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The American Ruling Class

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  • The Polish ruling class

    The Prime Minister of Poland was famously against trashy immigrants. The prime minister of Poland just quit without warning. 79% of Poles are against the new Prime Minister who is a big banker.
    "EU officials have criticized several of Warsaw's policies since the Law and Justice party (PiS) took power two years ago, for example efforts to restructure the court system and the refusal to take in refugees under an EU quota system."
    Nope, can have law and justice.


    • So I see a Disney Executive has been charged with pedophilia: Cried about being fired before conviction, like Disney doesn't do that to anyone else, but of course he's special, a former big time executive. It's so unfair, and yea maybe it is, but then again it was his own human resources following the corporate dictates that he and others like him have used to lord over everyone else.

      Veteran Disney executive arrested on child sex abuse charges.

      Hollywood director Bryan Singer being sued by man who claims director made him his sex slave as a teen. Teen Accuses X-Men Director of Luring Him with Movie Role, Making Him a Sex Slave

      So this evening I watched this movie made in 2000 titled; "Cirque du Freak" It motivated me to share some thoughts because I seriously saw this film as a film about pedophiles. In my opinion the movie is really a symbolic story about the transition into pedophilia by a maturing boy. It's not a story about vampires in my view. The pedophile world is a world of codes and symbols, most we are simply unaware of, but now some of the pedophiles code symbols have been brought out in to the light with the exposure of Pizza Gate. Others may not be as well known and the fewer that are known and recognized the better in the minds of the rulers. Muggles are what the rulers want. "Muggles don't see anything" (Harry Potter). I've grown especially fond of the word muggles as a descriptor for the willfully unaware. One especially successful technique used by a muggle is to claim they don't want negativity in their life.

      Darren Shan, whose real name is Darren O'Shaughnessy, wrote and published the first book of the series, Cirque du Freak, as a side project between two adult books. Cirque du Freak received good reviews and Warner Bros. bought the movie rights in a seven figure deal.

      The Saga of Darren Shan follows the story of Darren Shan, a normal human boy who is coerced by the vampire Larten Crepsley into becoming his assistant and a half-vampire.

      Anagrams for Larten Crepsley.
      antler learnt rental
      sleepry yelpers

      Very interesting: Cannot be accidental in my opinion. Deer rental learnt sleepry yelpers.

      According to what I know, pedophilia most often starts in the home and most pedophiles were themselves sexually abused as children. Throughout this movie the character Darren Shan is leering after his little sister. Supposedly because he's half vampire. He hasn't crossed the line and drunk human blood so he's not full vampire, or is it that he's not a full pedophile? Has it in his heart but hasn't yet done it yet? The blood lust is a lust for child sex. The symbolism is clear in the movie. If you're interested in this topic of pedophiles and society rulership then it's an interesting film to watch in the light of it's evident symbolism.

      Of course there's a number of things going on with this film as with many other supposed vampire movies which are strongly suggestive of homosexuality, and ridding on the back of gays are the pedophiles whom would like to be seen as the equals of homosexuals, but of course that's just not possible is it?

      There's a vast gulf between two sexually mature consenting partners and a pedophile who, somehow, obtains gratification through abusing children. Now there's a subcult of sexually explicit artists whom cater to both hetrosexual and homosexuals and to various degrees to pedophiles. Among the pedophile images are clear depictions of vampire teeth, deer, and monkeys, monkey tails. This will have a little more impact if you're aware of those and see the same film. I won't wreck it for you.

      I've patrolled the recesses of the net for images which I feel illustrates this world. I'd share some but for the simple fact that most of it is obviously graphic porno, and most of you probably have seen them despite your protests to the contrary, you just don't understand what you're actually seeing, that's what I'm telling you. No they aren't child pornography, but they have an ethos to them, and they also often have code symbols hidden in them. They are out there, the art and the artists and the people who seek/hunt/prey, and so the gist of what I'm telling you is that where one sub-cult lives then you may perhaps expect there are others.

      My mind gets back to the supposed art work of John Podesta, and then it goes back to the art of Walter Sickert, whom Patricia Cornwell believes was Jack the Ripper. I read her book BTW and I think she's right, but that's another issue. Just say that between the artwork and the forensics it's a pretty good case that Sickert was Jack.

      I feel like I should say something really stupid about right now. Like say "Be Aware, Be Safe." The Justice Channel is forever shilling that line. As if being aware can assure safety. Yet of all the things that they could actually be doing to make people aware of the signs and symbols of this specific group of individuals they really have done absolutely nothing to inform anyone. Not even retired old people whom make up 98% of their viewers. I can say that with complete confidence BTW, but at any rate, why is that when a nobody like myself can do it without any resources at all they cannot? What, there's a vast shortage of retired old people with nothing better to do than think creatively?

