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The American Ruling Class

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  • AIPAC Policy Conference
    The annual AIPAC Policy Conference is the largest gathering of the pro-Israel movement, and the number of attendees continues to rise. Policy Conference sessions and events take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center at Mount Vernon Square in Washington, D.C. and in the neighboring Marriott Marquis Washington, D.C. hotel. Thousands of delegates from all fifty states attend the major event every year to hear politicians and advocates discuss ways of strengthening the U.S.-Israel alliance and the state of Israel.

    In 2016, approximately 19,000 delegates attended the AIPAC Policy Conference; approximately 4,000 of those delegates were American students.[7] For the first time in AIPAC's history, the general sessions of Policy Conference were held in Washington, D.C.'s Verizon Center in order to accommodate the large number of delegates. Keynote speakers included Vice President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, Governor John Kasich, and Senator Ted Cruz. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has spoken at AIPAC before in person, addressed Policy Conference via satellite on the final day of the conference. Senator Bernie Sanders chose not to attend the conference.

    TaxForm990 for 2010

    Last edited by aljhoa; 01-09-2017, 06:56 PM. Reason: 620,610


    • Losing control of the narrative

      Ron Paul talks about the "elites" and their fear of RT. The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Here’s Why the US Elite Fear RT
      There is just too much information circulating for the PTB to maintain the level of control that they enjoyed in previous decades.
      "RT was the first global news channel to get a billion views on Youtube, already in 2013"
      An Open Letter to the CIA from the Head of RT, Margarita Simonyan

      Carter, "Another transgression occurred when Carter was instrumental in reigning in the out of control CIA. He did this by prohibiting “the company” from assassinating foreign leaders. What a kill joy! I remember listening to a talk show with veteran American journalists discussing the merits of Carter’s presidency when one participant declared that Carter was “too ethical to be president of the United States”."
      "Fast forward to 2017 and the pre-emptive Media attacks on president-elect Trump. It is clear that Donald Trump poses a real threat to the Military Industrial complex and they are already fighting back!"
      How Donald Trump Will Be Assassinated

      It's not just the CIA and warmongers that Trump is up against.


      • Re: Barry's presidential firsts

        Originally posted by Danny B View Post
        1. First President to be photographed smoking a joint.

        2. First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

        3. First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
        Danny, thanks for your post # 6286 in which the above 3 items, and many more, were listed as Barry's presidential firsts. I assume that you copied and pasted the list from a meme that is known to have been widely circulated on the Internet. While a quick read of the full listed items appears to be a truthful account, it is of course something that Barry's supporters would laugh off as "fake news" if they were to see it. I was wondering, since it was you who posted the list, if you would be willing to take the time to edit and redo the list by adding in links to cite verifying resources which support all these items. For example, the number 1 item could be shown as:

        1. First President to have been photographed smoking a joint.
        Photographed by Lisa Jack while a freshman at Occidental College.
        Barack Obama's marijuana smoking days with the 'Choom Gang.'

        The first link
        provides the actual photo, as found in a TIME magazine photo spread, while the second link provides documentation regarding Barry's overindulgence among a group of heavy pot smokers. Note that I also reworded the claim itself, because it was not factual as it had previously appeared, since Barry was not President when the photo was taken. Of course while this claim about Barry having smoked pot is easily proven true, I don't think many people would see this as a negative, especially in light of the recent trend to legalize recreational marijuana in several states, so it might be better to either drop this from the list or replace it with something else Barry has done that is far more odious, and which is not listed. Anything for which good verification cannot be found should be dropped.

        You may also be aware that Obamite "debunkers" have attacked this list by providing rebuttal sources for each item, which can be seen here. If one can't effectively debunk the debunkers' rebuttals of any item by using verifiable and undeniable proofs, that item would have to go, of course, as any claim that goes unsupported can only be seen as being speculative, and therefore quite possibly false. There are plenty of things that Barry has done that are in violation of our Constitution, and which are easily proven as true facts, so it might be easier to create a new list.

