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The American Ruling Class

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  • Morality,, hard to find,, harder to teach

    It's very clear that we need to raise our children with a set of moral values. Religion offers a convenient framework to pass on a set of morals to our kids. J. M. Keynes rejected ALL morality. It seems that many of our current leaders feel the same and want to outlaw any moral codes that might make them feel a twitch of guilt. A moral collapse always brings an economic collapse because nobody wants to do business with thieves. Kids need moral guidance. BUT

    By a 15-year-old school kid
    who got an A+ for this entry


    The Lord's Prayer is not allowed in most
    U.S. Public schools any more.
    A kid in Minnesota , wrote the following

    NEW School Prayer:-

    Now I sit me down in school,
    Where praying is against the rule.
    For this great nation under God
    Finds mention of Him very odd.

    If scripture now the class recites,
    It violates the Bill of Rights.
    And anytime my head I bow
    Becomes a Federal matter now.

    Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
    That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
    The law is specific, the law is precise,
    Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

    For praying in a public hall
    Might offend someone with no faith at all..
    In silence alone we must meditate,
    God's name is prohibited by the State..

    We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
    And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
    They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible,
    To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

    We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
    And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
    It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
    We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong..

    We can get our condoms and birth controls,
    Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles...
    But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
    No word of God must reach this crowd.

    It's scary here I must confess,
    When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
    So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
    Should I be shot; My soul please take!

    But we must remember in Canada it`s different

    so that a Muslim may pray and it`s OK

    we however cannot mention Jesus they say

    The Koran is OK but the bible not.

    If you aren't ashamed to do this, Please pass this on..
    Jesus said, 'If you are ashamed of me, I will be
    ashamed of you before my Father.'


    • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]


      Last edited by aljhoa; 06-07-2016, 05:40 PM. Reason: 581878


      • Roberts and Trump,,, avoiding war

        Roberts; "The Russians know that the propaganda about “Russian aggression” is a lie. What is the purpose of the lie other than to prepare the Western peoples for war with Russia?

        There is no other explanation.

        Even morons such as Obama, Merkel, Hollande, and Cameron should be capable of understanding that it is extremely dangerous to convince a major military power that you are going to attack. To simultaneously also convince China doubles the danger. "
        "It is extraordinary that once-proud, once-great European peoples look for leadership from a country of moronic non-entities who have pissed away the liberty, security, and prosperity that their Founding Fathers gave to them.

        Fellow Americans, if you care to avoid vaporization and, assuming we do avoid it, live a life other than serfdom, you must wake up and realize that your most deadly enemy is Washington, not the hoax of “Russian aggression,”
        Where Do Matters Stand? -- Paul Craig Roberts -

        "The neocons bemoan Trump’s rejection of a global role for the United States, but Trump has no intent to withdraw the United States from the world stage. He only rejects the wanton use of our young men and women on foreign adventures of questionable value.

        The neocons have two clear foreign policy objectives, and Trump may grant them neither. " " Madeleine Albright: “What’s the point of having this superb military . . . if we can’t use it?” The stern rebuke to that question later provided by Gen. Colin Powell that the military is not a toy is lost on the neocons and Clinton. "
        "It’s quite an irony: The ostensibly more reckless, infantile, inexperienced and bombastic candidate may actually be more mature, level-headed and reasonable on foreign policy than his critics, who, against all the good advice our parents gave us as children, pout and refuse to talk to those they don’t like, escalate arguments to violence when they are upset, lack any remorse for the harm caused by their past opinions and actions, and fail repeatedly to see that there might be two sides to any disagreement."


        • Al
          Last edited by aljhoa; 06-12-2016, 05:12 PM. Reason: 582505


          • Why neutral Switzerland has so many guns

            Switzerland has earned its reputation as a safe, neutral nation. Yet it's hardly pacifist or gun-averse.

            In fact, the small and stable country has the highest firearm ownership rate in Europe 46 guns
            for every 100 people and the third-highest in the world, outdone only by the U.S. (89) and and Yemen (55).

            The precise number of privately owned guns is unclear because many are undeclared. Switzerland
            also has no national centralized register, with records kept only by the 26 cantons. The Small Arm Survey
            published by Geneva's Graduate Institute of International Studies (GIIS), estimates it at 3.4 million firearms
            for a population of nearly 8 million.

            This staggering figure is partly explained by Switzerland's unusual national defense system,
            which relies mostly on a citizen militia.

            All Swiss men aged 18 to 34 undergo military service and are issued with an assault rifle or pistol to keep at home,
            in case they are called to protect their homeland.
            Historians believe the system dissuaded the Germans from invading Switzerland during World War II.