      Do they really want you aware? Probably not, and so why is that then? Who or what cult is really running the whole shebang? Some people think that if they produce a good movie script that someone will buy it, but there's a lot more going on because to be successful you have to know who's running the system and what they desire and want produced. There's many avenues to this with many agendas. The point is to understand this truth and to then be able to see the truth for yourselves by understanding the symbolism which is telling the real story. Seven figures for the rights to a movie based on a series of books about what? Un huh, and so what then are the odds?

      Basically everything that's produced in film with budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars have agendas. These movies of supposed fantasy are part of long linage of story telling which isn't speaking to the population. Instead it speaks to an aware audience who understands the message, the agenda's, the planned future, the possible and the wishful. Ultimately the future is designed with a single over arching ideal which involves complete control as an idealized world for the people whom are in control.
      Last edited by Gambeir; 12-11-2017, 02:36 AM.
      "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


      • OK so this afternoon I tossed together a few extracts to illustrate what I'm talking about in the previous post about symbolism. These extracts are taken from Yaoi manga art posted to Channel4. The Wikipedia links I've posted are intended to be helpful in understanding the origins and themes which can be found in certain forms of art which are actually forms of story telling and communication in my opinion.

        This art speaks volumes in reality. It's range of influence/control crosses over nation states and across religious organizations. Some of the clips are obvious, others aren't, but the fancy scroll work is a reference to royalty/nobility, there's also the deer iconography, often splattered as a slain deer, the box like icon is about the roots of this art through the abducted corporate logo of Enix. This logo is the Square Enix and is most associated with NAMBLA. The Square Enix is a symbol associated with pedophilia. The vampire motif depicts the secretive predatory lifestyle that's required of pedophiles. Bite marks, vampire teeth, tattoo's, body paint, ect, are recognizable symbols to pedophiles. I certainly don't understand all of it and can't explain what some of it is about, but if you like a mystery and detective work there's a few here that need deciphering.

        This stuff is far more complex than they often first appear. I'd be tempted to say that the red star with a little streak after it is about shooting stars. That is, it's like a highlight about a rising star. A chosen one if you will. I derive that from the examples used by other elite publications famously know for using art to depict the elites planned future. For example, this star motif has been used by the Economist Magazine. In the extracts below, these stars seemed to indicate rising nobility of a political party and or it's ties to old world nobility. Tied together by a common desire/goal/objective. Gold trimmed underpants should be good clue what that desire is all about.

        In one such case the Economist used the star motif on images of people whom have not been identified, at least not to my knowledge, and for that to happen it has to have been placed there for very specific reasons, because The Economist Magazine doesn't feature just anyone on their covers: Evidently you would have to know who these people are in order to understand why they were the chosen rising stars. This indicates that previously unknown persons are to rise to prominence. The aware can wait and see if new blood shoots to stardom and then go back and see if any of the photo's posted on the cover a particular issue of the Economist match the rising stars high school year book photo's or something similar: I'd be surprised if this doesn't happen because the Economist doesn't get things wrong. It's the forecasting mouthpiece of ancient nobility: It tells you what's planned/designed/intended.

        Antifia/Soros/and the pedophile agenda to become legally safe and socially accepted: What Antifia is really about?

        They are trying to censor this image. It's coffin nails to the left. Retweet the crap out of it. Streisand effect! ��
        Last edited by Gambeir; 12-14-2017, 11:56 PM.
        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


        • I keep modifying the previous posts so maybe I should just make a slight addition here.

          The thing to be aware of is that there is an over arching pedophile agenda that reaches over all others. It is the agenda of organized pedophiles to become politically absolute, financially absolute, and so that they can use these tools to create a social etho's of acceptability for themselves. First by legal rights, which they have tried to piggy back on top of gay and transgender persons, and then to move on to create the ethos which, eventually, would make their kind socially accepted.

          I haven't studied this topic in any great detail so I've probably got some mistakes here, but we think we understand that pedophilia originates by sexual abuse before puberty. Now the point of this is that with the exposure of supposedly state run foster care systems, and where children were being abused, the question arises if this abuse was intentionally designed as a part of the socially engineering efforts of the pedophile agenda? Again, we now have plenty of evidence showing that there appears to be a long trail of hidden child preying/murder/sexual abuse going far back in time in state and religious organizations, and which are international. There's plenty of reason to think that this same organized body is now using far more advanced methods and other locations for their activities.

          See, in order for any minority to get anywhere's socially they have to first be recognized as existing, then there needs to be enough of them for the population to recognize this minority is a fact of life. Going back to the vampire motif, the idea here is the creation of other vampires, hence the vampire motif of creating other vampires by biting the victim. These newly born vampires (developing pedophiles) will later serve the long term agenda. That is to say, the object is to create pedophiles by perverting the otherwise natural veins of human development which would have otherwise take place, and so that in a few generations enough of them will exist so as to enable the propaganda system to convince people that this is a normal and natural form of sexuality.

