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The American Ruling Class

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  • Today, September 17th, is Constitution Day

    Today is Constitution Day — a day specifically designated by an Act of Congress when Americans are supposed to honor the remarkable document that created our system of government. The date was chosen because the Constitution was approved and signed at the original Constitutional Convention on Sept. 17, 1787. The act that created Constitution Day mandates that all publicly-funded educational institutions provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day. Let’s see how well the schools have done their job.

    Ask any grade school, high school, or college student or graduate to answer the following questions, and be sure to take the test yourself:
    1. Has the Constitution always guided our country?
    2. What are the three branches of government named in the Constitution?
    3. Does the Constitution allow the Supreme Court to make law?
    4. Does the Constitution empower the President to make law?
    5. Does the Constitution give the Federal government any power in the field of education?
    6. Where in the Constitution is there authorization to dispense foreign aid?
    7. Did the Constitution give the Federal government power to create a bank?
    8. Can the provisions of a treaty supersede the Constitution?
    9. Does the Constitution allow a President to take the nation into war?
    10. Can you name any of the four crimes mentioned in the Constitution?
    11. Should the Bill of Rights be considered part of the original Constitution?
    12. According to the Constitution, how can a President and other national officers be removed from office?
    13. How many amendments have been added to the Constitution?
    14. How is an amendment added to the Constitution?
    15. Does the Constitution say anything about illegal immigration?
    16. Is the term of a President limited by the Constitution?
    17. Which part of the Federal government holds “the power of the purse”?
    18. Does the Constitution provide a method for expelling a member of Congress?
    19. How many times is the word “democracy” mentioned in the Constitution?
    20. Does the Bill of Rights grant the people free speech, freedom of the press, the right to possess a weapon, etc?
    Take this quiz, jot down your answers, and then compare them with the actual answers, which can be found here:
    Constitution test and answers.rtf - Windows Live
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Why so few illegal immigrants in Missouri?

      Here's a lesson that all the other states should learn from Missouri:

      Illegal Immigration in MIssouri - MUST READ! - Patriotic Resistance
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Remember to kick them all out in November

        YouTube - America Rising Remix for The Kick Them All Out Project and Fire Congress Campaign
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • How Obama was placed on the 2008 ballot

          Since most of us realize that Obama has been very secretive regarding his birth, school, and passport records, it has been difficult to understand how he was declared eligible to be listed on the 2008 Presidential ballots, considering that article 2 of the US Constitution declares that a candidate for office of US President must be a "natural born citizen" of the United States. New information explains this, and reveals the scam that was used to perpetrate the most massive voting fraud of all time. It turns out that Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) was not Constitutionally certified to run for President of the United States in 49 of the 50 states. Only Hawaii was sent a document from Nancy Pelosi certifying that BHO was "constitutionally eligible" to run for president. The document Pelosi sent to the other 49 states omitted the phrase "Constitutionally eligible," and neither the Democrat leadership nor the state election authorities in those 49 states sought to determine Obama's constitutional eligibility before adding his name to the 2008 ballot. Massive fraud! Hawaii state law requires that state election officials verify a Presidential candidate's Constitutional eligibility, something that would have been impossible since no long form birth certificate for Obama exists in Hawaii. Hawaii's local Democrat Party refused to certifiy Obama's Constitutional eligibility, so to get around that Pelosi issued a certification to Hawaii stating that Obama was indeed Constitutionally eligible - outright fraud, since she had no way to ascertain this as actual fact. Apparently, Hawaii election officials accepted Pelosi's statement as fact, without being shown documented proof of eligibility.

          In 2000 and 2004, the Democrat Party of Hawaii’s official Certifications of Nomination for Al Gore and Joe Lieberman (2000) and John Kerry and John Edwards (2004) both had the following identical language:
          This is to certify that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution and are the duly chosen candidates of both the state and the national Democratic Parties by balloting at the Presidential Preference Poll and Caucus held _____ in the State of Hawaii and by acclamation at the National Democratic Convention held ______ in _______.

