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How to build a water coil

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  • #31
    For M state water, I vote this:


    • #32
      Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
      For M state water, I vote this:

      Excellent sucahyo ; a nice addition to our research

      The question is, how would you go about building such a contraption, for testing?

      a couple of vid on Victor Schauberger: (it is in German, but watch the 1st vid starting at 8:00 min)

      YouTube - ‪Victor Schauberger‬‏

      first min you see the full water cycle according to Viktor Schauberger and also at 6:30, you how a vortex tube is made

      YouTube - ‪Viktor Schauberger Die Natur kapieren und kopieren part 3 von 8‬‏

      Viktor Schauberger; the Water Wizard
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-16-2011, 11:42 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #33
        Sacred Living Geometry -Enlightened Environmental Theories of Viktor Schauberger

        Sacred Living Geometry -Enlightened Environmental Theories of Viktor Schauberger

        The research of Callum Coats takes us on a journey through the life and inventions of Austrian ecologist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958). Now, for the first time, you can view the evidence in this detailed, three-hour illustrated lecture presentation on this two video set. Viktor Schauberger was a genius whose ideas were far ahead of his time. He worked as a "forest-master" in the Austrian Alps
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #34
          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          Excellent sucahyo ; a nice addition to our research

          The question is, how would you go about building such a contraption, for testing?
          We made it horizontal. We use copper pipe to twist the water output to counter clockwise rotation, then to use the output to make a big clockwise water vortex on a bucket with small hole in the middle. Some people who try this report effects usually associated to m-state.


          • #35
            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            We made it horizontal. We use copper pipe to twist the water output to counter clockwise rotation, then to use the output to make a big clockwise water vortex on a bucket with small hole in the middle. Some people who try this report effects usually associated to m-state.

            Thank you sucahyo , i will definitely explore this set up , do you happen to have a link on this with pics included?

            In the meantime, I would like to add the following on water capacitor and pulsed-power systems:

            Pulsed power is the term used to describe the science and technology of accumulating energy over a relatively long period of time and releasing it very quickly thus increasing the instantaneous power.
            Large pulsed-power systems normally use a solid capacitive primary storage and a water capacitor for secondary storage. It is shown that the electrical breakdown strength is increased and the maximum storage time is enhanced from the microsecond level to the millisecond level when the water is replaced by a water/methanol mixture. The increased time scale in the second storage enables the use of an inductive primary storage. The mixing of methanol in the water decreases the relative permittivity. However, due to the increased electrical breakdown strength, a higher energy density is nevertheless possible. Previous work with water/ethylene glycol has manifested the problem of charge injection that occurs when energy is stored for millisecond time scales at high electrical stress. Water/methanol mixtures show less tendency for charge injection and a better ability to store energy at millisecond time scales. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-17-2011, 10:05 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #36
              Here is a variety of mobius coils which show some great potential, it is taken from the orgone researchers:


              this one resembles Schauberger's egg shape:



              Hot-Plate Coil



              a different approach to Bachar/Russell's Antenna

              Forgotten Coil

              More on this:

              coil info

              more info on the caduceus coil : Wild & crazy Caduceus Coil interpretation

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-06-2012, 12:47 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #37
                transfered info from the tree as radiant antenna thread:

                Kelvin water dropper

                The simplest setup for this is as pictured at right. A reservoir has two holes that drip water (or other liquid). The streams of dripping water each pass through a conducting ring (replace with one or two mobius strip), and land in a bucket. The buckets must be electrically isolated from each other and from their environment. Similarly, the rings must be electrically isolated from each other and their environment. The left ring is electrically connected with (wired to) the right bucket. And the right ring is wired to the left bucket. It is essential that each ring be placed around the point at which the stream of water passing through it first breaks into drops.

                If the buckets are metal (conducting) the wires may be attached to the buckets. Otherwise, the bucket-end of each wire can just sit in its bucket, as long as it is contacting the water in the bucket.

