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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • LOLOLOL carrots & peas !!! LOLOLOLOL

    this is reminding me of "will it blend"


    btw.....that 200mm sphere NEO........omg......that is seriously scarey !!!!!! i want nothing to do with anything like that


    • RET.,,,,damn that is one BRIGHT BULB !!!

      how did the neo sphere react when connected?

      also, did the amperage being drawn on the input increase at all when the 2nd bulb was breifly connected?

      David. D


      • holding that one-magnet in place

        @retrod - that l'il cannonball magnet is impressive, and watching it go makes me want one too to try in my bedini/rodin coil/generator setup as well. I have a one-incher, and it's decent enough, but WOW the mass of yours sure makes a difference!

        Do you use any special precautions when handling it and for keeping it in place over or beside the drive coil? I have issues keeping my one-inch sphere under control, and would like to hear any ideas you have before I order one of those large suckers. Currently I have two plastic dome shapes hot-glued together on the end of a short dowel to form a holding chamber for my sphere magnet, but the plastic gets worn away too quickly and guck builds up and mixes with the oil to make a mucky, semi-magnetic, difficult-to-clean-off, mess.

        Any attempt to put my magnet in a glass cup leads to the inevitable destruction of the cup, no matter the size/thickness. Any attempt to keep the magnet on top of a concave glass thingy (there are many variaties) always ends in me trying to catch super-high-speed neodymium bullets. Especially my try at a Saturn-Style (ala Lidmotor et al.).

        I've been thinking of ordering hollow spherical chambers - picture two hemispheres which I could screw together to form a whole sphere with the magnet inside. Glass? Brass? Aluminum? Thoughts?



        • Originally posted by rave154 View Post
          RET.,,,,damn that is one BRIGHT BULB !!!

          how did the neo sphere react when connected?

          also, did the amperage being drawn on the input increase at all when the 2nd bulb was breifly connected?

          David. D
          Yeah, I was hoping to burn out the 4 watt lamp, it is discolored inside the glass now . The input current always remains steady, that the beauty of the Bedini / Davro no bearing spinner. The neo sphere does not like the load being applied, it tended to wander away from the harvest coils and slow down. The rotating mass complicates any energy calculation, it is acting as a mechanical capacitor of sorts.

          If the design were to be optimized with perhaps an air bearing and more efficient coils it would be very interesting.



          • Originally posted by geminitric View Post
            @retrod - that l'il cannonball magnet is impressive, and watching it go makes me want one too to try in my bedini/rodin coil/generator setup as well. I have a one-incher, and it's decent enough, but WOW the mass of yours sure makes a difference!

            Do you use any special precautions when handling it and for keeping it in place over or beside the drive coil? I have issues keeping my one-inch sphere under control, and would like to hear any ideas you have before I order one of those large suckers. Currently I have two plastic dome shapes hot-glued together on the end of a short dowel to form a holding chamber for my sphere magnet, but the plastic gets worn away too quickly and guck builds up and mixes with the oil to make a mucky, semi-magnetic, difficult-to-clean-off, mess.

            Any attempt to put my magnet in a glass cup leads to the inevitable destruction of the cup, no matter the size/thickness. Any attempt to keep the magnet on top of a concave glass thingy (there are many variaties) always ends in me trying to catch super-high-speed neodymium bullets. Especially my try at a Saturn-Style (ala Lidmotor et al.).

            I've been thinking of ordering hollow spherical chambers - picture two hemispheres which I could screw together to form a whole sphere with the magnet inside. Glass? Brass? Aluminum? Thoughts?

            Hi Michael,
            In the spirit of the original thread I kept the set-up with no bearing. I don't have a solution worked out for a containment or bearing, that is not my forte. I would suggest a simple air bearing and an easily removable cage made of high impact plastic, no 'metal', after we have seen how many metals and alloys interact with the big magnet at speed.

            The only precaution I took in these tests was several slient prayers to the creator and then filpped the switch. So far I have been very lucky.



            • Ahhh...

              @ Ret

              6 V 100 Millamp

              That explains alot.... I was wondering why it was spinning so slow compared to others.

              Just be careful after eating your multi vitamin pill when you mess with this

              As well, you might either have to pulse the magnet to get voltage out to a cap, I have been using another inductor with a reed switch to a cap to take snippets of energy out.
              See my experiments here...

              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


              • @Retrod.Hi Dave.You are doing some great experiments with your cannonball
                I was wondering if you had considered trying using the 2" neo suspended El-tigre style.You may have to put some thought into it due to the weight of the Sphere but it could be done and may proove more stable under load.
                Also have you seen these vids on the steorn motor by wonder if we could use any of these ideas?What do you think?
                Also whenever i see high voltage AC,I always check to see if there are any SEC like effects going on.Can you see if there is any in your setup by connecting each end of your coil to a seperate alu tray or metal mass and checking with an led and avramenko plug?
                You have got us all on the edge of our seats with this one Dave.Great stuff.Regards jonny


                • not that this solves any problems with the magnet going out of control,
                  in fact it would make it worst...

                  Would not a spinning magnet tend to levitate above a copper or aluminum plate?