          In 2008, the Democrat Party of Hawaii’s official Certification of Nomination for Barack Obama and Joe Biden carried this language:
          This is to certify that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the national Democratic Parties balloting at the Presidential Preferences Poll and Caucus held on February 19, 2008 in the State of Hawaii and by acclamation at the National Democratic Convention held August 27, 2008 in Denver, Colorado.

          See the difference? What the Democratic Party of Hawaii’s 2008 Certification of Nomination left out are these words:
          “of the United States Constitution and are the duly chosen candidates of both the state and..”
          In other words, by omitting the above words, the Democratic Party of Hawaii (DPH) was signaling the following:
          1. DPH is merely certifying that Obama is legally qualified to serve as President by virtue of the ballots of the Democratic Parties of the 50 states. The DPH is not certifying that Obama is legally qualified to serve as President under the provisions of the U.S. Constitution!
          2. The DPH is also saying that Obama and Biden are NOT the chosen candidates of the state of Hawaii.
          Note: Copies of the two Democrat National Committee documents, signed by Pelosi, can be seen here: Eye-popper: Is Nancy Pelosi in on eligibility cover-up?

          What can we do to right a wrong, hold the perpetrators of this massive fraud responsible for their actions, and spread the word to a largely unkowing public? Go here for some excellent suggestions:
          What Is To BeÂ*Done? | Fellowship of the Minds
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            Since most of us realize that Obama has been very secretive regarding his birth, school, and passport records, it has been difficult to understand how he was declared eligible to be listed on the 2008 Presidential ballots, considering that article 2 of the US Constitution declares that a candidate for office of US President must be a "natural born citizen" of the United States. New information explains this, and reveals the scam that was used to perpetrate the most massive voting fraud of all time. It turns out that Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) was not Constitutionally certified to run for President of the United States in 49 of the 50 states. Only Hawaii was sent a document from Nancy Pelosi certifying that BHO was "constitutionally eligible" to run for president. The document Pelosi sent to the other 49 states omitted the phrase "Constitutionally eligible," and neither the Democrat leadership nor the state election authorities in those 49 states sought to determine Obama's constitutional eligibility before adding his name to the 2008 ballot. Massive fraud! Hawaii state law requires that state election officials verify a Presidential candidate's Constitutional eligibility, something that would have been impossible since no long form birth certificate for Obama exists in Hawaii. Hawaii's local Democrat Party refused to certifiy Obama's Constitutional eligibility, so to get around that Pelosi issued a certification to Hawaii stating that Obama was indeed Constitutionally eligible - outright fraud, since she had no way to ascertain this as actual fact. Apparently, Hawaii election officials accepted Pelosi's statement as fact, without being shown documented proof of eligibility.

            In 2000 and 2004, the Democrat Party of Hawaii’s official Certifications of Nomination for Al Gore and Joe Lieberman (2000) and John Kerry and John Edwards (2004) both had the following identical language:
            This is to certify that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution and are the duly chosen candidates of both the state and the national Democratic Parties by balloting at the Presidential Preference Poll and Caucus held _____ in the State of Hawaii and by acclamation at the National Democratic Convention held ______ in _______.

            In 2008, the Democrat Party of Hawaii’s official Certification of Nomination for Barack Obama and Joe Biden carried this language:
            This is to certify that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the national Democratic Parties balloting at the Presidential Preferences Poll and Caucus held on February 19, 2008 in the State of Hawaii and by acclamation at the National Democratic Convention held August 27, 2008 in Denver, Colorado.

            See the difference? What the Democratic Party of Hawaii’s 2008 Certification of Nomination left out are these words:
            “of the United States Constitution and are the duly chosen candidates of both the state and..”
            In other words, by omitting the above words, the Democratic Party of Hawaii (DPH) was signaling the following:
            1. DPH is merely certifying that Obama is legally qualified to serve as President by virtue of the ballots of the Democratic Parties of the 50 states. The DPH is not certifying that Obama is legally qualified to serve as President under the provisions of the U.S. Constitution!
            2. The DPH is also saying that Obama and Biden are NOT the chosen candidates of the state of Hawaii.
            Note: Copies of the two Democrat National Committee documents, signed by Pelosi, can be seen here: Eye-popper: Is Nancy Pelosi in on eligibility cover-up?

