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The American Ruling Class

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  • Chinese Professor-The Real Translation

    Originally posted by Ecoman11 View Post
    This commercial was banned on major TV networks. It pretty much explains where things are heading.
    YouTube - Chinese Professor-The Real Translation


    • Originally posted by Ecoman11 View Post
      This commercial was banned on major TV networks. It pretty much explains where things are heading.
      YouTube - Chinese Professor
      Yes, the same video I mentioned in post #891, and it really is a sobering peek into the future at what our country will become unless more people get involved in turning things around. Today we vote, and Americans will make a loud statement that they are fed up with the current direction that government is taking us in. Unfortunately though, people may not realize that this is only a temporary stop-gap measure, and that everyone who cares about the future must get much more deeply involved than they have ever been. Today is just the beginning of what needs to be done.

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Music video for you

        With everyone angry as hell, and voting their despised incumbents out of office today, let's remember who the real enemy is. It's the people behind these incumbents, who promote them and then use them to fulfill their agenda. They are the ones who make the real decisions that affect every aspect of our lives. They reside and hide in the shadows - these unimaginably wealthy powerful elites who really control everything that happens in this country. Today we send them a loud and clear message through our votes, telling them that we have woken up, and that we are rising up to take back our country.

        I urge you to watch and listen to the following brief music video, which will remind you of the reasons why we are where we are at, and of the importance of waking up the remainder of those who are still walking around with their head in the clouds before it is too late.

        Caution! Be forewarned that the lyrics do not mince any words, and that this video would best be listened to with headphones if you have children around.

        YouTube - Vinnie Paz - End Of Days Ft. Block Mccloud MUSIC VIDEO ORIGINAL! (fan made)
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • So, how did it go? Did we kick them all out?


          • The Election Results

            Originally posted by Shamus View Post
            So, how did it go? Did we kick them all out?
            Unfortunately, a great many career politicians remain in office. The election results did, however, send a strong message to Washington that the status quo is no longer acceptable. Changes in the Senate were far less noticeable than in the House, but that was to be expected since only 1/3 of Senate incumbents were up for reelection. Republicans now have a 240 seat (55%) majority in the House, with John Boehner taking over as Speaker of the House.

            In watching Boehner's speech last night, it was evident to me that the Republicans now understand quite well that their House takeover was not the result of voter endorsement of past Republican policy, but rather a condemnation of the current direction that government is leading us in. Boehner pledged that the Republican party, under his leadership, will begin seriously listening to the people, and that they will work to cut both spending and taxes, while also reducing the size and scope of government. Several times during his speech, Boehner got choked up and nearly burst into tears, which lends credence to his words being spoken genuinely, rather than as political mumbo jumbo, so I think his heart is in the right place. What remains to be seen, though, is whether or not the remainder of Republican incumbents will follow through with what Boehner has promised. It's up to We The People to hold their feet to the fire.

            What I found most noticeable in recent days leading up to the election, and then especially last night, is the abrupt willingness of the mass media to abandon their previously staunch support for Obama and his radical agenda.

            The Tea Party backed candidates racked up some impressive wins, and also ran some very close races in bids that they lost. Constitutional conservative Jim Demint, who worked diligently during this mid-term campaign to place true Constitutional and fiscal conservatives on the ballot in primaries, supported many of the Tea Party backed candidates. Jim said last night that he will attempt to organize a Tea Party Caucus among the several Tea Party candidates who were successful. I noted that exit polls showed that middle aged and elderly voters were far more supportive of Tea Party ideals than younger voters, and I think this is because the older voters have a much longer frame of life experience and memories to draw upon. Older voters look back at earlier times in their lives when government was smaller and less intrusive, and have seen a definite shift towards socialism and one world government in the past few decades.

            All in all, the path ahead will be a tough one. Defeated Democrat incumbents will now return to Congress for the brief remainder of their term with nothing to lose by ramming through several despicable pieces of the Obama agenda that Speaker Pelosi purposely avoided bringing to a vote before the election, and which of course have been dictated by the Ruling Class elite for the purpose of raising taxes and increasing their power and control over the public. We can't just hope that current Republicans and blue-dog Democrats will stand up and fight against passage of these heinous bills, of course. We must continue to assure that our voices are heard loud and clear through letters, faxes, e-mails, phone calls, and/or visits to the local offices of our representatives.

