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The American Ruling Class

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  • Popular Science Monthly/Volume 82/March 1913

    This idea of superiority to other people is so inbred that it has probably become a hereditary character for which the individual is entirely irresponsible. But a paranoid make-up is not particularly dangerous to its possessor who is otherwise normal, unless by great stress or a very unusual combination of disagreeable experiences this tendency be diverted into abnormal channels.

    The chief danger lies in the accentuation of the character by too close inbreeding with those having a like tendency. In fact, the gen- eral attitude of the person who has this paranoid make-up in a mild degree may be said to be an enviable one rather than otherwise. He is aggressive in upholding his rights, suspicious of attempts to thwart him in the pursuit of the same, and strives constantly to reach the goal of his ambitions. These are all admirable traits. It is only when they become accentuated to the point where they are pervaded by delusions of grandeur and persecution, that they render the person possessing them a menace to society.



    • 80 / 20

      Most engineers and many non-engineers know the 80-20 rule and I think it can be applied to the topic at hand. 80 percent feel powerless and won't do anything to change the situation. 20 percent will take a stand and do what they think is best. Will the 20 percent act out of pure self interest or will they realize that society is interdependent as opposed to dependent or independent? Perhaps I am unfair, but I am not convinced. Something is going haywire is society. I don't think we are that far apart, but can we find a common language to express our common ground? I believe good and evil exist. Good benefits the most. Evil seeks to gain advantage by pushing other people down. The difference is self interest vs. "enlightened" self interest. The elite (call them what you may) are acting evil. Put the other way around, Evil has by and large captured and corrupted the elite.

      I don't expect a peaceful resolution to the situation.
      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


      • Elite screws up again

        A Russian Plane Zaps U.S. Warship's Missile Defense System
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • Carry a Gun Please

          Depending on how hungry the Homies are on the block you went down will determine whether you might need to gun to wave, at least.

          The majority are okay but when 1000's are walking by in an hours time, you could run into 3 or 4 killers who are drug addicted, pimp or pusher. There is a window that you look into called the peoples eyes.

          I can look at people and see what they are, after seeing so many, for such a long time. I know what they are and will do. They are street rats in Detroit. A street rat goes down into his or her hole in the ground. The never looks up to the higher calling of man, where common decency with a fair shake resides.

          These men and women have grown up and old, in the streets. They respond as conditioned, like animals will. It is very dark on the streets. The rats service the money.

          If the Judge of any district wants the hot piece of butt freshly emerging in the hood, the rats all talk. The rats all know the sorted details. The big money folks are rats also, at heart.

          If the big money wants a huge shipment of recreational drugs the rats on all of the levels from bottom to the top hear everything in the vine. It is their life to know.

          The lower levels or basements stretch 50 square miles where another world exists. Sheltered from the cold with anything you want. The police are not permitted in. Iron bars and guns at the door of private property isolates the world above from the world (literally) below.

          Unless you have been to these places enough and grown up around these areas you would not get very far before being robbed and beaten.

          It is a war to stay alive and away from the rats who are constantly recruiting. Motorcycle clubs like the hells angels are in my hood where I grow up. These types are heroin addicts many times who travel from bar to bar starting fights for no reason.

          The rulers want to keep these jungles the way they are. The rulers have worked long and hard to keep their trafficking arrangement alive spending millions for space, permits, as well as runners.

          The rulers traffic people and they have no intention of stopping what has taken them decades to build. It is a sale to the high bid and the RULERS make huge returns in the trafficking of the people who live there.

          This not some accidental development where the street rats are running aimlessly for a few crumbs, no no.

          If the money wants a little boy the money talks.

          The rulers are out for themselves. They have the power to keep it like this.

          The people who live down there know all of these things that I speak. It's only the stupid people with white shirts who have their heads in the sand thinking all kinds of things whatever they are told by these same rulers in the NEWS. Like cows they are herded by the media, dumb animals who want to believe the world is run by GOOD honest to goodness rulers.

          We are about to see America fall. For now, enjoy it while the day is still young and follow your dreams. And for pete sakes good buddy "stay away from these cities" or take your life in your own hands FOOL

          Thanks "Al" for the sign reminder. I live in Kansas now and there is just "no place like home" I have escaped with my life to find a better place. I call home. The boards are on all the windows, burnt upper floors, spray paint on siding "FOLKS UP" or the other guys "FOLKS DOWN" the rats will take a ladies purse trying to travel one block on a three wheel battery operated chair.

          The rats will rape her afterwards if she is going into her house when her purse is being taken. The old hood keeps me in bad dreams and in tears before the SELF EXISTENT ONE.

          I love my life here in Kansas


          Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
          Popular Science Monthly/Volume 82/March 1913

          This idea of superiority to other people is so inbred that it has probably become a hereditary character for which the individual is entirely irresponsible. But a paranoid make-up is not particularly dangerous to its possessor who is otherwise normal, unless by great stress or a very unusual combination of disagreeable experiences this tendency be diverted into abnormal channels.