            What can we do to right a wrong, hold the perpetrators of this massive fraud responsible for their actions, and spread the word to a largely unkowing public? Go here for some excellent suggestions:
            What Is To BeÂ*Done? | Fellowship of the Minds
            Yes indeed, and how is our current selection picked to be on the ballot? You can vote for what the powers allow you to vote for by presenting their picks.

            Oh great we have Ron and Rand Paul, boy are they going to solve the problems! Hey so they give us a few good people (maybe they are good only time will tell if they all get in) yet they are a super-minority, big damn deal, business as usual.


            • wake up Americans!

              Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              Seventy percent of Americans now say we should ship all the illegal aliens home. Do you agree? And what do you think we should expect to happen if this is not done?
              The North American Union agenda is probably the #1 reason why our
              federal govt is sitting by. Too many Americans that think
              it is some conspiracy theory are contributing to the problem by being
              complacent and choosing to be ignorant.

              Obama is doing nothing but continuing what Bush instigated:

              YouTube - NORTH AMERICAN UNION EXPOSED on Lou Dobbs w/ Marcy Kaptur & Bill Tucker

              YouTube - CNN-Lou Dobbs- Obama Backing North American Union Agenda

              I saw one video of Obama lying by downplaying N.A.U,
              the North American Union and the NAFTA super highway. This video
              has it - Obama is a LIAR and not even a good one.
              Dailymotion - Barack Obama talking about the North America Union - a News & Politics video
              If anyone can't see Obama is uncomfortable and stumbling
              with lies he is telling here - they're completely asleep - North American
              Union something that is made up in "blogs"? That's pathetic!

              And he cracks a joke about not having a secret handshake or anything
              and he is just a speaker? Those people in the audience that laughed
              at that are nothing but ZOMBIES. The lights are on but nobody is home.

              He is a member and so is his wife.

              And the sleeping Americans that don't believe in the global consolidation
              of power - most don't even know the African Union:

              They ARE working to make a North American Union, Bush is and was
              behind it AND so is OBAMA!

              With the N.A. Union, Euro Union, African Union, Asian Union all being in
              place, the goal is to consolidate these unions into one single global
              union under one world government. IT IS A CONSPIRACY. And it is NOT
              a theory. It is dark and demonic and is evil beyond all imagination.

              I would be completely for uniting this world under a leadership of elected
              officials with the blessing of all the voters if the leadership had integrity
              and were honest and moral people, but we all know very well they are
              nothing but money and power hungry snakes.

              As far as immigration...

              When my father came to America around 1968 or so, he was the first
              Nissan factory trained mechanic in Japan to come to America to work for
              a dealership, which was in Waco, Texas before moving to Ft. Worth.
              That was before he served this country for 20 years in the U.S. Air Force
              and naturalized over to American citizenship.

              BEFORE he could even come here to work, he had to have a SPONSOR,
              he had to PROVE he had a JOB with enough income that he couldn't
              become a financial burden to the country, he had to prove he had a
              place to live or the financial means to get his own place with the income
              he was making, etc... all that before he could get a green card/work visa.

              IF any Mexican citizen went through the SAME process that my father
              had to go through - same legal process, I'd welcome them with open

              Those requirements are set in place to PREVENT an economic catastrophe
              and any federal representative in any branch that is against enforcing
              this is guilty of high treason.


              The liberals - for example - Air America Radio, a popular "controlled"
              network with Randy Rhodes for example is always telling the same
              propaganda such as: "the problem is not about needing to deport illegal
              immigrants - it is about enforcing the laws against companies that hire
              them to begin with" - YES, that is something that needs to be done for
              a fact but is propaganda to brainwash liberals to not focus on the
              immigration problem itself. For example, she expects that if the companies
              were penalized and prevented from hiring illegals that all the illegal
              immigrants would not have jobs and would therefore go back to Mexico.
              There AREN'T the jobs in Mexico to pay them all. Almost all would stay
              right here and would be forced into a life of crime, etc... it is completely
              naive to tackle one end of the problem.

