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The American Ruling Class

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  • Russell Charles Means (born November 10, 1939) is an Oglala Sioux activist for the rights of Native American people. He is a prominent member of the American Indian Movement (AIM) having joined the organisation in 1968. Means has also pursued careers in politics, acting, and music.
    Russell Means - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    YouTube - Tribute To Native Americans, Russell Means For President 2012, America Is Not Broke!



    • The answer? You may have some my friends, here's my contribution .
      SELF SUFFICIENT COMMUNITIES->OPEN SOURCE curricular to show how to set up

      Hidro(energy)-> Aquapoinics (organic food local co op)->regional currency->industrial hemp for 29,000 items (basic necessitates of life). Then integrate that into systems to supply those that cant produce the elements, ie, some countries can be helped BY these self sufficient systems, the source still is decentralization.

      All can be done locally.

      I am starting with open source eduction on as much of these as possible unless you guys have other orders for me


      • The mainstream news media, and all Obama supporters and "O-bots" who insist that the Obama eligibilty issue was long ago put to rest, are seeing now that there are more people than ever who simply aren't buying that garbage. Until Donald Trump began taking the issue before the mainstream media, other likely Republican 2012 Presidential hopefuls were either silent on the issue, or said that they believed that Obama "probably" was born in Hawaii, which left their statements open to interpretation. They of course feared being labeled as tin-hat conspiracy theorists. Well, that is rapidly changing now. Once the Donald stepped forward to challenge Obama, others started jumping on the bandwagon. Rush Limbaugh began to support what Trump was doing, and soon after that we heard Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and others coming out in support of Donald's Obama challenge. Now, a new book titled, Where's the Birth Certificate: The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President, which is scheduled for an official release date of May 17, has already skyrocketed to the number 1 spot among all books on!

        This development should be a shocker to the MSM and O-bots. Of course they will regroup and say and do all they can to persuade people that Obama is clearly eligible, and that he has already conclusively proven his eligibility, but they are ignoring the facts, and also ignoring polls which show that more than half of all voters now think that Obama is probably ineligible. They are also ignoring the fact that the so-called "birther" movement is huge, and that it is the reason why Donald Trump quickly skyrocketed to the #1 position, in voter polls, among Republican Presidential hopefuls. The number of people demanding proof of eligibility will definitely increase as we move closer to the 2012 election, as long as pressure is maintained upon Obama to release all pertinent documentation.

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • A Wall Street Journal article now says that the government will soon sell its remaining stake in General Motors for a $11 billion or more loss. And remember folks, they used taxpayer money - our money , and against our wishes, to invest in the GM bailout. Fully 2/3 of the public was against any form of bailouts, but legislators didn't listen and went ahead anyways.

          See more about this here.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Ash,

            I fully agee that de-centralisation is key; the main reason for the diquiet even the sheeple feel, is a gathering realisation in the frailties and inherent vulnerabilities in these 'centralised, profit driven supply systems', that we depend on for all of our 'necesities'. Everything from Governance, healthcare, public safety, employment, housing, food, water, etc. And all these systems are very dependent on each other, so that a rise in gas prices effects food prices, etc. A major failure in 1, effects all others. Globalisation is just expanding this system, and exacerbating the problem; hence, american car companies may have to shut down some factories, due to not gettin parts from Japan.
            An additional stressor is the concept of 'Just in time'; originally, it was applied to manufacturing. The idea is, anytime you have something 'sitting on a shelf', it is $ that is not 'working'. Therefore, you set up your supply lines so that, ideally, you put a new item on the shelf, just when the last one is used.
            This concept has been applied to everything; thats WHY cities have less than a weeks supply of food, if new food stops coming in. It DOES make things more efficient, the downside is any delay causes major disruptions.
            Anyway, centralised=bad. Decentralised=Good. Thing is, it takes a crises, in order for people to change, whether individually or collectively.To make such a major change in lifestyle, going from centralised to decentralised, is going to require a major crises.
            Other point; archeologists tell us that civilisation, which inevitably led to centralisation, all started when people stopped 'hunter/gathering', and began to 'settle down', and raise crops and livestock.This inevitably led to towns, then cities. To specialisation, currency and governments.
            So, if you truly want to eliminate centralisation, seems to me you have to abandon the idea of land ownership, since thats where centralisation springs from.
            One of the peoples of South America, I think it was the Mayans, did this; as far as the archeologists can tell, they had this huge 'empire', of large, well built cities.One day, they all just left. No sign of disease, or war.They just abandoned there cities, and went into the jungle.This is what we may be talking about.Anyway, right on with what you are trying to do.
            I am off the medical/healthcare 'grid', entirely.Almost off the public safety grid, entirely.Or at least to where 911 is totally a 'backup', secondary supply system.Mostly off the Housing/financial services grid.Working, step by step to get off as many as I can.Thats what I'm trying to do, for me and mine.
            Finding as I do, I am removing stress from my life, which may be the greatest benefit of all! Jim


            • 04.21.2011 Breakfast at the St. Regis for President Obama's last Bay area fundraiser.

