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Eric Dollard

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  • James Barker
    Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
    Cyborg ... seems to be promoting a discouragement campaign in an effort to get people not to bother doing anything.

    Didn't Eric say something about computers being bad for you? I'm sensing a trend here. Watch out for people who identify too closely with technology, perhaps. "worshipers at the altar of the destruction of energy"...?

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  • dR-Green
    Cyborg = either Jimm or Kokomojo. He made this clear in his first post under the new alias to Smokey, I just can't be bothered to go back through the pages to find out which one of them it is. Assuming Jimm = not Kokomojo.

    I'm still waiting for a solid state circuit design from him, I wasn't being sarcastic when I asked because I have uses for it. But he doesn't want to talk to me Instead he seems to be promoting a discouragement campaign in an effort to get people not to bother doing anything. But he's only wasting his own time with all that nonsense. Those who would believe it would be useless anyway, he's inadvertently doing the job of weeding them out. Nature's way.

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  • Aaron

    Originally posted by cyborg View Post
    1)The lab was left in the hands of E.D. to continue or not, but the generous benefactors who set it all up have walked away after getting no cooperation, so Eric has to do the fund raising, but apparently that is too much work...
    Have you noticed the lack of appeals to continue the lab?

    2)I wasn't sure what he was trying to prove with the CRD, either.

    3) Tesla himself never claimed FTL.

    4)There was no "organization" until Eric's benefactors created one. Now that it has been left up to Eric, there will no longer be an "organization" as before.
    Eric is not an "organization" kind of guy. He wants to be left alone in his beloved "bush country" to research, dream and pontificate.

    5)How can you help? Send Eric money, lots of it, he likes that. However, don't ask what he's doing with it, just send more.

    Don't get me wrong. I really appreciate Eric's historic research talks, I think that is his strength. He should stay with that instead of pretending that he wants a lab venture that he does not want to do.
    Let's face it, he hasn't built anything new in 20 years!
    That is nothing but pure misinformation. Whether intentional or simply because you are obviously unaware of the facts is unknown by me, but it is pure misinformation nonetheless.

    1. Several people involved already had plans to boot Eric out of his own organization - this is a documented fact by someone that was a party to the conversations so the lab wasn't "left in the hands of" Eric. Wittekind even admits that was said but claims there was a misunderstanding in communication about it. Hmmm. Two of the trouble makers are gone and Wittekind will resign in January - was Wittekind really a trouble maker behind the scenes? I'd like to know. There are two other people that are on the board that have been there all along that almost nobody mentions. One is the Secretary now and one is the Director. Not getting cooperation? What was Eric supposed to build? After they sunk most of the money into the building, which increased the equity of EPD Laboratories, Inc. $0.00 since that equity is owned by the landlord, there were some parts, etc. but the building isn't even properly wired from the power line pole. In in almost every interview with Eric over the last several months, he has mentioned needing money to continue his work at the lab quite a few times. In EVERY promotion of Eric's books/videos it is very clear that proceeds are going to the non-profit to help pay for parts, operating expenses, etc. Mysteriously, you leave out the facts and make up your own.

    2. Irrelevant.

    3. It is self evident from the results of his work.

    4. FALSE. It was Justin Miller "the cowboy" who had the idea to create an organization to develop the work that he and Eric were involved in and Eric has known him for years. Eric's organization was always him and his associates that actually did the real work. This was way before any "helpers" showed up and put the organization on paper. Yes, the organization is a valuable tool for Eric's work - there is no denying that. The organization isn't left up to Eric as you falsely claim. There are a team of people he is working with and two are official board members besides Wittekind. The organization is VERY important to Eric and is more important to him than the building - this is irrefutable. You don't know what he wants so please don't spread this ignorance here.

    5. Pure condescending BS. Even in Eric's latest interview he was very clear that the recent money was put into making a successful CIG with John Polakowski, etc. You sound like a representative of the dark side. Eric is the most outspoken person out of them all that wants transparency on where the money went so people know it went to a good cause.

    Don't have to get you wrong at all. I think it is fairly impossible for anyone with common sense to not be able to clearly see that you are completely full of BS willfully or just out of ignorance. Those are the only two obvious possibilities and it is disrespectful to someone that contributes more in one paper to this field that you probably have in your entire life combined. In other words, you have no room to talk.

    You have no idea about the multiple TANGIBLE projects he is working on and you have just guaranteed that it will most likely stay that way for YOU.

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  • Aaron
    helping Eric and Glom

    Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
    How do we help?

    Is Mark McKay a holding area for Eric's GLOM?
    There will be another campaign specifically for the lab to generate as much as we can to save the building.

    Mark McKay's warehouses right now are only holding glom that he was going to give Eric personally.