          Pedophilia is a literal biblical abomination because it's a kind of sexual orientation which is artificially created though an act of abomination and which puts the victim forever in a world of hell where the object of their desire grows with each passing day but which is forbidden. This is the curse upon humans which we live under since these same people have had no alternative to live under other than the one depicted as monsters of the night. This is where the vampire motif comes from. It's what the vampire motif is actually all about in our modern world. It was a sin of the nobility of the ancients and it's this same cult which rules our world today.
          Last edited by Gambeir; 12-11-2017, 03:55 AM.
          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


          • I really don't know much about this subject, except a couple of things.
            Rule Britannia ruled the oceans for MANY years. The captain had his "cabin boy" and the rest had to make do with each other. This would seem to be the source of a couple of old "sayings".
            You scratch my back and, I'll scratch yours.
            It's bad luck to have women on board. Makes them self-conscious.
            It would seem that homosexuality is well ingrained into British history and psyche. It appears, as you say, that they are trying to gain the same mainstream acceptance that the gays seem to believe they have gained.
            I know several "gay" people. A name that they have mis-appropriated. They demand legal marriage. They can't actually legislate RESPECT so, the legislate the closest thing. They want their lifestyle to be accepted as "normal". That won't happen any time soon because a certain percentage are lusting after minors.
            They still kill child molesters in prison so, that gives you an idea about acceptance
            We cherish our kids because they represent a continuation of our genes. Some people seem to overlay physical (twisted) love on top of the idea of cherishing our children. We raise dysfunctional children and end up with dysfunctional adults.

            San Francisco is well known for a group named "Jiffy Lube" I was at Burning man when they caused quite an incident.
            The guys in this group all stand around admiring each other's penis... in public. I think that it is safe to say that; anyone who spends their time worshipping gonads is pretty twisted. I know from personal experience that a big percentage of gays are very much ready to recruit new meat.
            That said, I don't trust the majority of them around children.

            If you can't even trust the priests, who should you trust?
            A vid to round out the problem,

            EDIT: Found a smoking gun,,, it is disgusting.
            Last edited by Danny B; 12-12-2017, 04:14 AM. Reason: moar info


            • An update of interest

              Hi folks,

              Four years ago, in December of 2013, I wrote a post about Bitcoin, which had soared from $30 to over $1,000 per Bitcoin that year. As luck would have it, those who invested in Bitcoin early in 2013 have made fortunes from it. Yes, each $30 paid to purchase a Bitcoin in January 2013 is currently valued at about $16,500 US dollars, which means that if you had purchased say 40 Bitcoins at a cost of $1,200 back then, your investment would now be worth $660,000! Even those who shelled out $1,200 at the end of 2013 have gained a net profit of more than 15 times their original investment. Not too shabby.

              As I mentioned in the December 2013 post, however, Bitcoin didn't prove to be a wise investment vehicle for all of its investors. I pointed out some cases where investors lost their entire investment. That trend continued past 2013, and an article titled "A brief history of Bitcoin hacks and frauds" details several such cases.

              Another thing that we should keep in mind about Bitcoin's stellar rise against the US dollar is that the US dollar really isn't worth any more than the paper and ink it is printed with, and it would seem that a great many people have now come to realize this. So, is jumping onto Bitcoin at this time a wise idea? I doubt it, because even if Bitcoin soars to a value of $25,000 by the end of this year, what would you do with it then? Exchange it for $25,000 in worthless Federal Reserve Notes?

              Several well connected financial gurus are predicting that something big will happen early in 2018, such as a dollar reset, and speculation has it that the dollar's value will be pegged to the price of gold, with one ounce of gold valued at 10,000 US dollars. If this is true then we can expect Trump to make an announcement about this shortly after New Year's Day. As the current value of gold is pegged at 1,244 US dollars, such an announcement would have the immediate effect of tremendously devaluing the US dollar, while at the same time increasing the price of gold eight times over. Does this mean that we should all rush out to buy a one ounce gold coin in anticipation of such an announcement? Well, that depends on what you would do with the $1,244 if you didn't buy an ounce of gold. If you kept the $1,244 in a savings account, or under your mattress, or buried in an ammo box in your back yard, you would still have $1,244 after the announcement. The ounce of gold, however, could be converted to $9,952. Of course that $9,952 wouldn't give you any more purchasing power than $1,244 does today, so you will not have increased your wealth one iota. Bear in mind that if a loaf of bread costs you $4.00 today, that same loaf of bread will cost $32.00 after the dollar reset announcement. Investing in gold only makes sense from the standpoint that it assures retaining one's wealth. The difference for people who choose to retain their FRN's, whether at home or in a bank account, is that the purchasing power of their $1,244 will be just 1/8th of what it currently is. That would be like exchanging your $1,244 for about $155.

              I think we can safely guess that if such an announcement is made in early January, and people realize their FRN's have lost so much value overnight, people will be rushing to dump their currency for a different exchange medium, be it gold, silver, or some cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. That, in turn, will tend to further devalue the dollar to a far greater extent. Not a very rosy outlook, is it? Thus, while hanging onto FRN's or FRN based bank or trading accounts could prove devastating, where could those resources be better employed other than in gold or silver? Well, if the announcement comes as expected and has the immediate effect of wiping out 87.5% of all dollar based wealth, I'd guess that a hell of a lot of angry people will be going on the rampage, and that this would result in chaos and anarchy.

