atmosphere with warming. It labeled CO2 as a greenhouse gas.

    Charles Keeling, another researcher at the Scripps Oceanographic Institute, set up a system to make continuous CO2 measurements. His graph of these increases has now become known as the Keeling Curve. When Charles Keeling died in 2005, his son David, also at Scripps, took over the measurements. Here is what the Keeling curve shows: an increase in CO2 from 315 parts per million in 1958 to 385 parts per million today, an increase of 70 parts per million or about 20 percent.

    All the computer models, all of the other findings, all of the other angles of study, all come back to and are based on CO2 as a significant greenhouse gas. It is not.

    Here is the deal about CO2, carbon dioxide. It is a natural component of our atmosphere. It has been there since time began. It is absorbed and emitted by the oceans. It is used by every living plant to trigger photosynthesis. Nothing would be green without it. And we humans; we create it. Every time we breathe out, we emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is not a pollutant. It is not smog. It is a naturally occurring invisible gas.

    Let me illustrate. I estimate that this square in front of my face contains 100,000 molecules of atmosphere. Of those 100,000 only 38 are CO2; 38 out of a hundred thousand. That makes it a trace component. Let me ask a key question: how can this tiny trace upset the entire balance of the climate of Earth? It can’t. That’s all there is to it; it can’t.

    The UN IPCC has attracted billions of dollars for the research to try to make the case that CO2 is the culprit of run-away, man-made global warming. The scientists have come up with very complex creative theories and done elaborate calculations and run computer models they say prove those theories. They present us with a concept they call radiative forcing. The research organizations and scientists who are making a career out of this theory, keep cranking out the research papers. Then the IPCC puts on big conferences at exotic places, such as the recent conference in Bali. The scientists endorse each other’s papers, they are summarized and voted on, and viola, we are told global warming is going to kill us all unless we stop burning fossil fuels.

    May I stop here for a few historical notes? First, the internal combustion engine and gasoline were awful polluters when they were first invented. And, both gasoline and automobile engines continued to leave a layer of smog behind right up through the 1960’s. Then science and engineering came to the environmental rescue. Better exhaust and ignition systems, catalytic converters, fuel injectors, better engineering throughout the engine and reformulated gasoline have all contributed to a huge reduction in the exhaust emissions from today’s cars. Their goal then was to only exhaust carbon dioxide and water vapor, two gases widely accepted as natural and totally harmless. Anyone old enough to remember the pall of smog that used to hang over all our cities knows how much improvement there has been. So the environmentalists, in their battle against fossil fuels and automobiles had a very good point forty years ago, but now they have to focus almost entirely on the once harmless carbon dioxide. And, that is the rub. Carbon dioxide is not an environmental problem; they just want you now to think it is.

    Cont. in Part II
    Last edited by Kevin; 06-16-2008, 12:07 AM.

    PATHS For Healing
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  • #2
    The high fuel price is to help curb global warming (of course no officials will admit this), not some conspiracy to make oil co's more $. In our system (the USA) this was probably the only solution.... since the public claims to care about global warming, yet if fuel wasn't up 300 percent, everyone would still be cruising their SUVs.
    With the high fuel prices joy riding, etc is way down, and hybrid demand is way up. Not because of global warming, but because of $$.

    As for the reality of global warming, use your head... man made warming (and natural) is real. We've been putting CO2, that has been in the ground for millions of years back into the atmosphere, cutting down trees that convert CO2 into oxygen... I'm just curious how set back our atmosphere is today.. 400k years? 2mil?

    What are you really concerned about? Sounds like $$.


    • #3
      Al Gore is a Hypocrite

      You want to see a real problem. How bout a ice age to really cause problems...

      Al Gore is from a family that made its fortune in natural resource exploitiation. Yes his folks were the ones that ran the coal mine and the coal train. Now he does his penance preaching some penitential psychosis that earned him a half assed gold medal from some synchopaths.

      Global warming potential is nothing compared to the potential of a coming ice age that will really test the worlds survival ability.

      Dart board science is nothing compared to the reality of solar cycles and the things that really control our climate.