                Kelvin water dropper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                note: you could try coils instead of a conducting ring, mash up time


                Large pulsed-power systems normally use a solid capacitive primary storage and a water capacitor for secondary storage. It is shown that the electrical breakdown strength is increased and the maximum storage time is enhanced from the microsecond level to the millisecond level when the water is replaced by a water/methanol mixture. The increased time scale in the second storage enables the use of an inductive primary storage. The mixing of methanol in the water decreases the relative permittivity. However, due to the increased electrical breakdown strength, a higher energy density is nevertheless possible. Previous work with water/ethylene glycol has manifested the problem of charge injection that occurs when energy is stored for millisecond time scales at high electrical stress. Water/methanol mixturesshow less tendency for charge injection and a better ability to store energy at millisecond time scales. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.
                you could try also a water/methanol mixture Kelvin Experiment

                each drop of water/Methanol Mix is a tiny capacitor that will discharge its energy when it hits the bucket
                (see: Velocity Compression in Cylindrical Capacitor Electrospray of Methanol-Water Mixtures)


                or just a water/methanol Capacitor to charge the energy produced by the electrostastic created by water (or water/methanol) drops

                YouTube - ‪Lord Kelvin Water Dropper/ Schauberger Waterthread Experiment‬‏

                Schauberger take on Lord Kelvin Experiment

                YouTube - ‪The Extraordinary Nature of Water -Viktor Schauberger 6/6‬‏

                Dielectric Study of Water-methanol Mixtures for Use in Pulsed-power


                Velocity Compression in Cylindrical Capacitor Electrospray of Methanol-Water Mixtures


                also used in engines


                I'm going to try the Kelvin Experiment using acid water on one side and alkaline water on the other (for experimentation sake )


                Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                We made it horizontal. We use copper pipe to twist the water output to counter clockwise rotation, then to use the output to make a big clockwise water vortex on a bucket with small hole in the middle. Some people who try this report effects usually associated to m-state.
                Have you tried the Kelvin Experiment on your M state Water?

                the point I am making here, is that besides Schauberger, people tend to overlook the nature of water.

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-17-2011, 12:53 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  Have you tried the Kelvin Experiment on your M state Water?

                  the point I am making here, is that besides Schauberger, people tend to overlook the nature of water.
                  Have you read that Schauberger use the Kelvin water droplet output for its M-state kind of effects too? To the point of even increase combustion property of petrol?


                  • #39
                    Magnetic Traps


                    We believe that the m-state (ORMUS) materials dissolved in water are superconductors which respond to magnetic fields. (perfect for a water capacitor ) We have observed that most water, when swirled in the presence of a magnetic field can be separated into two components; a magnetically responsive component and a non-responsive component. Magnetic traps of various designs have been devised to take advantage of this property in order to concentrate a form of the ORMUS elements.
                    This concentrate tends to be "oilier" than ordinary water, it also tends to be lighter than ordinary water especially when it is moving in relation to magnetic fields. A more detailed look at this theory can be found in my article "Patterns of Motion".

                    Trap designs:

                    There are a number of magnetic trap designs. These designs take advantage of the magnetically induced properties of the ORMUS elements in a variety of different ways.
                    The Storage Trap was my first attempt at trap design. It is designed to repel the good water downward into the bottom of the trap. It is a good design and probably is capable of concentrating ORMUS more than any of the others but the down side is that it works on a batch basis. It is expensive but fairly easy to build and operate.

                    The Storage Trap

                    The Vortex Trap was my second design and it works quite well but it does not lend itself to unattended operation or indoor use. It was designed to repel the good water into the center of a vortex in horizontal operation. It is cheap and easy to build in its PVC format and quite expensive and difficult to build in its clear acrylic format.

                    The Vortex Trap

                    Additional images of an improved version of the Vortex Trap can be found at:

                    In kelvin experiment, i think that each drop of water act as a rapid charging tiny capacitor that will discharge its energy when it hits the bucket

                    What we are trying to do here is not to recreate M state water but to test it in the Lord Kelvin Experiment and see what it does. Read post#7 to 10:

                    also I would note also that if you are going to create Mstate Water or test it in the kelvin experiment try using as a 1st step the collapsible bladder (it may facilitate the creation/concentration of ORM in water ex:your heart ):

                    YouTube - ‪Innovative micro hydroelectric turbine‬‏


                    Though in video water flowing from tap is shown it works same way if there is a reservoir at starting of the collapsible bladder and if small pipe is connected to it.
                    Clearly the processes of suction and pressure need to be examined.[ No beneficial, natural exchange can take place solely under conditions of pressure. . Viktor Schauberger