            It may well be that the new situation will result in gridlock for the most part, with little good being realized. Even if House Republicans follow through with their promises, they still face majority opposition in the Senate, as well as Presidential veto power. What Washington insiders must begin realizing is that We The People will not be happy with mere compromises between Republicans and Democrats. Harry Reid is now saying he would be willing to "tweak" ObamaCare to make it more palatible, but that is not what the people want. The people want ObamaCare repealed, and this was a major factor that caused the shift of power that resulted from this election.

            Above all, we must realize that this is no time to sit back and relax. It is time now to get more deeply involved than ever before. Now is the time to begin preparing for the 2012 elections - to demand a cleanup in voting and vote counting methods, to educate voters as to the necessity of eliminating partisan politics from elections, and to end the corrupt reign of current voting precinct and state election officials.

            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • As expected, the Fed went ahead and did it

              Yesterday the Federal Reserve proceeded with its scheme to buy $600 billion of federal government debt over the next eight months. As I have mentioned before, the Fed already owns more than half of the US national debt notes, with foreign interests owning another 30% or so. After watching the "Chinese Professor," video on YouTube, one would tend to think that the Chinese government is the largest holder of US debt, but that is only true among foreign interest holdings. Clearly, the Fed is by far the largest holder of our nations debt notes, and is scheming to increase its holdings. And what better way to devalue the dollar?

              Notice that the chart below is from 2008, before the current financial crisis and debt increases, and that the Fed's ownership position has substantially increased since then.

              The US dollar has lost over 94% of its purchasing power since 1913, when the Fed came into being, and according to Michelle Bachmann, a member of the House Financial Services Committee, this latest move by the Fed could result in the dollar losing 20% of its remaining value (in other words, 20% of the 6% that remains). Bachmann wrote a letter to Fed chief Bernanke on October 14th, pleading with him not to go ahead with another round of "quantitative easing," which is simply the purchase of US debt by the Fed. Bachmann told Bernanke the policy move was "clearly less preferable than improving our nation's economy through responsible fiscal policy that consists of decreased government spending, lower rates of taxation, and a constrained regulatory regime that operates within the boundaries of prudence and reasoned self-restraint."

              Well, no restraint has occurred. The Fed goes ahead with this right after an election in which the American people have spoken quite loudly in protest of ongoing monetary policies. The Fed has always gone ahead with whatever they wanted to do with total impudence. One might wonder why the Fed would want to purchase debt notes (IOU's) that a nearly bankrupt America cannot afford to pay off, but there is sound reasoning behind this. First of all, they don't expect us to pay off that debt, and they prefer simply being paid compounded interest on it- just as any credit card company prefers. Secondly, the Fed's aim has always been to crash the dollar and institute a new global currency, and each time that the issuance of debt notes is increased, the dollar is automatically devalued. To understand why the current dollars in circulation become devalued, think of your own dollars as being a portion of a pie which represents the total dollars in circulation. Currently then, you own X% of that pie. When new Federal Reserve Notes are printed up, without taking an equal amount of old notes out of circulation, the pie becomes larger but your slice of the overall pie becomes smaller than before. You still hold X amount of dollar notes, but the value of those dollars in terms of buying power has become reduced, or diluted. The amount of devaluation is equal to the following formula, basically:

              Amount of proposed debt note increase divided by current amount of debt notes (fiat currency) in circulation equals the percentage of dollar devaluation.

              Even though the national debt is currently "officially" estimated at around $14 trillion, the amount of US dollars in circulation is a mere pittance in comparison, and is estimated at around $950 billion worldwide. In other words, all the dollars in the world, if rounded up, could not even pay off 8% of our national debt! So actually the situation is even more serious than what Bachmann stated, and could devalue the remaining worth of the dollar as much as 63% below current levels if the Fed plan goes ahead.

              What this all means to us is that some very significant and serious inflation lies ahead unless the new Congress has the intestinal fortitude to take on the Fed in all due haste - first to freeze it, secondly to audit it, and finally to end its existence and repudiate the amount of national debt said owing to them. This would nail the lid on the coffin of the most corrupt organization on the face of this earth, and would give an enormous and instantaneous financial relief to America. We The People all need to stand up in unity and demand prompt action by Congress, against the Fed, to accomplish these absolutely necessary goals if our nation is to survive.