            Why neutral Switzerland has so many guns

            Last edited by aljhoa; 06-13-2016, 04:19 AM. Reason: 582698


            • Hillary Clinton called the rifle the Orlando killer carried a “weapon of war.”
              It is not. It is the same rifle that her Secret Service detail carries. Many of her acolytes have called it an assault rifle.
              It is not. It fires one round for each trigger pull.
              True assault rifles — not those that the politicians have renamed assault rifles because
              they have a collapsible stock and a bayonet holder (I know this sounds ridiculous, but it is true) —
              fire numerous rounds per trigger pull.
              They have been outlawed on U.S. soil since 1934.

              How dumb are these politicians who want to remove the right to self-defense?
              There are thousands of crazies in the U.S. who are filled with hate —
              whether motivated by politics, self-loathing, religion or fear.
              If they want to kill, they will find a way to do so.
              The only way to stop them is by superior firepower.
              Disarming their law-abiding victims not only violates the natural law and
              the Constitution but also is contrary to all reason.

              All these mass killings have the same ending:
              The killer stops only when he is killed.
              But that requires someone else with a gun to be there.
              Shouldn’t that be sooner rather than later?

              Napolitano Answers: Is the Second Amendment a Sacred Right?

              The Truth About Assault Weapons

              Last edited by aljhoa; 06-17-2016, 09:06 PM. Reason: 585091


              • The Trump campaign is hoping the speech can quiet those concerns and
                rally Republicans around their shared opposition to Clinton.
                The billionaire businessman plans to focus in particular on
                Clinton's tenure at the State Department,
                arguing that her foreign policy is in part responsible
                for the creation of the Islamic State militant group.



                Stephen Colbert - Is Hillary Clinton lying?

                Last edited by aljhoa; 06-22-2016, 03:17 PM. Reason: 586306


                • "Building a wall is about the illusion that there can be a physical safeguard to prevent intrusion from alien forces,"
                  said Bruce Miroff, a professor who teaches on American politics and the presidency at the State University of New York at Albany.
                  "America First was tapping into suspicion of an ominous other who threatened the American way of life.
                  At that time, it was about Jews.
                  With Trump, it's Muslims and fear of terrorism."

                  Рада Украины

                  translate google com

                  Last edited by aljhoa; 06-29-2016, 05:58 PM. Reason: 587622


                  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                    All of Mother Nature's creatures must be able to care for themselves shortly after birth. The human child is an exception. Man relies minimally on natural programming and must spend a huge amount of time on brain development and learning. The child must be supported for years while it does basic development. After several years of basic development, the child must be self-motivated to learn to survive on it's own. A LOT of children can't/don't want to leave the comfort of the "nest". The basic family unit is socialist in nature because it supports the little non-producers.
                    BUT, it is the natural order for the non-producers to take on responsibility for their own survival. If a child refuses to take responsibility for it's own maintenance and survival, this is a case of Arrested development.

                    The ideal of socialism is centered on arrested development where we expect the State to take care of all our needs and desires. One of the things that makes capitalism "work" is that the profit motive encourages some people to produce far more than they consume. If you remove the profit motive, those people will not feel motivated to produce any extra. The U.S.S.R. slowly spiralled down into bankruptcy.

                    The non-productive people of the world, many being lawyers, bankers and bureaucrats, are great fans of socialism as long as they are above the rabble. The State exists only for control. As long as everybody is sucking at the government teat, the State has a great deal of control on everybody. Frederic Hegel said that the individual should be completely submerged and in total service to the State.

                    “It is just a matter of time,” says a friend writing from Switzerland, “before the feds own all our assets. They’re determined to keep prices high and they have unlimited resources.”

                    Yes, stocks, bonds, old copies of Mad Magazine… everything will be owned by the government.

                    Then our liberty will be complete. We will have nothing… and nothing to lose. We will have become what leading progressive economist Wilhelm Röpke had anticipated: the “stable fed” animals that depend on their masters to keep them going.

                    At last, we will have the kind of capitalism another economist – Karl Marx – dreamed of: capitalism without private capital.

                    The Deep State will control all our wealth. We will go to college on federal loans…
                    …we will drive cars, leased of course, at federally subsidized low rates…
                    …we will live in houses mortgaged by federal mortgage lender Fannie Mae… with the mortgage rates pushed down by its fellow manipulator, Freddie Mac…

                    …we will work for companies that depend on the Fed’s EZ money financing…

                    …and, of course, our medical care will be in the hands of the feds… and our retirement finances too.
                    Cradle to grave – Chapter 1 to Chapter 11… all on central bank credit."

                    "Each dollar in the private sector is either earned or borrowed. The feds and their crony friends get their money for free. Gradually, they own more and more assets… while the rest of the people owe more and more debt."
                    "The feds got out the knife in 1971. They changed the money system itself. They severed the link between gold and the dollar… and between value and price.