              Such an outcome would be the kind of event that preppers have been prepping for, and in such a situation what would a stash of gold or silver coins really be worth? Sure, it might be fun to look at them and count them, but think about this: How many of those coins would you trade for a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter when you and your loved ones are going hungry? How many coins would you trade for 5 gallons of drinking water? How many would you trade for a weapon and ammunition that provides you with the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones from hungry, angry looters who wouldn't think twice about doing whatever is necessary to take whatever you may have? Think about it if you haven't already, and invest wisely.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                I really don't know much about this subject, except a couple of things.
                Rule Britannia ruled the oceans for MANY years. The captain had his "cabin boy" and the rest had to make do with each other. This would seem to be the source of a couple of old "sayings".
                You scratch my back and, I'll scratch yours.
                It's bad luck to have women on board. Makes them self-conscious.
                It would seem that homosexuality is well ingrained into British history and psyche. It appears, as you say, that they are trying to gain the same mainstream acceptance that the gays seem to believe they have gained.
                I know several "gay" people. A name that they have mis-appropriated. They demand legal marriage. They can't actually legislate RESPECT so, the legislate the closest thing. They want their lifestyle to be accepted as "normal". That won't happen any time soon because a certain percentage are lusting after minors.
                They still kill child molesters in prison so, that gives you an idea about acceptance
                We cherish our kids because they represent a continuation of our genes. Some people seem to overlay physical (twisted) love on top of the idea of cherishing our children. We raise dysfunctional children and end up with dysfunctional adults.

                San Francisco is well known for a group named "Jiffy Lube" I was at Burning man when they caused quite an incident.
                The guys in this group all stand around admiring each other's penis... in public. I think that it is safe to say that; anyone who spends their time worshipping gonads is pretty twisted. I know from personal experience that a big percentage of gays are very much ready to recruit new meat.
                That said, I don't trust the majority of them around children.

                If you can't even trust the priests, who should you trust?
                A vid to round out the problem,

                EDIT: Found a smoking gun,,, it is disgusting.
                This is an alien and uncomfortable topic for most people. However, the elites are pedophiles and they have an agenda. Stanley Kubrick believed it, many others believe it, and I believe it. What's more is that they have an agenda to remake this world to their liking.

                I appreciate your forthrightness in sharing your opinion which are normal thoughts shared by many people. The issue is one of ethics. The gay world is an alien world. Most people only know it though graphic pornography. That's not a way to accurately understand another culture, and it is another alien culture in many ways. I don't think it's possible to understand it without going inside it, but for every thing you don't know there's an equal reciprocal you already do know, and so what you discover is a commonality you already know, just that's how it's done is done in a different way is all.

                As an example; anyone whose 30 or 40 years old and who has a 20 something hitting on them is going to find that stimulating, but that doesn't mean that while they may take this 20 year old up on the bed time challenge that they are then going to be grouping a 2 year old; the idea is absurd. So the hypothetical situation here applies equally.

                In other words think what you're saying: Would you molest a child just because you might also sleep with a younger person? No, course not, and neither would anyone else who isn't a pedophile.

                So the former mayor of OK City say;
                "If homosexuality is OK, so is pedophilia,’ former Oklahoma City mayor tells TV show"
                EDIT: Found a smoking gun,,, it is disgusting.

                Contrary to how it appears he's actually forwarding the pedophile agenda and don't think he doesn't know that already. Allow me to explain:

                We know that pedophilia is a sexual orientation which can be created artificially. Pedophilia is known to be caused by the molestation of children. No one thinks the sexual orientation of pedophiles is a natural probability, and there is no evidence that it could be a natural probability, which is not the case with homosexuals.

                It is the agenda of the elites to make lawful the act of pedophilia, first by law, then by creating a corrupted society through artificially infecting the population with artificially created pedophiles. This agenda is traceable through the corrupted and willfully negligent social services of the state and of religious organizations.

                So obscuring the elites pedophile agenda is the lumping of homosexuality with pedophiles. This is part of a planned trap. This former mayor is an actor, like all politicians are actors, and hes got a script. This guy isn't on the side of ethical people, homo's or hetero's, and here's why.

                See, it doesn't matter whether or not homosexuality is genetic or not, what matters is how a person comes to own their sexual identity. That is to say, if a person arrives at the choice of sexual preference naturally or through artificial means is what is of importance.