              Then the conservative media is also full of it that we just need to deport
              the illegals but not putting attention to the fact that many companies are
              guilty of hiring them to begin with - also propaganda to brainwash the
              conservatives that the problem is only with illegal immigrants and take
              away focus from the guilty companies.

              Any American that takes sides of these factions, which is EXACTLY what
              political parties are should be ashamed of themselves for being nothing
              but pawns and puppets. People are used against each other to divide
              the country and both sides are moving TOWARDS the destruction of
              America - the democracts and conservatives are BOTH GUILTY of it.

              The SOLUTION is to do BOTH. Deport illegal immigrants and at the SAME
              TIME, aggressively penalize and shut down any business that is caught
              hiring illegal immigrants.

              But of course, the mass majority of sleepwalking zombies of the left AND
              right are brainwashed to take sides where they never see
              or agree to what is common sense. It is in the interest of national security
              to do BOTH. But seeing that we have nothing but treason in
              all branches of the federal govt, it is up to the people on a state level to
              enforce the law.

              Feds want to do something about Arizona.

              The next federal illegal and unconstitutional attack will be on California
              for attempting to legalize marijuana (not just for medicinal use but for
              any adult) and the DEA is trying to get Eric Holder to sue California
              to "SUPPRESS THE WILL OF THE VOTERS" of Cali if Cali's bill passes,
              which will legalize maijuana.

              Suppress the will of the voters? Wake up America!
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Great post Aaron, I agree with almost everything you stated. I see very little difference between Obama and Bush. I told my friends before they voted for Obama that I would not let them forget my warning, and I have not.

                I listen to people that support the wars and are big into defense but hate the idea of a NWO. Well who the hell is perpetuating the NWO? America thats who. 900 bases in over 130 countries. We make the world safer for the bankers and corporations to move in and enslave all people. If they don't like it we over throw them, give them some shock and AW, Obama will send the drones. Or maybe the cia will take care of it in secrecy and we will find out about it 10 years later.
                And recently we are having this crap with demonizing Muslims and we have to stop Iran from getting a nuke. Muslims are cool and Iran has not started a war in over 200 years. IMO both are propaganda that perpetuates a make believe war on terror.
                What did the Taliban ever do to the United States? They did not want war, we brought it to them. So when another 9-11 happens, lets call it what it is "blow back".


                • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  The North American Union agenda is probably the #1 reason why our
                  federal govt is sitting by. Too many Americans that think
                  it is some conspiracy theory are contributing to the problem by being
                  complacent and choosing to be ignorant.

                  Obama is doing nothing but continuing what Bush instigated:

                  YouTube - NORTH AMERICAN UNION EXPOSED on Lou Dobbs w/ Marcy Kaptur & Bill Tucker

                  YouTube - CNN-Lou Dobbs- Obama Backing North American Union Agenda

                  I saw one video of Obama lying by downplaying N.A.U,
                  the North American Union and the NAFTA super highway. This video
                  has it - Obama is a LIAR and not even a good one.
                  Dailymotion - Barack Obama talking about the North America Union - a News & Politics video
                  If anyone can't see Obama is uncomfortable and stumbling
                  with lies he is telling here - they're completely asleep - North American
                  Union something that is made up in "blogs"? That's pathetic!

                  And he cracks a joke about not having a secret handshake or anything
                  and he is just a speaker? Those people in the audience that laughed
                  at that are nothing but ZOMBIES. The lights are on but nobody is home.

                  He is a member and so is his wife.

                  And the sleeping Americans that don't believe in the global consolidation
                  of power - most don't even know the African Union:

                  They ARE working to make a North American Union, Bush is and was
                  behind it AND so is OBAMA!

                  With the N.A. Union, Euro Union, African Union, Asian Union all being in
                  place, the goal is to consolidate these unions into one single global
                  union under one world government. IT IS A CONSPIRACY. And it is NOT
                  a theory. It is dark and demonic and is evil beyond all imagination.