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  • dR-Green
    An investigation into the series bulbs phenomena

    After further experimentation I believe I have discovered the reason why bulbs in series don't act as "normal", and what's more they can behave as if they are connected in parallel.

    The observable effect is that by adding more bulbs in series, they don't get progressively dimmer through the normal voltage drop in the series as one might expect, but rather the entire set increases or decreases in brightness EQUALLY along the whole line.

    Also if two bulbs are in series as an example, the one nearest to earth is inclined to be brighter than the one nearest to the power source, which is the opposite effect to how bulbs are "supposed" to behave when connected in series.

    However, the voltage measured across each bulb in the series appears to be approximately correct according to what it "should" be, that is, there is a measured voltage drop, but this doesn't seem to mean much/anything at all to the bulbs.

    The cause of this appears to be the capacitance on the other terminal of the bulb, or in other words the capacitance that's AFTER the filament. The bulb closest to earth has a direct path to this capacitance, whereas the first bulb in the series has the next bulb as a resistance, and as such doesn't have a direct path to the capacitance, and is consequently dimmer. The brightness of each bulb in the series can be independently controlled through adjusting the capacitance that's after the filament of any one bulb in question.

    2x 28V bulbs in series. The one on the right is closest to earth, the one on the left closest to the secondary coil output

    2x 28V bulbs in series as above, my finger making contact between the two bulbs

    8x grain of wheat/grain of rice bulbs in series before 2x 28V bulbs. The last but one bulb in the series of 8 small bulbs is dimly lit. This bulb has the capacitance of the metal in the terminal block on the "output" side of the filament, whereas the last bulb in the series of 8 does not. The bulb on the lower left is the last in the whole series

    Same configuration as above, my finger making contact between the two 28V bulbs. The increase in capacitance that's BEFORE the final bulb in the series now causes more of the small bulbs to light up

    8x grain of wheat/grain of rice bulbs with 1x 28V bulb in series. The 28V bulb is the last in the series

    8x grain of wheat/grain of rice bulbs in series. No apparent dimming towards the end of the series

    8 bulbs as above

    4x grain of wheat/grain of rice bulbs in series. No apparent dimming towards the end of the series again

    4 bulbs as above

    Last edited by dR-Green; 12-06-2013, 04:51 AM.

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  • cyborg
    another way of looking at things

    Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
    Hello Adam,

    So the promised Lab is no more and believe it terminates at the end of the year.

    Thankyou for the plug with respect the CRD as that is ongoing and I only stopped because of all the interference happening and had no idea of where that was taking us all plus I was short of HV caps for the Tests.

    Mention of the 'Tesla Cosmic Rays' and '50 times the speed of light' certainly adds flavour to the CRD project and will continue here to a conclusion and will assist others that may follow.
    I/we appreciate the work that Eric has put into these projects but it is the outside interference that mars the entire organisation and nobody feels secure and are hurting for Eric's salvation.

    I repeat - how do we help?

    1)The lab was left in the hands of E.D. to continue or not, but the generous benefactors who set it all up have walked away after getting no cooperation, so Eric has to do the fund raising, but apparently that is too much work...
    Have you noticed the lack of appeals to continue the lab?

    2)I wasn't sure what he was trying to prove with the CRD, either.

    3) Tesla himself never claimed FTL.

    4)There was no "organization" until Eric's benefactors created one. Now that it has been left up to Eric, there will no longer be an "organization" as before.
    Eric is not an "organization" kind of guy. He wants to be left alone in his beloved "bush country" to research, dream and pontificate.

    5)How can you help? Send Eric money, lots of it, he likes that. However, don't ask what he's doing with it, just send more.

    Don't get me wrong. I really appreciate Eric's historic research talks, I think that is his strength. He should stay with that instead of pretending that he wants a lab venture that he does not want to do.
    Let's face it, he hasn't built anything new in 20 years!

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  • Sputins
    @Adam Bull, (7redorbs)
    Thanks for sharing the interview & the pictures that went with it. I enjoyed it, particularly the discussions concerning Counterspace. But it’s upsetting to hear that things have gone even further south with David W. Surely a deal of some sort could be made concerning the building?

    @ dr Green, that is an awesome little set of TMT Coils you have there.
    Powering up the one as you have, it blows me away you can light small bulbs & neons from it with only +/- 0.7 of a volt on the primary!

    As Eric says in Adam’s latest interview, “The bulb lights up”. “When the bulb lights up, then you can think about it”! – Good stuff indeed.

    Also looking forward to seeing John's CIG testing videos & pics!

    I’m off to collect my filament transformer which has just come in.

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  • dward
    Just heard the interview you did Adam.