              Last edited by rickoff; 11-05-2010, 12:09 AM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Recently, it has come to my attention that I sometimes functioned on pre-concived beliefs, that were present in my childhood. These beliefs were not conscious in my absorption of them.

                Some of my pre-conceived beleifs regarding the "Ruling class" were that anyone believing it must be crazy.

                It was recently, when I read the book "Ultimate Reality", that I became very unsettled. I was unsettled, because if the book was correct, in any small way -- It would require me to re-think all of my previous notions about physics, and politics.

                I decided that I would not truly be seeking truth if I did not give the 'crazy', a chance. So I investigated.

                This thread being about politics -- You can guess which one I had to rethink.

                Rickoff, the sheer quantity of data you have compiled in this thread is incredible. I spent the last few days sparsely reading up-to this point in the thread.

                While I don't know how accurate all of the information is, the large bulk of data which I had checked (All, actually ), and thought critically about, checked out nearly exactly with "the ruling class" agenda. (Which you have stated semi-often in this thread)

                I wasn't much one to keep up with politics -- I'm still under the US. legal drinking age. That's pretty common among my peers.

                The point of me, making this post here, is I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude in making me think very critically about politics, and connecting the dots.

                I do not think I would have had an interest in investigating this myself, were I not so strongly challenged -- this is additionally backed by the vast body of evidence you've provided.

                The work you have put in here to give a premises for a vast argument -- would have been something that I would have never assembled myself, nor so extensively investigated.

                As unsettling as it may be -- I'm also very glad I checked it out.

                So, Thanks Rickoff. At the very least, you've anonymously had a profound impact, on at least one college student.



                • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
                  I wasn't much one to keep up with politics -- I'm still under the US. legal drinking age. That's pretty common among my peers.

                  The point of me, making this post here, is I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude in making me think very critically about politics, and connecting the dots.

                  I do not think I would have had an interest in investigating this myself, were I not so strongly challenged -- this is additionally backed by the vast body of evidence you've provided.

                  The work you have put in here to give premises for a vast argument -- would have been something that I would have never assembled myself, nor so extensively investigated.

                  As unsettling as it may be -- I'm also very glad I checked it out.

                  So, Thanks Rickoff. At the very least, you've anonymously had a profound impact, on at least one college student.

                  Thanks to you, Romo, for taking the time to explore this with an open mind. All of us are indoctrinated with certain beliefs as we are growing up, and by the time we reach adulthood our minds are fairly well set on believing things the way we do. That is why a contradictory viewpoint is so often very strongly rejected. Fortunately, though, when something is true it has a "ring of truth" to it that the listener, or reader, cannot in good faith deny. Some will, of course, deny the message and continue to attack the messenger, and will hold onto preconceived beliefs no matter what is shown to them. We really can't hope to change their views, for they are wearing blinders and ear plugs. You probably know at least a few people who fit into that category, and can recognize them quickly. If you try to reason with them, you can see they they completely ignore whatever you are saying, and are thinking only of what they are going to say next as a comeback or put-down. While sometimes those situations cannot be avoided, it is better to reason with people who are reasonable, and who will at least give you an honest chance to present your case. Still, that being said, do not be afraid to enter into useful debate. Does your school have a debate team, and are you on it? I would strongly urge you to either join your school's debate team, or start one if it does not already exist, and then to offer up some serious topics for debate. I urge this for two very good reasons:
                  1. It challenges you to become very knowledgeable about the topic of debate, to solidify the position that you take by centering on both provable facts and weighted logical suppositions, and to present your case well both orally and in writing.
                  2. When two debate teams meet for a challenge, there is usually an audience present. This offers you a chance to have your viewpoint heard, not only by your opponents - but also by a group of interested listeners, some of which may genuinely be open to receiving your message. Remember that if you succeed in only awakening one person, and if that one awakens another, and so on, your efforts can be multiplied greatly.

                  Above all, if you take up anything to heart from my generation, I hope it will be to question the status quo (why you are told to accept things the way they are, and how they are presented to you) and to question authority (who has the right to determine what the status quo shall be).