                  I would be completely for uniting this world under a leadership of elected
                  officials with the blessing of all the voters if the leadership had integrity
                  and were honest and moral people, but we all know very well they are
                  nothing but money and power hungry snakes.

                  As far as immigration...

                  When my father came to America around 1968 or so, he was the first
                  Nissan factory trained mechanic in Japan to come to America to work for
                  a dealership, which was in Waco, Texas before moving to Ft. Worth.
                  That was before he served this country for 20 years in the U.S. Air Force
                  and naturalized over to American citizenship.

                  BEFORE he could even come here to work, he had to have a SPONSOR,
                  he had to PROVE he had a JOB with enough income that he couldn't
                  become a financial burden to the country, he had to prove he had a
                  place to live or the financial means to get his own place with the income
                  he was making, etc... all that before he could get a green card/work visa.

                  IF any Mexican citizen went through the SAME process that my father
                  had to go through - same legal process, I'd welcome them with open

                  Those requirements are set in place to PREVENT an economic catastrophe
                  and any federal representative in any branch that is against enforcing
                  this is guilty of high treason.


                  The liberals - for example - Air America Radio, a popular "controlled"
                  network with Randy Rhodes for example is always telling the same
                  propaganda such as: "the problem is not about needing to deport illegal
                  immigrants - it is about enforcing the laws against companies that hire
                  them to begin with" - YES, that is something that needs to be done for
                  a fact but is propaganda to brainwash liberals to not focus on the
                  immigration problem itself. For example, she expects that if the companies
                  were penalized and prevented from hiring illegals that all the illegal
                  immigrants would not have jobs and would therefore go back to Mexico.
                  There AREN'T the jobs in Mexico to pay them all. Almost all would stay
                  right here and would be forced into a life of crime, etc... it is completely
                  naive to tackle one end of the problem.

                  Then the conservative media is also full of it that we just need to deport
                  the illegals but not putting attention to the fact that many companies are
                  guilty of hiring them to begin with - also propaganda to brainwash the
                  conservatives that the problem is only with illegal immigrants and take
                  away focus from the guilty companies.

                  Any American that takes sides of these factions, which is EXACTLY what
                  political parties are should be ashamed of themselves for being nothing
                  but pawns and puppets. People are used against each other to divide
                  the country and both sides are moving TOWARDS the destruction of
                  America - the democracts and conservatives are BOTH GUILTY of it.

                  The SOLUTION is to do BOTH. Deport illegal immigrants and at the SAME
                  TIME, aggressively penalize and shut down any business that is caught
                  hiring illegal immigrants.

                  But of course, the mass majority of sleepwalking zombies of the left AND
                  right are brainwashed to take sides where they never see
                  or agree to what is common sense. It is in the interest of national security
                  to do BOTH. But seeing that we have nothing but treason in
                  all branches of the federal govt, it is up to the people on a state level to
                  enforce the law.

                  Feds want to do something about Arizona.

                  The next federal illegal and unconstitutional attack will be on California
                  for attempting to legalize marijuana (not just for medicinal use but for
                  any adult) and the DEA is trying to get Eric Holder to sue California
                  to "SUPPRESS THE WILL OF THE VOTERS" of Cali if Cali's bill passes,
                  which will legalize maijuana.

                  Suppress the will of the voters? Wake up America!
                  Well being of Japanese Heritage, you should have a far better understanding of RESPECT than 99% of Americans today and having lived in Hawaii for 9.5 years I was exposed to and worked along side many people with such Heritage and found my respect and trust was with them in the majority of cases.

                  Having said that, I still ask the same question I have asked here, in other threads and to people I associate with, 'What Can Be Done?'. No I can not accept that going to the poles can in any way solve or even stagnate this before it is to late. Even if the Tea Party (ala Republicans) get baack into power ('power') what is going to change, no they will not repeal anything substantial, how could they when cut from the same cloth?

                  Now when the Dems openly stated that it will be a Bill Fiesta in a lame duck session passing everything their feeble minds can come up with, how could even a controlled house full of even Libertarians be able to back all the damage out, would it not be tied up in the stacked courts for 10's of years while the last hope for America is drained away and we all line up for our implanted chip which will control every aspect of our slave life.

