Well it's not magic(sorry 4 the deception) but it is a radio, my first. It works and I can hear the one station I was hoping for; 1620kHz, 10,000 watts, 6 miles away.
I started this because of
Problem: It was easy, very easy. No matter what I do I can hear this station. I was expecting to have to "tune in" this station. So instead I minimized the components. An inductor(300uH, 60 turns, 20gauge), 1N34 germanium diode, crystal ear bud, and antenna(just about everything works(10 feet of 20 gauge, my body, cookie sheet, and even a beer can)) Some work better than others.
No capacitor??? Holding the coil is the best capacitor I found.
No ground. If I connect it to ground I either get a 60Hz hum when I use a water pipe or lower volume if I stick 2 feet of 6 gauge in the ground. I guess that means I need a better ground. Off to home depot for 10' water pipes.
Two questions for the group: (the goal is to maximize the reception of 1620kHz with only a crystal ear piece)
-There are a number of online calculators that allow you to calculate capatance for a given inductance or inductance for a given capatance, both for a given frequency? What "ratio" works best? (is it better to have more capatance or more inductance).
-Ground-What is good enough? Does it keep getting better as your ground system grows and gets deeper. Is it better to go deeper or wider(radial star like Dollard describes) I have lots of clay around here and I am going to try to water drill with the copper pipe as it goes down. How much better would 20' be over 10'?
Ok more than 2 questions but I'm learning.
I started this because of
Originally posted by T-rex
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No capacitor??? Holding the coil is the best capacitor I found.
No ground. If I connect it to ground I either get a 60Hz hum when I use a water pipe or lower volume if I stick 2 feet of 6 gauge in the ground. I guess that means I need a better ground. Off to home depot for 10' water pipes.
Two questions for the group: (the goal is to maximize the reception of 1620kHz with only a crystal ear piece)
-There are a number of online calculators that allow you to calculate capatance for a given inductance or inductance for a given capatance, both for a given frequency? What "ratio" works best? (is it better to have more capatance or more inductance).
-Ground-What is good enough? Does it keep getting better as your ground system grows and gets deeper. Is it better to go deeper or wider(radial star like Dollard describes) I have lots of clay around here and I am going to try to water drill with the copper pipe as it goes down. How much better would 20' be over 10'?
Ok more than 2 questions but I'm learning.