              YouTube - - Where's Our Change Video



              • Quotable quotes

                On the folly of men who give away control of their lives to government, or fail to exercise the control they still have:
                “If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.” — Noah Webster

                “Every step we take towards making the State the caretaker of our lives, by that much we move toward making the State our master.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower

                “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty or happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” — Samuel Adams, 1781

                “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” — Abraham Lincoln

                On the absolute necessity of transparency in government:
                “The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” — Patrick Henry

                On the need to hold politicians accountable:
                “Three groups spend other people’s money: children, thieves, politicians. All three need supervision.” — Dick Armey

                On the importance of sharing information about government abuses:
                “The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.” — James Madison

                On the misleading naming of liberty destroying acts, such as "The Patriot Act":
                “How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!” — Samuel Adams

                On preparing for survival:
                “It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” — Howard Ruff

                “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” — Benjamin Franklin

                On ensuring survival:
                “You can say ‘stop!’ or use any other word you think will work, but I’ve found that a large-bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much the universal language.” — Clint Smith, founder of Thunder Ran
                Last edited by rickoff; 04-22-2011, 04:13 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Hah! "Where's our change?" I like it!

                  Even better than "How's that hopey-changey stuff working for you now?"
                  One other thing Dr. Stiffler touched on. The avoidance of 'the thrird rail' has been based on, (and the Dems have been counting on) the idea that 'oldsters' were/are so feeble minded that we'll automatically and in mass oppose any change to Social Security. Thats like assuming that any other demographic group votes in mass, and has a single mindset.Their are conservative blacks, latino's, etc. I have always believed Social Security was a Ponzi scheme, and the way it and Medicare have been set up and then mis-managed is wrong!
                  I got NO problem with them changing the program, in order to make it sustainable, NO problem with privatising it, (so long as its done right),No problem with means testing, etc. Especially since if they don't do something, not only is the system unsustainable, but it threatens everything else.Should have been done YEARS ago.
                  I totally disagree with O's budget non-plan. Major place where I disagree with the Ryan plan, and the rpubs.The NO TAXES part.Hold on, just my thinking. I USED to believe the idea of "Starve the beast"; no taxes would FORCE the Gov't to live within its means.That theory has been soundly disproven, as we have seen they will just use credit.They have since dug 'us' in to such a hole, that all the cutting in the world won't get us out.I would LIKE to see major tax reform, such as proposed by the presidential Commision, and others.
                  Lower the tax rates for ALL, and eliminate the loopholes; ALL of them.
                  No 'discount' for first time home buyers, or 'writing off' interest on home loans, etc.Probably politically untenable, and as soon as they try to do something like that, everyone who's 'ox is gored' will be crying/protesting, and voting them out of office.But, at this point I think its what needs to be done.Since it probably won't happen, as we are looking to the people and the system that got us into this mess, to try to get us out, I'm forseeing at some point a total breakdown of the system.
                  After all, you can only shore up a decaying, crumbling falling apart structure for so long. At a certain point, it just makes sense (is inevitable); Bulldose the whole thing, and start over from scratch.Jim


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    I totally disagree with O's budget non-plan. Major place where I disagree with the Ryan plan, and the rpubs.The NO TAXES part.
                    Thing is, Jim, we are already being taxed to death, or "Taxed Enough Already," as the TEA Party name implies. We don't need more taxes. What we need is less spending. Both the Democrat and Republican plans for paring the deficit are foolhardy, and will result in higher taxes to pay for continued borrowing and spending that we cannot afford. The Republican "Ryan Plan," hailed as a ten year plan to lower the budget deficit is better than the Democrat plan to do essentially nothing, but it isn't nearly enough, and cannot work simply because it is a 10 year plan. In ten years' time, the House of Representatives could change its majority 5 times, and we could have two more presidents. Such changes will allow for the controlling forces to renege on commitments, or to legislate acts in opposition or repeal to the requirements. Besides, government spending, and the national debt, will continue to grow until such time as the budget deficit is completely eliminated and government gets serious about reducing the national debt. Our national debt puts each American family on the hook for about $800,000. We can't afford it, or at least I cannot. We absolutely must convince Republicans to vote a big NO on the proposed debt limit increase, and Republicans, Democrats, and Independents in Congress must be persuaded that we need a balanced budget amendment NOW, not at a future date when that is no longer even possible.