                Once people associate homosexuals with pedophilia then they bring out the science, and if one is natural, then by extension so is the other. That's their plan. It's important to understand that the pedophile agenda is trying to catch a ride on the backs of the gay community. Many gays understand this and that's why they objected to this stooge politicians feigned ignorance, because you can be sure he well knows what he's actually doing and involved in doing.
                Last edited by Gambeir; 12-15-2017, 12:04 AM.
                "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                  Hi folks,

                  Four years ago, in December of 2013, I wrote a post about Bitcoin, which had soared from $30 to over $1,000 per Bitcoin that year. As luck would have it, those who invested in Bitcoin early in 2013 have made fortunes from it. Yes, each $30 paid to purchase a Bitcoin in January 2013 is currently valued at about $16,500 US dollars, which means that if you had purchased say 40 Bitcoins at a cost of $1,200 back then, your investment would now be worth $660,000! Even those who shelled out $1,200 at the end of 2013 have gained a net profit of more than 15 times their original investment. Not too shabby.

                  As I mentioned in the December 2013 post, however, Bitcoin didn't prove to be a wise investment vehicle for all of its investors. I pointed out some cases where investors lost their entire investment. That trend continued past 2013, and an article titled "A brief history of Bitcoin hacks and frauds" details several such cases.

                  Another thing that we should keep in mind about Bitcoin's stellar rise against the US dollar is that the US dollar really isn't worth any more than the paper and ink it is printed with, and it would seem that a great many people have now come to realize this. So, is jumping onto Bitcoin at this time a wise idea? I doubt it, because even if Bitcoin soars to a value of $25,000 by the end of this year, what would you do with it then? Exchange it for $25,000 in worthless Federal Reserve Notes?

                  Several well connected financial gurus are predicting that something big will happen early in 2018, such as a dollar reset, and speculation has it that the dollar's value will be pegged to the price of gold, with one ounce of gold valued at 10,000 US dollars. If this is true then we can expect Trump to make an announcement about this shortly after New Year's Day. As the current value of gold is pegged at 1,244 US dollars, such an announcement would have the immediate effect of tremendously devaluing the US dollar, while at the same time increasing the price of gold eight times over. Does this mean that we should all rush out to buy a one ounce gold coin in anticipation of such an announcement? Well, that depends on what you would do with the $1,244 if you didn't buy an ounce of gold. If you kept the $1,244 in a savings account, or under your mattress, or buried in an ammo box in your back yard, you would still have $1,244 after the announcement. The ounce of gold, however, could be converted to $9,952. Of course that $9,952 wouldn't give you any more purchasing power than $1,244 does today, so you will not have increased your wealth one iota. Bear in mind that if a loaf of bread costs you $4.00 today, that same loaf of bread will cost $32.00 after the dollar reset announcement. Investing in gold only makes sense from the standpoint that it assures retaining one's wealth. The difference for people who choose to retain their FRN's, whether at home or in a bank account, is that the purchasing power of their $1,244 will be just 1/8th of what it currently is. That would be like exchanging your $1,244 for about $155.

                  I think we can safely guess that if such an announcement is made in early January, and people realize their FRN's have lost so much value overnight, people will be rushing to dump their currency for a different exchange medium, be it gold, silver, or some cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. That, in turn, will tend to further devalue the dollar to a far greater extent. Not a very rosy outlook, is it? Thus, while hanging onto FRN's or FRN based bank or trading accounts could prove devastating, where could those resources be better employed other than in gold or silver? Well, if the announcement comes as expected and has the immediate effect of wiping out 87.5% of all dollar based wealth, I'd guess that a hell of a lot of angry people will be going on the rampage, and that this would result in chaos and anarchy.

                  Such an outcome would be the kind of event that preppers have been prepping for, and in such a situation what would a stash of gold or silver coins really be worth? Sure, it might be fun to look at them and count them, but think about this: How many of those coins would you trade for a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter when you and your loved ones are going hungry? How many coins would you trade for 5 gallons of drinking water? How many would you trade for a weapon and ammunition that provides you with the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones from hungry, angry looters who wouldn't think twice about doing whatever is necessary to take whatever you may have? Think about it if you haven't already, and invest wisely.

                  Please...I can't hardly stand to think about it. I'm supposed to start my social security in 9 months. This means that everything you've brought here is going to happen. It is happening. How old people will survive is beyond me. Fortunately I've got bullets and a helmet.

                  About five years ago I thought about buying some bitcoins when they were like 40 cents each. Today they have pushed over 17k, and this while just a few months ago they were moving back and forth for under a 1K each, which even then I thought was crazy. Bitcoin is actually being forecast to 40k by summer by some people. People who have been accurate in forecasting crypto currency rises. I about fell off my chair when I realized how much this currency has risen in the last three or four months.