    Something that hit me was eric's comment about the Neutral in the grid no longer being a real neutral. I have personally, physically experienced this during grounding experiments. I tried earthing through the neutral(my place uses plastic pipes so the neutral is the only ground i have available). The first night i did feel better and body voltage dropped but the longer I continued to use it the weirder i felt. I became convinced simply by the way i felt that there were transients in my grounding system. I also noticed that my ability to intuitively tell time exactly, had changed(i became aware that I could now tell time to the second with uncanny accuracy,meaning my body's rhythm had changed). What convinced me of this was putting my RF freq. meter on my body as I laid on a neutral connected steel mesh. I was getting straight up 60cps and harmonics.

    My meter's response time is not good enough for most transients(it's a little handheld unit) but I have no doubt that they are there also. I noticed, for what it's worth that the steel mesh i was using as a grounding pad was acting as an antenna, picking up all the RF in my environment from wifi to AM and beyond, when I was laying on that thing i became an oscillator for all that stuff

    When I discovered this, I stopped all grounding experiments immediately, and I no longer felt so weird.

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  • madhatter
    Originally posted by 7redorbs View Post
    For all those interested here is a second interview I was able to do with Eric, recorded on the 1st day of December 2013.

    Best Wishes,
    Thanks, for putting that up.

    So far about 22min in. wanted to post about the topic of counter-space. It's about as confusing as QM, not saying that they are related but it's...wait for it....counter-intuitive

    the inverse relationship is merely a mental construct to try and grasp and higher dimensional plane. counter-space is the next dimension above our 3d one. it's where the e-field originates if you will, well we measure it as a field in our 3d space.

    There is a fair amount of algebra needed, beyond that... it gets difficult as then falsifiability is needed.

    time is a construct for a specific frame of reference, doesn't matter if we are dealing with SR,GR etc.. once you pick an origin the time is based on that origin, the trick becomes relating that to another origin not within your frame. once we step beyond our 3d world and into N-dimensions time is still a construct but we need to keep in mind the frame of reference, if the origin is in an Nth D how do we transform that into our 3D world? what we measure as quantum tunneling for example is merely the electron traveling in it's origin dimension.

    the current manipulation of the electron is purely within our 3d plane, as such there are inefficiencies and abnormal behavior. If we could manipulate the e-field in it's origin then we'd be masters of the universe, since we can not exist outside our own 3d space we then need to get a better grasp on how to excite or manipulate the e-field better, long prose short, that requires peeking behind the curtain.

    so back to the experimentation here, the work of Tesla and Farnsworth for example was the research on how to get the e-field in it's own dimensional plane to exhibit a charge imbalance in our 3d plane. FTL is possible when this is done within counter-space, pulse the field in counter-space then our 3d space rules are irrelevant.

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  • David G Dawson
    Eric's Situation

    Hello Adam,
    Not bad for a musician!
    Thankyou for the audio and allows us a better perception into the problems that Eric is currently encountering.
    So the promised Lab is no more and believe it terminates at the end of the year.
    How do we help?

    Is Mark McKay a holding area for Eric's GLOM?

    Thankyou for the plug with respect the CRD as that is ongoing and I only stopped because of all the interference happening and had no idea of where that was taking us all plus I was short of HV caps for the Tests.
    Working with the CRD Test 1 and 2 now and had to collect more high KV capacitors and these are difficult to obtain cheaply and as Eric said, has to be done on Ebay and simply takes time and it does cost.
    Buying new locally was out of the question and have picked up anything that has been offered on Ebay and now have a good value range.
    Even went to Russia for Teflons and the Ukraine for doorknobs as these two sources are the best for new at a reasonable price.
    Mention of the 'Tesla Cosmic Rays' and '50 times the speed of light' certainly adds flavour to the CRD project and will continue here to a conclusion and will assist others that may follow.
    I/we appreciate the work that Eric has put into these projects but it is the outside interference that mars the entire organisation and nobody feels secure and are hurting for Eric's salvation.

    I repeat - how do we help?


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  • dR-Green
    28V bulb between secondary coil ground and earth

    28V bulb between coil ground and me

    28V bulb between coil ground and me again (different bulb but same rating, bulb in previous image taken straight out of the box so has no wires attached)

    Possibly #472 lamp (will have to check) between secondary coil ground and earth

    4x 1.5V grain of rice/grain of wheat bulbs in series between secondary coil ground and earth. Note all bulbs in the series are of equal brightness

    4x 1.5 bulbs as above, neon bulb lit at top of capacitance terminal

    Neon bulb lit at top of capacitance terminal

    8 watt fluorescent tube around the extra coil

    Neon bulb at top of capacitance terminal with me holding the other wire

    Neon bulb at top of secondary coil/bottom of extra coil with me holding the other wire

    1.5V grain of rice/grain of wheat bulb between top of extra coil and bottom of capacitance terminal

    1.5V bulb as above with view of the whole coil and terminal

    Notes: Only the 28V bulb would work with me holding the other terminal and not requiring a connection to earth. All other bulbs tested need to be connected to earth in order to light, although not too much time was spent investigating the matter.