                    It was so subtle almost no one objected… and so clever almost no one saw what it really meant.
                    It took us more than 40 years to figure it out. "
                    When Government Controls ALL Wealth

                    J. M. Keynes wanted euthanasia of the rentier Nobody would have any capital except for GOV. Since GOV can print an infinite amount of free money, it can outlast everybody who depends on interest income. NIRP and ZIRP are destroying the banks. ZIRP and QE will hang around until the banks are bust. Instead of being slaves to the private bankers, we would be slaves to the central bank and central GOV.
                    Walter Burien shows GOV records that come out yearly demonstrate that GOV already own a ?$ 200 trillion in cash and asets. CAFR1 Home Page

                    Having the reserve currency allowed U.S. GOV to over-print the dollar to the point where it could buy up the private markets. The actions of the FED seem inane. The FED is buying up risky assets by the TON. WELL, they aren't risky if you are buying with free money. The FED can claim that it is stimulating the economy with all that free money. Job loss to automation and outsourcing gives it cover for buying everything that isn't nailed down.

                    The credit bubble is expected to collapse. Only entities with a printing press and GOV enforcement can be expected to sail on through the disaster. If GOV can successfully control petroleum and food distribution AND it's enforcers, it will have quite a lock on everybody in the collapse.

                    Thought of the day; "famous American scientist claims we live in 'zoo for aliens' who use us as entertainment
                    Renowned astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson says our planet could have extra-terrestrial keepers who created the ongoing political crisis for their own amusement"
                    "JuLy Coffer"


                    Last edited by aljhoa; 07-04-2016, 04:55 PM. Reason: 588488


                    • By Ronald Kessler - - Sunday, October 18, 2015

                      So far, the media have ignored the most newsworthy and shocking part of President Obama’s recent interview with Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes”: Mr. Obama essentially pardoned Hillary Clinton.

                      Mr. Obama had no business commenting on a pending case in the first place, a point he has often made when asked about high profile prosecutions. But in this case, his intervention was calculated. As a lawyer who is well aware of his power to declassify information, Mr. Obama had to know what he was doing. And in contrast to how uptight she has appeared to be in the recent past, if you noticed how relaxed Hillary seemed to be during the first debate among Democrats vying for the presidency, she knew exactly what the president had done: Mr. Obama guaranteed that the Democratic front-runner will not have to worry about doing time.

                      RONALD KESSLER; Obama pardons Hillary Clinton for national security breach of trust - Washington Times

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 07-06-2016, 03:32 PM. Reason: 588921


                      • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                        Somebody like Trump could possibly stop the raped and murder
                        of young people around the world, certainly Hillary would be
                        another 4 years of Obama policies.

                        So many average American's don't care I fear. When it is too late
                        they will.

                        Campaign Opposition.
                        More Of Trump's Stunning
                        Presidential Qualifications

                        Lets check out Donald Trump's presidential qualifications…read these and think...

                        Obama is against Trump… ✔
                        The Media are against Trump… ✔
                        The establishment Democrats are against Trump… ✔
                        The establishment Republicans are against Trump… ✔
                        The Pope is against Trump… ✔
                        The UN is against Trump… ✔
                        The EU is against Trump… ✔
                        China is against Trump… ✔
                        Mexico is against Trump… ✔
                        Soros is against Trump… ✔
                        Black Lives Matter is against Trump… ✔
               is Against Trump... ✔
                        Glenn Beck is against Trump... ✔
                        The Bushes are against Trump ... ✔
                        The Koch Brothers are Against Trump... ✔
                        Planned Parenthood is against Trump....✔
                        Hillary & Sanders are both against Trump ... ✔
                        Illegal aliens are against Trump ... ✔
                        Islam is against Trump ... ✔
                        Kasich & Portman are against Trump ... ✔
                        Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump.. ✔

                        NOW, THAT BEING SAID...

                        It seems clear, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified American Patriot Candidate we could ever have.

                        If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES all so SCARED TO DEATH they all speak out against him at the same time, there can't be a much higher possible political endorsement


                        He's not a Lifetime Politician...✔
                        He's not a Lawyer.....✔
                        He's not doing it for the money...✔
                        He's a Natural Born American Citizen born in the US from American parents…✔

                        BONUS POINTS

                        Cher says she will leave the country…
                        Cyrus says she will leave the country…
                        Whoopi says she will leave the country…
                        Rosie says she will leave the country…
                        Sharpton says he will leave the country…
                        Gov. Brown says California will build a wall...
                        The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail…
                        The War against white Americans will be stopped
                        Hillary will go to jail...
                        Obama will be deported as an illegal alien and lying on federal forms...
                        All illegal Aliens will first build a wall then climb over it on their way out...
                        The budget will be balanced in 8 years….
                        Americans will have first choice at jobs…
                        You will not be able to marry your pet...
                        You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify… (not a criminal, etc.)
                        Only Live Human American Registered Citizens that speak English can vote...
                        You can have and keep your own Doctor...
                        You can say what you want without being called a racist...