                  We have actually seen the dollar lose over 1,700% in the past ten years against bitcoin. That's one way to see the rise of cryptocurrency. I think that all holly hell is just round the bend and the imbeciles in DC are about to find themselves between a mob with torches and, well that's pretty much all since no one will be paying the cops, army, or any one else for that matter. This may well signal the end of the world as we know it is fast approaching, and if it's the end of the world then at least all of us will have a front row seat.
                  Last edited by Gambeir; 12-12-2017, 10:21 PM.
                  "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                  • The dirty side of life,,,, CO

                    Gambeir, they are still looking for a gay gene,
                    Yes, you're right, most people find it to be an uncomfortable subject.
                    I posted on this subject on another thread a while ago. Here is the gist.
                    In the very crowded populations, 10% of seagulls are lesbian. Mother Nature has various mechanisms. A fetus receives an injection of hormones from the mother every trimester. If the mother is greatly upset, she can miss an injection. You have seen girls who range from "girly-girly to, Butch.
                    That is why the Chinese empress was never given bad news during her pregnancy.
                    Delving into the deeper reaches of the problem. In the Arab countries, boys were raised in "orphanages" and later, sold. During their tenure in the orphanages, they received a gloule in the rectum to open it up and make it more usable for an adult.
                    The saying goes;
                    For children, a woman
                    For sex, a little boy
                    For ecstasy, a melon.
                    For MANY years, in Europe, anybody who could afford it had a Catamite. This was the little boy that a man diddled in the bathtub. Funny that spellcheck doesn't recognise "catamite" when they were VERY common.
                    These are all "facts of life". To me, they are just points of study. It is not necessary for me to judge individual action.
                    If you go to Craigslist on a Friday afternoon and enter, "men for men" in NYC, D.C. Philly or other big Eastern cities, you will find 3,000 NEW entries.
                    This tells you that there are a LOT of people searching for nothing more than sexual gratification. They can never know love while bed-hopping. This is true for "straights" also. Anybody who centers their life gonads is a very poor person likely to get STDs.
                    I've been to gay bars (unplanned) and the guys strike me as being desperate. Very few of them will ever know love.
                    Pedophilia, like bestiality, is slowly losing it's shady acceptance and becoming unacceptable. The practitioners are trying to cause a resurgence of any kind of acceptance. But, as the birth rate falls, there are fewer and fewer cast off children for them to latch on to.

                    Re: your retirement. It is expected that America will get an internal currency for domestic spending and an external currency to pay for imports. This is a very common manipulation when a State loses it's credit rating.
                    Global warming and it's associated cold blasts is ruining a lot of agriculture. The weather is going to get more and more tempestuous. Follow "Suspicious Observers. What this adds up to is this; America will export as much food as possible to pay for oil imports. Food prices will go UP.
                    You need a minimum amount of space to grow food,,, like potatoes on a bucket. Or "square foot gardening". You need a couple of amenable friends.
                    In Weimar Germany, LOTS of people went to bed with the gas turned on. The more modern way to do this is CO
                    There is going to be a lot of this.


                    • Pedophiles can “fall in love” with a child the same way that typical people do with adults.
                      All the psychological mechanisms are present – attraction, romance, and giddy feelings.
                      The reaction is the same, except that the pedophile’s brain is wired to focus on children.
                      If you’re a pedophile, how you feel toward children is not bad or evil. It’s just human attraction.


                      People high in psychopathy still form romantic relationships, whether or not they get married or establish a committed bond.
                      Such a relationship, however, may not be based on psychological intimacy in the traditional sense of the word.
                      Instead, similar to “Bonnie and Clyde." a couple may enter into a relationship based on a shared sort of view of the world
                      in which both try to get as much out of other people as possible. Their lack of empathy and ability to express deep emotions may lead,
                      if not to a violent end, then to dissolution based on increasingly destructive patterns of interaction with each other.


                      Last edited by aljhoa; 12-13-2017, 07:11 AM. Reason: 758,691


                      • I know that a wall of text isn't going to help. God Help me I know that, but hell this is proving difficult to get across.

                        I'm trying to do this as simply as possible. I've cut and re-written time and again. I grow weary of trying to get understanding across, but I know from my own personal experiences working in conjunctions with law enforcement how important it is for you all to get this right.

                        There is a pedophile agenda. It's coming from the elites. Politically this agenda is a part of Antifa but it's also supported through Christians on the political right. They got both bases covered politically. They are them basically.

                        When I said that where one finds sub-cults you might expect others, then remember this because some pedophiles don't just molest children: They also murder them.

                        No gay rights group are either associated with, or want to be associated with, the designs of the pedophilia elites. It is an outrageous association to suggest.

                        A pedophile is just as easily a male as a female, and they might molest boys, he/she might molest little girls, I've seen both results first hand and I know how ****ed up those kids end up being. Pedophiles rape children, and then some of them also murder children. It's what they do. It's what the nature of the beast is designed to become. Ultimately it will always move that direction.

                        I know; I've seen the autopsy of their works.

                        Associating gays rights with this agenda only furthers the political support for political designs to legalize pedophilia. The fact that most comments here still show an association proves that an extremely poor comprehension of what is taking place still exists, and this is not good.

                        See, the Christian Right opened the doors for the elites pedophile agenda by claiming that homosexuality was un-natural. Then the whole line of genetic proofs was brought in to completely bamboozle all of you. It confused me for a long time as well.