      Rant over...
      "But ye shall receive power..."
      Acts 1:8


      • #4
        PS: about petrol beeing expensive. just face it, it's not really that expensive at all. just think of the entire process of getting the oil out, make the actuall petrol and diesel etc.
        next time you by a soda of some sorts, check out how mush that is per gallon.
        Don't know about the US though I am pretty sure we are in the same boat. over 50% of the price of fuel is duty... then there is value added tax on top of that.

        The goverments are in control of the cost of fuel. and putting up the cost of fuel puts up the cost of everything (transport and manufacturing costs that the consumer pays for the product in the end)... and guess what? they have value added tax on top of those products as well.

        It is stealth tax. By increasing the cost of fuel they not only increase their revenue in fuel duty, but also the tax on EVERYTHING!

        "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

        “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
        Nikola Tesla


        • #5
          The biggest problem is that crude oil is traded as a commodity, much like the stock systems.

          How else would Exxon make record profits, give out record bonuses to executives, all while "re-investing" back into the market? On top of that, they claim to be hit just as hard, as its more expensive for them to buy.

          Uh huh.



          • #6
            I believe, we here in the US are in for a wild ride, in the not to distance future. I don't believe a word of the Global warming cries. Just like I don't believe we can make our cars burn more gas and be better for the air. I also don't think we should be making fuel out of our CORN. I heard today that the US food reserves are GONE.

            I believe these radical environmentalists have a hidden agenda.

            I don't want to get my blood pressure up, so I will stop here.



            • #7
              Have you been approached to proxy out your "carbon credits" ? brace yourself, the carbon tax will be a burden, it is the coming big business boom, brought to you by the UN agenda 21 (alias sustainable development) however the bigest roadblock to implementing the agenda is "private ownership of land" that should raise a red flag for you.

              Gas prices are high because of the losses the mortgage scammers are now making up for in speculating with oil trading.

              The mortgage scam was a result of the central banks (federal reserve among others) and the debt based monetary systems they promote.

              Whats the difference? why bother with the keystrokes? most people do not even realize that the federal reserve is not a government agency, but rather a private held company.

              Our time is better spent building renewable energy systems such as Hydrogen reactors or "boosters" as they are called on this forum, windmills, solar panels, wood stoves, and whatever other "verifiable" energy sources such as are being tested and replicated here.

              Global warming ? go look at the earthquakes in the asia pacific region and notice that the Lava is causing the ocean to evaporate sending alot of water vapor up.

              As far as CO2 causing this, I AM a scientist and I am disagreeing because the facts just do not justify it, not to mention algore is a nutcase.

              It is more important to utilize the positive energies and make something happen for the good.
              Wanna know the future? GOD Wins !!


              • #8
                part 2 discussion

                The other part of the discussion:
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9
                  Inducing fear is the main agenda of governments, which would paralyze the population they know! Nothing can be proven, but one's common sense suggests that we ought to stop interfering with nature, we'd better work with nature side by side, even though CO2 may have nothing to do with global warming. We must understand that there is much more to nature than the properties we observe. Nature has the ability to heal itself. Nature is constantly reminding us how to live naturally by the symptoms she shows us, as a result of our actions. As more and more people understand how to live naturally, in the moment, more and more harmony would be established between us and the universe, which would result in Heaven on Earth. So let's hope this is the direction we are leading to.
                  Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kevin View Post
                    I just read this...would like to hear others opinions, and basis for them.

                    Global Warming and the Price of a Gallon of Gas
                    by John Coleman

                    You may want to give credit where credit is due to Al Gore and his global warming campaign the next time you fill your car with gasoline, because there is a direct connection between Global Warming and four dollar a gallon gas. It is shocking, but true, to learn that the entire Global Warming frenzy is based on the environmentalist’s attack on fossil fuels, particularly gasoline. All this big time science, international meetings, thick research papers, dire threats for the future; all of it, comes down to their claim that the carbon dioxide in the exhaust from your car and in the smoke stacks from our power plants is destroying the climate of planet Earth. What an amazing fraud; what a scam.