                        He will make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

                        Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP with Donald Trump in the White House…

                        More Of Trump's Stunning Presidential Qualifications

                        Last edited by aljhoa; 07-10-2016, 03:42 AM. Reason: 589509


                        • The Blockchain and accountability

                          The ruling class worldwide depends on a LOT of thievery and fraud. Gutenberg put quite a dent in their plans with his printing press. Double-entry bookkeeping put a big dent in fraud. The spread of information tends to bring accountability. Obviously, the criminals don't want accountability. Record keeping tends to weaken the power of the criminals. The Irish Famine was deliberately caused by the British. Only recently, have they apologised for it.
                          They only apologised because old information is slowly rising to the surface, thanks in part to search engines.
                          Rockefeller said that the internet should never have been invented. That, in itself, is quote an endorsement.

                          Hollande's barber costs the French people $ 11,000 a month. The net offers a podium to EVERYBODY. Info like the barber would never have seen the light of day in previous ages. The combination of a universal podium and the search engines is outing everybody and everything. Dominique Strauss-Kahn was told that when he went to America, he would be under a microscope and every move watched. Dominique Strauss-Kahn gave evidence at a Senate commission examining the role of banks in tax evasion. No wonder he got in trouble.

                          There are just TOO many people with cameras watching every move of everybody in authority. They report every move and the PTB need to plan in secrecy. The PTB have it real good now and want to maintain the STATUS QUO. They have a real problem with printed media outing them. They bought up printed media AND video media. BUT, there is a huge amount of both that are outside of their control. The video media is especially powerful at conveying information.
                          Now, there is something new for them to worry about;
                          You are being redirected...
                          The PTB want a locked-down police State to force accountability on US. They wish to remain outside this umbrella of accountability.


                          • Vox Populi

                            Years ago, Zero Hedge predicted that runaway money printing would lead to " It appears that "nobody could have possibly predicted" what we said back in 2010 when the Fed launched QE2, namely that monetary policy will lead to global violence, conflict and war,"
                            Citi Is Stunned How Quickly The "Extraordinary Political Backdrop" Is Deteriorating | Zero Hedge

                            The Republican platform calls for a return to Glass-Steagall ,,,,, "Opponents of the return of Glass-Steagall were swift to react.

                            “Glass-Steagall is dumb politics and dumb economics ... returning to Glass-Steagall would be destructive and unworkable,” said Tony Fratto, managing partner in Washington at Hamilton Place Strategies, a lobbying firm that represents large banks."
                            Republican platform calls for return of Glass-Steagall - MarketWatch

                            Bill Bonner and Agoura research are digging very deeply into what the parasites do to keep control. It is excellent work.
                            Annotated, America Has Become A "Parasitocracy" | Zero Hedge
                            Here is an excellent article about the revolt in Britain against the PTB, From the Levellers to the Leavers: a history of revolt | Prospect Magazine

                            The PTB don't walk among us mere mortals. They have academia advise them on how we are doing. Here is just one example. But with the economy near full employment, it is doubtful that generalized spending increases or tax cuts would boost economic growth sufficiently.
                            Paolo Mauro Contributor
                            Paolo Mauro is a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

                            7/19 Why aren’t consumers doing their part? – Forbes MAYBE they don't have any money.
                            7/19 Japan is a bankruptcy waiting to happen – Wall St. Daily


                            • It seems clear, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified American Patriot Candidate we could ever have.
                              So a racist, narcissistic, mostly psychotic person proven to be a pathological liar is the Best Qualified American Patriot then?. My question is... what does this make the people championing Trump then as they must also be championing these qualities?. It is a sorry state of affairs.

                              Cher says she will leave the country…
                              Cyrus says she will leave the country…
                              Whoopi says she will leave the country…
                              Rosie says she will leave the country…
                              Sharpton says he will leave the country…
                              Gov. Brown says California will build a wall...
                              The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail…
                              The War against white Americans will be stopped
                              Hillary will go to jail...
                              Obama will be deported as an illegal alien and lying on federal forms...
                              All illegal Aliens will first build a wall then climb over it on their way out...
                              The budget will be balanced in 8 years….
                              Americans will have first choice at jobs…
                              You will not be able to marry your pet...
                              You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify… (not a criminal, etc.)
                              Only Live Human American Registered Citizens that speak English can vote...
                              You can have and keep your own Doctor...
                              You can say what you want without being called a racist...
                              Checklist for the average self-serving psychotic racist ... check

                              Last edited by Allcanadian; 07-19-2016, 08:00 PM.