                  I guess I am not intelligent enough to grasp how this can be corrected in some, shall I say ethical way.
                  Last edited by DrStiffler; 09-30-2010, 03:30 PM.


                  • New development in the 2008 Black Panther voter intimidation case

                    You may remember that, as a previous post reported, the Obama Administration had the Department of Justice throw out a voter intimidation case against Philadelphia Black Panthers. J Christian Adams, a former Obama administrative assistant who quit the administration in disgust, has stated officials in his department "lied" about the decision to dismiss the DOJ's voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party, and says that new documents blow the case wide open.

                    The United States Justice Foundation reports that,
                    A second career government civil rights lawyer ripped a hole in the Obama administration's lies about the Black Panther voter intimidation case last week. Christopher Coates, who headed the Voting Rights Division of the Justice Department, said that the Administration's decision to throw out the case was a "travesty of justice," that reflected the "anger" of the President's appointees and their "deep-seated opposition to the equal enforcement of the "law" for the protection of white voters." This second witness contradicts the sworn testimony of Obama administration officials, and calls into question whether the Mr. Obama has ordered the Department of Justice to deny equal justice to a whole segment of American citizens.

                    The Coates' testimony before the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights last Friday CONTRADICTED the Obama administration's version of events. Coates' testimony corroborated the work of former DOJ lawyer J. Christian Adams, who stated that Mr. Obama has made it policy not to pursue charges against minority groups accused of discriminating against white victims. Mr. Coates concluded his testimony by reminding the department, "We do not have the discretion to decide not to enforce the law based upon the race of the perpetrators or the race of the victims of the wrongdoing." -- USJF
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • peaceful revolution?

                      Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                      'What Can Be Done?'. No I can not accept that going to the poles can in any way solve or even stagnate this before it is to late. Even if the Tea Party (ala Republicans) get baack into power ('power') what is going to change, no they will not repeal anything substantial, how could they when cut from the same cloth?

                      and we all line up for our implanted chip which will control every aspect of our slave life.

                      I guess I am not intelligent enough to grasp how this can be corrected in some, shall I say ethical way.
                      I don't think voting will do it either as they're all a bunch of evil crooks
                      except for a very, very small handful of them. Voting democrat is the left
                      path to hell and voting republican is the right path to hell. The road
                      splits but on the other side they converge back to the same destination,

                      The federal govt is beyond repair. Revolution is ethical if it is against
                      tyranny. There can be violent or peaceful revolutions and I hope for
                      a peaceful one.

                      But what does this revolution, such as a peaceful one consist of and
                      what are the practical steps to achieve it? That's the $10,000 question.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        I don't think voting will do it either as they're all a bunch of evil crooks
                        except for a very, very small handful of them. Voting democrat is the left
                        path to hell and voting republican is the right path to hell. The road
                        splits but on the other side they converge back to the same destination,

                        The federal govt is beyond repair. Revolution is ethical if it is against
                        tyranny. There can be violent or peaceful revolutions and I hope for
                        a peaceful one.

                        But what does this revolution, such as a peaceful one consist of and
                        what are the practical steps to achieve it? That's the $10,000 question.
                        The federal govt is beyond repair. Revolution is ethical if it is against
                        tyranny. There can be violent or peaceful revolutions and I hope for
                        a peaceful one.
                        So what does this mean?, non-compliance? Doubt it... Look only 1.5-4% of the population is willing and capable of stopping this and insuring that it may take another 100 years before it needs a purge again.

                        Problem, this group can indeed purge the cancer, yet it must also contend with the free loaders and the free lunch and illegal crowd. If it were only the tyrannical government we now have, easy, blood and sacrifice, yet workable, but it is now not just this institution, with 51% of the US population either working for or receiving aid from this tyrannical system, it becomes highly complex. No not undo-able, but the result is very bleak for humanity indeed. Many that are innocent will suffer the change also.