        My guess would be that it was the debunkers who originally posted this item list, and that they already had the debunking articles prepared and ready to go before posting it anonymously on some conservative or patriot website blog. They knew that great numbers of people fed up with Barry's destructive and illegitimate presidency would run with it and do what they hoped for - spread the list far and wide so that they could then attack it as being baseless lies or half-truths promoted by Obama "haters." Any allegations which don't also include reliable resource cites should immediately be suspected as having been initiated by those who would be first to quickly deny the claims using resource cites.
        Last edited by rickoff; 01-15-2017, 04:49 PM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Deep BS at Davos

          The world's "elites" have been hard at work to eviscerate democracy. America is?/was was controlled by the Clinton/Bush crime family. Democracy was regulated by Diebold. In Europe, alumni from Goldman Sachs ran various States,,, though never elected. Democracy was to be quashed because WE just didn't know what was good for us. Yanis Varoufakis of Greece warned that; if Europe was quashed and asset-stripped, it would cause the rise of the far-right.
          This has come to pass. Nationalism and populism have come to replace the aborted democracy.

          It's simple. People want to survive. They want a good world for their children. As the world gets more and more connected, the garbage of the world becomes acutely aware that they are inferior to the more developed societies. The answer to their huge inferiority complex,,, kill the whites (and the orientals). The only caveat is; they should rape them before they kill them. THAT will show who is boss.

          The huge price deflation that was "promised" by automation was handed to the rich. The rich just can't understand why we are resorting to populism,,, even though, they killed democracy.
          The latest Pow-wow in Davos has them wandering around confused about how people could reject the blessings of the EU.

          "The global financial crisis of 2008/9 and the migrant crisis of 2015/16 exposed the impotence of politicians, deepening public disillusion and pushing people towards populists who offered simple explanations and solutions."
          No, these problems were caused by politicians.
          "Trump is the poster child for a new strain of populism that is spreading across the developed world and threatening the post-war liberal democratic order. "
          Make that a corporatist order with an overlay of fascism.
          "There is a consensus that something huge is going on, global and in many respects unprecedented. But we don't know what the causes are, nor how to deal with it."
          You effing morons caused it.
          "Germany's Angela Merkel, a Davos regular whose reputation for steady, principled leadership would have fit well with the WEF's main theme of "Responsive and Responsible Leadership", will not (be there). That P.O.S. won the Kalergi prize for inundating Germany with trash.

          " is whether leaders can agree on the root causes of public anger and begin to articulate a response. Suicide would be appropriate and acceptable.

          A WEF report on global risks released before Davos highlighted "diminishing public trust in institutions" and noted that rebuilding faith in the political process and leaders would be a "difficult task". We've been phucked by every one of them every time. TRUST, my culo.
          "The mainstream corporate types don't want Trump and far-right authoritarians," said Standing, who has been invited to Davos for the first time. "They want a sustainable global economy in which they can do business."
          The less they pay us, the more sustainable their profits.

          "If you want to find people who are going to rally together and say capitalism is fundamentally broken, Davos is not the place to go," Crony capitalism is certainly NOT broken.
          Davos elites struggle for answers as Trump era dawns | Reuters

          A different report from Davos.
          "Neoliberalism is the economic and political philosophic driving force in the world today. It suggests that human progress is the result of competition, best expressed by an extremist version of unfettered capitalism, where privatization of profits and socialization of losses are acceptable ethics, regardless of human and environmental costs incurred along the way."
          Competition is great as long as crony capitalism is well entrenched by regulatory capture.
          “It [Neoliberalism] finds that representative democracy has been perverted through fear, putting central political decisions in the hands of power groups with special interests.

          The social impact of this process has been devastating, with a polarized income distribution, falling wages, increased precarious jobs, rising inequality, and extreme violence. "
          "Koenig also speaks of neoliberalism as the root of the type of endless global conflict we see today, including wars of occupation and their resulting terrorism, noting that the U.S. economy is now so dependent on military spending that if peace were to break out, our economy would collapse."
          Former World Bank Staffer Explains How Neoliberalism is Destroying the World : Waking Times

          1/15 Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald on deep state war vs. Trump – Zero Hedge Tell me again how the elites are going to turn over a new leaf and reform.
          The rich of the world created a couple hundred $ trillion of new debt to bail out the finance industry after we could no longer carry the load.

          Davos; "Per-capita median incomes declined by 2.4 percent between 2008 and 2013 across 26 advanced economies"
          "In the WEF’s ranking of 29 advanced economies’ performance on inclusive development, Norway, Luxembourg and Switzerland took top honors, with the U.K. coming in 21st and the U.S. 23rd. More than half of the 103 countries measured saw their scores decline over the last five years."
          No kidding? But, you still say that globalism is a blessing.

          "To reverse slides in living standards, the forum said governments need to prioritize education, gender parity and smoothing the transition from school to work," Make that, Transition to their patent's basement. YES, prioritise education,,, even though the cost of an education has inflated at THREE times the rate of general inflation.