                    The future of our civilization lies in the balance.

                    That’s the battle cry of the High Priest of Global Warming Al Gore and his fellow, agenda driven disciples as they predict a calamitous outcome from anthropogenic global warming. According to Mr. Gore the polar ice caps will collapse and melt and sea levels will rise 20 feet inundating the coastal cities making 100 million of us refugees. Vice President Gore tells us numerous Pacific islands will be totally submerged and uninhabitable. He tells us global warming will disrupt the circulation of the ocean waters, dramatically changing climates, throwing the world food supply into chaos. He tells us global warming will turn hurricanes into super storms, produce droughts, wipe out the polar bears and result in bleaching of coral reefs. He tells us tropical diseases will spread to mid latitudes and heat waves will kill tens of thousands. He preaches to us that we must change our lives and eliminate fossil fuels or face the dire consequences. The future of our civilization is in the balance.

                    With a preacher’s zeal, Mr. Gore sets out to strike terror into us and our children and make us feel we are all complicit in the potential demise of the planet.

                    Here is my rebuttal.

                    There is no significant man made global warming. There has not been any in the past, there is none now and there is no reason to fear any in the future. The climate of Earth is changing. It has always changed. But mankind’s activities have not overwhelmed or significantly modified the natural forces.

                    Through all history, Earth has shifted between two basic climate regimes: ice ages and what paleoclimatologists call “Interglacial periods”. For the past 10 thousand years the Earth has been in an interglacial period. That might well be called nature’s global warming because what happens during an interglacial period is the Earth warms up, the glaciers melt and life flourishes. Clearly from our point of view, an interglacial period is greatly preferred to the deadly rigors of an ice age. Mr. Gore and his crowd would have us believe that the activities of man have overwhelmed nature during this interglacial period and are producing an unprecedented, out of control warming.

                    Well, it is simply not happening. Worldwide there was a significant natural warming trend in the 1980’s and 1990’s as a Solar cycle peaked with lots of sunspots and solar flares. That ended in 1998 and now the Sun has gone quiet with fewer and fewer Sun spots, and the global temperatures have gone into decline. Earth has cooled for almost ten straight years. So, I ask Al Gore, where’s the global warming?

                    The cooling trend is so strong that recently the head of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had to acknowledge it. He speculated that nature has temporarily overwhelmed mankind’s warming and it may be ten years or so before the warming returns. Oh, really. We are supposed to be in a panic about man-made global warming and the whole thing takes a ten year break because of the lack of Sun spots. If this weren’t so serious, it would be laughable.

                    Now allow me to talk a little about the science behind the global warming frenzy. I have dug through thousands of pages of research papers, including the voluminous documents published by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I have worked my way through complicated math and complex theories. Here’s the bottom line: the entire global warming scientific case is based on the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from the use of fossil fuels. They don’t have any other issue. Carbon Dioxide, that’s it.

                    Hello Al Gore; Hello UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Your science is flawed; your hypothesis is wrong; your data is manipulated. And, may I add, your scare tactics are deplorable. The Earth does not have a fever. Carbon dioxide does not cause significant global warming.

                    The focus on atmospheric carbon dioxide grew out a study by Roger Revelle who was an esteemed scientist at the Scripps Oceanographic Institute. He took his research with him when he moved to Harvard and allowed his students to help him process the data for his paper. One of those students was Al Gore. That is where Gore got caught up in this global warming frenzy. Revelle’s paper linked the increases in carbon dioxide, CO2, in the atmosphere with warming. It labeled CO2 as a greenhouse gas.

                    Charles Keeling, another researcher at the Scripps Oceanographic Institute, set up a system to make continuous CO2 measurements. His graph of these increases has now become known as the Keeling Curve. When Charles Keeling died in 2005, his son David, also at Scripps, took over the measurements. Here is what the Keeling curve shows: an increase in CO2 from 315 parts per million in 1958 to 385 parts per million today, an increase of 70 parts per million or about 20 percent.

                    All the computer models, all of the other findings, all of the other angles of study, all come back to and are based on CO2 as a significant greenhouse gas. It is not.