                        However the truth is, that despite whatever anyone thinks, homosexuals become who they are all on their own. No one helps them to be homosexuals. Understand that much at least, because this is also the same way most heterosexuals develop their sexual identity. OK? Understand? This is how people come to be who they are. That is to say that at some point they have a sexual experience which of their own choosing.

                        That's what's important here. That whatever you choose is your choice. This isn't what takes place with children whom are molested. They are themselves placed then at a much higher risk of developing sexual feelings for other children. This is what's unnatural and criminal.

                        Now, am I to believe that while I can gather this and understand it that these religious institutions cannot and don't. Institutions with renowned universities? No, they know what they are doing.

                        Now just forget about the whole genetics determinate issue. It's a red herring. Gays don't need to prove to anyone why they are who they are. Who cares if it's a personal choice. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In America we are supposed to be free from unwarranted invasions on our privacy, and religious groups are supposed to keep their noses out of politics unless they intend that their actions should result in taxation.

                        The Christian Right are corrupted tools of this same pedophile liberty seeking elite clan. They are the ones who have obscured the real truth, invaded the political spectrum, and invaded every Americans civil rights which are the Supreme Laws of all Americans.

                        It's no one's damned business why you're a homo is it? The law of the people says it's no one else's damned business. You're free to be whoever you want in America so long as you're not hurting others and violating their rights and our laws. Something which the Christian Right has been doing for the last 3 decades and getting away with doing.

                        Understanding what is natural and what is not natural is also not a decision for either science to make, nor for any religious organization to claim title over either. Neither have the weight of law to claim that title. Only the American People have that right as enumerated in our Bills of Rights.

                        In order to understand this topic it's vital to understand that pedophiles are created when adults violate children. It's an artificial form of sexual identity which is induced. It isn't a sexuality which is like any other. It isn't one which comes without the risks of developing into more predatory desires.

                        Pedophilia is not a sexual identity which is assumed by the individual through natural processes. This means that whether or not there is a genetic causation for any form of sexual identity misses the point. What we are sure of is that sexual identity can be imprinted through violence, and that a violent process relative to the victims perceptions defines this warping.

                        The development of another pedophile is a process of rape, torture, and abuse. It is akin to the processes used to program a mind. We know that the nature of fantasy is to follow an increased desire for excitement. This process typically never ceases to grow in it's desires. We know how this works, we know how this develops, it's a well understood path studied in others criminals like serial killers.

                        You all really need to grasp this. This isn't the way a homosexual becomes a homosexual, nor a heterosexual either. This is something quite different and not something to toy with or treat lightly. Not something to allow any church to cloud and obscure with doctrines. The stakes are too high.

                        This is going to be the absolute last thing I'm going post on this subject because it's exhausting me.
                        Last edited by Gambeir; 12-15-2017, 12:10 AM.
                        "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                        • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post
                          You all really need to grasp this. This isn't the way a homosexual becomes a homosexual, nor a heterosexual either. This is something quite different and not something to toy with or treat lightly. Not something to allow any church to cloud and obscure with doctrines. The stakes are too high.
                          Numerous people have said that Mohammed had sex with his youngest wife, 'Aisha, daughter of Abu Bakr, when he was about 53 and she was only nine years old. Some Muslims deny that. If somebody were to claim Mohammed and 'Aisha had sex when she was nine, and they were wrong, that would be a serious slander against Mohammed. On the other hand, if it were true, that would show a very different side of Mohammed that would shock many. So is this accusation against Mohammed true or false?

                          Last edited by aljhoa; 12-14-2017, 04:56 PM. Reason: 759,373


                          • hitherto hidden ‘ruling interests’ now dragged out from the shadows

                            "But then Donald Trump, elected President by his deplorables’ base, made clear that he wished for détente with Russia, and even disdained the claims made on ordinary Americans by the maintenance of America’s unipolar global ‘order’. For this heresy, he has been punished by the manufactured ‘Russiagate’ non-scandal. “Can a president, concerned that he might be removed from office by a special prosecutor or possibly assassinated, resist the march toward war?
                            "That the ‘ruling interests’ have managed substantially to contain President Trump is undeniable, but what is new, and perhaps - or perhaps, not - alters the calculus, is that these ‘ruling interests’ have had to come out from the shadows into the open. The former Acting Director of the CIA, Mike Morrell, an early voice peddling the Russian collusion meme now publicly admits in a surprisingly frank interview with Politico, his leading role in the intelligence community waging political war against President Trump, describing his actions as something he didn't "fully think through", adding that maybe it wasn't such a great idea to leak against, and bash a new president: “There was a significant downside”

                            "The American ‘ruling interests’ – after a long series of failures in the Middle East – will not abide yet more: they will retch at the thought of Israel challenged in this way; of Saudi Arabia humiliated and at Hizbullah and Iran in the vanguard of a regional campaign for Jerusalem, and for Palestine – and by implication, against those who have been seen willing to normalise with Israel."
                            "Against this background - can a president, concerned that he might be removed from office, and beset still by hitherto hidden ‘ruling interests’ now dragged out from the shadows into the public glare for their tawdry schemes, resist the march toward war "
                            "Is this the diversion that either a now exposed and vulnerable Deep State, and a hobbled President, might welcome as the chance to stand erect in public esteem? Both might share a common interest in escaping domestic problems to mount a show of American strength and military power."