                        So that 1.5-4% must decide if it is in the best interest of mankind to assume the consequences.
                        Last edited by DrStiffler; 09-30-2010, 08:00 PM.


                        • Here you will find additional insights.

                          The picture is not a pretty one.

                          "The People" must begin to think of making some sort
                          of preparations for what is soon to come.


                          • Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
                            Here you will find additional insights.

                            The picture is not a pretty one.

                            "The People" must begin to think of making some sort
                            of preparations for what is soon to come.
                            Yes, indeed a very real path that they may take. Problem for them, they hid4 in their underground cities for two to three years. When they seek to come out, their error is that they are now FOOD.


                            • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                              Yes indeed, and how is our current selection picked to be on the ballot? You can vote for what the powers allow you to vote for by presenting their picks.
                              Well, we can do one of the following:
                              1. Continue voting for the choices that the powerful elite present to us, which is to vote for what we believe to be the lesser of two evils. Not much of a choice.
                              2. Vote for a "write-in" candidate instead, by filling in the name of a person we would prefer over the establishment choices given. In other words, vote your conscience. It is very doubtful that this strategy could produce a winner, of course, unless a vast majority of voters chose this method and wrote in the same names for President and Vice President, and State Representatives. Not likely to happen, unfortunately.
                              3. Get involved in the TEA Party movement, and support candidates who buck the establishment parties and will run against incumbents who are selling us out. Granted, as you say, the success of the TEA Party movement will be somewhat limited in the 2010 elections, but the membership has already shown in several primary elections what can be done when people band together and support party reform candidates. It is entirely possible that enough truly conservative candidates can get elected to the Republican Party in 2010 to be an effective voice in support of our concerns, and to halt the now unstoppable socialist agenda being imposed by the Democrat party's majority with the help of RINO incumbents. Get involved now with your state TEA Party (go here Tea Party Patriots | Find Your Local Tea Party and click the Groups link at top to find your state group). The TEA Party is not actually a registered political party, is not affiliated with any party, and there are no "leaders." There are those who accept the responsibilities of setting up and planning meetings and other events, but all members are of equal standing. The GOP is nervous to see their incumbents losing primary elections to TEA Party supported conservative candidates in many states, whereas they should be welcoming these efforts to restore conservatism to their party and eliminate RINOS and moderates. In Alaska, where a TEA Party supported candidate beat out Murkowski, a RINO of the first order who has voted in support of every sordid item on the Obama agenda, Murkowski pledged to continue her opposition to the winner by becoming an independent candidate. While the GOP should realize that this action could split the voters into 2 groups that would allow the Democrat challenger to take Murkowski's Senate seat, they don't seem to care and several Republican Senators have now stated their support for Murkowski, rather than calling for her to admit defeat and step aside. Just goes to show how the incumbents club works to keep the insiders inside. They would like us to believe that only an incumbent Republican has a chance of defeating a Democrat opponent, but we all know that is nonsense after seeing Scott Brown of Massachusetts take Ted Kennedy's vacated seat.
                              4. Become a participant in the process that actually selects major party candidates to run for President, Vice President, Congressmen, and Senators. To do that, you follow the plan outlined in The Precinct Strategy, and become a local voting precinct committeeman. You can find considerable info about the Precinct strategy in this thread, so try a search. You can also visit one of the many Precinct Strategy websites, such as this one Precinct Strategy 2010....Take Back the GOP - Patriotic Resistance to learn more and get started. It's a bit late, for the 2010 elections, to have an effect by getting involved now, but you can definitely make a difference in the 2012 and later elections. As the web link name above implies, the strategy is to invade the Republican party at the local and state levels, and to get Precinct officers elected who are strongly committed to removing career politicians and advancing true conservative candidates who believe in low taxes, limited government, and who will abide by the will of the people and the mandates of the US Constitution. Of course the Strategy goes well beyond this, and calls for eliminating all forms of known and possible voting fraud (eliminate electronic voting and vote counting, make each voter present adequate identification before they can vote, remove from the registered voters list the names of all deceased voters, etc.). It is the Precinct officers who have the right to bring up such demands for a vote. Anyone who lives in your local Precinct can attend a Precinct meeting, but must attend 3 meetings before they have a right to vote on matters. The strategy employed in successfully getting the right Precinct officers elected, and passing new motions for changes, is to form a neighborhood group comprised of like minded people who will go to the Precinct meetings, and who will agree to support and vote for a Precinct officer chosen by the group. Eventually the "good ole boys" who currently run things, and simply do the bidding of higher ups in the party, are eliminated, and you have restored things to be what the Founding Fathers intended. This method requires direct participation and commitment from us, of course, but is the best possible way to guarantee that we will have real candidates chosen by the people, and that our votes will really count in future elections.