                    Remember what Tesla said:

                    Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause an effect. Nicholas Tesla

                    from overunity: Victor Schauberger

                    2nd "law" violations > Heat to mechanical energy conversion
                    Victor Schauberger
                    (1/3) > >>
                    In another thread I had mentioned that I had just finished reading "the energy evolution" by callum coats on Victor Schauberger. You guys have got to read this, Its everything I was hoping it would be. His terminology is cryptic at times, but you can easily get the drift of what he was doing.
                    Here are some very interesting things that fall in line with conventional science, that you won't normally find in a textbook.

                    -water vapor in air will spontaneously release CO2 and O2 under conditions of low pressure/high temperature increasing it's volume
                    -water vapor in air will absorb CO2 and O2 under conditions of high pressure/low temperature decreasing it's volume
                    If you think outgassing has no power see Lake Nyos: plan for degassing lakes Nyos and Monoun, Cameroon. Gas disaster at Nyos: mitigation of a natural hazard at Nyos. - notice the 60 foot geiser powered by outgassing-tesla and schauberger proposed this idea in the 1920's
                    -so outgassing coupled to other effects has tremendous power

                    Charge Seperation:
                    -Like charges repell(- -) unlike charges attract(- +)
                    - the atmosphere has a (+) charge growing by 100 volts per meter vertically, the ground has a (-) charge
                    -water vapor from a nozzle pushed through a charged ring can produce over 20,000 volts - (see Lord Kelvin water drop static generator)
                    - If water vapor/air with high negative charge moves through a pipe in a swirling motion, and the pipe has a high negative charge then there is no frition because the center flow repells from the pipe- thus no boundary layer interactions especially if the flow is cooled reducing its volume as it moves(centripital inward flow)
                    - If a vortex of cold (+) charged air/water vapor under centrifugal pressure has a flow of warm (-) charged air/water vapor enter from below into the low pressure core, the core will implode and outgass simultaneously producing an upward flow and suction at the base of the vortex, the opposite charges of outer vortex and core will produce an inward centripital motion, centripital motion=increased outer vortex velocity
                    - In water(H2O) Oxygen has a (-) charge and 4 electrons, 2 of these electrons are paired to two Hydrogen atoms of (+) charge. The two unpaired electrons of the Oxygen atom will turn the H2O molecule to face any (+) charge.
                    -Under extreme conditions(centripital motion/thermal gradient/charged state) it is possible that Hydrogen could disassociate from the H2O molecule, Hydrogen (+) would move to the (-) vortex core and upwards with extreme velocity, Oxygen (-) would accelerate downward the the outer vortex.
                    O- Oxygen= pressure force-seperation actuates centripital force
                    O- transverse potential=electricity
                    H- Hydrogen=suction force-combination actuates centrifugal force
                    H- longitudinal potential=magnetism
                    MIT's Walter Lewin Makes a Battery out of Cans and Water (Schauberger's Eco-Tech) video on CastTV Video Search
                    YouTube - ‪David Wolfe's Vortrap Water System‬‏

                    Water Vortex Magnetizer and ORMUS M-State Concentrator
                    (not sure about the following statement but probably some have used it)

                    This is the "Original" structured water device that is
                    used by "Joe Cell" and "Moe-Joe Cell" inventors
                    to create highly energized water for their hydrogen cells.
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-21-2011, 11:16 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                      Have you read that Schauberger use the Kelvin water droplet output for its M-state kind of effects too? To the point of even increase combustion property of petrol?
                      ORMES the secret WATER FUEL CELL ingredient

                      I have read reports of some water fuel cell researchers that have reported

                      1)That the material composing the white powdery coating of a conditioned water fuel cell exhibited similar properties such a the David Hudson ORMES material. Such as when the material is subjected to heat it loses some of its mass and volume which returns the temp normalizing. A definate sign pointing to the presence of ORMES in the material sample.

                      2)Reports of researchers adding small amounts of sea salt to the water and noticing that the cells gain a white precipitate alot more rapidly, as well as more precipitate forming.