                            • "Sociopaths" vs Psychopaths in "Mayhem-2017"

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 12-23-2017, 05:22 PM. Reason: 763,703


                              • Qumran scrolls hoax

                                I found some interesting info on antiquities. Since everything is connected, I'm posting them here. Someone may be interested in following up on this.
                                This is from the comments section of a Zero Hedge article.

                                Slack Jack Slack Jack Dec 27, 2017 4:16 PM

                                The Dead Sea scrolls Hoax.

                                The Dead Sea scrolls are a mixture of old documents that were hidden in a number of caves to be miraculously found and used to support the establishment of Israel, a country intended for Jews only.

                                The main document "finds" were in 1946 and 1947 in caves near the tiny ancient settlement of Qumran.

                                Israel was created in 1948.

                                The Dead Sea scrolls are the only really old (well supposedly really old) documents, in the Hebrew characters, that have ever been found. No other really old documents in the Hebrew characters have ever been found.

                                All other documents in Hebrew characters date from later than 800 AD.

                                Previous to the "finds", critics had pointed out the late date of all documents in Hebrew characters, and deduced that the Hebrew Old Testament must have been translated from the Greek Old Testament and not the other way round.

                                Then, low and behold,... a very timely miracle occurs.

                                The Dead Sea scrolls are "found" and dated to hundreds of years earlier than the oldest previously known documents in Hebrew characters.

                                Then, it is widely claimed that all the scrolls were produced and hidden in the Qumran caves before 70 AD (the supposed time of the mythical sack of Jerusalem by the Romans).

                                The critics are not given access to the scrolls nor even photographs of the text, lest they spoil the party.

                                In fact, for decades, only seven scholars are given access to the scrolls.

                                This goes on till certain critics are dead and the scrolls have been purged of all anachronisms (like Arabic numerals).

                                Then, in 1991, only 45 years after their "discovery", the Huntington Library, in San Marino, California, without consent, makes facsimile copies of the scrolls available to all.

                                So that, in brief, is the Dead Sea scrolls Hoax.

                                More, however, can be deduced....

                                One can even guess where the Dead Sea documents came from.

                                It turns out that some of the Dead Sea documents, for example, the "Damascus Document," are nearly identical to documents from the Genizah collection of the Ben Ezra Synagogue in Cairo, Egypt. So, it is likely that many of the Dead Sea scrolls had their source there.

                                Worldwide, there are ten manuscripts of the "Damascus Document" from the Dead Sea scrolls and two manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah. This strange distribution is a result of the fraud. The "Damascus Document" was first published in 1910 by Solomon Schechter in "Fragments of a Zadokite Work."

                                The Ben Ezra Synagogue was established around 900 AD.

                                Now, the Arabs have ruled Egypt since they defeated the Greek armies around 635 AD.

                                Now, the synagogue (and its Jews) existed happily, undisturbed, in Cairo, in the midst of the Islamic world.

                                So, maybe the original Jews were a group of Arabs.

                                This would explain why Hebrew and Arabic are nearly identical languages.

                                This would explain why the Hebrew and Islamic religious traditions are very similar.

                                And, it would also explain why Jews turned up in Spain with the Arabs (Moors).

                                Another couple of points:

                                It should also be noted that a few Jewish scholars (in particular, Solomon Zeitlin) have long insisted that the Dead Sea scrolls were a Medieval production. [Zeitlin was a well-known Talmudic scholar and would not claim this unless convinced it was true.]

                                Internal evidence from the scrolls themselves indicates a Medieval production. See, here.

                                And, the fact that many scrolls are written on vellum (90% of them) proves these are indeed a Medieval production.

                                It is estimated that 20 people occupied the site of Qumran (estimated by the number of inhabitants for whom there was room in the buildings). Now these 20 people were not just ordinary people, they read and wrote Greek, Phoenician, Aramaic, Nabataean, and Hebrew documents, like natives, and managed to write learned works on numerous religious topics (about 900 manuscripts were "recovered," about six hundred separate works), while gathering enough water, and raising enough food, for their survival, in a desert.

                                Some have tried to claim that as many as 200 lived at Qumran, but most have considered that number ridiculously high.

                                Anyway, I think it is clear that the Dead Sea scrolls are a bunch of old documents that have been thrown together and sold to a gullible world.

                       ? View topic - The Dead Sea scrolls Hoax.

                                when the saxon began redmudhooch Dec 27, 2017 5:00 PM

                                Anything by Germar Rudolph is good as well. There are many, many sources. It is only by means of ironclad total control of all media that the holyhoax is perpetuated.