          The chief danger lies in the accentuation of the character by too close inbreeding with those having a like tendency. In fact, the gen- eral attitude of the person who has this paranoid make-up in a mild degree may be said to be an enviable one rather than otherwise. He is aggressive in upholding his rights, suspicious of attempts to thwart him in the pursuit of the same, and strives constantly to reach the goal of his ambitions. These are all admirable traits. It is only when they become accentuated to the point where they are pervaded by delusions of grandeur and persecution, that they render the person possessing them a menace to society.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 11-14-2014, 08:03 AM.


          • Maybe TPTB aren't so evil after all, they're keeping the killing fields going so the rest of us can live decent on the deaths of others. That could be a reason why there are so many Senators/House folks that protect the Fed (military funding) and the Industrial War Machine.
            What would happen to economy if we stopped the war machine? | Peace . Gold . LOVE

            US Bombing of Cambodia during Vietnam War



            • We aint seen nothing yet, now we have RULERS who will use this stuff against whoever they please over the weekend XMAS holyday.


              • As early as September 13, 1939, The New York Times reported the Reich's determination to make Polish Jewry disappear, a headline declaring, "Nazis Hint Purge of Jews in Poland." A subhead added, "3,000,000 Population Involved." The article quoted the German government's plan for the "removal of the Polish Jewish population from the European domain." The Times added, "How . . . the 'removal' of Jews from Poland [can be achieved] without their extermination . . . is not explained." Germany had plans. Polish Jews, during a sequence of sudden relocations, were to be catalogued for further action in a massive cascade of repetitive censuses and registrations with up-to-date information being instantly available to various Nazi planning agencies and occupation offices. How much usable forced labor for armament factories could they generate? How many thousands would die of starvation each month? A spectrum of Nazi census, registration, and statistical tabulation was performed on custom-designed IBM punch-card programs and machinery.

                Once the U.S. Entered the war in December 1941, Germany appointed a Nazi devoted to IBM, Hermann Fellinger, as enemy-property custodian. He maintained the original staff and managers of Watson Business Machines, keeping it productive for the Reich and profitable for IBM. The subsidiary now reported to IBM's Geneva office, and from there to New York. The company was not looted, its leased machines were not seized. "Royalties" were remitted to IBM through Geneva. Lease payments and profits were preserved in special accounts. After the war, IBM recovered all its Polish profits and machines. Since the war, IBM, having left Madison Avenue for new headquarters in suburban Armonk, has obstructed, or refused to cooperate with, virtually every major independent author writing about its history, according to numerous published introductions, prefaces, and acknowledgments. But silence cannot alter the historical documentation. A tangle of subsidiaries throughout Europe helped IBM reap the benefits of its partnership with Nazi Germany. After all, "business" was IBM's middle name.

                Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust



                • Affordable Care Act _ ObamaCare

                  Howdy all,

                  I'm sure you all heard and saw the Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber bragging about deceiving the American people, who he thinks are stupid.
                  GRUBER: "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage." - YouTube

                  I hope you've seen many prominent Democrats denying knowledge of Jonathan Gruber or seeing any of Jonathan Gruber work on the Affordable Care Act (or) ObamaCare. So I've compiled a listing of his PUBLISHED works a few are publication acknowledgments for the faint of heart ...... and the Democrats are all lying sacks of VooDoo wombat juice.

                  Medical Progress Today

                  The Affordable Care Act does contain what MIT economist Jonathan Gruber calls (approvingly) a “spaghetti approach to cost control”. This includes a grab-bag of Medicare pilot projects and payment reforms including Accountable Care Organizations, bundled payment systems, and pay-for-performance initiatives. The strategy, insofar as it can be called a strategy, is to throw “a bunch of stuff at against the wall to see what sticks.”
                  Health Care Reform without the Individual Mandate (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  The Past, Present and Future of U.S. Health Care Reform (Author - Jonathan Gruber)


                  Medicaid (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  Daring to Be Cautious? - Bigger Steps Needed for Medicare Cost-Sharing Reform (Acknowledgment)

                  The Affordable Care Act in an Economy with Federal Disability Insurance (Acknowledgment)
                  The Affordable Care Act in an Economy with Federal Disability Insurance by Yue Li :: SSRN

                  Crowd out 10 years later: Have recent public insurance expansions crowded out private health insurance (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  The Impact of the ACA on Maine’s Health Insurance Markets, Maine (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  The Affordable Care Act in an Economy with Public Disability Insurance (Acknowledgment)