                    Here is the deal about CO2, carbon dioxide. It is a natural component of our atmosphere. It has been there since time began. It is absorbed and emitted by the oceans. It is used by every living plant to trigger photosynthesis. Nothing would be green without it. And we humans; we create it. Every time we breathe out, we emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is not a pollutant. It is not smog. It is a naturally occurring invisible gas.

                    Let me illustrate. I estimate that this square in front of my face contains 100,000 molecules of atmosphere. Of those 100,000 only 38 are CO2; 38 out of a hundred thousand. That makes it a trace component. Let me ask a key question: how can this tiny trace upset the entire balance of the climate of Earth? It can’t. That’s all there is to it; it can’t.

                    The UN IPCC has attracted billions of dollars for the research to try to make the case that CO2 is the culprit of run-away, man-made global warming. The scientists have come up with very complex creative theories and done elaborate calculations and run computer models they say prove those theories. They present us with a concept they call radiative forcing. The research organizations and scientists who are making a career out of this theory, keep cranking out the research papers. Then the IPCC puts on big conferences at exotic places, such as the recent conference in Bali. The scientists endorse each other’s papers, they are summarized and voted on, and viola, we are told global warming is going to kill us all unless we stop burning fossil fuels.

                    May I stop here for a few historical notes? First, the internal combustion engine and gasoline were awful polluters when they were first invented. And, both gasoline and automobile engines continued to leave a layer of smog behind right up through the 1960’s. Then science and engineering came to the environmental rescue. Better exhaust and ignition systems, catalytic converters, fuel injectors, better engineering throughout the engine and reformulated gasoline have all contributed to a huge reduction in the exhaust emissions from today’s cars. Their goal then was to only exhaust carbon dioxide and water vapor, two gases widely accepted as natural and totally harmless. Anyone old enough to remember the pall of smog that used to hang over all our cities knows how much improvement there has been. So the environmentalists, in their battle against fossil fuels and automobiles had a very good point forty years ago, but now they have to focus almost entirely on the once harmless carbon dioxide. And, that is the rub. Carbon dioxide is not an environmental problem; they just want you now to think it is.

                    Cont. in Part II
                    Hi! Kevin.
                    I agree with you and John Coleman about Al Gore. He and his world-wide gang are wrong. Man made co2 has only a slight effect on global warming.There is nothing unusual about scientists and politicians exhibiting the "Lemming instinct".Most of the scientific community of their times disagreed with Isaac Newton, Tesla and Einstein, among others.
                    However, as far as global warming, it is a fact There is unprecedented melting of the polar ice caps in a short period of time which rate is accelerating. The inter-glacial periods you mention take place over centuries.
                    The temperatue rise in the last 100 years corresponds directly to the rise in the use of fossil fuels, so there is some effect from using them.
                    The cycle of solar flares is about 11 years more active, 11 years less active. Suddenly, about 5 years ago, in the middle of the quieter cycle there were huge and unprecedented flares.
                    But the main reason we are warming up is the sun is burning hotter and moving closer. Unfortunately every scientist or institution that mentions it is ignored or quickly silenced. I saw an interview with the top scientist in the U.S. in this field who reported this uneqivocably and directly to president Bush. That's the main reason he disagrees with the Al Gore crowd.
                    As for internal combustion engines they do produce particulates that are getting into the atmosphere in large quantities , especially from aircraft engines and the parts of the world that are not "going green". There is a huge blanket of this stuff hanging over China, India and Indonesia in particular and it is expanding.A study done in 3 separate countries right after 9-11, when most aircraft worldwide were grounded for 48-72 hours showed a temperature rise of 3-4 degrees due to the decreased air traffic allowing the particulates to disperse and let the sun shine through. The only real solution is to run these engines on non-polluting water.
                    Lastly the price of oil is obviously being manipulated.That's the only reason the price would go from $12 to $140 per barrel in only 13 years. 30%-40% is caused by speculation, the same thing that was a major cause of the rise of housing prices and the subsequent collapse, and by the devaluation of the dollar and manipulation along the supply chain by various companies, governments and families who "control the flow".
                    Well, this has been long but you asked. I look forward to Part II.

                    the Al Gore crowd.