          Davos is an echo chamber in an ivory tower.


          • @Rickoff
            Danny, thanks for your post # 6286 in which the above 3 items, and many more, were listed as Barry's presidential firsts. I assume that you copied and pasted the list from a meme that is known to have been widely circulated on the Internet. While a quick read of the full listed items appears to be a truthful account, it is of course something that Barry's supporters would laugh off as "fake news" if they were to see it.
            Obama is old news and he is on his way out... nobody cares. I would rather talk about your new leader Trump. Surely you have some dirt on him don't you?, I mean the list would seem to be very long and I hardly know where to begin. In fact it would seem to me the Trump list would be ten times larger before he even becomes your president but nobody wants to go there do they?.

            The rest of the world thinks you all are deranged and Trump some kind of sick joke but I don't know Rick. I think I like Trump, it's kind of like getting your brother in law all loaded up on vodka and crack and giving him a wrecking ball and I'm just dying to see what happens. However I'm just your neighbor and a little bit redneck or as some call it semi-domesticated myself. I don't have to deal with the aftermath per se like you will. Why your next president could be one of those alligator wrestlers from the bayou with a sixth grade education we see on those reality TV programs for all we know. Whomever they are it is my hope they can speak in complete sentences because I find Trump unintelligible. It would seem to be a mish mash of over exaggerated terms with the intent to confuse the listener so that he can later recant on what he actually said...which is brilliant when we think about it.

            Interesting times I will give you that.

            Last edited by Allcanadian; 01-18-2017, 01:50 AM.


            • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
              The rest of the world thinks you all are deranged and Trump some kind of sick joke but I don't know Rick.
              Donald Trump’s Contract with the American Voter

              Add Your Signature

              Last edited by aljhoa; 01-18-2017, 04:38 PM. Reason: 622,292


              • Big threat to the current world order

                Lots of relevant headlines;
                "We are going to retain our position of leadership," Biden was telling the audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos, when the lights on stage began to dim." " "If we don't fight for our values, no one else will," he said from the darkness."
                Here is a list of our "values", millions dead and dozens of States destroyed,
                We and NATO bombed Yugoslavia back to the stone age to bring them democracy.
                Other States, we just bombed them back to the stone age.

                Trump Right Again - Top NATO Gen Says Alliance Is Obsolete For what possible reason does Europe need a war-making capacity,,, other than destroy various States as dictated by Pox Americana?
                Rothschild-Israeli Obsession With Nuclear Weapons
                NYT Bashes Trump's NATO And EU Critique
                NO surprise there.
                Idiot Biden Calls Russia Threat To World Order
                Russia Is 'Tearing Down World Order - US UN Amb
                Iraq Urges Full Inquiry Into 2003 US-Led 'Occupation' D.C./Tel Aviv trashed them and that is all we care about.
                EU Needs Independent Defense, Says French PM FROM WHO? France are already over run by internal enemies.
                Boris Johnson Compares French President To Nazi Guard And Americans wonder why England and France have had so many wars.

                Russia is most definitely a threat to the existing world order. The current world order embraces endless war and pillaging. May they all rot in hell.


                • Criminals in suits with badges

                  Definitely more changes coming. The jews claim that they control all the media and they are very proud of that. Paul Craig Roberts claims that the CIA controls all the media. The CIA has been very clear about their control and they make examples of anybody who gets out of line. German Journalist Who Blew Whistle on CIA Media Control Drops Dead at 56
                  Trump is definitely planning to break that control. Alt-Media to be Let in to White House Pressers - We Can't Wait!
                  He called Alex Jones after the election to thank Alex for getting him elected.
                  The CIA is just organised crime,,, with credentials. They kill whenever it is convenient. Moscow Makes Stunning Accusation Against CIA: Ex-Russian PM Died After US Spooks Intercepted His Medicine

                  Follow the money, "One of the most successful frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people is the notion that the CIA exists to provide intelligence to the president. In fact, the CIA’s intimate links to Wall Street strongly suggest that the CIA was created to serve the perceived interests of investment bankers. The well documented links to Wall Street can be traced to the founding of the agency."
                  The CIA’s links to Wall Street: Rise of the National Security State:

                  America has 16 intelligence agencies. Why do we need 16? Maybe because the CIA is a for-profit agency under the control of the bankers.
                  "ISIS is funded by the CIA, so says Scott Bennett who is a U.S. Army Special Operations Officer"
                  Special Ops Officer Blows Whistle on CIA Funding ISIS Through Swiss Bank Accounts |
                  OK, but it is run by MOSSAD and Tel Aviv.