                      Now remember from the David Hudson lecture that is found at that Mr.Hudson had to use a very unique form of chemical analysis to even identify the presence of the ORMES in the material. I russian method in fact that had been buried in a trade journal that he decided to give a try after since dumping millions of dollars and years of time into trying to identify this mysterious substance that seemed to thwart all conventional methods of chemical analysis. So unless the free energy researchers currently working in the field of water fuel cell research had used the same analysis technique as David Hudson then they wouldn't even of seen the presence of ORMES in the sample, and they would still be scratching their head wondering how some inert substance must be affecting the process. Perhaps the white powdery coating having a high dialectric constant does play a part in the reaction, but I feel that exploring the possibility of whether ORMES might play a role would be a worthy set of experiments to conduct. Unfortunately I cannot personally fund this endeavor at the moment, and do not have a WATER FUEL CELL to conduct experiments with. But if I had the funding I would try having one water fuel cell running distilled water verified not to contain any ormes what so ever as a control group, and several other wfc's running synthetic ORMES, sea salt extract ORMES, magnetic vortex trap water, etc and I would 'condition' them per Ravi Rajus method, and examine the data to determine if in fact it is having an effect upon the process.

                      and if it does then that really simplifies things for the water fuel cell community, because sea salt is pretty cheap, and the process not that difficult to extract it YouTube - ‪How to Make Your Own Philosopher's Stone‬‏ :

                      Water Vortex Magnetizer and ORMUS M-State Concentrator
                      (not sure about the following statement but probably some have used it)

                      This is the "Original" structured water device that is
                      used by "Joe Cell" and "Moe-Joe Cell" inventors
                      to create highly energized water for their hydrogen cells.
                      Very interesting vortex apparatus: looks like a miniaturized version of the vortrap. It comes from japan so far the best I've seen

                      YouTube - ‪Nano Bubble Generator NHK VT Program.avi‬‏

                      Emulsion Fuel #2 Oil in Water Revolution

                      YouTube - ‪cutedogsakura's Channel‬‏

                      YouTube - ‪cutedogsakura's Channel‬‏

                      going to try to find the contact for this looks awesome
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-18-2011, 01:47 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • #41
                        Riverforest Corp. proudly announces additional Micro-Nano Bubble products


                        Once again, great information you bring to the table!

                        !! N E W !!

                        Riverforest Corp. proudly announces additional Micro-Nano Bubble products to serve rapidly growing applications. We believe these new products will support your projects better than ever!

                        River Forest Corporation

                        Joe Morikawa

                        Riverforest Corporation
                        3562 Avenida Amorosa
                        Escondido, CA 92029 U.S.A.
                        Tel: 760-484-2723
                        Website: Riverforest Corporation - Chemical free, environmentally friendly technologies - Micro Bubbles, Nano Bubbles, Micro-Nano Bubbles, Solar Powered Pond Water Cleaning System">



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                          Once again, great information you bring to the table!

                          !! N E W !!

                          Riverforest Corp. proudly announces additional Micro-Nano Bubble products to serve rapidly growing applications. We believe these new products will support your projects better than ever!

                          River Forest Corporation

                          Joe Morikawa

                          Riverforest Corporation
                          3562 Avenida Amorosa
                          Escondido, CA 92029 U.S.A.
                          Tel: 760-484-2723
                          Website: Riverforest Corporation - Chemical free, environmentally friendly technologies - Micro Bubbles, Nano Bubbles, Micro-Nano Bubbles, Solar Powered Pond Water Cleaning System">


                          Thank you IndianaBoys for the info

                          I just remembered a small info that most people dismiss but through what i have posted; this would make complete sense now:


                          Finding Water With A Forked Stick May Not Be A Hoax

                          Usually, the boundary between science and science fiction is as distinct as the difference between the 6 o'clock news and "The Simpsons." Wherever the line blurs, you're bound to find contentious debates. One of the longest-running of these disagreements centers on dowsing, a supposed sixth sense that enables people to find underground water using a forked branch, pendulum or pair of bent wires. There is no scientific reason why dowsing should work. Yet, it apparently works well enough and reliably enough to keep the practice alive.