                    • #11
                      sun warming

                      I think the sun has a lot to do with any warming on Earth as well. But my take on it was because the magnetic field is weaker letting in more solar radiation when normally it is stronger and deflects much of it around the Earth.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        I think the sun has a lot to do with any warming on Earth as well. But my take on it was because the magnetic field is weaker letting in more solar radiation when normally it is stronger and deflects much of it around the Earth.
                        Hi! Aaron.
                        Your theory may be right to some degree. I know the earth's magnetic core is shifting at an increasing rate. There is evidence it may be about to swap poles. This shifting might also effect the overall strength. Hmmm?


                        • #13

                          first of all, i'm going to be brief due to the fact that i think my time (our time) would be better spent trying to do something about global warming instead of filling up pages of fear-driven nonsence.

                          secondly, for those of you who still think "the scientists" disagree on this subject, they don't. as mr. gore said, 99% of scientists working on this subject agree that we live in a world on the edge, and that CO2 emmisions are to blame (partially of course)

                          (i also must admit loving the internal combustion engine... european ones that is)

                          when you, kevin (which, when i read on turned out to be some bloke called John), say that, and i quote:

                          "Here is the deal about CO2, carbon dioxide. It is a natural component of our atmosphere. It has been there since time began. It is absorbed and emitted by the oceans. It is used by every living plant to trigger photosynthesis. Nothing would be green without it. And we humans; we create it. Every time we breathe out, we emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is not a pollutant. It is not smog. It is a naturally occurring invisible gas."

                          i totally agree with you, but the thing about CO2 as well as everything else is that more isn't always better. mother earth is like a beautifully tuned instrument and you can not start twisting the machine heads and expect it to play cleanly.

                          it's pretty strange isn't it, that the world has seen some of it's hottest days ever recorded at the same time the CO2 levels are skyrocketing. it's not bloody solar flares... and so what, even if it eventually turns out to be nothing to worry about, do you honestly believe that we are in the position where we can afford to take the chance? i know i won't.

                          PS: about petrol beeing expensive. just face it, it's not really that expensive at all. just think of the entire process of getting the oil out, make the actuall petrol and diesel etc.
                          next time you by a soda of some sorts, check out how mush that is per gallon.

                          oh terribly sorry mate, thought it was your work... but you get my point though.
                          "A goal is a dream with a deadline" - N. Hill


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by wpage View Post

                            Al Gore is from a family that made its fortune in natural resource exploitiation. Yes his folks were the ones that ran the coal mine and the coal train. Now he does his penance preaching some penitential psychosis that earned him a half assed gold medal from some synchopaths.
                            You probably didn't care to see Gore's movie, but there was a good section in their about how his family earned their living from farming. (I've never heard the coal mine piece, are you sure about that?)

                            They had tobacco as one of their crops. They kept growing it even when warnings about cigarettes came out. They stopped growing it when one of the family members died from lung cancer. He said there is a time to face facts and do what is right. A lesson learned after much pain.

                            I don't know Gore personally but from what I can tell of him, I admire him a ton.

                            Keep your mind on the aether


                            • #15
                              There is no global warming

                              The globe has been cooling for the last 10 years. glabal warming is not happening and it has nothing to do with mans activity anyway. gore is full of hot air just like any other politicians. the gas price is manipulated and we have plenty of oil available in the USA, we just cant use it becaues environmentalists pushed through so many laws agints oil drilling and against nuclear power. that is why we have an energy shortage. its all politics and nothing eles. read up on the history of global warming and you will realize its all pure politics and has no basis in fact. It was conceived to pass laws to control people tahts all it is. When the glob warms and cools it is not done by carbon dioxide at all, it is done by the solar cycles. carbon emmisions follow temperature changes. We are not doing alternitive and free enrgy becaues of global warming we are doing it to get out from under the contol of those that own the energy sources.

                              The Great Global Warming Swindle

                              YouTube - Lindsey Williams - The Energy Non-Crisis - Part 1 of 8