                  See video YouTube - Spinning Magnet and Spinning Copper Plate Experiment and
                  YouTube - Strong magnet falls on copper plate and
                  Eddy Currents 5K20.24

                  do see Magnet Man - Cool Experiments with Magnets
                  Diamagnetic Levitation

                  just something to think about.
                  Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                  Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                  • Sphere Stabilization

                    Hi Sphereists,

                    Back at post #285 I came up with a pretty effective method of stabilizing rotating neo shperes. It should work fine for the largest spheres with a bit of modification. "What I do is start the shpere spining on the glass plate and when it has stabilized you simply hold a small, 2 mm or so (please test to confirm optimum size/weight/shape of steel stabilizer) flat steel washer under the plate and above the coil. When you let go of the washer, it is immediately attracted to the spinning neo shpere and zaps right underneath it so the glass plate is between the neo and the washer. The sphere continues to spin but is now locked in place by the magnetic attraction to the flat washer. The shpere spins up with no noticable reduction in rpms but does not orbit all over the plate. I can even drop my pickup coil right on top of it without dislodging the spin orbit at all." (Engage the magnetic calipers and spin up the warp engine)

                    I also suggest a trip to the dollar store to buy a concave mirror used for magnification as they have a really nice parabolic shape and a good hard surface to work with and usually a plastic frame all around the exterior that creates a nice dance floor with a curb.

                    keep spinnin
                    Last edited by el-tigre; 12-31-2009, 05:30 PM. Reason: typos fixed
                    When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


                    • Broken Plate

                      Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                      @Retrod.Hi Dave.You are doing some great experiments with your cannonball
                      I was wondering if you had considered trying using the 2" neo suspended El-tigre style.You may have to put some thought into it due to the weight of the Sphere but it could be done and may proove more stable under load.
                      Also have you seen these vids on the steorn motor by wonder if we could use any of these ideas?What do you think?
                      Also whenever i see high voltage AC,I always check to see if there are any SEC like effects going on.Can you see if there is any in your setup by connecting each end of your coil to a seperate alu tray or metal mass and checking with an led and avramenko plug?
                      You have got us all on the edge of our seats with this one Dave.Great stuff.Regards jonny
                      Hi Jonny, thanks for all the great suggestions. Last night my plate broke that I was using for the large sphere, so it is a setback. I may search for a convex mirror as el-tigre has suggested after the snow storm passes and I dig out. I really was impressed by the K4ZEP videos, mainly with his scope. My scope is 40 years old and basically worthless for this kind of research. He is able see the operating waveforms in detail, must be nice .



                      • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                        not that this solves any problems with the magnet going out of control,
                        in fact it would make it worst...

                        Would not a spinning magnet tend to levitate above a copper or aluminum plate?

                        See video YouTube - Spinning Magnet and Spinning Copper Plate Experiment and
                        YouTube - Strong magnet falls on copper plate and
                        Eddy Currents 5K20.24

                        do see Magnet Man - Cool Experiments with Magnets
                        Diamagnetic Levitation

                        just something to think about.
                        I think Bismuth or some forms of Graphite would work, although they are brittle. Did you know most mechanical pencil leads (graphite) will levitate a bit above a strong neo magnet?? I showed in a video how copper and aluminum will spin above a powerful spinning magnet. This means that if those materials are fixed in place they will slow down the magnet spin.



                        • Originally posted by retrod View Post
                          I think Bismuth or some forms of Graphite would work, although they are brittle. Did you know most mechanical pencil leads (graphite) will levitate a bit above a strong neo magnet?? I showed in a video how copper and aluminum will spin above a powerful spinning magnet. This means that if those materials are fixed in place they will slow down the magnet spin.

                          Yes, I agree. bismuth/graphite both work in the same way as copper/aluminum.
                          All mirror the magnetic forces .. your image reflected in a mirror uses no energy.

                          Something to ponder about...
                          Bismuth is the most reflective and thus following the logic that
                          copper/aluminum would slow down the spin of the magnet would mean
                          that bismuth would slow the magnet spin down the most.. would it NOT?
                          Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                          Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                          • Originally posted by Vortex View Post
                            Yes, I agree. bismuth/graphite both work in the same way as copper/aluminum.
                            All mirror the magnetic forces .. your image reflected in a mirror uses no energy.

                            Something to ponder about...
                            Bismuth is the most reflective and thus following the logic that
                            copper/aluminum would slow down the spin of the magnet would mean
                            that bismuth would slow the magnet spin down the most.. would it NOT?
                            I will see if I can collect some pencil leads to check in green hopper over the spinning sphere once I replace the broken pyrex, or find a convex mirror. I don't have any Bismuth, although I believe a common source nowadays is something like a lead free shotgun shell. Have to make sure the firing end thingy doesn't hit the spinning magnet too hard


                            • Dave, Ok, after seeing this video, magnetic field on aluminum,
                              I agree and believe when the poles are spinning, a magnet can NOT levitate.
                              A magnet can only levitate if the poles are stationary.

                              The north and south are not of equal strength.
                              The unequal strength of north and south has be confirmed in other kinds of experiments as well.
                              I had forgotten about this unequal strength between the poles.

                              I was wrong, it was hopeful thinking.

                              This unequal strength is probably what sets the magnet into wobble
                              or into the larger circular motion, instead of just spinning at one spot.

                              worth remembering is magnet moves non magnetic aluminum hard disk platters
                              Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                              Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                              • Sphere inside a round tube?

                                Has anyone put the sphere inside a circular round tube with coils all around or wrapped around the tube?

                                Just a thought....