                          The success of dowsers doesn't surprise the people who know the most about finding underground water, hydrogeologists for the United States Geological Survey (USGS). They point out that the United States is so water-rich you can get wet drilling just about anywhere, if you drill deep enough. Far harsher criticism of dowsing and dowsers comes from outside the mainstream scientific community. Two organizations, the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), CSI | Skeptical Inquirer Index, and the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF), James Randi Educational Foundation, are actually working to discourage the practice, which they both dismiss as paranormal nonsense. To make their point that dowsing is a sham each has staged demonstrations in which dowsers were asked to find buried pipes. Dowsers did no better than the laws of chance predict. JREF is so confident of its position it promises to pay $1.1 million to anyone who can "prove" dowsing works.

                          Finding Water With A Forked Stick May Not Be A Hoax - Popular Mechanics

                          I guess they should pay up

                          The Alchemy of Capacitance - QUANTUM AGRICULTURE

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-19-2011, 02:19 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #43
                            That's another good find MonsieurM!

                            The Amazing Randy also says homeopathy is a scam.

                            Bandershot - The Truth About Homeopathy
                            YouTube - ‪The Truth About Homeopathy‬‏

                            Short Description of Dowsing by Raymon Grace from Blue print for freedom video
                            YouTube - ‪Short Description of Dowsing by Raymon Grace from Blue print for freedom‬‏

                            Building a Field Broadcaster - Cosmic Pipe

                            Contains plans on building a unit.

                            Farming the Atmosphere

                            Some articles relating to nano bubbles:

                            The defining role of structure (including epitaxy) in the plausibility of homeopathy
                            ScienceDirect - Homeopathy : The defining role of structure (including epitaxy) in the plausibility of homeopathy

                            The nanoheterogenous structure of water can be determined by interactive phenomena such as epitaxy (the transmission of structural information from the surface of one material to another without the transfer of any matter), temperature–pressure processes during succussion, and formation of colloidal nanobubbles containing gaseous inclusions of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and possibly the remedy source material.

                            Preliminary data obtained using Raman and Ultra-Violet–Visible (UV–VIS) spectroscopy illustrate the ability to distinguish two different homeopathic medicines (Nux vomica and Natrum muriaticum) from one another and to differentiate, within a given medicine, the 6c, 12c, and 30c potencies

                            Effect of 1:2 aqueous dilution on O2 nanobbubles
                            in a 0.1 M Na2CO3 solution

                            Nanobubbles Deliver Targeted Cancer Drugs Using Ultrasound
                            Nanobubbles Deliver Targeted Cancer Drugs Using Ultrasound

                            Nano-bubbles Enhanced CLOTBUST Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke
                            Stroke Trials Registry

                            Nanobubbles exist, and are more stable than previously thought
                            Nanobubbles exist, and are more stable than previously thought

                            Nanoparticle tracking analysis characterizes nanobubbles
                            Nanoparticle tracking analysis characterizes nanobubbles -

                            Ozone nano-bubbles harnessed to sterilise water
                            Ozone nano-bubbles harnessed to sterilise water

                            Last edited by IndianaBoys; 06-19-2011, 06:12 AM.


                            • #44
                              Much Obliged IndianaBoys

                              Very interesting info, It is true that the use of crystal to help tune an oscillator maybe the fastest way of getting results. We do use quartz to run our watches, why not use other type of crystal to help tune a water coil

                              Short Description of Dowsing by Raymon Grace from Blue print for freedom video
                              YouTube - ‪Short Description of Dowsing by Raymon Grace from Blue print for freedom‬‏

                              Building a Field Broadcaster - Cosmic Pipe

                              Contains plans on building a unit.

                              Farming the Atmosphere
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • #45
                                from The Alchemy of Capacitance - QUANTUM AGRICULTURE

                                Capacitance Antennae In a device known as a capacitance antenna, the conductor or coil serves to give rise to a magnetic field by briefly conducting or consuming an electric charge. As the electric charge is consumed it flows through the coil and creates a magnetic field with magnetic forces moving through the field lines. A dielectric or condenser is placed in the magnetic field. The dielectric is composed of many inner layers of an insulating substance like silica. As the magnetic current moves through the dielectric it creates weak electric fields in the many layers of the dielectric where the layers cut across the magnetic field lines. As a result an electric field is created around the dielectric when a capacitor is placed into a magnetic field. The electric field in turn is once again taken into the coil for a brief conduction which once again creates a magnetic field around the coil.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