                    I urge everyone to sign the Balanced Budget Amendment Petition and to pass this link on to everyone you know. Time is running out, and this may very well be our last chance to rein in an out of control government that is hell bent on spending us into oblivion.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 04-22-2011, 05:16 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Rickoff

                      When I said (Originally Posted by dutchdivco )
                      "I don't see any way that BO's birth certificate won't be a major issue, at least during the primary, if not the general."
                      I should have clarified, I meant Repub primary. I very much doubt this thing will gain enough traction to keep O from being the Dem. 'nominee' for 2012.

                      On taxes, I guess I was making a point; For years, I subscribed to the "Starve the beast" notion of restricting taxes, as a way to restrict growth of Gov., especially Fed. Gov. Obviously, it didn't work.

                      I honestly think we are past the brink, and over the edge; "Its funny how falling feels a lot like flyin', right up to the end!"

                      However, IF, and thats a big IF, we can still pull back from the edge, I think it requires a massive reduction in outlays, as well as major tax reform, and SOME increase in revenues, in order to pay down the debt already accumulated.Don't think it will happen.

                      I don't think there is the will in Congress, and not sure the American people will embrace the needed reforms, either.Ultimately, I suspect the bondholders will weigh in, massive or hyperinflation, which the people also won't accept, feeling, rightly, "Hey, we're being screwed, AGAIN!"

                      And, finally getting mad enough to, metaphorically, stick their heads out the window and yell "I'm MAD as HELL, and I'm not going to take it, anymore!"
                      And thats when the SHTF.,.....Maybe.

                      Personally, I feel schitzo about this. On the one hand, I follow the news, and whats happening in Washington. (Flush twice, its a long way to D.C.) And, I even form opinions about what they are doing.
                      On the other hand, I feel like its all fruitless, the die is cast, and they are just cleaning the ashtrays, next to the deck chairs, on the titanic. The die is cast, and whether its a conspiracy by a small group of people to subjugate and rule the world, or just a logical result of human nature; Hubris, greed, ignorance, inability to see beyond short term self interest, etc. really, in the end, doesn't matter. Its all f*cked up, and looking to the people and systems that got us INTO this mess, isn't going to get us out. Sometimes, when a building is too far gone, its just best to bulldose the whole thing, and start over from scratch.Coarse bulldosing is messy, and so people put off the inevitable as long as they can, and just make the process more painful, when it happens.Jim
                      Last edited by dutchdivco; 04-22-2011, 11:24 PM.


                      • The most important issue is identifying our enemy. Discussing specific details won't do much for us. It is our enemies who has to be identified and removed.

                        See this youtube video about this topic: Part 1/3 YouTube - Identifying our Enemy (1 of 3) John Kaminski - Mark Glenn UglytruthPodcast

                        A fast way to identify our common enemy is by watching this video about the truth behind 911: | 911 Missing Links
                        Last edited by bugler; 04-23-2011, 09:37 AM. Reason: update


                        • Enemies

                          Those who look for simole answers invariably find them.
                          I agree with Pogo; "I have seen the enemy, and he is ME!"Jim


                          • Pogo was right.
                            "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

                            My point is, those dweebs in Hollywood, USA, Washington DC, and Big City, NY aren't making society. They're making what society wants.

                            And what the people want, the last time I checked, is strongly influenced by the fact that most of them inhabit the middle third of the intelligence curve (Integration for the area under a curve lost in transmission); you know, that big bell-shaped hump centered at an IQ of 100, the equivalent of an emotional age of 13.

                            Not only that, but the Very Smart People who manipulate the means of distributing all this propaganda have figured out how to tap into their customers' most primal wants.

                            Because in a democratic republic, all questions of political economy are ultimately decided by an aggregate IQ of one hundred. We do not possess, collectively, the wisdom to govern ourselves in a way that will ensure our long-term viability as a species.

                            The government always has had, and always will have, its way with us, BECAUSE WE ARE TOO STUPID TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

                            Car Talk


                            • Something i do think about.
                              Isnt it like it, that you US Peoples are poisoned now since a long time with genmanipulated Food, Glutamate, Fluoride in the Water.
                              Look at all the overweight Peoples, and i know there are a lot of them, but this is not normal. Look at all the Ingredients at your Food, and guess, at how much from the Corn is not genmanipulated or Vegetables, how much pesticide pollution is there. And it goes further to Meat, how much Drugs they gave the Animal, what you now eat with it. No wonder, when Peoples cant think proper anymore or do her own decisions when her Mind is almost paralysed.

                              And seriously, i never can identify me with blaming "me". You only have 2 Situations to decide, there is usually no 3rd Choice, only allways a Win-Win Decision for 'Them'.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • aljhoa

                                Thanks for the correction US. I agree with your post. I also think an element of this is human nature; we always fight the last war, we don't really do good at disaster planning, because we get sidetracked.Hubris, greed, looking at our individual self interest, etc.
                                I recognise there is much good in our natures, as well.Generosity, empathy and sympathy, courage, etc.