                  Trump is stridently opposed by the jews, the media and the CIA. 1/2 of the Demo-Pubs have taken an oath of fealty to israel and have recently blow themselves up trying to stop Trump. The CIA is planning to go underground to keep their people in control,

                  The CIA is the nexus of crime and is an arm of the New York bankers,
                  Hopefully, Trump can clean out the bank accounts.


                  • Slash and burn

                    The Financial Times is the main mouthpiece of the banking and power elite. The Economist seems to be second. FT has come out with an interesting piece on Trump.
                    "While we won't comment on the FT's visceral reaction to the speech (full transcript here) - clearly the establishment mouthpiece was not happy with the words that came out of Trump's mouth - and while readers can make up their own mind about Trump's address, we do want to point something out. "
                    "I think you have to break up this establishment. You have to stop the perception which we have in this country that the government is at war with business, that the government doesn't like business and that's what you've had for eight years with Obama," Carl Icahn said."
                    The Following Words Had Never Appeared In An Inaugural Address, Until Today | Zero Hedge

                    "Rarely are the elites ever forced to listen to such a scathing indictment of their negligent lack of leadership and implicit criminality.
                    Slash & Burn

                    Trump “slashed and burned” all of the the main facilitators of whole bloody system, on boh sides of the aisle.

                    It’s not very often that the entire political establishment is forced to sit and listen to their horrible performance report while the world community of nations watched and listened. "
                    Greatest Inaugural Address In U.S. History | The Millennium Report
                    Cross-post; Trump’s Declaration of War -
                    The enemy has big plans; 1/21 McCain’s $5 trillion military budget – Ron Paul Institute
                    Other good news; 1/21 Trump first President in decades to aim at Big Pharma – Natual News
                    1/21 Pageantry and chaos collide as Trump becomes president – WaPo You think THAT was chaos?!! You ain't seen nothing yet.


                    • Talking about Trump

                      Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                      Obama is old news and he is on his way out... nobody cares. I would rather talk about your new leader Trump.....The rest of the world thinks you all are deranged and Trump some kind of sick joke but I don't know Rick.
                      Fine, let's talk about Trump and your misconceptions about him which were gleaned from watching fake news reports concocted by giant corporate mainstream media outlets and rehashed in countless Democrat blogs and memes as well as supported and parroted by establishment Republican party political hacks. Half the people in the United States, and probably half the people in the world, including yourself, were duped into believing that Trump is trash. The other half - those who support Trump's agenda to bring down the corrupt Ruling Class elite and their Constitution shredding, power usurping Washington political machine, and hand control of our government back to the people, see this historic moment as a great awakening and a great opportunity.

                      As I listened to Trump's inaugural speech, I heard the words that I have been longing to hear from an American President for all my adult life. If those words were said in jest, and to cruelly deceive liberty loving Americans, I will be among the first to denounce Trump as a traitor, but until that time I will stand behind Trump and support all that he has promised. The lamestream press is doing their best to convince everyone that Trump's speech was NOT about unity, but it surely was. It was ALL about unity - and about WE, the American people, vs the Washington establishment. Trump issued a veritable verbal declaration of war on that corrupt establishment, saying that "it ends here, and it ends now." The people have a tremendous opportunity to restore our constitutional republic if they will get behind Trump and have his back, but if they fail to do so then the Ruling Class establishment will quite literally destroy Trump and maintain their stranglehold on America for a very long time to come. It's as simple as that.

                      You may enjoy socialism's advance throughout Canada, and we won't complain about that if this is what Canadians really want, but our country was not founded upon a socialist ideology and conservative, liberty loving American patriots don't want it here. Don't get me wrong - I have many Canadian friends that I think very highly of, and would never resort to labeling them, or large numbers of Canadians, as "deranged" even if they disagree with me.

                      Of one thing that we can be certain about is that the corrupt, tyrannical establishment will not just yield to Trump and go down easy. As an article written by Paul Craig Roberts points out, "Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans' enemies are right here at home: globalists, neoliberal economists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.

                      If truth can be said, President Trump has declared a war far more dangerous to himself than if he had declared war against Russia or China.