                  The Incidence of Mandated Maternity Benefits (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  Covering the Uninsured in the U.S. (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  The Impacts of the Affordable Care Act - How Reasonable are the Projections ? (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  The Impact of the ACA on Wisconsin's Health Insurance Market (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  Handbook of Health Economics
                  Chapter 12 - Health Insurance and the Labor Market (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  Public Health Insurance and Private Savings (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  Patient Cost-Sharing and Hospitalization Offsets in the Elderly (Author - Jonathan Gruber)


                  The Role of Consumer Co-payments for Health Care - Lessons from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment and Beyond (Author - Jonathan Gruber)


                  Getting the Facts Straight on Health Care Reform (Author - Jonathan Gruber)

                  Job - Lock and Health Insurance Premiums: Evidence from the Massachusetts Health Care Reform (Acknowledgment)

                  Key Insights on Dental Insurance Decisions Following the Rollout of the Affordable Care Act (Acknowledgments)

                  Medicaid in Ohio - The Choice is Clear (Acknowledgment)
                  Economists, including ACA architect Jonathan Gruber, estimate that the Medicaid expansions occurring in the late 1990s and early 2000s produced a crowd-out effect of 60 percent

                  The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
                  Oregon Health Study -- Home
                  The New England Journal of Medicine
                  The Oregon Experiment — Effects of Medicaid on Clinical Outcomes (Author - Jonathan Gruber)
                  The Impact of Medicade on Clinical Outcomes: Evidence from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment (Author - Jonathan Gruber)
                  Supplemental Appendix (Acknowledgment)

                  Hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions - United States Senate June 11, 2009 (Jonathan Gruber)

                  'Cadillac' tax isn't a tax -- it's a plan to finance real health reform (Author - Jonathan Gruber)
                  Jonathan Gruber - 'Cadillac' tax isn't a tax -- it's a plan to finance real health reform

                  I'm sure you all might already know what I think of Jonathan Gruber and the issue of ObamaCare ......

                  Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 11-16-2014, 07:28 AM.
                  Open Source Experimentalist
                  Open Source Research and Development


                  • Yes, Glen, and Jonathan Gruber should be forced to pay back the $400,000 that he was paid for his deceptively crafted ObamaCare architecture. What a sham.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Ah, yes, Al. I've been following Anna Von Reitz's writings since early this summer, and everything she stated is factual. A lot of what she talks about has been set forth in earlier posts this thread. I've also learned a few things from Anna that I hadn't known full details about before. A friend and author (David Robinson), living here in Maine, gave me a book he published in July named "Disclosure 101: What You Need To Know" which he compiled from several e-mails and pdf's that Anna had sent directly to him, and it is very informative. It really does connect all the dots, so to speak. You can take a peek inside the book at the above link to, and can read several pages of it. I'd advise everyone to get a copy of this and study it well and often. There's so much good info that you will want to read it over and over, and take notes.

                      And here's a link to another of Anna's writings, The Nut Is Cracked.

                      Last edited by rickoff; 11-16-2014, 12:51 AM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        Ah, yes, Al. I've been following Anna Von Reitz's writings since early this summer, and everything she stated is factual. A lot of what she talks about has been set forth in earlier posts this thread. I've also learned a few things from Anna that I hadn't known full details about before. A friend and author (David Robinson), living here in Maine, gave me a book he published in July named "Disclosure 101: What You Need To Know" which he compiled from several e-mails and pdf's that Anna had sent directly to him, and it is very informative. It really does connect all the dots, so to speak. You can take a peek inside the book at the above link to, and can read several pages of it. I'd advise everyone to get a copy of this and study it well and often. There's so much good info that you will want to read it over and over, and take notes.

                        And here's a link to another of Anna's writings, The Nut Is Cracked.

                        Should inbred "mongoloid" "serve" homo-domesticus?



                        • Special Facts

                          Hey Al

                          That's the good stuff. I remember back in the 60's grandpa got mad as a hornet when he talked about the politicians. He was in the Korean war.

                          Grandpa claimed that way back then our government was being over run with people who hated freedom in America. I see what he means now 50 years later.


                          Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                          As early as September 13, 1939, The New York Times reported the Reich's determination to make Polish Jewry disappear, a headline declaring, "Nazis Hint Purge of Jews in Poland." A subhead added, "3,000,000 Population Involved." The article quoted the German government's plan for the "removal of the Polish Jewish population from the European domain." The Times added, "How . . . the 'removal' of Jews from Poland [can be achieved] without their extermination . . . is not explained." Germany had plans. Polish Jews, during a sequence of sudden relocations, were to be catalogued for further action in a massive cascade of repetitive censuses and registrations with up-to-date information being instantly available to various Nazi planning agencies and occupation offices. How much usable forced labor for armament factories could they generate? How many thousands would die of starvation each month? A spectrum of Nazi census, registration, and statistical tabulation was performed on custom-designed IBM punch-card programs and machinery.