                  Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Romo, and best wishes to you,

                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Rick , i think i can speak for most here when i say we are all highly appreciative of your insights and even opinions on these and other matters, i have put them all to good use my friend, you certainly have a talent for these, no doubt about

                    Just thanks Rick
                    A fan if yours from Oz
                    And Best you you my friend

                    Ps, sadly this is the state of schools
                    YouTube - The Sheeple Syndrome and Public Schools



                    • Not So Distant OWR

                      New York Times: While the students at St. Xavier's, a 141-year-old Jesuit institution in this pretty seaside city, were exceedingly polite to Mr. Obama - in interviews many said they admired him - they seemed unafraid to get straight to the point, even if Mr. Obama did not always get straight to his.

                      "Well," he said, tackling the question about jihad, "the phrase jihad has a lot of meanings within Islam and is subject to a lot of different interpretations."

                      He carefully avoided saying that he was opposed to jihad - which has several meanings, including both holy war and a personal quest for self-improvement - and instead said: "I think all of us recognize that this great religion in the hands of a few extremists has been distorted to justify violence towards innocent people that is never justified. And so, I think, one of the challenges that we face is, how do we isolate those who have these distorted notions of religious war."

                      Pres. Obama: Jihad Has Different Meanings - President Obama - Fox Nation

                      Taqiyya is the Islamic practice of precautionary dissimulation whereby believers may conceal their Muslim faith when under threat, persecution or compulsion.[1]
                      Taqiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                        New York Times: While the students at St. Xavier's, a 141-year-old Jesuit institution in this pretty seaside city, were exceedingly polite to Mr. Obama - in interviews many said they admired him - they seemed unafraid to get straight to the point, even if Mr. Obama did not always get straight to his.

                        "Well," he said, tackling the question about jihad, "the phrase jihad has a lot of meanings within Islam and is subject to a lot of different interpretations."

                        He carefully avoided saying that he was opposed to jihad - which has several meanings, including both holy war and a personal quest for self-improvement - and instead said: "I think all of us recognize that this great religion in the hands of a few extremists has been distorted to justify violence towards innocent people that is never justified. And so, I think, one of the challenges that we face is, how do we isolate those who have these distorted notions of religious war."

                        Pres. Obama: Jihad Has Different Meanings - President Obama - Fox Nation

                        Taqiyya is the Islamic practice of precautionary dissimulation whereby believers may conceal their Muslim faith when under threat, persecution or compulsion.[1]
                        Taqiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                        • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                          Rick , i think i can speak for most here when i say we are all highly appreciative of your insights and even opinions on these and other matters, i have put them all to good use my friend, you certainly have a talent for these, no doubt about

                          Just thanks Rick
                          A fan if yours from Oz
                          And Best you you my friend

                          Ps, sadly this is the state of schools
                          YouTube - The Sheeple Syndrome and Public Schools

                          Thanks for your kind words, Ash. It feels rewarding to know that one's efforts are appreciated, and I want you to know that your support at EnergeticForum, and efforts at Panacea, are much appreciated by many folks here, including myself.

                          Best 2 U,

                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • The truth is finally revealed

                            The following video is a must see, and discloses the fact that a Congressional report issued in April of 2009 states that no one - neither anyone in Congress, the courts, nor state or federal election officials, bothered to determine Obama's Constitutional eligibility to run for, or serve as, President of the United States. The reason stated for this massive, across-the-board failure to have Obama properly vetted is that current federal and state law does not require anyone to check Obama's status.

                            Sounds crazy, doesn't it? After all, the Constitution clearly states the eligibility requirements that any candidate for President must meet. Therefore, failure by a candidate to produce proof of eligibilty, and failure of the Democrat party, Congress, and state and federal election officials to require and properly vet (verify) such proof is in complete and utter disregard to the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States. No other federal or state law is needed to require that the eligibility requirements stated in the Constitution must be observed and enforced. All who participated in side-stepping these requirements are guilty of failing in their sworn oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution, and are traitors who should be removed and barred from the positions of trust that they hold.

                            YouTube - BREAKING NEWS! We Told You So! Congressional Research Service CONFIRMS IT!
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • YouTube - 2010-11-09 Greenspan Admission.mp4
                              Alan Greenspan: "All we did is illegal"
                              Does he say so because he still wanna hold the Rudder of the Ship?
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • Owo & Owr

                                Perfect controll
                                YouTube - How islam is taking over the world - terrifying reality (Islamization)