                      The interest groups designated by Trump as The Enemy are well entrenched and accustomed to being in charge. Their powerful networks are still in place. Although there are Republican majorities in the House and Senate, most of those in Congress are answerable to the ruling interest groups that provide their campaign funds and not to the American people or to the President. The military/security complex, offshoring corporations, Wall Street and the banks are not going to roll over for Trump. And neither is the presstitute media, which is owned by the interest groups whose power Trump challenges." Read more here:

                      So, if you still want to talk about Trump, that is fine, but don't come at me with a tirade of garbage and insults. If you want to talk about Trump, start by attempting to make your point by offering your proof of just one negative - whatever you think is the most horrific fault of Donald Trump - something you have heard, and that you believe. If you can do that politely, I'll respond in kind, either agreeing with you or offering a rebuttal. If you can't do that then I'm sure you would agree that devoting any further amount of my time to any discussions with you would be like talking to a tree stump - a total waste of my time and energies. Thanks for reading, and I wish you well.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • If you have a good grasp of geo-politics, you will see that Trump has fired a full-broadside against the rotten PTB.
                        Le Pen was seen in Trump Tower. He has neglected to meet with the elites of the EU. He hasn't gone to London to meet the lizard queen but, he is going to meet with PM May very soon. He is best buddies with Nigel Farage.
                        Trump Signs Order Pulling US Out Of TPP Trade Deal This is a BIG deal for the corporatocracy.
                        Trump Vows To Move Quickly On NAFTA "Kill" is the right word.
                        Trump Batters Brussels - Warns Them To Stop
                        'EU Army' Plans Or Lose All NATO Funding
                        The EU army is near and dear to the hearts of the eurocrats. It would be used to ENFORCE their dictates inside Europe. Greek soldiers to France,,, Spanish soldiers to Germany,,,Swedish soldiers to Belgium, etc. You get the idea,,, always foreign soldiers to negate any sympathy.

                        Trump has a long list of targets; Trump's next target—Big Pharma—Commentary
                        America is the largest buyer of drugs in the world. U.S. GOV has a sweetheart deal with Big Pharma. NO bidding,, GOV buys at whatever price Big Pharma demands.
                        Trump did NOT go to israel to swear fealty before he campaigned. A VERY BIG DEAL. He hasn't made any effort to meet Netanyahooo. He told israel that they can move the embassy to Jerusalem BUT, he said that we are going to find out who did 9/11.
                        It looks like he's on a roll. Shoot, he's only been in office for a few days and he's already stopped the drought in California

                        I do believe that he will carry through. His pronto visit to Langely (the snake pit) shows that he isn't going to tip-toe around.
                        Le Pen couldn't get any finance from the banks. I imagine that she came to Trump on invitation. If 5 Star and Podemos show up at Trump tower, we will know for sure that he plans to drop a holy hand grenade into the lap of the PTB


                        • More headlines

                          Trump is definitely on a roll. Here are more headlines. Don't take them as verbatim. They are indications.
                          Trump Declares War On Regulations & Offshoring Jobs

                          Trump - 'We Are Imposing A Very Major Border Tax'
                          And Will Cut Regulations By 75%
                          CNN Top Exec Delivers Veiled Threat To Trump
                          He needs to have an epiphany.
                          Priebus Blasts Lying, Dirtbag, Dishonest Media He has had an epiphany.
                          A lot of questions,
                          Trump Pledges To Address Nonexistent Iran Threats
                          US Exit From The UN Could Become Reality We must be dreaming.
                          Trump, Egypt’s Al-Sisi Talk Fighting Terrorism

                          Top Dem Wants Bill To Stop Trump
                          From Relaxing Sanctions On Russian
                          A demo-pub neocon.
                          Obama’s Classmate Leads Lawsuit
                          Against Trump On Day One

                          Wiki Calls On Hackers To Leak Trump's Tax Returns

                          Six Russian Tu-22 Long-Range Bombers Hit ISIS That's going to leave a mark.
                          US Spent $11 Billion To Bomb ISIS – Pentagon How is it that they missed every time?
                          USS Carrier George H. W. Bush Back In Mideast YES, and it has a new commander in chief
                          EX Israeli FM Cancels Brussels Trip
                          Threatened With War Crimes Arrest
                          Another epiphany for the criminals.

                          Trump Fires Up Europe's Anti-Establishment Movement That would be Le pen, 5 Star and Podemos.

                          Hungarian PM Calls Trump’s Remark On Nations A Great Gift Viktor Orbán has fought with Brussels from the beginning over garbage from the Middle- East and Somalia. Looks like he's going to get the last word.
                          Swedish Pol Quits After Suggesting Trump Be Shot If he is that brain dead, he shouldn't have a position of authority.