                          Once the U.S. Entered the war in December 1941, Germany appointed a Nazi devoted to IBM, Hermann Fellinger, as enemy-property custodian. He maintained the original staff and managers of Watson Business Machines, keeping it productive for the Reich and profitable for IBM. The subsidiary now reported to IBM's Geneva office, and from there to New York. The company was not looted, its leased machines were not seized. "Royalties" were remitted to IBM through Geneva. Lease payments and profits were preserved in special accounts. After the war, IBM recovered all its Polish profits and machines. Since the war, IBM, having left Madison Avenue for new headquarters in suburban Armonk, has obstructed, or refused to cooperate with, virtually every major independent author writing about its history, according to numerous published introductions, prefaces, and acknowledgments. But silence cannot alter the historical documentation. A tangle of subsidiaries throughout Europe helped IBM reap the benefits of its partnership with Nazi Germany. After all, "business" was IBM's middle name.

                          Edwin Black on IBM and the Holocaust



                          • Two sheriffs from Massachusetts are organizing a Sheriffs Against Amnesty march on Washington DC by sheriffs from all over the country who are fed up with unlawful administration policies that grant amnesties to illegal aliens while failing to enforce existing immigration laws. The plan is to assemble in Washington and march to the House of Representatives, where they will present the House with a pre-drawn legislative bill and demands that the legislators take action to pass such legislation. The March is scheduled for December 10th, and it appears that at least 2 dozen sheriffs have already signed on to participate after reading a letter from sheriff Thomas Hodgson of Bristol County, Massachusetts, who is spearheading the effort. Hodgson is hoping to be backed up by at least 200 sheriffs, which shouldn't be difficult to achieve if sheriffs who read his call to action take their oaths of office seriously. Sheriffs offices exist in 48 of the 50 states, and there is normally a sheriff assigned to each county of a state. There are more than 3,000 counties in the US of A, so there should be a like number of sheriffs available for this march. Those who don't participate will be showing where their loyalty lies. You can read more about this effort here.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Dead Police

                              Here is a report on how Police suffer everyday. They will all vote yes on the assembly even if they can't all be there that day. illegals run drugs for the USA Gov. They will shoot the Police no problem. They will shoot anyone in their way. When I lived in Pontiac, a few miles out of Detroit in the 1960's-1990's Police arrested illegals daily.

                              "You want some good crack mister"? said the little 10-12 year old boys to me as I passed them on the sidewalk. In the 1980's it was not uncommon for the siding of houses to be machine gun peppered. Sprayed by flying bullets will automatic weapons.

                              The Police would empty a two story house full of illegals, taking them all to jail with their drugs and a week later the house was already filling back up. The drug Lords own that area. Some Police stayed at the Donut shop at the wrong time of the night or they might be shot at.

                              If you went to the 7-11 after dark in the winter around 6-8oc gun fire over a bad drug deal became normal for these areas.

                              This is 30 years later.

                              Mikey enjoy it while you can

                              2 California sheriff's deputies shot dead; suspect arrested - CBS News

                              Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              Two sheriffs from Massachusetts are organizing a Sheriffs Against Amnesty march on Washington DC by sheriffs from all over the country who are fed up with unlawful administration policies that grant amnesties to illegal aliens while failing to enforce existing immigration laws. The plan is to assemble in Washington and march to the House of Representatives, where they will present the House with a pre-drawn legislative bill and demands that the legislators take action to pass such legislation. The March is scheduled for December 10th, and it appears that at least 2 dozen sheriffs have already signed on to participate after reading a letter from sheriff Thomas Hodgson of Bristol County, Massachusetts, who is spearheading the effort. Hodgson is hoping to be backed up by at least 200 sheriffs, which shouldn't be difficult to achieve if sheriffs who read his call to action take their oaths of office seriously. Sheriffs offices exist in 48 of the 50 states, and there is normally a sheriff assigned to each county of a state. There are more than 3,000 counties in the US of A, so there should be a like number of sheriffs available for this march. Those who don't participate will be showing where their loyalty lies. You can read more about this effort here.
                              Last edited by BroMikey; 11-20-2014, 06:41 PM.


                              • I'm not opposed to this Amnesty and I think it's a pointless matter for these Sheriff's to be protesting. These illegal people are already inside the USA and I think there are more long term benefits to giving them Amnesty than there is in trying to cover the cost of deportation.

                                Of course Amnesty is also counter productive in the long run if the government refuses to close the borders because more migrants will come seeking the same. If the government would first close the border then great, give the people amnesty and end all the back and forth.

                                I will say I think the American people are too blind to see that if the border is in fact closed the huge negative economical impact will be far greater than anyone can imagine. They will just have to learn the hard way but since I think in Jan 2016 the dollar will crash its a pointless argument anyway.

                                Its also interesting Obama was suppose to deliver a decision today on immigration reform and amnesty, ironic its Mexico's Independence day. coincidence?
                                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.