    Of other bulbs tested in series (higher power so not lit as brightly as the 1.5V bulbs) it would SEEM to be the case that the bulb nearest to earth is the brightest, the opposite to what one might expect. This may be due to small differences in the bulbs, but 2 different types of bulbs were tested and to the naked eye both appeared to exhibit the same effect which would make said differences highly unlikely or a fortunate coincidence. No further tests were done on the matter.
    Last edited by dR-Green; 12-05-2013, 06:03 AM.

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  • Sputins
    Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
    Thanks for posting it Adam.

    Also nice work Smokey and thanks for posting all the info and pictures. As you probably know we are all getting involved with "our own" projects so may look like no one is paying attention but personally I think everything will eventually come back around and the work you have done and posted so far will be most useful and appreciated. Eric has mentioned, and mentions again in Adam's latest interview his disappointment that no one is working on the CRD but I will certainly be getting into it in the near future. It's just a matter of doing the foundational work first in order to gain the necessary experience and "feel" for the equipment (coils) before advancing.

    On that note the Colorado Springs scale model is working rather well and at the moment has a terminal capacitance on the extra coil which brings the system to exactly the design frequency with minimal adjustments. With around +/-0.7V input to the primary neon bulbs are lighting up and a variety of filament bulbs are working with a single wire/pole. I came in to the house to gather some more bulbs to test before the lowest voltage ones blew but got sidetracked by a cup of tea. I'll conclude this late night lab session by taking some pictures.
    I have not yet had the chance to listen to Adam’s new interview yet but at the first chance this evening I will. (Then back to the workbench too).

    I have recently bought a NOS RCA 0A4G tube and intend to look into the CRD a little further down the road. As far as it is known, David Dawson built the first one from the given schematic, so perhaps he should start a new thread in the Dollard section where the basic circuits, tube data and attempted CRD builds can be posted all together.

    Funny enough only two days ago I was chatting to a friend who was talking about Cosmic Rays and how they could be detected or utilised and such. It was fortunate that I could then turn around offer him the Dollard schematic of the CRD & the forum link. Not that I could explain the circuit to him very well but he seemed interested in it and took it home to study.

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  • dR-Green
    Thanks for posting it Adam.

    Also nice work Smokey and thanks for posting all the info and pictures. As you probably know we are all getting involved with "our own" projects so may look like no one is paying attention but personally I think everything will eventually come back around and the work you have done and posted so far will be most useful and appreciated. Eric has mentioned, and mentions again in Adam's latest interview his disappointment that no one is working on the CRD but I will certainly be getting into it in the near future. It's just a matter of doing the foundational work first in order to gain the necessary experience and "feel" for the equipment (coils) before advancing.

    On that note the Colorado Springs scale model is working rather well and at the moment has a terminal capacitance on the extra coil which brings the system to exactly the design frequency with minimal adjustments. With around +/-0.7V input to the primary neon bulbs are lighting up and a variety of filament bulbs are working with a single wire/pole. I came in to the house to gather some more bulbs to test before the lowest voltage ones blew but got sidetracked by a cup of tea. I'll conclude this late night lab session by taking some pictures.

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  • 7redorbs
    New Eric Dollard Interview 04/12/2013

    For all those interested here is a second interview I was able to do with Eric, recorded on the 1st day of December 2013.

    Best Wishes,

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  • David G Dawson
    Tesla Transformer Pulse Generator

    TTPG is now working and just my inexperience with Thyratrons the problem.
    Found most documentation confusing to read as they appeared to use varying means to fire and grid arrangement was also different.
    Used a small AC/Regulated DC power supply I made up for bench experiments and attached this to the control grid on pin5 as a negative bias of about -7 volts and then advanced the Variac on the HT and found myself in several steps at 600 volts without problems with the 2050 firing away.
    At 460 volt HT I recorded 308 volts at the 2050 when firing with bias at - 6.41 volts.
    Pulse is 200cps at about 4 volts and am not sure what I should be using but will experiment.
    2050 is very noisy and sounds like a motorboat when active and am sure, would like to take-off.
    The Power Supply is variable from 1 up to 22 volts DC and excellent for Vacuum Tube bias work or even heaters and on the AC side the transformer is tapped and provides fixed 6/9/12 and 15 volt outputs.
    Nothing happening at the CSI and need now to look at what is coming out of the pulser into the NET and CSI.
    Will add this bias notation to the schematic.
    Happy that I proved the home designed 600 volt HT power Supply worked and all the other bits that went to make up the Pulser.
    If anybody wants the detail on any of this home-made equipment I am using outside of the main device, please let me know and will pass on.
    Fun stuff!


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