                          The rich and powerful have a mega-case of cognitive dissonance. There is NO POSSIBLE way to escape the bursting of the credit bubble. There is no way the sovereign bond market can survive. The people at Davos consider themselves to be the brightest and richest. They expect Trump to get in line and start a new golden age of business. Can't the dumb phuckers see that crony capitalism has crashed the system,,, consumption has crashed, public debt is about to go super-nova. How can they ALL possibly not see this?

                          "Still, the herd remains convinced that everything will be 'business as usual' under Trump... judging by the first two days, however, we suspect a rude awakening looms."
                          Why Davos CEOs Think They Have Control Over Trump | Zero Hedge
                          Belgrade Breathes Easier As Trump's Win
                          Marks End to Clinton Era Interventionism
                          We trashed the snot out of Yugoslavia and call it "intervention". I went there a couple of times before they blew it up.,,, Nice place.

                          The FED removed all moral hazard and all morals fled the scene. Trump could bring moral hazard back!
                          China is working on moral hazard, China's 'Carl Icahn" Hedge Fund Billionaire
                          Sentenced To Five And A Half Years In Prison
                          Last edited by Danny B; 01-24-2017, 02:51 PM. Reason: smelling


                          • The ghost of Carl Rove

                            Creating a warped reality and getting everyone to believe it; Karl Rove’s Prophecy - The Unz Review
                            President Duterte is on a ROLL;
                            Changing NAFTA Provisions May Cause Mex To Withdraw The FED prints free money without major domestic price inflation due to the reserve currency status and Triffin's Dilemma. A lot of money is handed out as subsidies to American farmers. This allows them to sell corn so cheap that it puts Mexican farmers out of business. NAFTA isn't all roses for Mexico.
                            US Voter Fraud Probe Won't Be Solely On 2016 Election Obummer won in every district that didn't have voter photo iD and lost in every district that did have voter photo ID.

                            The controversial pipelines are going to be built but, there is a problem. The builder has a reputation of lousy work and leaking pipes. This isn't something new. There seems to be a LOT of drugs and alcohol around the pipefitters. The ALEYSKA pipeline had to go through an inspection after a report of bad welds. They discovered 1064 bad welds. Many of them could not be repaired and had to have entire sections cut out.
                            The stick-welded joints are every 80 feet. They are done with 6 passes. If entire sections had to be cut out, somebody was high as a kite.


                            • Scorched earth on both sides

                              "The PM (Theresa May) became the first foreign leader to meet with President Trump at the event in Philadelphia "
                              "Mrs May told leading Republicans Britain and the US would no longer intervene to recreate countries in their own image "
                              The neocons are seething.
                              Trump hasn't bothered to take on any of the conventional economists. Trump hasn't bothered to meet with nut-case warmonger European leaders who are salivating at the prospect of creating a European army. Trump hasn't bothered to appear for his daily indoctrination from the intelligence agencies.
                              He has gone head-on with the war machine.

                              Commies, Dems Plan Scorched Earth War On Trump
                              Madsen - Globalists/Neocons Prep To Fight Russia And US
                              Madeleine Albright Ready To Become Muslim
                              To Protest President Trump’s Immigration Policy
                              Show some REAL sincerity; cover yourself with gasoline and light it up.
                              US State Dept Top Mgmt Team Quits After Tillerson Visit

                              Cdn Official On NAFTA Renegotiation - 'Mexico Is In
                              A Terrible, Terrible Position - We Are Not'
                              Trump Aide Talks A 20% Tax On Mex Goods For Wall

                              Sadly, Mexico is going to crash badly.

                              Evidently, the State dept heads don't like the new direction that Trump brings. There is a lot of crying that he won't be able to find replacements. I’m sure that there are plenty of understudies and assistants that are willing to jump right in.


                              • More progress

                                Brexit started an avalanche. Trump is trying to give momentum to the avalanche. The globalists are 8hitting bricks.

                                1/27 “Short the euro, collapse may come in 12 to 18 months” – Financial Sense Everybody is climbing on-board to make this a self-fulfilling prophecy.
                                1/27 NATO, Russia and trade top the agenda for Trump talks with Britain’s May – Reuters Trump is a busy man. He doesn't have time to talk to the entrenched morons in Europe.
                                1/26 EPA data under scrutiny by Trump administration’s political staff – CNBC Would that be global warming data?