                              As you can see, options 3 and 4 are the only ones that have enough clout to actually change things for the better, and there's no reason why you can't employ both, but it's your choice.

                              Last edited by rickoff; 09-30-2010, 10:25 PM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                Those [immigration law] requirements are set in place to PREVENT an economic catastrophe and any federal representative in any branch that is against enforcing this is guilty of high treason.
                                Amen to that, Aaron.

                                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                The liberals - for example - Air America Radio, a popular "controlled"
                                network with Randy Rhodes for example is always telling the same
                                propaganda such as: "the problem is not about needing to deport illegal
                                immigrants - it is about enforcing the laws against companies that hire
                                them to begin with" - YES, that is something that needs to be done for
                                a fact but is propaganda to brainwash liberals to not focus on the
                                immigration problem itself. For example, she expects that if the companies
                                were penalized and prevented from hiring illegals that all the illegal
                                immigrants would not have jobs and would therefore go back to Mexico.
                                There AREN'T the jobs in Mexico to pay them all. Almost all would stay
                                right here and would be forced into a life of crime, etc... it is completely
                                naive to tackle one end of the problem.
                                A great many illegals are already living a life of crime by choice, and not as a last resort. U.S. Border Patrol Agent Michael Scioli says that 15 percent of the aliens caught in the Tucson sector are felons who have been convicted of violent crimes such as homicide and rape. That's 57,000 convicts apprehended, and roughly another 150,000 who are now dispersed throughout the US and doing their thing. Since the Tucson sector only accounts for 13% of the 2,000 mile southwest border, this indicates that potentially there may be 1,154,000 or more dangerous criminals in all who enter the US through the southwest region undetected every year. Scioli points out that while many of these felons are convicted drug or human traffickers, the vast majority are sex offenders, and that while US sex offenders are required to register their whereabouts with authorities, alien sexual predators could be in anyone's neighborhood stalking children. We can rest assured that the felons will stay here as long as they can. The remainder of illegals will also stay regardless of whether or not they have a job, and this is borne out by the fact that only roughly half of the roughly 16 million current illegals do have jobs. The remainder are living off of welfare programs and medical care paid for by our taxes, and are living well enough that they have absolutely no desire to go home to Mexico. Besides, their primary plan is to have anchor babies born here that will allow them to legally remain and care for them. To get an idea of the enormity of the anchor baby problem, consider that a 2006 patient survey at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas (yes, the infamous hospital where President Kennedy was taken after being shot) revealed that 70% of the 16,000 births there that year were to illegal immigrant women. And that's just one hospital in one state! Obviously there is no way that any of the illegals will go home unless they are deported, and there's not much point in doing that if we are going to allow them to re-enter the US through the many miles of largely unprotected border that is now an open door. With the well advertised push by the Obama administration and Harry Reid to pass an illegal immigrant amnesty bill, can you imagine how many illegals are crossing into the US every day now in anticipation of such a bill passing? What we need right away are state policies like those now effective in Missouri ( Illegal Immigration in MIssouri - MUST READ! - Patriotic Resistance ), that deny work and social program benefits to illegals, and are a very effective deterrent that does keep most illegals from wanting to go there. That's the first step. Then enforce those laws against illegals and those who would employ them, secure the borders, and finally round up and deport all illegals. This last step could easily be done at the many Mexican protest rallies where they attend in large numbers to carry hateful banners and chant their anti-American slogans. Of course the Obama administration would call that "racial profiling."

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

